2,822 research outputs found


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    Keterbatasan pemanfaatan media dalam aktivitas pembelajaran merupakan permasalahan yang banyak dihadapi oleh guru, yang jika dibiarkan akan berdampak bagi siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mendeskripsikan proses pengembangan dan kelayakan media permainan jenga keragaman budaya melalui validasi ahli materi dan ahli media serta angket respon pengguna. Pengembangan media ini menggunakan model penelitian dan pengembangan Borg & Gall yang diadaptasi dari Setyosari yang terdiri dari lima tahapan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media permainan jenga keragaman budaya mendapat persentase kelayakan sebesar 69% dari ahli materi, 97% dari ahli media, serta rata-rata penilaian sebesar 85,95% dari angket respon pengguna. Dari hasil tersebut disimpulkan bahwa permainan jenga keragaman budaya yang dikembangkan valid dan layak untuk digunakan. Kata Kunci: pengembangan, media permainan jenga, keragaman budaya


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    ABSTRAKSI Nurfaizah, Elza. 2019. Penerapan Teknik Permainan Jenga dalam Pembelajaran Berbicara Bahasa Jerman. Skripsi. Bandung: Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman. Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Keterampilan berbicara merupakan hal yang paling nyata dan tampak dari seorang pembelajar bahasa Jerman. Dalam pembelajaran berbicara bahasa Jerman, siswa masih memiliki kesulitan. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, salah satu inovasi dari teknik permainan yang dapat diterapkan yaitu teknik permainan Jenga. Permainan Jenga adalah permainan menyusun balok yang dilakukan oleh kelompok, dan dengan sedikit modifikasi permainan Jenga dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran berbicara bahasa Jerman. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui: 1) keterampilan berbicara siswa sebelum dan sesudah diterapkan teknik permainan Jenga; 2) efektivitas teknik permainan Jenga dalam pembelajaran berbicara bahasa Jerman. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode penelitian quasi experiment tanpa kelas kontrol. Seluruh siswa SMAN 19 Bandung yang mempelajari bahasa Jerman merupakan populasi dari penelitian ini dan siswa kelas X IPS 3 yang berjumlah 30 siswa dipilih menjadi sampel penelitian. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa tes wawancara dengan tema “sich vorstellen” dan treatment yang diterapkan yaitu teknik permainan Jenga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterampilan berbicara bahasa Jerman siswa mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan setelah diterapkan teknik permainan Jenga dengan nilai rata-rata pretest 52 menjadi 82 pada posttest. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa teknik permainan Jenga efektif dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara bahasa Jerman siswa sehingga teknik permainan Jenga dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu alternatif dalam pembelajaran berbicara bahasa Jerman. ABSTRACT Nurfaizah, Elza. 2019. The application of Jenga game techniques in learning of German speaking. Research Paper. Bandung: Department of German Education. Faculty of Language and Literature Education. Indonesian University of Education. Speaking skill is the most concrete and visible evident from someone who learn German. In learning German speaking skills, there are several difficulties that they have to overcome. To overcome those huddles, one of the many innovation is to apply the techniques of Jenga game in learning of German speaking. Jenga game is a blocks building game that could be played by a group, and with some modification, Jenga game could be used in learning of German speaking. The purposes of this research are to discover: 1) the speaking skills of the learners before and after the application of Jenga game techniques; 2) the effectivity of Jenga game techniques in learning of German speaking. This research uses quasi experiment research methods without controlled class. All students of SMAN 19 Banding who learn German are the population for this experiment and the 30 students of X IPS 3 class are chosen as the research samples. The instruments used in this experiments are in the form of interviews with “sich vorstellen” as the theme and the applied treatments are the Jenga game techniques. The result shows that the students’ German speaking skills have a significant improvement after the application of Jenga game techniques, from the average score for pretest is 52 to 82 in posttest. Thus, it can be said that Jenga game techniques are effective in improving the students’ German speaking skill, and could be used as an alternative in learning of German speaking


