1,726 research outputs found


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    Until recently text entry in virtual reality has been limited to using hand-held controllers. These techniques of text entry are feasible only for entering short texts like usernames and passwords. But recent improvements in virtual reality devices have paved the way to varied interactions in virtual environment and many of these tasks include annotation, text messaging, etc. These tasks require an effective way of text entry in virtual reality. We present an interactive midair text entry system in virtual reality which allows users to use their one or both hands as the means of entering text. Our system also allows users to enter text on a split keyboard using their two hands. We investigated user performance on these three conditions and found that users were slightly faster when they were using both hands. In this case, the mean entry rate was 16.4 words-per-minute (wpm). While using one hand, the entry rate was 16.1 wpm and using the split keyboard the entry rate was 14.7 wpm. The character error rates (CER) in these conditions were 0.74%, 0.79% and 1.41% respectively. We also examined the extent to which a user can enter text without having any visual feedback of a keyboard i.e. on an invisible keyboard in the virtual environment. While some found it difficult, results were promising for a subset of 15 participants of the 22 participants. The subset had a mean entry rate of 10.0 wpm and a mean error rate of 2.98%

    Tracking hands in action for gesture-based computer input

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    This thesis introduces new methods for markerless tracking of the full articulated motion of hands and for informing the design of gesture-based computer input. Emerging devices such as smartwatches or virtual/augmented reality glasses are in need of new input devices for interaction on the move. The highly dexterous human hands could provide an always-on input capability without the actual need to carry a physical device. First, we present novel methods to address the hard computer vision-based hand tracking problem under varying number of cameras, viewpoints, and run-time requirements. Second, we contribute to the design of gesture-based interaction techniques by presenting heuristic and computational approaches. The contributions of this thesis allow users to effectively interact with computers through markerless tracking of hands and objects in desktop, mobile, and egocentric scenarios.Diese Arbeit stellt neue Methoden für die markerlose Verfolgung der vollen Artikulation der Hände und für die Informierung der Gestaltung der Gestik-Computer-Input. Emerging-Geräte wie Smartwatches oder virtuelle / Augmented-Reality-Brillen benötigen neue Eingabegeräte für Interaktion in Bewegung. Die sehr geschickten menschlichen Hände konnten eine immer-on-Input-Fähigkeit, ohne die tatsächliche Notwendigkeit, ein physisches Gerät zu tragen. Zunächst stellen wir neue Verfahren vor, um das visionbasierte Hand-Tracking-Problem des Hardcomputers unter variierender Anzahl von Kameras, Sichtweisen und Laufzeitanforderungen zu lösen. Zweitens tragen wir zur Gestaltung von gesture-basierten Interaktionstechniken bei, indem wir heuristische und rechnerische Ansätze vorstellen. Die Beiträge dieser Arbeit ermöglichen es Benutzern, effektiv interagieren mit Computern durch markerlose Verfolgung von Händen und Objekten in Desktop-, mobilen und egozentrischen Szenarien

    Tracking hands in action for gesture-based computer input

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    This thesis introduces new methods for markerless tracking of the full articulated motion of hands and for informing the design of gesture-based computer input. Emerging devices such as smartwatches or virtual/augmented reality glasses are in need of new input devices for interaction on the move. The highly dexterous human hands could provide an always-on input capability without the actual need to carry a physical device. First, we present novel methods to address the hard computer vision-based hand tracking problem under varying number of cameras, viewpoints, and run-time requirements. Second, we contribute to the design of gesture-based interaction techniques by presenting heuristic and computational approaches. The contributions of this thesis allow users to effectively interact with computers through markerless tracking of hands and objects in desktop, mobile, and egocentric scenarios.Diese Arbeit stellt neue Methoden für die markerlose Verfolgung der vollen Artikulation der Hände und für die Informierung der Gestaltung der Gestik-Computer-Input. Emerging-Geräte wie Smartwatches oder virtuelle / Augmented-Reality-Brillen benötigen neue Eingabegeräte für Interaktion in Bewegung. Die sehr geschickten menschlichen Hände konnten eine immer-on-Input-Fähigkeit, ohne die tatsächliche Notwendigkeit, ein physisches Gerät zu tragen. Zunächst stellen wir neue Verfahren vor, um das visionbasierte Hand-Tracking-Problem des Hardcomputers unter variierender Anzahl von Kameras, Sichtweisen und Laufzeitanforderungen zu lösen. Zweitens tragen wir zur Gestaltung von gesture-basierten Interaktionstechniken bei, indem wir heuristische und rechnerische Ansätze vorstellen. Die Beiträge dieser Arbeit ermöglichen es Benutzern, effektiv interagieren mit Computern durch markerlose Verfolgung von Händen und Objekten in Desktop-, mobilen und egozentrischen Szenarien

