66 research outputs found

    Theoretical evaluation of XML retrieval

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    This thesis develops a theoretical framework to evaluate XML retrieval. XML retrieval deals with retrieving those document parts that specifically answer a query. It is concerned with using the document structure to improve the retrieval of information from documents by only delivering those parts of a document an information need is about. We define a theoretical evaluation methodology based on the idea of `aboutness' and apply it to XML retrieval models. Situation Theory is used to express the aboutness proprieties of XML retrieval models. We develop a dedicated methodology for the evaluation of XML retrieval and apply this methodology to five XML retrieval models and other XML retrieval topics such as evaluation methodologies, filters and experimental results

    Theoretical evaluation of XML retrieval

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    Relevance is the extent to which some information is pertinent, connected, or applicable to the matter at hand. It represents a key concept in the fields of documentation, information science, and information retrieval. In information retrieval, the notion of relevance is used in three main contexts. Firstly, an algorithmic relevance score is assigned to a search result (usually a whole document) representing an estimated likelihood of relevance of the search result to a topic of request. This relevance score often determines the order in which search results are presented to the user. Secondly, when the performance of information retrieval systems is tested experimentally, the retrieved documents are assessed for their actual relevance to the topic of request by human assessors (topic experts). A binary relevance scale is typically used to assess the relevance of the search result, where the relevance is restricted to be either zero (when the result is not relevant to the user request) or one (when the result is relevant). Thirdly, in experiments involving users (or in operational settings) a broader notion of relevance is often used, with the aim of expressing the degree to which the retrieved documents are perceived as useful in solving the user's search task. In semi-structured text (XML) retrieval, the search result is typically an XML element, and the relevance score assigned by an XML retrieval system again represents an estimated likelihood of relevance of the search result to the topic of request. However, when the results are subsequently assessed for relevance, the binary relevance scale is not sufficient, primarily due to the hierarchical relationships that exist among the elements in an XML document. Accordingly, in XML retrieval one or more relevance dimensions (each with a multi-graded relevance scale) have been used to assess the relevance of the search result

    Evaluation of effective XML information retrieval

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    XML is being adopted as a common storage format in scientific data repositories, digital libraries, and on the World Wide Web. Accordingly, there is a need for content-oriented XML retrieval systems that can efficiently and effectively store, search and retrieve information from XML document collections. Unlike traditional information retrieval systems where whole documents are usually indexed and retrieved as information units, XML retrieval systems typically index and retrieve document components of varying granularity. To evaluate the effectiveness of such systems, test collections where relevance assessments are provided according to an XML-specific definition of relevance are necessary. Such test collections have been built during four rounds of the INitiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval (INEX). There are many different approaches to XML retrieval; most approaches either extend full-text information retrieval systems to handle XML retrieval, or use database technologies that incorporate existing XML standards to handle both XML presentation and retrieval. We present a hybrid approach to XML retrieval that combines text information retrieval features with XML-specific features found in a native XML database. Results from our experiments on the INEX 2003 and 2004 test collections demonstrate the usefulness of applying our hybrid approach to different XML retrieval tasks. A realistic definition of relevance is necessary for meaningful comparison of alternative XML retrieval approaches. The three relevance definitions used by INEX since 2002 comprise two relevance dimensions, each based on topical relevance. We perform an extensive analysis of the two INEX 2004 and 2005 relevance definitions, and show that assessors and users find them difficult to understand. We propose a new definition of relevance for XML retrieval, and demonstrate that a relevance scale based on this definition is useful for XML retrieval experiments. Finding the appropriate approach to evaluate XML retrieval effectiveness is the subject of ongoing debate within the XML information retrieval research community. We present an overview of the evaluation methodologies implemented in the current INEX metrics, which reveals that the metrics follow different assumptions and measure different XML retrieval behaviours. We propose a new evaluation metric for XML retrieval and conduct an extensive analysis of the retrieval performance of simulated runs to show what is measured. We compare the evaluation behaviour obtained with the new metric to the behaviours obtained with two of the official INEX 2005 metrics, and demonstrate that the new metric can be used to reliably evaluate XML retrieval effectiveness. To analyse the effectiveness of XML retrieval in different application scenarios, we use evaluation measures in our new metric to investigate the behaviour of XML retrieval approaches under the following two scenarios: the ad-hoc retrieval scenario, exploring the activities carried out as part of the INEX 2005 Ad-hoc track; and the multimedia retrieval scenario, exploring the activities carried out as part of the INEX 2005 Multimedia track. For both application scenarios we show that, although different values for retrieval parameters are needed to achieve the optimal performance, the desired textual or multimedia information can be effectively located using a combination of XML retrieval approaches

