233 research outputs found

    A Scalable, High-Performance, Real-Time Control Architecture with Application to Semi-Autonomous Teleoperation

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    A scalable and real-time capable infrastructure is required to enable high-performance control and haptic rendering of systems with many degrees-of-freedom. The specific platform that motivates this thesis work is the open research platform da Vinci ReResearch Kit (dVRK). For the system architecture, we propose a specialized IEEE-1394 (FireWire) broadcast protocol that takes advantage of broadcast and peer-to-peer transfers to minimize the number of transactions, and thus the software overhead, on the control PC, thereby enabling fast real-time control. It has also been extended to Ethernet via a novel Ethernet-to-FireWire bridge protocol. The software architecture consists of a distributed hardware interface layer, a real-time component-based software framework, and integration with the Robot Operating System (ROS). The architecture is scalable to support multiple active manipulators, reconfigurable to enable researchers to partition a full system into multiple independent subsystems, and extensible at all levels of control. This architecture has been applied to two semi-autonomous teleoperation applications. The first application is a suturing task in Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery (RMIS), that includes the development of virtual fixtures for the needle passing and knot tying sub-tasks, with a multi-user study to verify their effectiveness. The second application concerns time-delayed teleoperation of a robotic arm for satellite servicing. The research contribution includes the development of a line virtual fixture with augmented reality, a test for different time delay configurations and a multi-user study that evaluates the effectiveness of the system


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    Hadrontherapy is the treatment of cancer with charged ion beams. As the charged ion beams used in hadrontherapy are required to be accelerated to very large energies, the particle accelerators used in this treatment are complex and composed of several sub-systems. As a result, control systems are employed for the supervision and control of these accelerators. Currently, The Italian National Hadrontherapy Facility (CNAO) has the objective of modernizing one of the software environments of its control system. Such a project would allow for the integration of new types of devices into the control system, such as mobile devices, as well as introducing newer technologies into the environment. In order to achieve this, this work began with the requirement analysis and definition of a product line architecture for applications of the upgraded control system environment. The product line architecture focuses on reliability, maintainability, and ease of compliance with medical software certification directives. This was followed by the design and development of several software services aimed at allowing the communication of the environments applications and other components of the control system, such as remote file access, relational data access, and OPC-UA. In addition, several libraries and tools have been developed to support the development of future control system applications, following the defined product line architecture. Lastly, a pilot application was created using the tools developed during this work, as well as the preliminary results of a cross-environment integration project. The approach followed in this work is later evaluated by comparing the developed tools to their legacy counterparts, as well as estimating the impact of future applications following the defined product line architecture.Hadrontherapy is the treatment of cancer with charged ion beams. As the charged ion beams used in hadrontherapy are required to be accelerated to very large energies, the particle accelerators used in this treatment are complex and composed of several sub-systems. As a result, control systems are employed for the supervision and control of these accelerators. Currently, The Italian National Hadrontherapy Facility (CNAO) has the objective of modernizing one of the software environments of its control system. Such a project would allow for the integration of new types of devices into the control system, such as mobile devices, as well as introducing newer technologies into the environment. In order to achieve this, this work began with the requirement analysis and definition of a product line architecture for applications of the upgraded control system environment. The product line architecture focuses on reliability, maintainability, and ease of compliance with medical software certification directives. This was followed by the design and development of several software services aimed at allowing the communication of the environments applications and other components of the control system, such as remote file access, relational data access, and OPC-UA. In addition, several libraries and tools have been developed to support the development of future control system applications, following the defined product line architecture. Lastly, a pilot application was created using the tools developed during this work, as well as the preliminary results of a cross-environment integration project. The approach followed in this work is later evaluated by comparing the developed tools to their legacy counterparts, as well as estimating the impact of future applications following the defined product line architecture

    The deep space network

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    Summaries are given of Deep Space Network progress in flight project support, tracking and data acquisition research and technology, network engineering, hardware and software implementation, and operations

