311 research outputs found

    J-PET Framework: Software platform for PET tomography data reconstruction and analysis

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    J-PET Framework is an open-source software platform for data analysis, written in C++ and based on the ROOT package. It provides a common environment for implementation of reconstruction, calibration and filtering procedures, as well as for user-level analyses of Positron Emission Tomography data. The library contains a set of building blocks that can be combined by users with even little programming experience, into chains of processing tasks through a convenient, simple and well-documented API. The generic input-output interface allows processing the data from various sources: low-level data from the tomography acquisition system or from diagnostic setups such as digital oscilloscopes, as well as high-level tomography structures e.g. sinograms or a list of lines-of-response. Moreover, the environment can be interfaced with Monte Carlo simulation packages such as GEANT and GATE, which are commonly used in the medical scientific community.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Evaluation of Single-Chip, Real-Time Tomographic Data Processing on FPGA - SoC Devices

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    A novel approach to tomographic data processing has been developed and evaluated using the Jagiellonian PET (J-PET) scanner as an example. We propose a system in which there is no need for powerful, local to the scanner processing facility, capable to reconstruct images on the fly. Instead we introduce a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) System-on-Chip (SoC) platform connected directly to data streams coming from the scanner, which can perform event building, filtering, coincidence search and Region-Of-Response (ROR) reconstruction by the programmable logic and visualization by the integrated processors. The platform significantly reduces data volume converting raw data to a list-mode representation, while generating visualization on the fly.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 17 May 201

    Recent developments in time-of-flight PET

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    While the first time-of-flight (TOF)-positron emission tomography (PET) systems were already built in the early 1980s, limited clinical studies were acquired on these scanners. PET was still a research tool, and the available TOF-PET systems were experimental. Due to a combination of low stopping power and limited spatial resolution (caused by limited light output of the scintillators), these systems could not compete with bismuth germanate (BGO)-based PET scanners. Developments on TOF system were limited for about a decade but started again around 2000. The combination of fast photomultipliers, scintillators with high density, modern electronics, and faster computing power for image reconstruction have made it possible to introduce this principle in clinical TOF-PET systems. This paper reviews recent developments in system design, image reconstruction, corrections, and the potential in new applications for TOF-PET. After explaining the basic principles of time-of-flight, the difficulties in detector technology and electronics to obtain a good and stable timing resolution are shortly explained. The available clinical systems and prototypes under development are described in detail. The development of this type of PET scanner also requires modified image reconstruction with accurate modeling and correction methods. The additional dimension introduced by the time difference motivates a shift from sinogram- to listmode-based reconstruction. This reconstruction is however rather slow and therefore rebinning techniques specific for TOF data have been proposed. The main motivation for TOF-PET remains the large potential for image quality improvement and more accurate quantification for a given number of counts. The gain is related to the ratio of object size and spatial extent of the TOF kernel and is therefore particularly relevant for heavy patients, where image quality degrades significantly due to increased attenuation (low counts) and high scatter fractions. The original calculations for the gain were based on analytical methods. Recent publications for iterative reconstruction have shown that it is difficult to quantify TOF gain into one factor. The gain depends on the measured distribution, the location within the object, and the count rate. In a clinical situation, the gain can be used to either increase the standardized uptake value (SUV) or reduce the image acquisition time or administered dose. The localized nature of the TOF kernel makes it possible to utilize local tomography reconstruction or to separate emission from transmission data. The introduction of TOF also improves the joint estimation of transmission and emission images from emission data only. TOF is also interesting for new applications of PET-like isotopes with low branching ratio for positron fraction. The local nature also reduces the need for fine angular sampling, which makes TOF interesting for limited angle situations like breast PET and online dose imaging in proton or hadron therapy. The aim of this review is to introduce the reader in an educational way into the topic of TOF-PET and to give an overview of the benefits and new opportunities in using this additional information

