9 research outputs found

    The export of know-how at the (semi)peripheries: The case of Yugoslav-Iranian industrial collaboration and labor mobility (1980–1991)

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    The paper explores experiences of temporary labor migration that entailed Yugoslav export of know-how (highly skilled knowledge and expertise) between 1980 and 1991, a result of industrial collaboration between Mining and Smelting Combine Bor, a state-owned copper-processing ‘giant’ in former Yugoslavia, and the biggest copper company in Iran, National Iranian Copper Industries Company. Based on interviews with individuals engaged in the Yugoslav project, supplemented by analysis of documents and historic newspapers from that period, the paper analyzes everyday practices of managerial bureaucratic improvisations and improvisations at work. The article shows how such improvisations helped overcome excessive and rigid Yugoslav socialist bureaucracy and made Yugoslav entrepreneurial capitalist ventures possible. Moreover, it argues that the export of know-how was constitutive of silent acceptances of reproduction of capitalist relations, which helped consolidate the process of liberalization of the socialist market in the late 1980s. We argue that such temporary labor migration and the often improvised work carried out by the Yugoslav workers cannot be seen as a resistance or alternative to the Western/Northern hegemonies. Rather, we argue that such practices were facilitators of the capitalist ventures at semi-peripheries

    Музикологија / Musicology 29

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    Првог децембра 2019. године навршило се стотину педесет година од рођења Владимира Р. Ђорђевића, свестраног српског музичара који је оставио крупан траг на свим пољима на којима је деловао: као етномузиколог, композитор, музички педагог, као један од пионира српске музичке библиографије и лексикографије. Редакција часописа „Музикологија“ је одлучила да обележи тај значајни јубилеј српске музике и стога тему 29. броја посвећујемо раду и доприносу Владимира Р. Ђорђевића. Катедра за етномузикологију Факултета музичке уметности у Београду и Народна библиотека Србије уприличиле су свечану академију у част годишњице Владимира Р. Ђорђевића. Академија је одржана 2. децембра 2019. у Народној библиотеци Србије, под насловом Владимир Р. Ђорђевић у огледалу времена: баштина, звук, мисао, реч, слика, трајање. На позив Редакције часописа „Музикологија“, петоро еминентних стручњака, учесника академије, написало је оригиналне научне студије за Тему броја 29. Сања Радиновић и Димитрије О. Големовић сагледавају Ђорђевићев принос српској музичкој фолклористици. Мирјана Закић је своју пажњу управила на место и удео Владимира Р. Ђорђевића у развоју етноорганологије. Мелографски рад ове личности српске музике био је предмет пажње Сање Ранковић, која је испитала Ђорђевићев приступ и утврдила његов допринос транскрипцији вокалне праксе. Најзад, Велибор Прелић је приказао грађу о Ђорђевићу која се чува у Народној библиотеци Србије. У тематском и методолошком смислу богата је и разнолика рубрика Varia. Родерик Лофорд проблематизује појаве из популарне музичке културе у Румунији. Београдски часопис „Славенска музика“ (1939–1941), у којем су се укрстили словенофилска идеја и марксизам, добио је прву целовиту студију, са интегралном библиографијом (Александар Васић). Часопис „Музикологија“ од свога почетка негује интердисциплинарне студије. У овом броју часописа први пут се јавља рад из домена правних наука, а у вези с музиком: Урош Ћемаловић пише о правној заштити музичких дела у Европској унији. У рубрици Научна критика и полемика доносимо пет текстова. Приказане су три изузетно значајне научне монографије различите тематике, у хронолошком распону од средњег века до данас. Реч је о књигама које обрађују стару црквену музику, литерарне изворе за српску музику XIX века, као и музику Карлхајнца Штокхаузена, једног од главних протагониста музичке авангарде друге половине XX века. Један текст опсервира литературу из области науке о хармонији. Пети чланак у овој рубрици представља приказ поменуте свечане академије у част Владимира Р. Ђорђевића. Током 2019. и 2020. године остали смо без заслужних личности српске и руске музикологије и музичке уметности. Часопис „Музикологија“ у рубрици In memoriam са жаљењем бележи одлазак академика Јелене Милојковић-Ђурић, др Елене Гордине, проф. Мирјане Живковић и академика Димитрија Стефановића. У име чланова Редакције часописа „Музикологија“ и у своје лично име желим да изразим срдачну захвалност рецензентима за уложено време и труд, као и свим колегиницима и колегама који су помогли у припреми овог броја часописа.On the first of December 2019 we celebrated the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir R. Đorđević, a versatile Serbian musician who