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    The paper is entitled “Teaching Reading Skills Through Jenga Games” ( Pre-Experimental Study Done in The Second Grade of Junior High School). This research focused on finding out Jenga Games can improve the students’ reading skills. The subject of this research were second grade students of MTs Negeri 1 Bandung. The population of this research is the VIII-A grade of MTs Negeri 1 Bandung, with the 30 students. In conducting this research, the researcher collected the data from the class that was carried out through pre-test, post-test and questionnaire. The result of this result showed that teaching reading skills through jenga games was effective. The result showed that in significance degree of 0.05, the value computation is (7.741 > 2.045 ). It means that t0 (t-observation) is higher than tt (t-table). It could be said that t-test was higher in the than t-table. So, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. The result showed that the through Jenga Games for teaching reading descriptive text is effective. It means the jenga games technique improve the students reading skills descriptive text in second grade of MTs Negeri 1 Bandung. And the result of questionnaire showed that most students’ agreed that using Jenga Games improve their reading skills, this also means that they gave positive responses. They like, feel fun and easier in using Jenga Games to improve their reading skills.Keywords: Jenga Games, Reading Skill

    Speech pathologists and audiologists in the training of community rehabilitation workers : ethical issues.

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    A research report presented to the Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Faculty of Arts, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree Master of Arts in Speech- Language Pathology by CourseworkHealth care professionals are expected to apply ethical principles such as nonmaleficence, beneficence, autonomy and justice in their teaching of students and treatment of clients. Speech Pathologists and Audiologists (SPAs) in South Africa are responsible not only for educating members of their profession, but are often also involved in the training of Community Rehabilitation Workers (CRWs). Hence the aim of the present study was to explore the experiences, opinions and attitudes of a group of SPAs and CRW co-ordinators with particular reference to ethical issues related to CRW training. In order to investigate this aim. an interview schedule followed by a questionnaire were administered to SPA and CRW co-ordinators who had been involved in CRW training at The Wits/Tinstwalo CRW Training Programme in Gazankulu and at The Institute Of Urban Primary Health Care in Alexandra Township. Data elicited from the interview were analysed using content analysis and responses categorized according to respondents' background in ethics and knowledge regarding ethical principles. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for SPA and CRW co-ordinators.Andrew Chakane 201

    An Engagement Strategy for Teaching Computing Concepts

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    The research work in this paper investigates a new teaching strategy that uses active learning through play to increase students’ uptake of learning computing concepts. The strategy promotes student engagement through playing a customized Jenga game. The game consists of a set of blocks, one side of each block is covered with a piece of dry-erase tape to allow erasing and writing on the blocks. This allows instructors to reuse this editable Jenga for developing their own game-based learning activities. The editable Jenga can be used without writing if needed. Three sample activities with writing have been developed and conducted to test the strategy experimentally in addition to a fourth activity without writing any terms on the Jenga blocks. The test results showed that the strategy improves the class average and promotes the student engagement. A survey has been conducted to get students’ feedback on the strategy. The survey results demonstrated that students like the play-based strategy. The contribution of this paper is the development of a teaching strategy that improves students’ engagement which in turn helps students to learn important computing concepts

    Outlaw distributions and locally decodable codes

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    Locally decodable codes (LDCs) are error correcting codes that allow for decoding of a single message bit using a small number of queries to a corrupted encoding. Despite decades of study, the optimal trade-off between query complexity and codeword length is far from understood. In this work, we give a new characterization of LDCs using distributions over Boolean functions whose expectation is hard to approximate (in~L∞L_\infty~norm) with a small number of samples. We coin the term `outlaw distributions' for such distributions since they `defy' the Law of Large Numbers. We show that the existence of outlaw distributions over sufficiently `smooth' functions implies the existence of constant query LDCs and vice versa. We give several candidates for outlaw distributions over smooth functions coming from finite field incidence geometry, additive combinatorics and from hypergraph (non)expanders. We also prove a useful lemma showing that (smooth) LDCs which are only required to work on average over a random message and a random message index can be turned into true LDCs at the cost of only constant factors in the parameters.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the proceedings of ITCS 201


