49,083 research outputs found

    H. C. Hardgraves v. Harry L. Young et al : Brief of Appellant

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    Belin Jean-Claude. Étude universitaire. In: Le Fablier. Revue des Amis de Jean de La Fontaine, n°9, 1997. Autour des Fables de Jean de La Fontaine (actes de GenĂšve, 14 dĂ©cembre 1995) p. 114

    La crise des économies maghrébines : les politiques redistributives en question

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    Sid Ahmed Abdelkader. La crise des économies maghrébines : les politiques redistributives en question. In: Tiers-Monde, tome 34, n°135, 1993. La réhabilitation de la demande (sous la direction de Jean-Marc Fontaine) sous la direction de Jean-Marc Fontaine. pp. 565-583

    La cigale et la fourmi : une fable ou une chanson?

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    Les fables, sous diverses formes, font partie intĂ©grante d’une initiation Ă  la littĂ©rature de jeunesse. DĂšs le cours primaire, il est possible de travailler ces oeuvres denses et complexes, tant Ă  l’écrit qu’à l’oral. Parmi les nombreuses fables de Jean de La Fontaine, La cigale et la fourmi demeure l’une des plus populaires, ayant Ă©tĂ© reprise dans plusieurs recueils depuis des siĂšcles. Une version moderne et chantĂ©e de cette fable est proposĂ©e dans cette chronique. L’auteur-compositeur-interprĂšte Alexandre Poulin, qui se considĂšre comme un conteur de chansons et un chanteur d’histoires, revisite ce classique


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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui tema menurut Surastina (2018 :33) dan amanat beserta jenisnya menurut Nurgiyantoro (2015 :441) yang terdapat pada fabel karya Jean de La Fontaine. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data simak dan catat. Sudaryanto (2015 :203-206). Sumber data yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini adalah 10 fabel dari kumpulan fabel karya Jean de La Fontaine. Secara keseluruhan fabel tersebut berisi unsur didaktis yang dapat diambil dari tema maupun amanat kepada para pembacanya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat 10 tema dan 10 jenis amanat. Jenis amanat yang paling banyak muncul adalah jenis amanat Hubungan manusia dengan diri sendiri sebanyak 4 data dan jenis amanat Hubungan manusia dengan diri sendiri beserta Hubungan manusia dengan manusia lain dalam lingkup sosial dan lingkungan alam sebanyak 4 data. Jenis amanat Hubungan manusia dengan manusia lain dalam lingkup sosial dan lingkungan alam sebanyak 2 data. Sedangkan untuk jenis amanat yang terakhir, Hubungan manusia dengan Tuhannya tidak ditemukan data satupun yang dari sumber data yang dipilih peneliti. Kata kunci: Amanat, Cerpen, Fabel, Jean de La Fontaine, Moral, Tema. This study aims to determine the theme according to Surastina (2018 :33) and the moral values and its types according to Nurgiyantoro (2015 :441) contained in the fable by Jean de La Fontaine. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with see and record data collection techniques. Sudaryanto (2015 :203-206). The data source used in this study is 10 fables from a collection of fables by Jean de La Fontaine. Overal the fable contains the didactic element that can be taken from the theme and moral to the readers. The results of this study indicate there are 10 themes and 10 types of moral values. The type of moral values that appears most often is the type of Human relationship with himself as much as 4 data and the type of Human relationship with himself and human relations with other humans in the social sphere and the natural environment as much as 4 data. Type of Human relations with other humans in the scope of social and natural environment as much as 2 data. As for the latter type of moral values, the relationship between humans and their God is not found with any data from the data source that researchers use. Keywords: Fable, Jean de La Fontaine, Message, Moral Values, Short-story, Theme

    “L\u27Homme en animal,” Human Animals

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    In conjunction with World Languages Day (May 2, 2014), students from the French program will be staging a bilingual French-English performance of The Complete Fables of Jean de la Fontaine with musical interludes from Isabelle Aboulker\u27s adaptation of the fables for a children\u27s opera. La Fontaine wrote during the reign of Louis XIV and was a keen observer of social dynamics at the court of Versailles; his fables contain valuable lessons on the nature of power that still hold true today. Moreover, La Fontaine\u27s observations about the continuities between animal nature and human nature fly in the face of his contemporary, RenĂ© Descartes\u27s, philosophy and anticipated animal rights discourses. Even more fascinating is the fact that La Fontaine was able to critique both his absolute monarch and the illustrious Descartes through the seemingly innocuous medium of versified fables with anthropomorphized animals. “L\u27Homme en animal highlights these two particular facets of La Fontaine\u27s Fables: the critique of power and his reflections on humanity and animality. During this SOURCE presentation, students involved in the production will screen a video featuring highlights from the May 2 performance followed by their reflections on how the experience contributed to their own process of learning French language and culture. They will also engage the audience by encouraging them to try on some of the eighteen animal masks made for the production while also discussing the techniques used in crafting the masks. For this presentation, Lyndsey Burkette received a Creative Expression Best Presentation Award for 2014

    Les Membres et l'Estomac

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    Revue de droit. Université de Sherbrooke. Volume 50 - Numéros 1-3

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    "NumĂ©ro complet"Introduction gĂ©nĂ©rale au projet / MĂ©lanie ClĂ©ment-Fontaine et GaĂ«le Gidrol-Mistral -- Introduction au numĂ©ro spĂ©cial / Alexandra Popovici, MĂ©lanie ClĂ©ment-Fontaine et GaĂ«le Gidrol-Mistral -- La territorialitĂ© dans les pratiques communautaires -- Pour assurer l’avenir d’une alimentation saine et locale Hubert LavallĂ©e -- La coopĂ©rative d’habitation Ă  capitalisation individuelle : rĂ©flexion sur l’émergence des communautĂ©s comme vecteur d’accĂšs Ă  la propriĂ©tĂ© / SĂ©bastien BRAULT -- À la recherche de l’identitĂ© des communautĂ©s d’habitants Ă  partir de la typologie des « communaux » en territoire de montagne : Ă©tude de cas en Savoie et Haute-Savoie / Anouk Bonnemains et Jean-François Joye -- La vitalitĂ© des acteurs collectifs dans les pratiques communautaires -- L’importance des peuples autochtones et afro-descendants dans la construction de la notion de communautĂ© en droit colombien / Anabel Riaño Saad -- La dimension collective du patrimoine culturel : la nature et les prĂ©rogatives des acteurs du collectif ‒ Perspectives de droit belge / Marie-Sophie De Clippele -- Les droits rĂ©els de jouissance spĂ©ciale peuvent-ils ĂȘtre un outil au service d’une communautĂ©? RĂ©flexions Ă  partir du droit français / Victor Poux -- ThĂ©oriser les pratiques communautaires -- Reconsidering “community”: a normative model to address communities in the law / Shai Stern -- Non-ownership and the commons: access and exclusion in the life of communities / Alessandra Quarta