    The Role of Context in Matching and Evaluation of XML Information Retrieval

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    Sähköisten kokoelmien kasvun, hakujen arkipäiväistymisen ja mobiililaitteiden yleistymisen myötä yksi tiedonhaun menetelmien kehittämisen tavoitteista on saavuttaa alati tarkempia hakutuloksia; pitkistäkin dokumenteista oleellinen sisältö pyritään osoittamaan hakijalle tarkasti. Tiedonhakija pyritään siis vapauttamaan turhasta dokumenttien selaamisesta. Internetissä ja muussa sähköisessä julkaisemisessa dokumenttien osat merkitään usein XML-kielen avulla dokumenttien automaattista käsittelyä varten. XML-merkkaus mahdollistaa dokumenttien sisäisen rakenteen hyödyntämisen. Toisin sanoen tätä merkkausta voidaan hyödyntää kehitettäessä tarkkuusorientoituneita (kohdennettuja) tiedonhakujärjestelmiä ja menetelmiä. Väitöskirja käsittelee tarkkuusorientoitunutta tiedonhakua, jossa eksplisiittistä XML merkkausta voidaan hyödyntää. Väitöskirjassa on kaksi pääteemaa, joista ensimmäisen käsittelee XML -tiedonhakujärjestelmä TRIX:in (Tampere Retrieval and Indexing for XML) kehittämistä, toteuttamista ja arviointia. Toinen teema käsittelee kohdennettujen tiedonhakujärjestelmien empiirisiä arviointimenetelmiä. Ensimmäisen teeman merkittävin kontribuutio on kontekstualisointi, jolloin täsmäytyksessä XML-tiedonhaulle tyypillistä tekstievidenssin vähäisyyttä kompensoidaan hyödyntämällä XML-hierarkian ylempien tai rinnakkaisten osien sisältöä (so. kontekstia). Menetelmän toimivuus osoitetaan empiirisin menetelmin. Tutkimuksen seurauksena kontekstualisointi (contextualization) on vakiintunut alan yleiseen, kansainväliseen sanastoon. Toisessa teemassa todetaan kohdennetun tiedonhaun vaikuttavuuden mittaamiseen käytettävien menetelmien olevan monin tavoin puutteellisia. Puutteiden korjaamiseksi väitöskirjassa kehitetään realistisempia arviointimenetelmiä, jotka ottavat huomioon palautettavien hakuyksiköiden kontekstin, lukemisjärjestyksen ja käyttäjälle selailusta koituvan vaivan. Tutkimuksessa kehitetty mittari (T2I(300)) on valittu varsinaiseksi mittariksi kansainvälisessä INEX (Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval) hankkeessa, joka on vuonna 2002 perustettu XML tiedonhaun tutkimusfoorumi.This dissertation addresses focused retrieval, especially its sub-concept XML (eXtensible Mark-up Language) information retrieval (XML IR). In XML IR, the retrievable units are either individual elements, or sets of elements grouped together typically by a document. These units are ranked according to their estimated relevance by an XML IR system. In traditional information retrieval, the retrievable unit is an atomic document. Due to this atomicity, many core characteristics of such document retrieval paradigm are not appropriate for XML IR. Of these characteristics, this dissertation explores element indexing, scoring and evaluation methods which form two main themes: 1. Element indexing, scoring, and contextualization 2. Focused retrieval evaluation To investigate the first theme, an XML IR system based on structural indices is constructed. The structural indices offer analyzing power for studying element hierarchies. The main finding in the system development is the utilization of surrounding elements as supplementary evidence in element scoring. This method is called contextualization, for which we distinguish three models: vertical, horizontal and ad hoc contextualizations. The models are tested with the tools provided by (or derived from) the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML retrieval (INEX). The results indicate that the evidence from element surroundings improves the scoring effectiveness of XML retrieval. The second theme entails a task where the retrievable elements are grouped by a document. The aim of this theme is to create methods measuring XML IR effectiveness in a credible fashion in a laboratory environment. The credibility is pursued by assuming the chronological reading order of a user together with a point where the user becomes frustrated after reading a certain amount of non-relevant material. Novel metrics are created based on these assumptions. The relative rankings of systems measured with the metrics differ from those delivered by contemporary metrics. In addition, the focused retrieval strategies benefit from the novel metrics over traditional full document retrieval

