22 research outputs found

    Weekly Kentucky New Era, July 1, 1892

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    A history of Bahamian education

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    The Bahamas were annexed by the Crown in 1629 but, for a century, there was no progressive settlement, Early in the eighteenth century the island s were abandoned to the nefarious activities of pirates. Government reverted t o the Crown in 1718 and ordered development began. Education of the children of the colonists was begun in 1734 by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel but State aid was given as early as 1746. Little progress was made for a century but the advent of loyalists from the American Colonies in 1784 had a beneficial influence. With the need f o r educating the liberated slaves a Board of Education was appointed in 1836. There ensued a denominational struggle for control which was resolved by removing the schools from the control of all the churches. At the same time an Inspector was appointed but progress was hindered by lack of teachers and money and by the geographical nature of the colony. Blockade-running during the American Civil war made more money available and a series of inspectors and teachers was appointed from England. Slow but steady progress was effected, the " British Schools" being adopted as a model, Compulsory attendance became universal in 1886 but the number of schools remained totally in sufficient until 1920. Income from boot-legging during American prohibition resulted in rapid expansion both in the number of primary schools and in the provision of secondary education for negroes. The last twenty years have witnessed improvement in teachers' qualifications and the provision of scholarships for higher education. The out islands are far behind Nassau in educational facilities which are uncoordinated in the colony as a whole. Introductory chapters furnish a background of general history and of conditions in the colony at present. Final chapter applies the lessons of history to educational policy for the future

    Message of the President of the United States and accompanying documents, to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the second session of the Fortieth Congress : Annual report of Secretary of War, 1867

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    Annual Message to Congress with Documents; Pres. Johnson. 3 Dec. HED 1, 40-2, vl-4, 4542p. [ 1322-1327] On the Indian Peace Commission sent to treat with Plains Indians in order to avert a possible war which would delay construction of the strategic Pacific railroad; annual report of the Sec. of War (Serials 1324-1325); annual report of the Sec. of Interior (Serial1326); annual report of the Gen . Land Office (Serial 1326); annual report of the CIA (Serial 1326), including the Peace Commission, Indian hostilities, trust funds and lands, census, and reports of Supts., agents, schools, and farms; etc

    Democracia Digital : espacio público, Procomún y Populismo

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    La presente tesis tiene como objetivo analizar las claves del espacio público de deliberación política en su relación con nuevos movimientos políticos como el populismo. Las nuevas formas de comunicación digitales de las últimas décadas conforman cambios sustanciales en el intercambio de información y la transmisión de los contenidos de carácter político, que se hacen virales en virtud de su capacidad de polarización. El trabajo está dividido en dos partes: La primera se dedica a la descripción y crítica de las formas contemporáneas imperantes en el ámbito digital y su extensión a todos los ámbitos de la vida humana. Tanto la distribución de contenidos en las redes sociales como la extensión de la hiperconexión tanto de los individuos como de los objetos que nos rodean están determinados por la gestión algorítmica del presente. Las nuevas formas de inteligencia artificial configuran la identidad y la vida tanto pública como privada de forma binaria, única forma en la que los algoritmos son capaces de tratar la información. Esto genera nuevas formas de polarización y enfrentamiento político. Incapaz de dar cuenta de lo humano, el algoritmo trabaja desde una aparente objetividad clasificando a las personas en categorías binarias como abierto/cerrado, dentro/fuera, inocente/culpable, etc..

    Dictionaries in the European Enlightenment: a testimony to the civilization of its time and the foundations of modern Europe

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    The text presents a plan for an international and multidisciplinary research project that is under preparation now and which is looking for collaborators from other universities or research centers. It aims to investigate the role that played monolingual, bilingual, and multilingual dictionaries published in the 18th century in the constitution of modern Europe as we know it now. It is well known that in the 18th century there appeared many dictionaries in various European countries. These dictionaries were mainly monolingual but there appeared many bilingual or plurilingual ones as well. They had a wide range of functions: linguistic (to write and understand texts), but also symbolic, representing the development and the level of civilization and prestige that a given language of culture had in times previous to 19th-century European linguistic nationalisms. Another aspect is text-oriented and text-based: the 18th-century dictionaries used to be built on relatively large sources of contemporary texts and they reflected the level of knowledge in various subjects. Therefore, they can be considered testimonies of contemporary linguistic thinking and the applied linguistics, but at the same time, they resume the development of science, legal thought, political science, etc., illustrating how knowledge spread in the Enlightenment at the international level. The project seeks to unite researchers dedicated to the linguistic historiography of philologies of European languages, historians of natural sciences, law, and social and political history, among other disciplines. It aims to offer a map of the intellectual and political globalization that began to take place in the 18th century as it is reflected in its dictionaries. The project currently counts with a small group of researchers from linguistic historiography of Romance languages. Researchers of the historiography of other European philologies are welcome and needed, and so are historians of natural and social sciences specialized in the 18th century. The main aim of the project is to stop working in parallel, horizontal and vertical, tunnels and to form a network, necessary for this type of transdisciplinary research