    Statically-analyzed stream monitoring for cyber-physical Systems

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    Cyber-physical systems are digital systems interacting with the physical world. Even though this induces an inherent complexity, they are responsible for safety-critical tasks like governing nuclear power plants or controlling autonomous vehicles. To preserve trust into the safety of such systems, this thesis presents a runtime verification approach designed to generate trustworthy monitors from a formal specification. These monitors are responsible for observing the cyber-physical system during runtime and ensuring its safety. As underlying language, I present the asynchronous real-time specification language RTLola. It contains primitives for arithmetic properties and grants precise control over the timing of the monitor. With this, it enables specifiers to express properties relevant to cyber-physical systems. The thesis further presents a static analysis that identifies inconsistencies in the specification and provides insights into the dynamic behavior of the monitor. As a result, the resource consumption of the monitor becomes predictable. The generation of the monitor produces either a hardware description synthesizable onto programmable hardware, or Rust code with verification annotation. These annotations allow for proving the correctness of the monitor with respect to the semantics of RTLola. Last, I present the construction of a conservative hybrid model of the underlying system using information extracted from the specification. This model enables further verification steps.Cyber-physische Systeme sind digitale Systeme, die mit der physischen Welt interagieren. Obwohl das zu einer inhärenten Komplexität führt, sind sie verantwortlich für sicherheitskritische Aufgaben wie der Steuerung von Kernkraftwerken oder autonomen Fahrzeugen. Umdas Vertrauen in deren Sicherheit zu wahren, präsentiert diese Doktorarbeit einen Ansatz zur Laufzeitverifikation, konzipiert, um vertrauenswürdige Monitore aus einer formalen Spezifikation zu generieren. Diese Monitore sind dafür verantwortlich, das cyber-physische System zur Laufzeit zu überwachen und dessen Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Als zugrundeliegende Sprache präsentiere ich die asynchrone Echtzeit-Spezifikationssprache RTLola. Sie enthält Primitiven für arithmetische Eigenschaften und gewährt präzise Kontrolle über das Timing des Monitors. Damit wird es Spezifizierenden ermöglicht Eigenschaften auszudrücken, die für Cyber-physische Systeme relevant sind. Weiterhin präsentiert diese Doktorarbeit eine statische Analyse, die Unstimmigkeiten in der Spezifikation identifiziert und Einblicke in das dynamische Verhalten des Monitors liefert. Aufgrund dessen wird der Ressourcenverbrauch des Monitors vorhersehbar. Die Generierung des Monitors erzeugt entweder eine Hardwarebeschreibung, die auf programmierbarer Hardware synthetisiert werden kann, oder Rust Code mit Verifikationsannotationen. Diese Annotationen erlauben es, die Korrektheit des Monitors bezogen auf die Semantik von RTLola zu beweisen. Abschließend präsentiere ich die Konstruktion von einem konservativen hybriden Modell des zugrundeliegenden Systems anhand von Informationen, die aus der Spezifikation gewonnen wurden. Dieses Modell ermöglicht weitere Verifikationsschritte

    NASA Tech Briefs, March 2004

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    Topics covered include: 1) Advanced Signal Conditioners for Data-Acquisition Systems; 2) Downlink Data Multiplexer; 3) Viewing ISS Data in Real Time via the Internet; 4) Autonomous Environment-Monitoring Networks; 5) Readout of DSN Monitor Data; 6) Parallel-Processing Equalizers for Multi-Gbps Communications; 7) AIN-Based Packaging for SiC High-Temperature Electronics; 8) Software for Optimizing Quality Assurance of Other Software; 9) The TechSat 21 Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment; 10) Software for Analyzing Laminar-to-Turbulent Flow Transitions; 11) Elastomer Filled With Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes; 12) Modifying Ship Air-Wake Vortices for Aircraft Operations; 13) Strain-Gauge Measurement of Weight of Fluid in a Tank; 14) Advanced Docking System With Magnetic Initial Capture; 15) Blade-Pitch Control for Quieting Tilt-Rotor Aircraft; 16) Solar Array Panels With Dust-Removal Capability; 17) Aligning Arrays of Lenses and Single-Mode Optical Fibers; 18) Automatic Control of Arc Process for Making Carbon Nanotubes; 19) Curved-Focal-Plane Arrays Using Deformed-Membrane Photodetectors; 20) Role of Meteorology in Flights of a Solar-Powered Airplane; 21) Model of Mixing Layer With Multicomponent Evaporating Drops; 22) Solution-Assisted Optical Contacting; 23) Improved Discrete Approximation of Laplacian of Gaussian; 24) Utilizing Expert Knowledge in Estimating Future STS Costs; 25) Study of Rapid-Regression Liquefying Hybrid Rocket Fuels; and 26) More About the Phase-Synchronized Enhancement Method

