1,085 research outputs found

    The Polish Army Ghetto: The Internship of Jewish Soldiers in Jabłonna in 1920

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    At the height of the Polish-Soviet War in August 1920, the Polish army interned thousands of its Jewish soldiers at Jabłonna near Warsaw. Although the internees were released after several weeks, the events gave rise to numerous domestic and foreign policy debates and shaped Polish-Jewish relations in the years to come. ‘Jabłonna’ stands pars pro toto for the problems of the Polish state and Polish society in dealing with a heterogeneous population at the beginning of the interwar period. In recent decades, the events surrounding the internment have been taken up and contextualised sporadically by historians and publicists, but usually without them having made recourse to the available archival sources

    Dlaczego Prze?owienie ma na Ciebie Wp?yw: Walka o Panowanie na Oceanie: Inwazja Meduz 1

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    OCEAN2012 ujawnia, jak prze?owienie zmienia nawyki ?ywieniowe mieszka?ców ca?ej Europy. Jest to kolejna z serii publikacji która ilustruje konkretny przyk?ad, jaki wp?yw na morskie ekosystemy ma nadmierne pozyskiwanie milionów organizmów morskich rocznie.

    "Rytuały rodzinne'. Wobec śmierci w filmie

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    In the article Family rituals in the face of death the author analyzes fi lms from the perspective of the experience of a family confronted with death. The author is interestedin what family rituals are still used at this time and what actions have been abandoned.The presented fi lms demonstrate fascination with the topic of death, which is present in every culture with different intensity, by means of various descriptions which are attractivebecause they are fi lled with the richness of symbols. The majority of these films emphasize a shift in the discourse about death in social space towards an individual subject. The author wanted to observe and show the moment when the community experience of death and mourning was given up and the ritual passed into the hands of specialized institutions

    Polityka pamięci w japońsko-chińskich stosunkach dyplomatycznych

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    The conflict concerning historical events between Japan and China is now more visible than ever before – once again the disputes over Senkaku/ Diaoyu islands have awakened the ghosts of the past and undermined Japanese-Chinese bilateral relations. The major problems in the politics of memory between those two Asian countries are the rape of Nanking, the content of Japanese textbooks and officials’ visits in Yasukuni shrine. While the tensions are rising, Japan and China struggle to establish historical facts and present their interpretations to the society