left a considerable mark in all fields in which he worked: as an ethnomusicologist, composer, music pedagogue, and one of the pioneers of Serbian music bibliography and lexicography. The editorial board of the journal Musicology decided to mark this important jubilee of Serbian music by dedicating the main theme of the 29th issue to the work and contribution of Vladimir R. Đorđević. The Department of Ethnomusicology of the Faculty of Music in Belgrade and the National Library of Serbia organised a festive academy as part of the anniversary of Vladimir R. Đorđević. The Academy was held on December 2, 2019 at the National Library of Serbia, under the title Vladimir R. Đorđević in the Mirror of Time: Heritage, Sound, Thought, Word, Image, Duration. At the invitation of the Editorial Board of the journal Musicology, five eminent experts, participants of the academy, wrote original scientific studies for the main theme of No. 29. Sanja Radinović and Dimitrije O. Golemović analyse Đorđević’s contribution to Serbian musical folkloristics. Mirjana Zakić directs her attention to the place and role of Vladimir R. Đorđević in the development of ethnoorganology. The melographic work of this significant protagonist of Serbian music is addressed by Sanja Ranković, who examines Đorđević’s approach and assesses his contribution to the transcription of vocal practice. Finally, Velibor Prelić discusses the material about Đorđević preserved in the National Library of Serbia. The Varia section is rich and diverse in terms of topics and methodologies. Roderick Lawford problematises phenomena from popular music culture in Romania. The Belgrade journal Slavic Music (1939–1941), in which Slavophile ideas and Marxism intersected, is the subject of the first comprehensive study with an integral bibliography (Aleksandar Vasić). The journal Musicology has welcomed interdisciplinary studies since its inception. In this issue, an article from the domain of legal sciences, in connection with music, appears for the first time: Uroš Ćemalović writes about the legal protection of musical works in the European Union. The section Scientific Reviews and Polemics contains five texts. Three very important scientific monographs on various topics are reviewed, in chronological range from the Middle Ages to the present day. These books deal with old church music, literary sources for Serbian music of the 19th century, as well as the music of Karlheinz Stockhausen, one of the main protagonists of the musical avant-garde of the second half of the 20th century. One text observes the literature in the field of the science of harmony. The fifth text in this section overviews the aforementioned festive academy in honour of Vladimir R. Đorđević. During 2019 and 2020, several prominent personalities of Serbian and Russian music and musicology regrettably left us. The section In memoriam addresses the departures of academician Jelena Milojković-Đurić, Dr. Elena Gordina, Prof. Mirjana Živković and academician Dimitrije Stefanović. On behalf of the members of the Editorial Board of the journal Musicology and on my own behalf, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the peer reviewers for their time and effort, as well as to all colleagues who helped prepare this issue of the journal

    Гласник Етнографског института САНУ 65 (1) / Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA 65 (1)

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    Тема броја – Антропологија државе (ур. Марина Симић и МилошНичић) / Topic of the Issue – Anthropology of the State (eds. Marina Simić and Miloš Ničić

    Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN): A Survey on Reliability, Fault Tolerance, and Technologies Coexistence

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    Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) has been a key element in e-health to monitor bodies. This technology enables new applications under the umbrella of different domains, including the medical field, the entertainment and ambient intelligence areas. This survey paper places substantial emphasis on the concept and key features of the WBAN technology. First, the WBAN concept is introduced and a review of key applications facilitated by this networking technology is provided. The study then explores a wide variety of communication standards and methods deployed in this technology. Due to the sensitivity and criticality of the data carried and handled by WBAN, fault tolerance is a critical issue and widely discussed in this paper. Hence, this survey investigates thoroughly the reliability and fault tolerance paradigms suggested for WBANs. Open research and challenging issues pertaining to fault tolerance, coexistence and interference management and power consumption are also discussed along with some suggested trends in these aspect