    INEX 2007 Evaluation Measures

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    International audienceThis paper describes the official measures of retrieval effectiveness that are planned to be employed for the ad hoc track of INEX 2007

    Language Models and Smoothing Methods for Information Retrieval

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    Language Models and Smoothing Methods for Information Retrieval (Sprachmodelle und Glättungsmethoden für Information Retrieval) Najeeb A. Abdulmutalib Kurzfassung der Dissertation Retrievalmodelle bilden die theoretische Grundlage für effektive Information-Retrieval-Methoden. Statistische Sprachmodelle stellen eine neue Art von Retrievalmodellen dar, die seit etwa zehn Jahren in der Forschung betrachtet werde. Im Unterschied zu anderen Modellen können sie leichter an spezifische Aufgabenstellungen angepasst werden und liefern häufig bessere Retrievalergebnisse. In dieser Dissertation wird zunächst ein neues statistisches Sprachmodell vorgestellt, das explizit Dokumentlängen berücksichtigt. Aufgrund der spärlichen Beobachtungsdaten spielen Glättungsmethoden bei Sprachmodellen eine wichtige Rolle. Auch hierfür stellen wir eine neue Methode namens 'exponentieller Glättung' vor. Der experimentelle Vergleich mit konkurrierenden Ansätzen zeigt, dass unsere neuen Methoden insbesondere bei Kollektionen mit stark variierenden Dokumentlängen überlegene Ergebnisse liefert. In einem zweiten Schritt erweitern wir unseren Ansatz auf XML-Retrieval, wo hierarchisch strukturierte Dokumente betrachtet werden und beim fokussierten Retrieval möglichst kleine Dokumentteile gefunden werden sollen, die die Anfrage vollständig beantworten. Auch hier demonstriert der experimentelle Vergleich mit anderen Ansätzen die Qualität unserer neu entwickelten Methoden. Der dritte Teil der Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Vergleich von Sprachmodellen und der klassischen tf*idf-Gewichtung. Neben einem besseren Verständnis für die existierenden Glättungsmethoden führt uns dieser Ansatz zur Entwicklung des Verfahrens der 'empirischen Glättung'. Die damit durchgeführten Retrievalerexperimente zeigen Verbesserungen gegenüber anderen Glättungsverfahren.Language Models and Smoothing Methods for Information Retrieval Najeeb A. Abdulmutalib Abstract of the Dissertation Designing an effective retrieval model that can rank documents accurately for a given query has been a central problem in information retrieval for several decades. An optimal retrieval model that is both effective and efficient and that can learn from feedback information over time is needed. Language models are new generation of retrieval models and have been applied since the last ten years to solve many different information retrieval problems. Compared with the traditional models such as the vector space model, they can be more easily adapted to model non traditional and complex retrieval problems and empirically they tend to achieve comparable or better performance than the traditional models. Developing new language models is currently an active research area in information retrieval. In the first stage of this thesis we present a new language model based on an odds formula, which explicitly incorporates document length as a parameter. To address the problem of data sparsity where there is rarely enough data to accurately estimate the parameters of a language model, smoothing gives a way to combine less specific, more accurate information with more specific, but noisier data. We introduce a new smoothing method called exponential smoothing, which can be combined with most language models. We present experimental results for various language models and smoothing methods on a collection with large document length variation, and show that our new methods compare favourably with the best approaches known so far. We discuss the collection effect on the retrieval function, where we investigate the performance of well known models and compare the results conducted using two variant collections. In the second stage we extend the current model from flat text retrieval to XML retrieval since there is a need for content-oriented XML retrieval systems that can efficiently and effectively store, search and retrieve information from XML document collections. Compared to traditional information retrieval, where whole documents are usually indexed and retrieved as single complete units, information retrieval from XML documents creates additional retrieval challenges. By exploiting the logical document structure, XML allows for more focussed retrieval that identifies elements rather than documents as answers to user queries. Finally we show how smoothing plays a role very similar to that of the idf function: beside the obvious role of smoothing, it also improves the accuracy of the estimated language model. The within document frequency and the collection frequency of a term actually influence the probability of relevance, which led us to a new class of smoothing function based on numeric prediction, which we call empirical smoothing. Its retrieval quality outperforms that of other smoothing methods