    Anpassen verteilter eingebetteter Anwendungen im laufenden Betrieb

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    The availability of third-party apps is among the key success factors for software ecosystems: The users benefit from more features and innovation speed, while third-party solution vendors can leverage the platform to create successful offerings. However, this requires a certain decoupling of engineering activities of the different parties not achieved for distributed control systems, yet. While late and dynamic integration of third-party components would be required, resulting control systems must provide high reliability regarding real-time requirements, which leads to integration complexity. Closing this gap would particularly contribute to the vision of software-defined manufacturing, where an ecosystem of modern IT-based control system components could lead to faster innovations due to their higher abstraction and availability of various frameworks. Therefore, this thesis addresses the research question: How we can use modern IT technologies and enable independent evolution and easy third-party integration of software components in distributed control systems, where deterministic end-to-end reactivity is required, and especially, how can we apply distributed changes to such systems consistently and reactively during operation? This thesis describes the challenges and related approaches in detail and points out that existing approaches do not fully address our research question. To tackle this gap, a formal specification of a runtime platform concept is presented in conjunction with a model-based engineering approach. The engineering approach decouples the engineering steps of component definition, integration, and deployment. The runtime platform supports this approach by isolating the components, while still offering predictable end-to-end real-time behavior. Independent evolution of software components is supported through a concept for synchronous reconfiguration during full operation, i.e., dynamic orchestration of components. Time-critical state transfer is supported, too, and can lead to bounded quality degradation, at most. The reconfiguration planning is supported by analysis concepts, including simulation of a formally specified system and reconfiguration, and analyzing potential quality degradation with the evolving dataflow graph (EDFG) method. A platform-specific realization of the concepts, the real-time container architecture, is described as a reference implementation. The model and the prototype are evaluated regarding their feasibility and applicability of the concepts by two case studies. The first case study is a minimalistic distributed control system used in different setups with different component variants and reconfiguration plans to compare the model and the prototype and to gather runtime statistics. The second case study is a smart factory showcase system with more challenging application components and interface technologies. The conclusion is that the concepts are feasible and applicable, even though the concepts and the prototype still need to be worked on in future -- for example, to reach shorter cycle times.Eine große Auswahl von Drittanbieter-Lösungen ist einer der Schlüsselfaktoren für Software Ecosystems: Nutzer profitieren vom breiten Angebot und schnellen Innovationen, während Drittanbieter über die Plattform erfolgreiche Lösungen anbieten können. Das jedoch setzt eine gewisse Entkopplung von Entwicklungsschritten der Beteiligten voraus, welche für verteilte Steuerungssysteme noch nicht erreicht wurde. Während Drittanbieter-Komponenten möglichst spät -- sogar Laufzeit -- integriert werden müssten, müssen Steuerungssysteme jedoch eine hohe Zuverlässigkeit gegenüber Echtzeitanforderungen aufweisen, was zu Integrationskomplexität führt. Dies zu lösen würde insbesondere zur Vision von Software-definierter Produktion beitragen, da ein Ecosystem für moderne IT-basierte Steuerungskomponenten wegen deren höherem Abstraktionsgrad und der Vielzahl verfügbarer Frameworks zu schnellerer Innovation führen würde. Daher behandelt diese Dissertation folgende Forschungsfrage: Wie können wir moderne IT-Technologien verwenden und unabhängige Entwicklung und einfache Integration von Software-Komponenten in verteilten Steuerungssystemen ermöglichen, wo Ende-zu-Ende-Echtzeitverhalten gefordert ist, und wie können wir insbesondere verteilte Änderungen an solchen Systemen konsistent und im Vollbetrieb vornehmen? Diese Dissertation beschreibt Herausforderungen und verwandte Ansätze im Detail und zeigt auf, dass existierende Ansätze diese Frage nicht vollständig behandeln. Um diese Lücke zu schließen, beschreiben wir eine formale Spezifikation einer Laufzeit-Plattform und einen zugehörigen Modell-basierten Engineering-Ansatz. Dieser Ansatz entkoppelt die Design-Schritte der Entwicklung, Integration und des Deployments von Komponenten. Die Laufzeit-Plattform unterstützt den Ansatz durch Isolation von Komponenten und zugleich Zeit-deterministischem Ende-zu-Ende-Verhalten. Unabhängige Entwicklung und Integration werden durch Konzepte für synchrone Rekonfiguration im Vollbetrieb unterstützt, also durch dynamische Orchestrierung. Dies beinhaltet auch Zeit-kritische Zustands-Transfers mit höchstens begrenzter Qualitätsminderung, wenn überhaupt. Rekonfigurationsplanung wird durch Analysekonzepte unterstützt, einschließlich der Simulation formal spezifizierter Systeme und Rekonfigurationen und der Analyse der etwaigen Qualitätsminderung mit dem Evolving Dataflow Graph (EDFG). Die Real-Time Container Architecture wird als Referenzimplementierung und Evaluationsplattform beschrieben. Zwei Fallstudien untersuchen Machbarkeit und Nützlichkeit der Konzepte. Die erste verwendet verschiedene Varianten und Rekonfigurationen eines minimalistischen verteilten Steuerungssystems, um Modell und Prototyp zu vergleichen sowie Laufzeitstatistiken zu erheben. Die zweite Fallstudie ist ein Smart-Factory-Demonstrator, welcher herausforderndere Applikationskomponenten und Schnittstellentechnologien verwendet. Die Konzepte sind den Studien nach machbar und nützlich, auch wenn sowohl die Konzepte als auch der Prototyp noch weitere Arbeit benötigen -- zum Beispiel, um kürzere Zyklen zu erreichen

    Proceedings of the NSSDC Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies for Space and Earth Science Applications

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    The proceedings of the National Space Science Data Center Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies for Space and Earth Science Applications held July 23 through 25, 1991 at the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center are presented. The program includes a keynote address, invited technical papers, and selected technical presentations to provide a broad forum for the discussion of a number of important issues in the field of mass storage systems. Topics include magnetic disk and tape technologies, optical disk and tape, software storage and file management systems, and experiences with the use of a large, distributed storage system. The technical presentations describe integrated mass storage systems that are expected to be available commercially. Also included is a series of presentations from Federal Government organizations and research institutions covering their mass storage requirements for the 1990's