121 research outputs found

    Virtual Reference for Video Collections: System Infrastructure, User Interface and Pilot User Study

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    A new video-based Virtual Reference (VR) tool called VideoHelp was designed and developed to support video navigation escorting, a function that enables librarians to co-navigate a digital video with patrons in the web-based environment. A client/server infrastructure was adopted for the VideoHelp system and timestamps were used to achieve the video synchronization between the librarians and patrons. A pilot usability study of using VideoHelp prototype in video seeking was conducted and the preliminary results demonstrated that the system is easy to learn and use, and real-time assistance from virtual librarians in video navigation is desirable on a conditional basis

    Virtual Reference for Video Collections: System Infrastructure, User Interface and Pilot User Study

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    A new video-based Virtual Reference (VR) tool called VideoHelp was designed and developed to support video navigation escorting, a function that enables librarians to co-navigate a digital video with patrons in the web-based environment. A client/server infrastructure was adopted for the VideoHelp system and timestamps were used to achieve the video synchronization between the librarians and patrons. A pilot usability study of using VideoHelp prototype in video seeking was conducted and the preliminary results demonstrated that the system is easy to learn and use, and real-time assistance from virtual librarians in video navigation is desirable on a conditional basis

    A General Framework and Communication Protocol for the Real-Time Transmission of Interactive Media

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    In this paper we present a general framework for the real-time transmission ofinteractive media, i.e. media involving user interaction. Examples of interactive media are shared whiteboards, Java animations and VRML worlds. By identifying and supporting the common aspects of this media class the framework allows the development of generic services for network sessions involving the transmission of interactive media. Examples are mechanisms for late join and session recording. The proposed framework is based on the Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) which is widely used in the Internet for the real-time transmission of audio and video. Using the experience gained through the framework for audio and video, our work consists of three important parts: the definition of a protocol profile, the instantiation of this profile for specific media, and the development of generic services. The profile captures those aspects that are common to the class of interactive media. A single medium must instantiate this profile by providing media-specific information in the form of a payload type definition. Based on the profile, generic services can be developed for all interactive media. In this paper we focus on the description of the profile for the real-time transmission of interactive media. We then present the main ideas behind a generic recording service. Finally we show how multi-user VRML and distributed interactive Java animations can instantiate the profile


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    The improvement of teachers competencies have been implemented through conventional training or “class” training. The model demands on high cost and limited participants. The survey result in East Java reveals that the majority of teachers seldom involve in training activities, meanwhile Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been accessible and affordable in cell‟s coverage area. The availability of ICT facilities provides opportunities to implement e-learning-based training for teachers. This research aims to use a development research and a test model of effectiveness by using an action research. The result of development signifies that e-learning model should concern in the capabilities of participants in ICT (Direct and Indirect Model). In common, both models contains component of online class orientation, training session and learning evaluation. The result of study shows this model is able to improve the teachers‟ capabilities in Financial Accounting. Teachers with high capabilities in ICT are more easily adapted with e-learning, hence all processes might be implemented in online basis. Conversely, teachers with low abilities in ICT are vulnerable for failures in online training. Accordingly, an indirect training might be executed through a phase of ICT orientation and orientation of online class before conducting further phases in online training. The improvement of effectiveness in independent learning process requires a comprehensive content in e-learning and should be performed in sequential basis. Additionally, it is prominent to implement training at the same time with school schedule. Despite of the availability of ICT facilities at school, an academic sharing might be easily comprehended. Keywords: E-Learning, Teacher Training, Accountin

    3TZ collaborative team environments incorporating the hybrid holonic architecture

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    The paper describes a business reengineering process (BPR) approach to address multi-timezone (3-timezone or 3TZ) collaborative teamwork environments by combining the Holonic architecture with the Zachman Metamodel Framework. While the use of collaborative project systems is not new, the methodology to share time resources from different timezones seeks to address pedagogical and engineering process concerns in team-based project development. The benefits of collaborative project management tools go beyond a uniform platform to deploy project resources, but to also enhance systemic processes and engineering practice. This facilitates team members to dedicate their time towards common work tasks, delineates individual and shared work packages, and improves student-tutor feedback techniques as teachers can actively monitor progress of development throughout the project lifecycle. © 2010 IEEE

    EFL Teacher Identity Development during Teacher Professional Education Programme

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    This study aims to identify the development of teacher participants of PPG. The development of the identity is considered urgent to explore especially because  PPG is conducted fully online facilitated by an LMS. Instructors and participants are required to conference online and do assignments online as well as teaching practice. The current stud is conducted based on content analysis method involving six respondents. Data was interpreted from recordings during online discussion session.The research findings indicate that the new skills acquired during PPG fall within the area of use of technology, pedagogy, and collaboration.&nbsp

    Twitter-based EFL pronunciation instruction

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    Implementation of labcreator and the integration of cyberlab

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    With the development of the World Wide Web, online courses are becoming more and more popular in modern science education. CyberLab aims to solve an important issue in distance science education -- laboratory experiments in online courses. It is a toolkit that handles creation, exportation, and execution of virtual experiments (within web browsers). It consists of LabCreator and LabExecutor. With LabCreator, instructors can create virtual experiments and export them into intermediate files. Students can download those files from online course websites and execute them in LabExecutor on their own computers. The paper reports on the completion of two important tasks in the development of CyberLab: (1) the implementation of LabCreator and (2) a system allowing exportation of the experiment to intermediate web accessible format and the loading of the experiment into LabExecutor. The feasibility of the design and structure of CyberLab is proved by integrating the LabCreator and LabExecutor for the first time. The advantage of CyberLab is shown through a demonstration of the deployment of a virtual experiment