    Development Of A Scintillation Detector And The Influence On Clinical Imaging

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    The detector is the functional unit within a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanner, serving to convert the energy of radiation emitted from a patient into positional information, and as such contributes significantly to the performance of the scanner. While modern whole-body scanners use detectors composed of very many (i.e., 20000-30000) small pixels, typically ~4x4x20mm3 in size, several groups are actively investigating the performance of continuous crystals coupled to position sensitive photodetectors as an alternative detector design with a number of potential advantages, including improved spatial resolution and position sampling. This work in particular focuses on thick (≥14mm) continuous crystals in order to maintain the sensitivity of modern scanners. Excellent spatial resolution in continuous detectors that are thick, however, has proven difficult to achieve using simple positioning algorithms, leading to research in the field to improve performance. This thesis aims to investigate the effect of modifications to the scintillation light spread within the bulk of the scintillator to improve performance, focusing on the use of laser induced optical barriers (LIOBs) etched within thick continuous crystals, and furthermore aims to translate the effect on detector performance to scanner quantitation in patient studies. The conventional continuous detector is first investigated by analyzing the various components of the detector as well as its limitations. It is seen that the performance of the detector is affected by a number of variables that either cannot be improved or may be improved only at the expense of greater complexity or computing time; these include the photodetector, the positioning algorithm, and Compton scatter in the detector. The performance of the detectors, however, is fundamentally determined by the light spread within the detector, and limited by the depth-dependence of the light spread and poor performance in the entrance region, motivating efforts to modify this aspect of the detector. The feasibility and potential of LIOBs to fine-tune this light spread and improve these limitations is then studied using both experiments and simulations. The behavior of the LIOBs in response to optical light is investigated, and the opacity of the etchings is shown to be dependent on the parameters of the etching procedure. Thick crystals were also etched with LIOBs in their entrance region in a grid pattern in order to improve the resolution in the entrance region. Measurements show an overall improvement in spatial resolution: the resolution in the etched region of the crystals is slightly improved (e.g., ~0.8mm for a 25mm thick crystal), though in the unetched region, it is slightly degraded (e.g., ~0.4mm for a 25mm thick crystal). While the depth-dependence of the response of the crystal is decreased, the depth-of-interaction (DOI) performance is degraded as well. Simulation studies informed by these measurements show that the properties of the LIOBs strongly affect the performance of the crystal, and ultimately further illustrate that trade-offs in spatial resolution, position sampling, and DOI resolution are inherent in varying the light spread using LIOBs in this manner; these may be used as a guide for future experiments. System Monte Carlo simulations were used to investigate the added benefit of improved detector spatial resolution and position sampling to the imaging performance of a whole-body scanner. These simulations compared the performance of scanners composed of conventional pixelated detectors to that of scanners using continuous crystals. Results showed that the improved performance (relative to that of 4-mm pixelated detectors) of continuous crystals with a 2-mm resolution, pertinent to both the etched 14mm thick crystal studied as well as potential designs with the etched 25mm thick crystal, increased the mean contrast recovery coefficient (CRC) of images by ~22% for 5.5mm spheres. Last, a set of experiments aimed to test the correspondence between quantification in phantom and patient images using a lesion embedding methodology, so that any improvements determined using phantom studies may be understood clinically. The results show that the average CRC values for lesions embedded in the lung and liver agree well with those for lesions embedded in the phantom for all lesion sizes. In addition, the relative changes in CRC resulting from application of post-filters on the subject and phantom images are consistent within measurement uncertainty. This study shows that the improvements in CRC resulting from improved spatial resolution, measured using phantom studies in the simulations, are representative of improvements in quantitative accuracy in patient studies. While unmodified thick continuous detectors hold promise for both improved image quality and quantitation in whole-body imaging, excellent performance requires intensive hardware and computational solutions. Laser induced optical barriers offer the ability to modify the light spread within the scintillator to improve the intrinsic performance of the detector: while measurements with crystals etched with relatively transmissive etchings show a slight improvement in resolution, simulations show that the LIOBs may be fine-tuned to result in improved performance using relatively simple positioning algorithms. For systems in which DOI information is less important, and transverse resolution and sensitivity are paramount, etching thick detectors with this design, fine-tuned to the particular thickness of the crystal and application, is an interesting alternative to the standard detector design

    Positron Emission Tomography: Current Challenges and Opportunities for Technological Advances in Clinical and Preclinical Imaging Systems

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    Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging is based on detecting two time-coincident high-energy photons from the emission of a positronemitting radioisotope. The physics of the emission, and the detection of the coincident photons, give PET imaging unique capabilities for both very high sensitivity and accurate estimation of the in vivo concentration of the radiotracer. PET imaging has been widely adopted as an important clinical modality for oncological, cardiovascular, and neurological applications. PET imaging has also become an important tool in preclinical studies, particularly for investigating murine models of disease and other small-animal models. However, there are several challenges to using PET imaging systems. These include the fundamental trade-offs between resolution and noise, the quantitative accuracy of the measurements, and integration with X-ray computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. In this article, we review how researchers and industry are addressing these challenges.This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health grants R01-CA042593, U01-CA148131, R01CA160253, R01CA169072, and R01CA164371; by Human Frontier Science Program grant RGP0004/2013; and by the Innovative Medicines Initiative under grant agreement 115337, which comprises financial contributions from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007–2013

