617,356 research outputs found

    Illinois Wesleyan to Show Iron Man 2

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    An analysis of imperative sentences Of iron man 3 movie and their subtitling

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    The objectives of this study are to describe the types of imperative sentence in subtitling, and to describe the equivalence and non equivalence of imperative sentence with the target language in Iron Man 3 movie. The writer employs descriptive qualitative method. By this method, the writer uses the subtitling of Iron Man 3 movie as the source data, and the data are imperative sentence. The writer uses observation in collecting the data. The collected data are analyzed by comparison method. The results of this research paper show that first, the writer finds that there are 2 types of imperative sentence, namely; (1) positive imperative sentence consisting 165 data or 84. 62 %, (2) negative imperative sentence consisting 30 data or 15.38 %. The second, the writer finds that from 195 data, there are 175 data or 89.74 % belongs to equivalent subtitling and 20 data or 10.26 % belongs to non equivalent subtitling. So, the translation of subtitling Iron Man 3 is good

    Interleukin -2 ( Il-2 ) and Gamma Interferon ( Ifn ? ) of Lymphocyte Culture Supernatant in Iron Deficiency Anemia Patients with Infection

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    Iron is an essential nutrient for every living cells because of it role as molecule fortransport of oxygen, as well as DNA synthesis through synthesis of ribonucleotidereductase. Iron deficiency anemia patients, especially pregnant women and children aremore susceptible to infection because of deterioration of their immune response. This wassupported by findings of decreased in phagocytic activities of white blood cells and Tcelllymphocyte proliferation impairment. Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) patients alsoaffect working capacities hence diminishing working outcomes. Although the underlyingmechanism of immune defect in iron deficiency anemia is not clearly understood,multifactor events considered play their contributing roles such as abnormality ofribonucleotide reductase enzym, impairment of T-cell proliferation and activities, alteredcytokine production of IL-2 and IFN?.The study was done to asses the relationship of IL-2 and gamma IFN withinfection in IDA patients on lymphocyte culture supernatant of IDA patients. Study wasconducted on cross-sectional analytic design. Sixty-four iron deficiency anemia patientstreated in Sanglah General Teaching Hospital were recruited, and 31 (48.4%) out of 64IDA patients were man and 33 (51.6%) women, have been selected for the study. Thisstudy found 17 (26.7%) IDA patients with infection, aged 38 ± 14.48 years and 47(73.3%) IDA patients without infection, with age average of 40.5 ± 14.4 years. Allvariables of data characteristics examined did not indicate any statistical significantdifference between group of IDA patients with infection and those without infection. Theaverage level of hemoglobin between the two groups did not differ statistically. Similarresult was obtained if samples were differentiated into severe (Hb< 7g/dl) and mildanemia. The study also revealed that there were no differences of cytokine level observedbetween older and younger age (upper and below 44.5 years) in IDA patients withinfection and without infection. Furthermore, no differences of cytokine level were foundbased on gender between IDA male 10.9 (8.60 – 12,65) (pg/l) patients and IDA femalepatients 10.6 (7.50 – 13.43) (pg/l) with Z -0.490, p =0.624. Nevertheless, significantdifferences were noted between supernatant of IL-2 and IFN? in IDA patients withinfection when compared to IDA patients without infection (Z= - 2.509, p= 0.012 forsupernatant IL-2; and Z= -2.569, p= 0.010 for supernatant IFN?).The study conclusion is that level of IL-2 and IFN? from lymphocyte culturesupernatant of patient suffered from IDA with infection is significantly lower whencompared to IDA patient without infection. It therefore summarized that lower level ofIL-2 and gamma IFN in patients suffered from iron deficiency impaired their immune response to certain infections therefore this findings support the theory that IDA patientsmore susceptible to get infected