    Bulletin of scientific and art research : annual report for 2018

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    The SASA Fund allotted the available resources for the following purposes: scientific and art research projects, scientific publications, international scientific cooperation, the organization of scientific meetings, participation of SASA members and their associates in scientific meetings in the country and abroad, acquisition of scientific literature and other purposes under the SASA Scientific and Art Research Programme. In 2018, the SASA Scientific and Art Research Programme contained 28 projects in the fields of mathematics, physics and earth sciences, 20 in the fields of chemical and biological sciences; 13 in the fields of technical and technological sciences; 28 in the field of medical sciences, 12 in the fields of language and literature; 16 in the field of social sciences; 25 in the field of historical sciences, and 8 in the fields of visual arts and music. During the year, the SASA published 52 editions, including 13 journal issues, 19 collections of papers, 13 catalogues, five monographs, two jubilee bibliographies and Volume XX of the SASA Dictionary, while 1,162 authors published 540 papers. The first-ever commercial Catalogue of the SASA Editions: 2016–2017–2018 (Katalog izdanja SANU: 2016–2017–2018) was prepared and published. In addition, 22 manuscripts were technically processed and prepared for publication; the make-up and cover design of six publications were finished. The SASA maintained regular contact with the National Library of Serbia concerning the preparation of a Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) record for all SASA editions. Fourteen manuscripts in the Serbian language underwent orthographic editing and 15 publications underwent proofreading, thus being prepared for publishing. The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts hosted the meeting of the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action titled “Maximizing Impact of Research in Neurodevelopmental Disorders”. It was the first formal meeting of the COST Action which has so far been joined by about 50 researchers from 20 European countries. During 2018, two lecture cycles were held: “The Fascinating World of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology” (Fascinantni svet nanonauke i nanotehnologije) and “Geohazard in 21st Century Serbia: Knowledge Is the Best Bulwark Against the Elements” (Geohazard u Srbiji u 21. veku – Znanje je najbolji bedem protiv stihije), totalling 11 lectures. In 2018, at the proposal of the SASA Departments and SASA Executive Board, 12 lectures were held. Pursuant to the Decision of the Professional Council of the SASA Library, the SASA Library Day will be celebrated on 14 June. The SASA Library started working on this day, when it received the first books from Dimitrije Tirol. Its first librarian was Konstantin Bogdanović. The SASA Library Day was marked by the celebration honouring Aleksa Šantić. In 2018, the SASA Library organized 17 forums. It presented 18 books and 13 collections of papers by SASA members, SASA editions, as well as the research institutes and centres founded by the SASA. It staged 12 chamber exhibitions. Pursuant to the Decision of the Professional Council of the SASA Library, the SASA Library Day will be celebrated on 14 June. The SASA Library started working on this day, when it received the first books from Dimitrije Tirol. Its first librarian was Konstantin Bogdanović. The SASA Library Day was marked by the celebration honouring Aleksa Šantić. In 2018, the SASA Library organized 17 forums. It presented 18 books and 13 collections of papers by SASA members, SASA editions, as well as the research institutes and centres founded by the SASA. It staged 12 chamber exhibitions. The SASA Library also published the jubilee Bibliography of Academician Nikola Tasić’s Works, authored by Milena Obradović, and the sixth issue of the SASA Library Forum Almanac (Godišnjak “Tribina Biblioteke SANU”). The 293-page issue of the Almanac contains the presentations given at the forums in 2017. In 2018, the SASA Gallery staged eight thematic exhibitions on its premises: “Stojan Novaković and His Era” (Stojan Novaković i njegovo doba), “So, you are Uroš Predić?