    State of the art in total body PET

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    The idea of a very sensitive positron emission tomography (PET) system covering a large portion of the body of a patient already dates back to the early 1990s. In the period 2000–2010, only some prototypes with long axial field of view (FOV) have been built, which never resulted in systems used for clinical research. One of the reasons was the limitations in the available detector technology, which did not yet have sufficient energy resolution, timing resolution or countrate capabilities for fully exploiting the benefits of a long axial FOV design. PET was also not yet as widespread as it is today: the growth in oncology, which has become the major application of PET, appeared only after the introduction of PET-CT (early 2000).The detector technology used in most clinical PET systems today has a combination of good energy and timing resolution with higher countrate capabilities and has now been used since more than a decade to build time-of-flight (TOF) PET systems with fully 3D acquisitions. Based on this technology, one can construct total body PET systems and the remaining challenges (data handling, fast image reconstruction, detector cooling) are mostly related to engineering. The direct benefits of long axial FOV systems are mostly related to the higher sensitivity. For single organ imaging, the gain is close to the point source sensitivity which increases linearly with the axial length until it is limited by solid angle and attenuation of the body. The gains for single organ (compared to a fully 3D PET 20-cm axial FOV) are limited to a factor 3–4. But for long objects (like body scans), it increases quadratically with scanner length and factors of 10–40 × higher sensitivity are predicted for the long axial FOV scanner. This application of PET has seen a major increase (mostly in oncology) during the last 2 decades and is now the main type of study in a PET centre. As the technology is available and the full body concept also seems to match with existing applications, the old concept of a total body PET scanner is seeing a clear revival. Several research groups are working on this concept and after showing the potential via extensive simulations; construction of these systems has started about 2 years ago. In the first phase, two PET systems with long axial FOV suitable for large animal imaging were constructed to explore the potential in more experimental settings. Recently, the first completed total body PET systems for human use, a 70-cm-long system, called PennPET Explorer, and a 2-m-long system, called uExplorer, have become reality and first clinical studies have been shown. These results illustrate the large potential of this concept with regard to low-dose imaging, faster scanning, whole-body dynamic imaging and follow-up of tracers over longer periods. This large range of possible technical improvements seems to have the potential to change the current clinical routine and to expand the number of clinical applications of molecular imaging. The J-PET prototype is a prototype system with a long axial FOV built from axially arranged plastic scintillator strips.This paper gives an overview of the recent technical developments with regard to PET scanners with a long axial FOV covering at least the majority of the body (so called total body PET systems). After explaining the benefits and challenges of total body PET systems, the different total body PET system designs proposed for large animal and clinical imaging are described in detail. The axial length is one of the major factors determining the total cost of the system, but there are also other options in detector technology, design and processing for reducing the cost these systems. The limitations and advantages of different designs for research and clinical use are discussed taking into account potential applications and the increased cost of these systems

    Sistemas de tomografia por emissão de positrões para pequenos animais

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    The growing demand for PET scanners in preclinical studies combined with the high cost of those equipments increased the interest in the development of new high performance and low cost system, made possible due to the recent technological developments in the industry of radiation detection. Is this work, we present two low cost PET scanners. The first is the DRIM-PET, a PET scanner with improved spatial resolution through the determination of the depth-of-interaction of the photons in the detectors, correcting the parallax effect. The use of MPPCs and wavelength-shifting fibers for light detection allows to reduce the number of components, reducing the device cost. We present the performance characterization of an unitary cell of the DRIM-PET system, as a proof-of-concept, and we report a depth-of-interaction resolution of the order of 7mm. The other PET scanner presented is the EasyPET 3D, with capabilities of acquire volumetric images and execute spectroscopy. The use of a rotation system for the detecting cells allows to reduce the number of cells thus reducing the cost of the device, keeping high spatial resolution bellow 1.5mm, uniform along the FOV, which is variable up to 60mm. Image quality was evaluated using the NEMA NU-2008 standard, the commercial prototype for the first time shown and the first preclinical acquisitions are shown for 18F-FDG and 18F-NaF, for mouse brain and skeleton imaging, respectively. Finally, the development of a simulation toolkit written in GATE for the EasyPET prototype (2D), commercialized by the Italian company CAEN, SpA, allows students to perform simple tasks the simulate experimental procedures such as the evaluation of the effect of different coincidence time and energy windows for the reconstructed image, for radioactive sources at different locations within the FOV. The platform can be included in the official code EduGATE as a supplementary module.A crescente procura por tomógrafos PET para estudos pré-clínicos aliada ao elevado custo destes equipamentos, fez aumentar o interesse no desenvolvimento de novos sistemas de elevada performance a baixo custo, possibilitados pelos novos desenvolvimentos tecnológicos na industria de deteção de radiação. Dois sistemas de baixo custo são apresentados no âmbito deste trabalho. O primeiro é o DRIM-PET, um tomógrafo PET com melhorada resolução espacial através da determinação do ponto de interação da radiação nos detetores. A correção do efeito de paralaxe é feita usando MPPCs e fibras conversoras de luz para deteção da luz, mantendo um reduzido número de detetores. É apresentada a caracterização experimental de uma célula unitária do DRIM-PET como prova de conceito, onde a resolução espacial na determinação do ponto de interação obtida é da ordem de 7mm. O outro tomógrafo PET apresentado é o EasyPET 3D, com capacidade de aquisição de imagens em 3D e espectroscopia de raios. O uso de um sistema de rotação das células detectoras para aquisição de imagens permite reduzir o número de células, mantendo elevada resolução em posição, da ordem de 1.5mm, para um campo de visão variável até 60mm, reduzindo o custo do equipamento. A qualidade de imagem do dispositivo foi avaliada usando a norma NEMA NU-2008, o protótipo comercial apresentado e as primeiras aquisições pré-clínicas com 18F-FDG e 18F-NaF apresentadas, em imagens do cérebro e do esqueleto em ratos, respetivamente. Finalmente, o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma de simulação para o primeiro sistema EasyPET (2D), comercializado pela empresa CAEN, SpA, permite que estudantes executem tarefas simples que simulam as aquisições experimentais, como o efeito de diferentes janelas de tempo e energia para a imagem reconstruida, para fontes radioativas colocadas em diferentes localizações no FOV. A plataforma pode ser incluída no pacote EduGATE como um módulo suplementar.P. M. M. Correia is supported by the FCT (Lisbon) scholarship BD/52330/2013 under the PhD FCT program DAEPHYS, and is grateful to the I3N laboratory, funded by UID/CTM/50025/2013. This work was partially supported by project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016855 and PTDC/BBB-IMG/4909/2014, and project easyPET nº 17823, through COMPETE, FEDER, POCI and FCT (Lisbon) programs.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Civi