    Mikroprzerzuty w wartowniczym węźle chłonnym u chorych na raka endometrium

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    Background: Detection of micrometastases in sentinel lymph nodes (SLN) extends our knowledge of lymphatic spread in endometrial cancer, although its clinical significance has not yet been confirmed. Objectives: The aim of study was to determine the incidence of SLN micrometastases and to analyze the association between micrometastases and disease relapse. Material and methods: Fifty-four patients with endometrioid endometrial cancer underwent routine surgical therapy and sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB). SLNB was performed using two techniques: cervical injection of 99mTc-labelled albumin or blue dye and fundal injection of blue dye. SLNs were subjected to ultrastaging with immunohistochemistry (AE1/AE3, 150μm). Results: At least one SLN was detected in 51 patients (94.4%) and bilateral SLN detection was achieved in 80.4%. Nodal macrometastases were found in 3 patients (6.3%). SLNB enabled us to detect nodal macrometastases in 2 out of those 3 patients. In the third case, detection of SLN micrometastasis allowed to correctly determine the nodal status, thus avoiding the false negative result of SLNB. In 48 patients with detected 184 SLNs, there were 4 patients (8.3%) with micrometastases and 4 (8.3%) with ITC foci. No significant associations between the presence of risk factors (grade, myometrial invasion, cervical invasion, lymphovascular space invasion) and incidence of micrometastases and/or ITC foci in SLNs were found. Conclusions: Detection of micrometastases may result in lower false-negative rate, thus increasing SLNB safety.Wstęp: Technika identyfikacji węzła wartowniczego (SLNB) pozwala na dokładną ocenę zaawansowania choroby w obrębie układu limfatycznego, jednak kliniczna przydatność tej metody nie została jeszcze jednoznacznie określona. Cel pracy: Celem pracy jest określenie częstości mikroprzerzutów w wartowniczych węzłach chłonnych (SLN) oraz analiza wczesnych wznów u pacjentek z rakiem endometrium. Materiał i metoda: Analizie poddano 54 pacjentki z endometroidalnym rakiem błony śluzowej trzonu macicy, u których wykonano usunięcie macicy z przydatkami, (miedniczą i przyaortalną limfadenektomię u pacjentek wysokiego ryzyka) oraz SLNB z wykorzystaniem dwóch metod detekcji: doszyjkowego podania albuminy znakowanej 99mTc lub błękitu metylenowego oraz podsurowicówkowego podania błękitu metylenowego w obrębie dna macicy. Węzły wartownicze poddano procedurze ultrastaging z wykorzystaniem immunohistochemii (AE1/AE3, odstępy 150 μm). Wyniki: Przynajmniej jeden SLN wykryto w 94,4%, obustronna detekcja SLN wyniosła 80,4%. U 3 pacjentek wykryto makroprzerzuty w węzłach chłonnych (6,3%): w dwóch przypadkach SLNB umożliwiła prawidłowe wykrycie makroprzerzutów; u trzeciej pacjentki po wykonaniu ultrastaging wykryto mikroprzerzuty w SLN (co pozwoliło na właściwą ocenę zaawansowania choroby w układzie limfatycznym i uniknięcie fałszywie negatywnego wyniku SLNB). U 48 pacjentek, u których wykryto SLN w usuniętych 184 SLN stwierdzono 4 mikroprzerzuty (8,3%) oraz 4 ogniska izolowanych komórek nowotworowych (ITC) (8,3%). Nie stwierdzono korelacji pomiędzy czynnikami ryzyka (inwazja podścieliska szyjki, mięśniówki, grade, zajęcie przestrzeni limfatyczno-naczyniowej) a obecnością mikroprzerzutów lub ITC. Wnioski: Detekcja mikroprzerzutów pozwala zmniejszyć częstość występowania przypadków fałszywie ujemnych, a tym samym zwiększyć bezpieczeństwo SLNB

    Wielokulturowe estetyki w dyskursie publicznym w Polsce. Próba postkolonialnej interpretacji

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    The aim of my paper is to present the concept of postcolonial aesthetics, as well as to analyse the phenomena of multicultural aesthetics in public discourse in Poland. In my work the sociological perspective is accompanied with pedagogical one. I point out that aesthetics may be considered as space for identity formation. While analysing multicultural aesthetics in Polish public discourse, I focus on several phenomena. First, I describe invisibility of multicultural aesthetics in art discourse, as well as in educational discourse, and analyse the representations of multicultural aesthetics. I reconstruct the discourse of superiority of The Global North civilisation, and a parallel discourse of primitivism of the Global South. Next, I describe the proces ses of commercialisation and folklorization of multicultural aesthetics occurring in public sphere, especially in mass culture. Finally I reconstruct types of identities formed in the analysed material. The papers concludes with reference to Edward Said's demand for a constant critical reading o f culture