    Focused Retrieval

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    Traditional information retrieval applications, such as Web search, return atomic units of retrieval, which are generically called ``documents''. Depending on the application, a document may be a Web page, an email message, a journal article, or any similar object. In contrast to this traditional approach, focused retrieval helps users better pin-point their exact information needs by returning results at the sub-document level. These results may consist of predefined document components~---~such as pages, sections, and paragraphs~---~or they may consist of arbitrary passages, comprising any sub-string of a document. If a document is marked up with XML, a focused retrieval system might return individual XML elements or ranges of elements. This thesis proposes and evaluates a number of approaches to focused retrieval, including methods based on XML markup and methods based on arbitrary passages. It considers the best unit of retrieval, explores methods for efficient sub-document retrieval, and evaluates formulae for sub-document scoring. Focused retrieval is also considered in the specific context of the Wikipedia, where methods for automatic vandalism detection and automatic link generation are developed and evaluated

    Indexing Heterogeneous XML for Full-Text Search

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    XML documents are becoming more and more common in various environments. In particular, enterprise-scale document management is commonly centred around XML, and desktop applications as well as online document collections are soon to follow. The growing number of XML documents increases the importance of appropriate indexing methods and search tools in keeping the information accessible. Therefore, we focus on content that is stored in XML format as we develop such indexing methods. Because XML is used for different kinds of content ranging all the way from records of data fields to narrative full-texts, the methods for Information Retrieval are facing a new challenge in identifying which content is subject to data queries and which should be indexed for full-text search. In response to this challenge, we analyse the relation of character content and XML tags in XML documents in order to separate the full-text from data. As a result, we are able to both reduce the size of the index by 5-6\% and improve the retrieval precision as we select the XML fragments to be indexed. Besides being challenging, XML comes with many unexplored opportunities which are not paid much attention in the literature. For example, authors often tag the content they want to emphasise by using a typeface that stands out. The tagged content constitutes phrases that are descriptive of the content and useful for full-text search. They are simple to detect in XML documents, but also possible to confuse with other inline-level text. Nonetheless, the search results seem to improve when the detected phrases are given additional weight in the index. Similar improvements are reported when related content is associated with the indexed full-text including titles, captions, and references. Experimental results show that for certain types of document collections, at least, the proposed methods help us find the relevant answers. Even when we know nothing about the document structure but the XML syntax, we are able to take advantage of the XML structure when the content is indexed for full-text search.XML on yleistynyt tekstidokumenttien formaattina monessa ympäristössä. Erityisesti konsernitason dokumenttienhallinta perustuu juuri XML:ään, mutta myös kotikoneilla ja WWW-ympäristössä XML on yleinen tallennusmuoto sekä tekstille että datalle. Dokumenttien määrän voimakas kasva korostaa indeksointi- ja hakumenetelmien tärkeyttä, koska dokumenttien sisältämä tietomäärä ei ole hallittavissa ilman tiedonhakujärjestelmää. Keskitymme siis XML-muodossa tallennetun sisällön indeksointiin tekstihakua varten. Dokumenttiformaattina XML ei mitenkään rajoita itse tallennetun sisällön laatua, vaan XML-dokumenteista löytää kaikkea mahdollista tietokoneiden raakadatasta kaunokirjalliseen proosaan. Siksi on tärkeää tunnistaa sisällön laatu ennen sen indeksointia. Yksi menetelmä datan erottamiseen tekstistä on XML-dokumenttien sisäisen rakenteen analysointi: data vaatii tiukasti säännöllisen ja määrämuotoisen rakenteen, kun taas tekstidokumenttien XML-rakenteessa on paljon vaihtelua. Kun datan jättää indeksoimatta, saavutetaan n. 5-6% pienempi indeksi sekä tarkemmat hakutulokset. XML-dokumenteilla on myös muita ominaisuuksia, joita ei aikaisemmin ole hyödynnetty tekstin indeksointimenetelmissä. Sisältö, jota kirjoittaja haluaa korostaa esim. toisella kirjasintyypillä, on erikseen merkitty XML-koodiin. Korostettu sisältö on siten helppo paikallistaa. Antamalla sille enemmän painoarvoa indeksissä kuin korostamattomalle sisällölle, saadaan hakutuloksia ohjattua parempaan suuntaan. Sama vaikutus on otsikkojen, kuvatekstien ja viitteiden analysoinnilla ja painotuksella. Alustavien testitulosten mukaan esitetyt indeksointimenetelmät auttavat relevantin tiedon löytämisessä XML-dokumenteista