    Optical simulation study for high resolution monolithic detector design for TB-PET

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    Background The main limitations in positron emission tomography (PET) are the limited sensitivity and relatively poor spatial resolution. The administered radioactive dose and scan time could be reduced by increasing system sensitivity with a total-body (TB) PET design. The second limitation, spatial resolution, mainly originates from the specific design of the detectors that are implemented. In state-of-the-art scanners, the detectors consist of pixelated crystal arrays, where each individual crystal is isolated from its neighbors with reflector material. To obtain higher spatial resolution the crystals can be made narrower which inevitably leads to more inter-crystal scatter and larger dead space between the crystals. A monolithic detector design shows superior characteristics in (i) light collection efficiency (no gaps), (ii) timing, as it significantly reduces the number of reflections and therefore the path length of each scintillation photon and (iii) spatial resolution (including better depth-of-interaction (DOI)). The aim of this work is to develop a precise simulation model based on measured crystal data and use this powerful tool to find the limits in spatial resolution for a monolithic detector for the use in TB-PET. Materials and methods A detector (Fig. 1) based on a monolithic 50x50x16 mm3 lutetium-(yttrium) oxyorthosilicate (L(Y)SO) scintillation crystal coupled to an 8x8 array of 6x6mm2 silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) is simulated with GATE. A recently implemented reflection model for scintillation light allows simulations based on measured surface data (1). The modeled surfaces include black painted rough finishing on the crystal sides (16x50mm2) and a specular reflector attached to a polished crystal top (50x50mm2). Maximum Likelihood estimation (MLE) is used for positioning the events. Therefore, calibration data is obtained by generating 3.000 photo-electric events at given calibration positions (Fig. 1). Compton scatter is not (yet) included. In a next step, the calibration data is organized in three layers based on the exact depth coordinate in the crystal (i.e. DOI assumed to be known). For evaluating the resolution, the full width at half maximum (FWHM) is estimated at the irradiated positions of Fig. 2 as a mean of all profiles in vertical and horizontal direction. Next, uniformity is evaluated by simulating 200k events from a flood source, placed in the calibrated area. Results For the irradiation pattern in Fig. 2 the resolution in terms of FWHM when applying MLE is: 0.86±0.13mm (Fig. 3a). Nevertheless, there are major artifacts also at non-irradiated positions. By positioning the events based on three DOI-based layers it can be seen that the events closest to the photodetector introduce the largest artifacts (Fig. 3b-d). The FWHM improves for Layer 1 and 2, to 0.69±0.04mm and 0.59±0.02mm, respectively. Layer 3 introduces major artifacts to the flood map, as events are positioned at completely different locations as the initial irradiation. A FWHM estimation is thus not useful. The uniformity (Fig. 4) degrades with proximity to the photodetector. The map in Fig. 4c shows that the positioning accuracy depends not only on DOI but also the position in the plane parallel to the photodetector array. Conclusions A simulation model for a monolithic PET detector with good characteristics for TB-PET systems was developed with GATE. A first estimate of the spatial resolution and uniformity was given, pointing out the importance of depth-dependent effects. Future studies will include several steps towards more realistic simulations e.g. surface measurements of our specific crystals for the optical surface model and inclusion of the Compton effect