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    Abstrak Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk berupa media permainan Jenga Edukasi untuk materi IPA (Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam) Macam-macam Gaya dan Pemanfaatannya di kelas IV SD. Media permainan Jenga Edukasi ini mengacu pada Tema 7 “Indahnya Keragaman di Negeriku” Kurikulum 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan atau Research and Development (R&D) dengan menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE. Produk divalidasi keefektifannya oleh ahli bahasa, ahli materi, ahli media, dan guru kelas IV SD. Hasil dari validasi tersebut, media permainan Jenga Edukasi memperoleh penilaian akhir 97,3%. Media diuji coba hanya sampai tahap one to one dikarenakan pandemi covid-19 yang melibatkan lima siswa kelas IV. Hasil dari uji coba tersebut memperoleh 94%. Berdasarkan pengujian keefektifan produk yang telah dilaksanakan, media permainan Jenga Edukasi dinyatakan sangat layak untuk digunakan pada pembelajaran IPA materi Macam-macam Gaya dan pemanfaatannya di kelas IV SD. Media inovatif dan kreatif yang dikembangkan oleh peneliti menjadikan siswa semangat dan termotivasi pada saat penemuan konsep melalui aktivitas proses serta dapat digunakan guru sebagai media penunjang pembelajaran yang lebih optimal, sehingga pengaruh terhadap hasil belajar yang digapai akan lebih memuaskan.  Kata Kunci: Permainan, Jenga, Gaya dan Pemanfaatanny

    Jenga: Harnessing Heterogeneous Memories through Reconfigurable Cache Hierarchies

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    Conventional memory systems are organized as a rigid hierarchy, with multiple levels of progressively larger and slower memories. Hierarchy allows a simple, fixed design to benefit a wide range of applications, because working sets settle at the smallest (and fastest) level they fit in. However, rigid hierarchies also cause significant overheads, because each level adds latency and energy even when it does not capture the working set. In emerging systems with heterogeneous memory technologies such as stacked DRAM, these overheads often limit performance and efficiency. We propose Jenga, a reconfigurable cache hierarchy that avoids these pathologies and approaches the performance of a hierarchy optimized for each application. Jenga monitors application behavior and dynamically builds virtual cache hierarchies out of heterogeneous, distributed cache banks. Jenga uses simple hardware support and a novel software runtime to configure virtual cache hierarchies. On a 36-core CMP with a 1 GB stacked-DRAM cache, Jenga outperforms a combination of state-of-the-art techniques by 10% on average and by up to 36%, and does so while saving energy, improving system-wide energy-delay product by 29% on average and by up to 96%

    Analysis of Hand Segmentation in the Wild

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    A large number of works in egocentric vision have concentrated on action and object recognition. Detection and segmentation of hands in first-person videos, however, has less been explored. For many applications in this domain, it is necessary to accurately segment not only hands of the camera wearer but also the hands of others with whom he is interacting. Here, we take an in-depth look at the hand segmentation problem. In the quest for robust hand segmentation methods, we evaluated the performance of the state of the art semantic segmentation methods, off the shelf and fine-tuned, on existing datasets. We fine-tune RefineNet, a leading semantic segmentation method, for hand segmentation and find that it does much better than the best contenders. Existing hand segmentation datasets are collected in the laboratory settings. To overcome this limitation, we contribute by collecting two new datasets: a) EgoYouTubeHands including egocentric videos containing hands in the wild, and b) HandOverFace to analyze the performance of our models in presence of similar appearance occlusions. We further explore whether conditional random fields can help refine generated hand segmentations. To demonstrate the benefit of accurate hand maps, we train a CNN for hand-based activity recognition and achieve higher accuracy when a CNN was trained using hand maps produced by the fine-tuned RefineNet. Finally, we annotate a subset of the EgoHands dataset for fine-grained action recognition and show that an accuracy of 58.6% can be achieved by just looking at a single hand pose which is much better than the chance level (12.5%).Comment: Accepted at CVPR 201
