4,237 research outputs found

    Ellipsis, economy, and the (non)uniformity of traces

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    A number of works have attempted to account for the interaction between movement and ellipsis in terms of an economy condition Max- Elide. We show that the elimination of MaxElide leads to an empirically superior account of these interactions. We show that a number of the core effects attributed to MaxElide can be accounted for with a parallelism condition on ellipsis. The remaining cases are then treated with a generalized economy condition that favors shorter derivations over longer ones. The resulting analysis has no need for the ellipsisspecific economy constraint MaxElide

    Supporting Unit Test Generation via Automated Isolation

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    “Este trabajo es una compilación de crónicas, resultado del programa Talleres de Crónica Memorias del Agua, auspiciado por el Banco de la República bajo la coordinación académica de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, que pretende contar una historia inédita del país inspirada por el agua. Las setenta y cuatro crónicas seleccionadas para este libro permitieron concluir que, en el nuevo milenio, en varias capitales y cabeceras municipales del país, hay miles de personas que libran una batalla diaria por acceder a este recurso básico. Estos talleres propiciaron un estimulante diálogo entre culturas regionales, generaciones, oficios, saberes, disciplinas y miradas al agua en medio de la diversidad territorial. La mayoría de los participantes jamás había escrito una crónica, y los que tenían experiencia con la escritura no habían experimentado con ese género. Otros comprendieron la desaprovechada cercanía entre la historia y el periodismo, el periodismo y la literatura. En los talleres aprendieron a encontrar su propia voz y a recoger las voces de otros para lograr esa polifonía que pide el género”. Descripción tomada de la sección de novedades de publicaciones de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. http://www.javeriana.edu.co/editorial/libros/pais-gota-agua- Memorias. - Lugares. - Personajes

    A conceptual model for megaprogramming

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    Megaprogramming is component-based software engineering and life-cycle management. Magaprogramming and its relationship to other research initiatives (common prototyping system/common prototyping language, domain specific software architectures, and software understanding) are analyzed. The desirable attributes of megaprogramming software components are identified and a software development model and resulting prototype megaprogramming system (library interconnection language extended by annotated Ada) are described

    Identification of microservices from monolithic applications through topic modelling

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    Microservices emerged as one of the most popular architectural patterns in the recent years given the increased need to scale, grow and flexibilize software projects accompanied by the growth in cloud computing and DevOps. Many software applications are being submitted to a process of migration from its monolithic architecture to a more modular, scalable and flexible architecture of microservices. This process is slow and, depending on the project’s complexity, it may take months or even years to complete. This paper proposes a new approach on microservice identification by resorting to topic modelling in order to identify services according to domain terms. This approach in combination with clustering techniques produces a set of services based on the original software. The proposed methodology is implemented as an open-source tool for exploration of monolithic architectures and identification of microservices. A quantitative analysis using the state of the art metrics on independence of functionality and modularity of services was conducted on 200 open-source projects collected from GitHub. Cohesion at message and domain level metrics’ showed medians of roughly 0.6. Interfaces per service exhibited a median of 1.5 with a compact interquartile range. Structural and conceptual modularity revealed medians of 0.2 and 0.4 respectively. Our first results are positive demonstrating beneficial identification of services due to overall metrics’ resultsNational Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia within project UIDB/50014/202

    Master of Science

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    thesisMany of the operating system kernels we use today are monolithic. They consist of numerous file systems, device drivers, and other subsystems interacting with no isolation and full trust. As a result, a vulnerability or bug in one part of a kernel can compromise an entire machine. Our work is motivated by the following observations: (1) introducing some form of isolation into the kernel can help confine the effects of faulty code, and (2) modern hardware platforms are better suited for a decomposed kernel than platforms of the past. Platforms today consist of numerous cores, large nonuniform memories, and processor interconnects that resemble a miniature distributed system. We argue that kernels and hypervisors must eventually evolve beyond their current symmetric mulitprocessing (SMP) design toward a corresponding distributed design. But the path to this goal is not easy. Building such a kernel from scratch that has the same capabilities as an equivalent monolithic kernel could take years of effort. In this work, we explored the feasibility of incrementally isolating subsystems in the Linux kernel as a path toward a distributed kernel. We developed a design and techniques for moving kernel modules into strongly isolated domains in a way that is transparent to existing code, and we report on the feasibility of our approach