    Do That, There: An Interaction Technique for Addressing In-Air Gesture Systems

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    When users want to interact with an in-air gesture system, they must first address it. This involves finding where to gesture so that their actions can be sensed, and how to direct their input towards that system so that they do not also affect others or cause unwanted effects. This is an important problem [6] which lacks a practical solution. We present an interaction technique which uses multimodal feedback to help users address in-air gesture systems. The feedback tells them how (“do that”) and where (“there”) to gesture, using light, audio and tactile displays. By doing that there, users can direct their input to the system they wish to interact with, in a place where their gestures can be sensed. We discuss the design of our technique and three experiments investigating its use, finding that users can “do that” well (93.2%–99.9%) while accurately (51mm–80mm) and quickly (3.7s) finding “there”

    Fast and precise touch-based text entry for head-mounted augmented reality with variable occlusion

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    We present the VISAR keyboard: An augmented reality (AR) head-mounted display (HMD) system that supports text entry via a virtualised input surface. Users select keys on the virtual keyboard by imitating the process of single-hand typing on a physical touchscreen display. Our system uses a statistical decoder to infer users’ intended text and to provide error-tolerant predictions. There is also a high-precision fall-back mechanism to support users in indicating which keys should be unmodified by the auto-correction process. A unique advantage of leveraging the well-established touch input paradigm is that our system enables text entry with minimal visual clutter on the see-through display, thus preserving the user’s field-of-view. We iteratively designed and evaluated our system and show that the final iteration of the system supports a mean entry rate of 17.75wpm with a mean character error rate less than 1%. This performance represents a 19.6% improvement relative to the state-of-the-art baseline investigated: A gaze-then-gesture text entry technique derived from the system keyboard on the Microsoft HoloLens. Finally, we validate that the system is effective in supporting text entry in a fully mobile usage scenario likely to be encountered in industrial applications of AR HMDs.Per Ola Kristensson was supported in part by a Google Faculty research award and EPSRC grants EP/N010558/1 and EP/N014278/1. Keith Vertanen was supported in part by a Google Faculty research award. John Dudley was supported by the Trimble Fund

    RotoSwype : word-gesture typing using a ring

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    Funding: NSERC Discovery Grant #2018-05187, the Canada Foundation for Innovation Infrastructure Fund “Facility for Fully Interactive Physio-digital Spaces” (#33151), and Ontario Early Researcher Award #ER16-12-184.We propose RotoSwype, a technique for word-gesture typing using the orientation of a ring worn on the index finger. RotoSwype enables one-handed text-input without encumbering the hand with a device, a desirable quality in many scenarios, including virtual or augmented reality. The method is evaluated using two arm positions: with the hand raised up with the palm parallel to the ground; and with the hand resting at the side with the palm facing the body. A five-day study finds both hand positions achieved speeds of at least 14 words-per-minute (WPM) with uncorrected error rates near 1%, outperforming previous comparable techniques.Postprin

    WRIST : Watch-Ring Interaction and Sensing Technique for wrist gestures and macro-micro pointing

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    Funding: Next-Generation In-ormation Computing Development Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT (NRF-2017M3C4A7066316) and Institute of Information & communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No.2019-0-01270, WISE AR UI/UX Platform Development for Smartglasses).To better explore the incorporation of pointing and gesturing into ubiquitous computing, we introduce WRIST, an interaction and sensing technique that leverages the dexterity of human wrist motion. WRIST employs a sensor fusion approach which combines inertial measurement unit (IMU) data from a smartwatch and a smart ring. The relative orientation difference of the two devices is measured as the wrist rotation that is independent from arm rotation, which is also position and orientation invariant. Employing our test hardware, we demonstrate that WRIST affords and enables a number of novel yet simplistic interaction techniques, such as (i) macro-micro pointing without explicit mode switching and (ii) wrist gesture recognition when the hand is held in different orientations (e.g., raised or lowered). We report on two studies to evaluate the proposed techniques and we present a set of applications that demonstrate the benefits of WRIST. We conclude with a discussion of the limitations and highlight possible future pathways for research in pointing and gesturing with wearable devices.Postprin