“ (Dakle, vi ste taj Uroš Predić), “35 Years of Petnica” (35 godina Petnice), “Mihailo Petrović Alas, the Founding Father of the Serbian School of Mathematics” (Mihailo Petrović Alas, rodonačelnik srpske matematičke škole), “Nedeljko Gvozdenović. On a Quest for Absolute Painting” (Nedeljko Gvozdenović. U potrazi za apsolutnim slikarstvom), “Roman Limes and Cities in Serbia” (Rimski limes i gradovi u Srbiji), 57th October Salon. “The Marvellous Cacophony” (57. Oktobarski salon. Čudo kakofonije), “Marko Čelebonović (1902-1986)”, Retrospective Exhibition (Marko Čelebonović /1902-1986/. Retrospektivna izložba). All exhibitions were accompanied by catalogues, lectures and expert guidance. Six catalogues were printed and one was prepared for printing. The exhibitions staged outside the SASA Gallery included: “SASA Art Collection – Academician Artists” (Umetnička zbirka SANU – likovni umetnici akademici), which toured Požarevac, Leskovac and Svilajnac, and “Olga Jevrić Exhibition – Sculptures” (Izložba Olga Jevrić – skulpture) in Užice. Seven new exhibitions were also prepared. In 2018, the Gallery of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts organized 74 concerts within the relevant cycles. The concert-related activity of the SASA Gallery is headed by Academician Ivan Jevtić. During the year, the SASA Gallery of Science and Technology staged 15 exhibitions, supported by rich accompanying programmes. The names of these exhibitions were “Roma Tribulation in World War I” (Stradanje Roma u Prvom svetskom ratu); “Ivan Djaja. The Belgrade School of Physiology – from the Sorbonne to Belgrade” (Ivan Djaja. Beogradska škola fiziologije – od Sorbone do Beograda); “Brain Awareness Week 2018 – All Sides of Consciousness” (Nedelja svesti o mozgu – Sve strane svesti); “Traditional Architectural Heritage in the Area of the Stara Planina” (Tradicionalno arhitektonsko nasledje u regionu Stare planine); “The History of Toxicology” (Istorija toksikologije); THE POWER OF HERBS – The 70th Anniversary of the Institute for Medicinal Herb Research “Dr Josif Pančić” (MOĆ BILJA – povodom 70 godina rada Instituta za proučavanje lekovitog bilja “Dr Josif Pančić”); “This too Is Serbia, ’68 in Student” (I ovo je Srbija, ’68. u Studentu); “Archaeological Forensics – 20 Years of New Archaeological Invesigations of Vinča” (Forenzika drevnosti – 20 godina novih arheoloških istraživanja lokaliteta Vinča); “Serbian Lexicography from Vuk to the Present Day” (Srpska leksikografija od Vuka do danas); “Jovan Stejić, First Serbian Doctorof Medicine in Restored Serbia” (Jovan Stejić, prvi Srbin doktor medicine u obnovljenoj Srbiji); The Salonika Front, 1916-1918 (Solunski front 1916- 1918); World War One in Miniature (Prvi svetski rat u minijaturi), and ON ARCHITECTURE 2018 (O ARHITEKTURI 2018). The exhibitions were supported by the relevant catalogues (5) and rich accompanying programmes. In 2018, the SASA Archives enriched its holdings by numerous gifts. It finished processing Academician Vasa Čubrilović’s manuscript legacy and Patriarch German Andjelić’s legacy. The processing of Dragoljub Jovanović’s legacy will be finished during the first few months of 2019. The work on organizing the collection held in the Cabinet for Medals was carried out. The electronic Incoming Inventory of the Cabinet was prepared. All decorations were sorted out and placed into archival boxes in order to ensure better protection and facilitate handling. The Central Institute for Conservation conserved 169 decorations. More than 800 decorations were photographed and cataloguing was done in accordance with all museological processing rules. The website and digital presentation were created, and the biographies of all donors were written. The result of this work is the permanent exhibition of the Cabinet for Medals, which was opened on the Day of the Academy on 19 November 2018. During the past year, the SASA archivists catered to 223 researchers. The reference library of the SASA Archives was enriched by 70 new books.Ima izdanje na drugom jeziku: Билтен Фонда САНУ за истраживања у науци и уметности = ISSN 2466-428