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    Remaja putri berisiko terkena anemia karena sedang dalam masa pertumbuhan dan mengalami haid setiap bulan. Suplementasi tablet tambah darah merupakan salah satu upaya jangka pendek pencegahan anemia gizi.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian tablet tambah darah terhadap perubahan kadar Hemoglobin pada siswi SMU di Brebes. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis Quasy Experimental dengan desain penelitian Pre Test and Post Test Control Group Design. Sampel adalah siswi kelas 1 dan kelas 2 SMU N 1 Kecamatan Brebes dan MAN 1 Brebes yang sedang tidak haid. Penentuan sampel dengan systematic random sampling. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah pemberian tablet tambah darah selama 12 minggu yang diminum 1 minggu sekali dan setiap hari selama haid. Pada kelompok perlakuan ditambah Vitamin C dan Vitamin B6, sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol hanya diberi Vitamin C dan Vitamin B6 saja. Pemeriksaan kadar Hb awal dan kadar Hb akhir menggunakan alat Hemocue dengan metode Cyanmethemoglobin. Pemantauan konsumsi makanan menggunakan metode recall 3 kali 24 jam. Pengolahan data konsumsi makanan menggunakan Food Processor dan pengolahan statistik menggunakan Program SPSS 11 dengan Uji T-Test Independent dan GLM Univariate. Hasil pemeriksaan kadar Hb awal pada kelompok perlakuan 25% siswi anemia dan pada kelompok kontrol 34% anemia. Hasil uji T-Test Independent yaitu tidak ada perbedaan perubahan kadar Hb antara kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol dengan nilai p 0.938. Hasil uji GLM menunjukkan tidak ada pengaruh pemberian tablet tambah darah terhadap perubahan kadar Hemoglobin pada siswi SMU di Kabupaten Brebes dengan nilai p 0,735. Konsumsi protein dan zat besi sebagai kovariat juga tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap perubahan kadar Hb dengan nilai p 0,775 untuk protein dan zat besi nilai p 0,276. Kurang efektifnya suplementasi TTD ini mungkin karena siswi kurang patuh mengkonsumsi TTD secara teratur, mengingat tingkat kepatuhan sebesar 8%. Pemantauan minum TTD pada remaja putri sebaiknya melibatkan orangtua. Untuk peneliti lain supaya keadaan kecacingan dan penyakit infeksi dikendalikan. Kata Kunci: TTD, hemoglobin, siswi SMU THE EFFECT OF IRON TABLET SUPPLEMENTATION TO THE CHANGE OF HEMOGLOBIN LEVELS (STUDY ON FEMALE STUDENTS OF SMU N 1 BREBES SUB DISTRICT AND MAN 1 BREBES Teenage girls have a risk to suffer from anemia because they are in growing phase and having menstruation every month. Supplementation of iron tablet is one of short-term efforts to prevent anemia. The purpose of this research is to know the effects of iron tablet supplementation to the change of hemoglobin levels in female students of SMU in Brebes regency. This research is Quasy Experimental research with Pre Test and Post Test Control Group Design. The samples are female students on 1stnd grade of SMU N 1 Brebes Sub District and MAN 1 Brebes that was not having menstruation. Sample formulated by systematic random sampling. The treatment is iron tablet supplementation during 12 weeks that was take once a week and everyday during menstruation. The treatment group also received Vitamin C and Vitamin B6, while in control group, they only received Vitamin C and Vitamin B6. The measurement of Hemoglobin levels are taken before and after supplementation use Hemocue with Cyanmethemoglobin methods. Monitoring of food consumption use 24 hours recall methods during 3 times. The data of food consumption is processed by Food Processor Program and data analysis was carried out by using Independent Samples T-Test and GLM Univariate design of SPSS 11. The result of hemoglobin levels before treatment in treatment group there were 25% female students suffer from anemia and in control group there were 34% female students suffer from anemia. The result of Independent Sample T-Test there is no difference on the change of Hemoglobin levels between treatment group and control group with p value 0,938. GLM Univariate result that is no effects of iron tablet supplementation to the change of hemoglobin levels on female students of SMU in Brebes regency with p value 0,735. There is no effect of protein consumption and zinc consumption as covariate to the change of hemoglobin levels with p value 0,775 for protein and p value 0,276 for zinc. Ineffetiveness of iron tablet supplementation possibly female students do not obey to consume iron tablet regularly; because the obedient level is only 8%. Monitoring of iron tablet consumption on teenage girls must involve their parents. The other researcher are recommended to controlling the intestinal worms and infection disease. Keyword: iron supplementation, hemoglobin, female students


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    ABSTRACT Arief Ramadhani. 2016. A Translation Analysis of Linguistic Politeness Markers in Iron Man. Thesis: English Department. Faculty of Cultural Sciences. Sebelas Maret University. This research focuses on the analysis of the translation techniques and translation qualities of linguistic politeness marker found in Iron Man films. The purposes of the research are (1) to find out the translation techniques used by the translator and (2) to measure the quality of linguistic politeness marker’s translation in terms of accuracy and acceptability. The research applies a Descriptive-qualitative method. This research uses a Purposive sampling technique to collect the data. The data of the research are in the form of words and phrases. The research is done by conducting a content analysis on the source of data and distributing the questionnaires. In the content analysis of Iron Man films, 204 data are collected. The distributed questionnaires consist of closed and open-ended questions. Those are used to collect the data from rater related to translation quality. The data analysis explains: (1) the translator used 6 different translation techniques. They are Established equivalent, Reduction, Borrowing, Amplification, Variation, and Discursive creation; (2) the result of Accuracy Assessment explains, 155 data are accurate, 23 data are less-accurate, and 26 data are inaccurate. Meanwhile, the Acceptable assessment explains, 128 data are acceptable, 51 data are less-acceptable, and 25 data are unacceptable. In conclusion, the translation techniques used by the translator are affecting the translation quality. In translating a foreign politeness marker, the translator should pay attention to Cultural background and language use in the Target Language