    Design and recognition of microgestures for always-available input

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    Gestural user interfaces for computing devices most commonly require the user to have at least one hand free to interact with the device, for example, moving a mouse, touching a screen, or performing mid-air gestures. Consequently, users find it difficult to operate computing devices while holding or manipulating everyday objects. This limits the users from interacting with the digital world during a significant portion of their everyday activities, such as, using tools in the kitchen or workshop, carrying items, or workout with sports equipment. This thesis pushes the boundaries towards the bigger goal of enabling always-available input. Microgestures have been recognized for their potential to facilitate direct and subtle interactions. However, it remains an open question how to interact using gestures with computing devices when both of the user’s hands are occupied holding everyday objects. We take a holistic approach and focus on three core contributions: i) To understand end-users preferences, we present an empirical analysis of users’ choice of microgestures when holding objects of diverse geometries. Instead of designing a gesture set for a specific object or geometry and to identify gestures that generalize, this thesis leverages the taxonomy of grasp types established from prior research. ii) We tackle the critical problem of avoiding false activation by introducing a novel gestural input concept that leverages a single-finger movement, which stands out from everyday finger motions during holding and manipulating objects. Through a data-driven approach, we also systematically validate the concept’s robustness with different everyday actions. iii) While full sensor coverage on the user’s hand would allow detailed hand-object interaction, minimal instrumentation is desirable for real-world use. This thesis addresses the problem of identifying sparse sensor layouts. We present the first rapid computational method, along with a GUI-based design tool that enables iterative design based on the designer’s high-level requirements. Furthermore, we demonstrate that minimal form-factor devices, like smart rings, can be used to effectively detect microgestures in hands-free and busy scenarios. Overall, the presented findings will serve as both conceptual and technical foundations for enabling interaction with computing devices wherever and whenever users need them.Benutzerschnittstellen für Computergeräte auf Basis von Gesten erfordern für eine Interaktion meist mindestens eine freie Hand, z.B. um eine Maus zu bewegen, einen Bildschirm zu berühren oder Gesten in der Luft auszuführen. Daher ist es für Nutzer schwierig, Geräte zu bedienen, während sie Gegenstände halten oder manipulieren. Dies schränkt die Interaktion mit der digitalen Welt während eines Großteils ihrer alltäglichen Aktivitäten ein, etwa wenn sie Küchengeräte oder Werkzeug verwenden, Gegenstände tragen oder mit Sportgeräten trainieren. Diese Arbeit erforscht neue Wege in Richtung des größeren Ziels, immer verfügbare Eingaben zu ermöglichen. Das Potential von Mikrogesten für die Erleichterung von direkten und feinen Interaktionen wurde bereits erkannt. Die Frage, wie der Nutzer mit Geräten interagiert, wenn beide Hände mit dem Halten von Gegenständen belegt sind, bleibt jedoch offen. Wir verfolgen einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz und konzentrieren uns auf drei Kernbeiträge: i) Um die Präferenzen der Endnutzer zu verstehen, präsentieren wir eine empirische Analyse der Wahl von Mikrogesten beim Halten von Objekte mit diversen Geometrien. Anstatt einen Satz an Gesten für ein bestimmtes Objekt oder eine bestimmte Geometrie zu entwerfen, nutzt diese Arbeit die aus früheren Forschungen stammenden Taxonomien an Griff-Typen. ii) Wir adressieren das Problem falscher Aktivierungen durch ein neuartiges Eingabekonzept, das die sich von alltäglichen Fingerbewegungen abhebende Bewegung eines einzelnen Fingers nutzt. Durch einen datengesteuerten Ansatz validieren wir zudem systematisch die Robustheit des Konzepts bei diversen alltäglichen Aktionen. iii) Auch wenn eine vollständige Sensorabdeckung an der Hand des Nutzers eine detaillierte Hand-Objekt-Interaktion ermöglichen würde, ist eine minimale Ausstattung für den Einsatz in der realen Welt wünschenswert. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Identifizierung reduzierter Sensoranordnungen. Wir präsentieren die erste, schnelle Berechnungsmethode in einem GUI-basierten Designtool, das iteratives Design basierend auf den Anforderungen des Designers ermöglicht. Wir zeigen zudem, dass Geräte mit minimalem Formfaktor wie smarte Ringe für die Erkennung von Mikrogesten verwendet werden können. Insgesamt dienen die vorgestellten Ergebnisse sowohl als konzeptionelle als auch als technische Grundlage für die Realisierung von Interaktion mit Computergeräten wo und wann immer Nutzer sie benötigen.Bosch Researc

    TapGazer:Text Entry with finger tapping and gaze-directed word selection

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    While using VR, efficient text entry is a challenge: users cannot easily locate standard physical keyboards, and keys are often out of reach, e.g. when standing. We present TapGazer, a text entry system where users type by tapping their fingers in place. Users can tap anywhere as long as the identity of each tapping finger can be detected with sensors. Ambiguity between different possible input words is resolved by selecting target words with gaze. If gaze tracking is unavailable, ambiguity is resolved by selecting target words with additional taps. We evaluated TapGazer for seated and standing VR: seated novice users using touchpads as tap surfaces reached 44.81 words per minute (WPM), 79.17% of their QWERTY typing speed. Standing novice users tapped on their thighs with touch-sensitive gloves, reaching 45.26 WPM (71.91%). We analyze TapGazer with a theoretical performance model and discuss its potential for text input in future AR scenarios.</p
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