    Peripheral Routing Protocol – a new routing protocol proposal for a realistic WSN mobility model

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are changing our way of life just as the internet has revolutionized the way people communicate with each other. Future wireless networks are envisioned to be robust, have simple and efficient communication between nodes and self-organizing dynamic capabilities. When new nodes join in, a self-configuring network has to have the ability to include these nodes in its structure in real time, without human or machine interference. The need for a destination node (D) which moves at the periphery of wireless sensor networks can be argued from different points of view: the first is that different WSN scenarios require data gathering in such a way; the second point is that this type of node movement maximizes network lifetime because it offers path diversity preventing the case where the same routes are used excessively. However the peripheral movement model of the mobile destination does not resemble any mobility models presented in the WSN literature. In this thesis a new realistic WSN sink mobility model entitled the “Marginal Mobility Model” (MMM) is proposed. This was introduced for the case when the dynamic destination (D), moving at the periphery, frequently exits and enters the WSN coverage area. We proved through Qualnet simulations that current routing protocols recommended for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) do not support this sink mobility model. Because of this, a new routing protocol is proposed to support it called the Peripheral Routing Protocol (PRP). It will be proven through MATLAB simulations that, for a military application scenario where D’s connectivity to the WSN varies between 10%-95%, compared with the 100% case, PRP outperforms routing protocols recommended for MANETs in terms of throughput (T), average end to end delay (AETED) and energy per transmitted packet (E). Also a comparison will be made between PRP and Location-Aided Routing (LAR) performance when D follows the MMM. Analytical models for both PRP and LAR are proposed for T and E. It is proved through MATLAB simulations that, when compared with LAR, PRP obtains better results for the following scenarios: when the WSN size in length and width is increased to 8000 m and one packet is on the fly between sender and sink, PRP sends 103% more data and uses 84% less energy; when more data packets are on the fly between sender and sink, PRP sends with 99.6% more data packets and uses 81% less energy; when the WSN density is increased to 10,000 nodes PRP uses 97.5% less energy; when D’s speed in increased to 50 Km/h, PRP sends 74.7% more data packets and uses 88.4% less energy

    User Experience Design for Cybersecurity & Privacy: addressing user misperceptions of system security and privacy

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    The increasing magnitude and sophistication of malicious cyber activities by various threat actors poses major risks to our increasingly digitized and inter-connected societies. However, threats can also come from non-malicious users who are being assigned too complex security or privacy-related tasks, who are not motivated to comply with security policies, or who lack the capability to make good security decisions. This thesis posits that UX design methods and practices are necessary to complement security and privacy engineering practices in order to (1) identify and address user misperceptions of system security and privacy; and (2) inform the design of secure systems that are useful and appealing from end-users’ perspective. The first research objective in this thesis is to provide new empirical accounts of UX aspects in three distinct contexts that encompass security and privacy considerations, namely: cyber threat intelligence, secure and private communication, and digital health technology. The second objective is to empirically contribute to the growing research domain of mental models in security and privacy by investigating user perceptions and misperceptions in the afore-mentioned contexts. Our third objective is to explore and propose methodological approaches to incorporating users’ perceptions and misperceptions in the socio-technical security analyses of systems. Qualitative and quantitative user research methods with experts as well as end users of the applications and systems under investigation were used to achieve the first two objectives. To achieve the third objective, we also employed simulation and computational methods. Cyber Threat Intelligence: CTI sharing platforms Reporting on a number of user studies conducted over a period of two years, this thesis offers a unique contribution towards understanding the constraining and enabling factors of security information sharing within one of the leading CTI sharing platforms, called MISP. Further, we propose a conceptual workflow and toolchain that would seek to detect user (mis)perceptions of key tasks in the context of CTI sharing, such as verifying whether users have an accurate comprehension of how far information travels when shared in a CTI sharing platform, and discuss the benefits of our socio-technical approach as a potential security analysis tool, simulation tool, or educational / training support tool. Secure & Private Communication: Secure Email We propose and describe multi-layered user journeys, a conceptual framework that serves to capture the interaction of a user with a system as she performs certain goals along with the associated user beliefs and perceptions about specific security or privacy-related aspects of that system. We instantiate the framework within a use case, a recently introduced secure email system called p≡p, and demonstrate how the approach can be used to detect misperceptions of security and privacy by comparing user opinions and behavior against system values and objective technical guarantees offered by the system. We further present two sets of user studies focusing on the usability and effectiveness of p≡p’s security and privacy indicators and their traffic-light inspired metaphor to represent different privacy states and guarantees. Digital Health Technology: Contact Tracing Apps Considering human factors when exploring the adoption as well as the security and privacy aspects of COVID-19 contact tracing apps is a timely societal challenge as the effectiveness and utility of these apps highly depend on their widespread adoption by the general population. We present the findings of eight focus groups on the factors that impact people’s decisions to adopt, or not to adopt, a contact tracing app, conducted with participants living in France and Germany. We report how our participants perceived the benefits, drawbacks, and threat model of the contact tracing apps in their respective countries, and discuss the similarities and differences between and within the study groups. Finally, we consolidate the findings from these studies and discuss future challenges and directions for UX design methods and practices in cybersecurity and digital privacy

    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volum