2,826 research outputs found

    Exploiting Web Images for Dataset Construction: A Domain Robust Approach

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    © 2017 IEEE. Labeled image datasets have played a critical role in high-level image understanding. However, the process of manual labeling is both time-consuming and labor intensive. To reduce the cost of manual labeling, there has been increased research interest in automatically constructing image datasets by exploiting web images. Datasets constructed by existing methods tend to have a weak domain adaptation ability, which is known as the "dataset bias problem." To address this issue, we present a novel image dataset construction framework that can be generalized well to unseen target domains. Specifically, the given queries are first expanded by searching the Google Books Ngrams Corpus to obtain a rich semantic description, from which the visually nonsalient and less relevant expansions are filtered out. By treating each selected expansion as a "bag" and the retrieved images as "instances," image selection can be formulated as a multi-instance learning problem with constrained positive bags. We propose to solve the employed problems by the cutting-plane and concave-convex procedure algorithm. By using this approach, images from different distributions can be kept while noisy images are filtered out. To verify the effectiveness of our proposed approach, we build an image dataset with 20 categories. Extensive experiments on image classification, cross-dataset generalization, diversity comparison, and object detection demonstrate the domain robustness of our dataset

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.1: State of the Art on Multimedia Search Engines

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    Based on the information provided by European projects and national initiatives related to multimedia search as well as domains experts that participated in the CHORUS Think-thanks and workshops, this document reports on the state of the art related to multimedia content search from, a technical, and socio-economic perspective. The technical perspective includes an up to date view on content based indexing and retrieval technologies, multimedia search in the context of mobile devices and peer-to-peer networks, and an overview of current evaluation and benchmark inititiatives to measure the performance of multimedia search engines. From a socio-economic perspective we inventorize the impact and legal consequences of these technical advances and point out future directions of research

    An Automated Method to Enrich and Expand Consumer Health Vocabularies Using GloVe Word Embeddings

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    Clear language makes communication easier between any two parties. However, a layman may have difficulty communicating with a professional due to not understanding the specialized terms common to the domain. In healthcare, it is rare to find a layman knowledgeable in medical jargon, which can lead to poor understanding of their condition and/or treatment. To bridge this gap, several professional vocabularies and ontologies have been created to map laymen medical terms to professional medical terms and vice versa. Many of the presented vocabularies are built manually or semi-automatically requiring large investments of time and human effort and consequently the slow growth of these vocabularies. In this dissertation, we present an automatic method to enrich existing concepts in a medical ontology with additional laymen terms and also to expand the number of concepts in the ontology that do not have associated laymen terms. Our work has the benefit of being applicable to vocabularies in any domain. Our entirely automatic approach uses machine learning, specifically Global Vectors for Word Embeddings (GloVe), on a corpus collected from a social media healthcare platform to extend and enhance consumer health vocabularies. We improve these vocabularies by incorporating synonyms and hyponyms from the WordNet ontology. By performing iterative feedback using GloVe’s candidate terms, we can boost the number of word occurrences in the co-occurrence matrix allowing our approach to work with a smaller training corpus. Our novel algorithms and GloVe were evaluated using two laymen datasets from the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the Open-Access and Collaborative Consumer Health Vocabulary (OAC CHV) and the MedlinePlus Healthcare Vocabulary. For our first goal, enriching concepts, the results show that GloVe was able to find new laymen terms with an F-score of 48.44%. Our best algorithm enhanced the corpus with synonyms from WordNet, outperformed GloVe with an F-score relative improvement of 25%. For our second goal, expanding the number of concepts with related laymen’s terms, our synonym-enhanced GloVe outperformed GloVe with a relative F-score relative improvement of 63%. The results of the system were in general promising and can be applied not only to enrich and expand laymen vocabularies for medicine but any ontology for a domain, given an appropriate corpus for the domain. Our approach is applicable to narrow domains that may not have the huge training corpora typically used with word embedding approaches. In essence, by incorporating an external source of linguistic information, WordNet, and expanding the training corpus, we are getting more out of our training corpus. Our system can help building an application for patients where they can read their physician\u27s letters more understandably and clearly. Moreover, the output of this system can be used to improve the results of healthcare search engines, entity recognition systems, and many others

    Creating Data from Unstructured Text with Context Rule Assisted Machine Learning (CRAML)

