4 research outputs found

    Designing a Project for Learning Industry 4.0 by Applying IoT to Urban Garden

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    J. Hormigo and A. Rodríguez, "Designing a Project for Learning Industry 4.0 by Applying IoT to Urban Garden," in IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 58-65, May 2019. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2019.2922857),The fast evolution of technologies forces teachers to trade content off for self-learning. Project-based learning (PBL) is one of the best ways to promote self-learning and simultaneously boost motivation. In this paper, we present our experience of designing a PBL course for Industrial Informatics. We provide all the designing details that could help other teachers to reproduce a similar experience. Furthermore, we report on the impact that this project has on student satisfaction and motivation. The new Industry 4.0 topic allows us to carry out complete projects, integrating different technologies and tools. Moreover, the selection of open-source and standard free technologies makes easy and cheap the access to hardware and software platforms used. Surveys taught us that tuning the courses towards developing real projects on the field, has a large impact on acceptance, learning objectives achievements and motivation towards the course content.This work has been supported by project TIN2016-80920-R, from the Spanish Government and by Project PIE17/085 from Universidad de Málaga


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    Undeniably, the teacher-centered learning approach has long been abandoned. From the preliminary observation conducted in an elementary school located in Sidoarjo, Indonesia, it is found that most of the teachers still maintain their role as the knowledge providers. In consequence, the motivation and participation of the students are low. Therefore, this study was aimed at describing the implementation of jigsaw technique in vocabulary acquisition and obtaining the students’ perception of the implementation of the technique. Method. This qualitative study collected data using observation on English learning in a classroom to obtain a description about the implementation of jigsaw technique in vocabulary acquisition. Both field notes and a checklist will be used to collect the data concerning with the students’ activities when applying the jigsaw technique. Moreover, a questionnaire will be spread to the students to obtain the students’ perception of the implementation of the technique. Results and Discussion. The application of jigsaw technique in learning has followed an appropriate procedure. In addition, the students also showed positive perceptions of the Jigsaw Technique. This technique can create a positive learning environment, support Student-Centered Learning (SCL), support cooperative learning, and help students gain skills. Conclusion. The jigsaw technique is useful for learning English, especially in gaining understanding. Considering the benefits that students gain after applying the jigsaw technique to learn English, this technique is also recommended for improving other English language skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing

    Team formation on the basis of Belbin’s roles to enhance students’ performance in project based learning

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    [EN] This paper presents a method that instructors have designed and implemented to form balanced teams based on Belbin's roles, with the aim of boosting positive interdependence and individual accountability within the teams and improving their performance in a project-based learning environment. Students' performance has been measured through the scores obtained during the project, individual exam and Individual Accountability Factor (IAF) and compared with cohorts of previous years, in which team composition was self-selected by students. Belbin teams (18/19-19/20) have performed significantly better than self-selected teams (16/17-17/18). Additionally, students' feedback experience and opinion has been collected. Students belonging to Belbin teams acknowledge that they attend classes more regularly, they need less time for study outside the classes and they show a higher interest for the subject at the end of the course. They also agree that working on Belbin teams has helped them to mainly improve interpersonal relationships and social skills, followed by positive interdependence and individual accountability. This team forming method gives students the opportunity to identify their own strengths and weaknesses and understand the roles (behaviours) of their teammates as well as their strengths and weaknesses. Besides, it encourages learners to focus explicitly on group work skills.Authors wish to acknowledge the financial support provided by the Vice Rector for Innovation, Social Outreach and Cultural Activities and by the Educational Advisory Service (SAE/HELAZ) of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) through the Project of Educational Innovation PIE2017/18No17 and PIE2019/20No88. Authors would also like to thank the training and support provided by the team of Belbin Spain & LATAM (M. Albaina, L. Jimenez-Orruno, L. Juez) . Authors show their gratitude to Prof. Dr. Aitor Aritzeta, for his advice based on his research experience on Belbin's role. Finally, the authors also thank the students who participated in this research

    Aplicación de la técnica del rompecabezas para la enseñanza de diagramas de clases de análisis en la especialidad de ingeniería informática

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    El empleo de diagramas con el lenguaje de modelado UML es ampliamente difundido en proyectos de desarrollo de software, puesto que permiten representar diferentes vistas del software que se está construyendo, lo cual apoya en gran medida las labores de los desarrolladores. Uno de estos diagramas es el diagrama de clases de análisis, el que permite representar los conceptos claves del software a desarrollar. Sin embargo, es frecuente que los alumnos cometan errores al realizar este tipo de diagramas, pese a haber participado en clases magistrales sobre este tema. Teniendo en cuenta la problemática planteada y con el objetivo de mejorar el aprendizaje de los alumnos, para reducir los errores en la elaboración de diagramas de clases de análisis, se diseñaron y realizaron clases con la técnica de aprendizaje activo del rompecabezas. En una primera etapa de esta investigación, se diseñó y aplicó una clase con la técnica del rompecabezas como refuerzo a las clases magistrales previamente impartidas sobre el tema y, en una segunda etapa, se diseñó y aplicó una clase con esta técnica que reemplazó a la clase magistral que tradicionalmente se impartía. Según los resultados de las evaluaciones que se tomaron a los alumnos en ambas etapas de la investigación, se pudo corroborar que las clases con la técnica del rompecabezas produjeron una mejora significativa en el aprendizaje de los alumnos que participaron en ellas. Además, teniendo en cuenta los resultados del cuestionario anónimo que se aplicó al finalizar las clases, se arribó a la conclusión de que los alumnos tuvieron una percepción positiva del trabajo colaborativo realizado en clase.Tesi