    Augmented Knowledge and Accesibility

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    Descargar libro electrónico en formato ePub: https://www.ucm.es/gi5068/libros-y-articulos-books-and-papersLa propuesta del II Seminario ArTecnologia, basado en el proyecto de investigación I+D+i “Conocimiento aumentado y accesibilidad: la representación museográfica de contenidos culturales complejos”, ha radicado en el lanzamiento de algunas reflexiones en torno de esta dinámica, a partir de cuestiones como: • Cómo los museos e instituciones de la memoria se apropian de las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación para promover sus espacios y fondos. • Cómo los artistas (re)inventan sus obras a partir de las tecnologías. • Cómo los públicos se transformam a partir del acceso a obras de artes mediadas tecnológicamente. • Cómo las artes dialogan con el entretenimiento en medio de una cultura fuertemente mediática. • Cómo los espacios urbanos se convierten a través de la tecnología en ámbitos colaborativos de múltiples iniciativas creativas. • Cómo las tecnologías pueden facilitar el acceso al conocimiento por encima de las limitaciones de cualquier tipo. • Qué modelo(s) de experiencia(s) estéticas promueven las obras de arte mediadas tecnológicamente. Estas cuestiones dieron pie a las numerosas comunicaciones presentadas en el Seminario, que aquí publicamos. Así mismo, la sesión celebrada en Medialab-Prado supuso una continuación en esta perspectiva, con intervenciones de Marcos García (Presentación de Medialab-Prado, sus líneas de trabajo, su modelo de funcionamiento y su aproximación a la cultura digital); Laura Fernández (presentación de algunos proyectos desarrollados en los talleres de Medialab-Prado) y Alma Orozco (Presentación del proyecto Funcionamientos. Diseños abiertos desde la diversidad funcional, que aborda la cuestión de la accesibilidad y el diseño de entornos desde la perspectiva de la diversidad funcional y los diseños y estándares libres y abiertos, que permiten su reproducción y adaptación), suscitando un intenso debate entre los asistentes.The II ArTechnology Seminar’s proposal, based on the R+D+I project “Augmented knowledge and accessibility: museographic representation of complex cultural contents”, has raised some reflections about this dynamic, starting from the following questions: How museums and memory institutions take Information and Communications Technology over to promote spaces and collections. How artists (re)shape their works using technology. How the Arts dialogue with entertainment in between a highly media culture. How urban spaces become creative collaborative spaces using technology. How technology can make access to knowledge easier. Which model(s) of aesthetic experience(s) ITC encourage technology mediated artworks. These questions laid the foundations of many of the proceedings presented at the Seminar, here published. Similarly, the session celebrated at Medialab-Prado continued this perspective, with the intervention of Marcos García (presenting Medialab-Prado, the lines of work, their working model and their approach to digital ulture), Laura Fernández (presenting other projects developed at Medialab-Prado’s workshops) and Alma Orozco (presenting the project “Functionnings: open design from functional diversity”, about accessibility and the design of environment from the perspective of functional diversity and the open and free design ad standards, which allow their reproduction and adaptation), raising an intense debate among the participants.Depto. de Teorías y Análisis de la ComunicaciónFac. de Ciencias de la InformaciónTRUEMinisterio de Economía y Competitividadpu

    A hand-book for travellers in Spain, and readers at home : describing the country and cities, the natives and their manners... with notices on Spanish History

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Contiene Part 1. Andalucía, Ronda and Granada, Murcia, Valencia, Catalonia and Estremadura(Part 2). Leon, Gallicia, The Asturias, The Castilles (Old and New), The Basque Provinces, Arragon, The Pyrenees and Navarr