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    Popular approaches to building data from unstructured text come with limitations, such as scalability, interpretability, replicability, and real-world applicability. These can be overcome with Context Rule Assisted Machine Learning (CRAML), a method and no-code suite of software tools that builds structured, labeled datasets which are accurate and reproducible. CRAML enables domain experts to access uncommon constructs within a document corpus in a low-resource, transparent, and flexible manner. CRAML produces document-level datasets for quantitative research and makes qualitative classification schemes scalable over large volumes of text. We demonstrate that the method is useful for bibliographic analysis, transparent analysis of proprietary data, and expert classification of any documents with any scheme. To demonstrate this process for building data from text with Machine Learning, we publish open-source resources: the software, a new public document corpus, and a replicable analysis to build an interpretable classifier of suspected “no poach” clauses in franchise documents

    Comparing sentiment analysis tools on gitHub project discussions

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    Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáThe context of this work is situated in the rapidly evolving sphere of Natural Language Processing (NLP) within the scope of software engineering, focusing on sentiment analysis in software repositories. Sentiment analysis, a subfield of NLP, provides a potent method to parse, understand, and categorize these sentiments expressed in text. By applying sentiment analysis to software repositories, we can decode developers’ opinions and sentiments, providing key insights into team dynamics, project health, and potential areas of conflict or collaboration. However, the application of sentiment analysis in software engineering comes with its unique set of challenges. Technical jargon, code-specific ambiguities, and the brevity of software-related communications demand tailored NLP tools for effective analysis. The study unfolds in two primary phases. In the initial phase, we embarked on a meticulous investigation into the impacts of expanding the training sets of two prominent sentiment analysis tools, namely, SentiCR and SentiSW. The objective was to delineate the correlation between the size of the training set and the resulting tool performance, thereby revealing any potential enhancements in performance. The subsequent phase of the research encapsulates a practical application of the enhanced tools. We employed these tools to categorize discussions drawn from issue tickets within a varied array of Open-Source projects. These projects span an extensive range, from relatively small repositories to large, well-established repositories, thus providing a rich and diverse sampling ground.O contexto deste trabalho situa-se na esfera em rápida evolução do Processamento de Linguagem Natural (PLN) no âmbito da engenharia de software, com foco na análise de sentimentos em repositórios de software. A análise de sentimentos, um subcampo do PLN, fornece um método poderoso para analisar, compreender e categorizar os sentimentos expressos em texto. Ao aplicar a análise de sentimentos aos repositórios de software, podemos decifrar as opiniões e sentimentos dos desenvolvedores, fornecendo informações importantes sobre a dinâmica da equipe, a saúde do projeto e áreas potenciais de conflito ou colaboração. No entanto, a aplicação da análise de sentimentos na engenharia de software apresenta desafios únicos. Jargão técnico, ambiguidades específicas do código e a breviedade das comunicações relacionadas ao software exigem ferramentas de PLN personalizadas para uma análise eficaz. O estudo se desenvolve em duas fases principais. Na fase inicial, embarcamos em uma investigação meticulosa sobre os impactos da expansão dos conjuntos de treinamento de duas ferramentas proeminentes de análise de sentimentos, nomeadamente, SentiCR e SentiSW. O objetivo foi delinear a correlação entre o tamanho do conjunto de treinamento e o desempenho da ferramenta resultante, revelando assim possíveis aprimoramentos no desempenho. A fase subsequente da pesquisa engloba uma aplicação prática das ferramentas aprimoradas. Utilizamos essas ferramentas para categorizar discussões retiradas de bilhetes de problemas em uma variedade diversificada de projetos de código aberto. Esses projetos abrangem uma ampla gama, desde repositórios relativamente pequenos até repositórios grandes e bem estabelecidos, fornecendo assim um campo de amostragem rico e diversificado

    Continual Learning for Large Language Models: A Survey

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    Large language models (LLMs) are not amenable to frequent re-training, due to high training costs arising from their massive scale. However, updates are necessary to endow LLMs with new skills and keep them up-to-date with rapidly evolving human knowledge. This paper surveys recent works on continual learning for LLMs. Due to the unique nature of LLMs, we catalog continue learning techniques in a novel multi-staged categorization scheme, involving continual pretraining, instruction tuning, and alignment. We contrast continual learning for LLMs with simpler adaptation methods used in smaller models, as well as with other enhancement strategies like retrieval-augmented generation and model editing. Moreover, informed by a discussion of benchmarks and evaluation, we identify several challenges and future work directions for this crucial task
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