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    In the times of quick and widespread changes, innovations and new ways of city management, new approaches to planning of strategic development of urban entities are expected. Therefore there is a continuing search for possibilities of acquiring new information about the city market and ways to shape it, residents’ participation and involvement, and also creating city openness. Urban centres are not closed entities but they have strong relations with the local, domestic and global markets. There is a search for new directions and priorities in strategic planning of social and economic development, while the established goals follow consultations, workshops and meetings of various groups of urban stakeholders. The consequences of long-term implementation of a city’s image as open is, on the one hand, its recognisability, yet – on the other one – the experience of positive and negative effects of the implementation. The purpose of the study is to identify selected contemporary conditions of strategic planning of a city’s social and economic development, emphasising – in particular – the bases for creating a city’s openness, including the related opportunities and hazards. Another intention is to highlight innovative ways of collecting market information about needs and aspirations of city users, as well as to form the residents’ attitude towards their involvement in the development of their living space. The applied research methods include literature studies, benchmarking and reasoning.dobie szybkich i szerokich zmian, innowacji i nowych sposobów zarządzania miastem oczekiwane są nowe podejścia do planowania strategicznego rozwoju tych jednostek. Wobec czego po- szukuje się możliwości pozyskania nowych informacji o rynku miasta i wpływania na niego; partycypacji i zaangażowania mieszkańców oraz kreowania otwartości miasta. Ośrodki miejskie nie są zamkniętymi organami, mają one silne relacje z rynkiem lokalnym, krajowym i globalnym. W planowaniu strategicznym rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego poszukują nowych kierunków i priorytetów, a wskazane cele są następ- stwem konsultacji, warsztatów i spotkań wielu grup użytkowników miasta. Konsekwencją długookresowego wdrażania wizerunku miasta jako otwartego jest z jednej strony jego rozpoznawalność, z drugiej strony miasto odczuwa pozytywne i negatywne konsekwencje tego działania. Celem badania jest wskazanie wybra- nych współczesnych uwarunkowań planowania strategicznego rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego miasta, szczególnie podkreślając podstawy kreowania jego otwartości, w tym szanse i zagrożenia płynące z takiego działania. Dodatkowym zamierzeniem jest wskazanie innowacyjnych sposobów zbierania informacji z rynku o potrzebach i dążeniach użytkowników miasta; a także kreowanie postawy zaangażowania mieszkańców w rozwój przestrzeni, w której funkcjonują. Zastosowane metody badawcze to: studia literatury, benchmar- king, wnioskowanie

    Tolerancja jako fundament europejskiej tożsamości

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    Muslim culture in Europe (mainly in the European Union) and the issue of tolerance, which plays a major role in the relationship between different cultures. The main point of this article is to isolate and describe the types of tolerance (and their incentive substrate). What is more an indication of their use in solving problems arising in multicultural societies, as well as outline the substance of the European cultural identity (its advantages and disadvantages, the ratio of “their” and “foreign” to her - consequences resulting from this). An important aspect of this paper is the influx of immigrants from Africa and Near East countries - related problems, conflicts, threats and the perspective of coexistence. The whole discussion is conducted in relation to the position on the “Other” occupied by modern liberal democracy

    Sentinel lymph node detection with the use of SPECT-CT in endometrial cancer – analysis of two cases

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    On the basis of two cases we discuss the important issues regarding the sentinel lymph node detection biopsy (SLNB) in endometrial cancer with combined cervical administration of the radiocolloid and the subserosal blue dye injection. The first patient (endometrioid adenocarcinoma G2, invasion >50% myometrium) had 4 SLNs detected. Three were both hot and blue (detected on SPECT-CT). The fourth, paraaortic SLN was blue only. None of the lymph nodes contained metatstases. The second patient (endometrioid adenocarcinoma G1, invasion >50% myometrium) had 4 SLNs detected. Three were blue (but two of them had also very low radioactivity). The fourth SLN was hot only. Blue only node contained macrometastasis. In the past patients underwent cervical amputation. Diverse distribution of each tracer confirms the advantages of the combined tracers administration in SLNB. The radiotracer is the crucial component - uptake was present in 6 of 8 SLNs. Although the blue dye is more a complimentary method, its suberosal injection significantly increases the safety of the SLNB procedure. In the first case we have detected blue only SLN in paraaortic region which otherwise would be missed using the cervical approach only. More importantly, in the second case the tracer uptake was very limited due to the previous surgery and the blue dye administration allowed correct SLNs detection (including the metastatic node). Presented clinical cases confirms that the combined cervical and subserosal tracers administration together with preoperative SPECT-CT constitute an optimal SLN detection method and correctly provides information about the regional lymph node status