    In vitro growth inhibition of bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma brucei and Trypanosoma congolense by iron chelators

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    African trypanosomes exert significant morbidity and mortality in man and livestock. Only a few drugs are available for the treatment of trypanosome infections and therefore, the development of new anti-trypanosomal agents is required. Previously it has been shown that bloodstream-form trypanosomes are sensitive to the iron chelator deferoxamine. In this study the effect of 13 iron chelators on the growth of Trypanosoma brucei, T. congolense and human HL-60 cells was tested in vitro. With the exception of 2 compounds, all chelators exhibited anti-trypanosomal activities, with 50% inhibitory concentration (IC(50)) values ranging between 2.1 – 220 μM. However, the iron chelators also displayed cytotoxicity towards human HL-60 cells and therefore, only less favourable selectivity indices compared to commercially available drugs. Interfering with iron metabolism may be a new strategy in the treatment of trypanosome infections. More specifically, lipophilic iron-chelating agents may serve as lead compounds for novel anti-trypanosomal drug development

    An Analysis of Directives Speech Acts in Film Script of Iron Man 2 (2010)

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    The objectives of this study are to find directives speech acts and to explain how directives speech acts which performed in the film Iron Man 2. This research belongs to qualitative research. This research uses purposive sampling techniques in order to analyz directives speech acts. This research instruments which used are Laptop, internet, and film Iron Man 2.  In analysing data, the researcher conducted the analysis by describing the context of data, identifying each utterance’s directive, and classifying directives category. There are 152 directives speech acts found in the film Iron Man 2. In details, 152 directive speech acts comprises 6 advising, 20 commanding, 26 ordering, 76 questioning and 24 requesting. It means that directives speech acts can unfold the characterization of characters in film

    P4_6 Wind swept

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    This paper discusses the plausibility of the thruster in the Iron Man suit being used as weapons to push a human back. It was determined that the shock-wave produced by the change in temperature due to the thrusters would produce a force of 183183 kN on a person it was shot at, this would cause the person to accelerate at 26142614 ms−2^{-2} killing the person

    Effect of Iron Binding on the Ability of Crocidolite to Cause DNA Single-Strand Breaks

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    Fibrous carcinogens, such as crocidolite asbestos, are known to catalyze many of the same reactions as iron, namely 0_2 consumption, generation of reduced oxygen species, and damage to DNA, such as strand breaks, and modifications of bases. Upon inhalation, fibers are also known to become coated with an iron-rich material. The mechanism by which this iron is bound to fibers in the lung is not known, and the effect of this additional iron on the reactivity of the fibers is also not well understood. The studies described here were undertaken to elucidate the abilities of crocidolite asbestos, in its native, soaked, and iron depleted forms, as well as three varieties of silicon carbide whiskers, to acquire reactive iron on their surfaces. The aim has been to quantitate the amount of iron that can bind in short periods of time, and to measure any changes in biochemical reactivity toward DNA following binding of iron. All forms of the naturally occurring mineral fiber crocidolite, and the man-made mineral fibers (silicon carbide whiskers), were capable of acquiring iron, to varying degrees. Native crocidolite was able to bind up to 57 nmol Fe+ 2/mg crocidolite in one hour, while the iron-depleted form was capable of binding only 5. 5 nmol Fe+ 2/mg crocidolite, and the three varieties of silicon carbide whiskers bound from 2.9 to 29.0 nmol Fe+ 2/mg in the same time period. Following iron binding, the fibers were more capable of forming DNA single-strand breaks. The increase in the ability of the fibers to cause DNA strand breaks was greatest with the silicon carbide whiskers, less with iron depleted crocidolite, and the least with native crocidolite, which is likely because of the inherently high iron content of native crocidolite. Other investigation attempted to determine whether iron could be bound from more complex, physiologically relevant iron-containing solutions where potential iron chelators are abundant. Iron appeared to be acquired even from such complex mixtures as tissue culture media. Following incubation in media, the fibers were more active in catalyzing the formation of DNA strand breaks. An interesting correlation was noted between the abilities of the fibers to cause DNA strand breaks after incubation in tissue culture media and the cytotoxicity of crocidolite to A549 cells grown in the same media
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