471 research outputs found

    Social Commerce Adoption by Saudi Consumers: A Conceptual Model

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    This study aims to examine the factors that affect consumer adoption of social commerce technologies in the context of Saudi Arabia. The proposed conceptual model is extending the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) by including other external factors: trust, perceived risk, innovativeness, and information quality. A quantitative field survey will be conducted to gain the data from a convenience sample of Saudi customers using a self-administrated questionnaire. The results of this study will be useful for learning how Saudi Arabian customers’ adoption of social commerce technologies can be improved

    Extending the Flow Theory with Variables from the UTAUT2 Model

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    Zhao, Y., & Bacao, F. (2020). Theoretical Development: Extending the Flow Theory with Variables from the UTAUT2 Model. In 2020 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computer and Communications, ICCC 2020 (pp. 2427-2431). [9345049] (2020 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computer and Communications, ICCC 2020). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICCC51575.2020.9345049According to the dramatic development of innovative information technology in worldwide ranges, business climate has changed from traditional commerce to virtual commerce in recent two decades. It is important to synthetically understand customers' adoption intention of new technology for better business management and strategy involved with information technology. Thus, this study extends the Flow theory by integrating variables from the revised Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) model and satisfaction to propose a theoretical development for investigating the factors determining customers' behavioral intention on adopting new information technology. In addition, the proposed theoretical development contributes the relevant researches on systematical understanding customers' adoption intention determined from technological perceptions to mental cognition. Moreover, the proposed framework and measurement method can be applied as reference for relevant researchers and stakeholders to investigate customers' behaviors for further research and future business management and strategy.authorsversionpublishe

    What Determines Consumers’ Intention for Hotel Bookings through Smartphone Apps?

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    In the emerging market, the usage of smartphone apps is playing an imperative role and supporting travelers in their online hotel bookings. This study aims to examine the various determinants that affect travelers’ behavioral intention regarding hotel booking through smartphone apps. Data was collected from 379 hotel guests who used smartphone apps for hotel bookings. The respondents for this study are taken from Delhi. Further, the hypotheses of this study were validated with the help of structural equation modeling (SEM) using partial least squares (PLS). The results of this study found all dimensions significant except for effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, and habits. A newly added dimension, perceived trust was also found a significant predictor of consumers’ behavioral intentions for hotel booking through smartphone apps. The study provides implications for hotel managers that the information provided on apps must be accurate, up-to-date, and reliable regarding hotel services. By incorporating relevant information in the system, travelers’ will feel the hotels are trustworthy and thus their tendency to use smartphone apps for hotel bookings will increase.  As well as hotel apps must be easy to operate which reduces travelers' extra efforts and time while using them

    Exploring user behaviours on mobile technologies combined with payment functions during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Information TechnologiesWith the extensive spread of smart mobile devices, mobile technologies and services have revolutionised and pervaded significantly in most aspects of human life, such as social communication, commerce, entertainment, etc. Various industries have integrated services and products with mobile financial transaction technologies, facilitating the payment services combined with various mobile applications. The wide adoption of mobile transactions has increased the efficiency of transaction processes, met the expectations of customers and the requirements of enterprises, and supported the social-economic development in different scenarios, especially under the pandemic situation. Understanding mobile device users’ perceptions and behaviours on mobile technologies combining payment functions under the COVID-19 pandemic situation has reinforced the need to embark on a deeper investigation of customer behaviours during the pandemic. For these reasons, this study contributes to the advancement of knowledge and implementation methods for a better understanding of the determinants of customers’ behavioural intentions of using mobile technologies combined with payment functions in a total of seven separate studies. The investigation begins with a systematic literature review on mobile payment studies presented in chapter two. This research is augmented by investigating users’ continuance usage intention of mobile payments under the COVID-19 pandemic in chapter three. The fourth chapter analyses the determinants of continuance usage intention of food delivery apps during the pandemic. Chapters five and six present two theoretical development studies about the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and UTAUT2, respectively. The seventh chapter investigates customers’ psychological shopping processes via live-streaming shopping apps during the pandemic lockdown period. In epistemological terms, this study involved conjoint positivist and interpretivist research in behavioural information systems research. A qualitative research method was applied in chapters two, five and six, and a quantitative research method was implemented in the third, fourth and seventh chapters. The main theoretical foundations applied and validated in three empirical studies were UTAUT and UTAUT2. Specifically, chapter three integrates UTAUT with Mental Accounting Theory, the fourth chapter combines UTAUT with the Expectancy Confirmation Model, and chapter seven integrates UTAUT2 with the Stimulus-Organism-Response framework and Flow theory. This study found that performance expectancy, social influence, and trust significantly affect users’ behavioural intentions in all three empirical studies. Customers’ mental cognitions, such as perceived benefits, satisfaction, flow and perceived value, positively formulate users’ behavioural intention in the three studies, respectively. Hedonic motivation and flow significantly influence users' behavioural intention when mobile technologies contain payment and entertainment features. Moreover, this study contributes several theoretical and practical implications. This study facilitates the advancement of knowledge of mobile technologies adoption through three verified theoretical frameworks and two proposed developed theoretical models and appropriate measurement methods. Meanwhile, this study supports relevant stakeholders in mobile technologies, enterprises, policymakers, service providers, and marketing departments with valuable findings and discussions for comprehensively understanding the determinants of customers’ behaviours on mobile technologies combined payment function

    Technology Acceptance Models pada Teknologi Digital: Survey Paper

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    Pertumbuhan teknologi yang pesat membawa dampak yang besar bagi masyarakat dan membawa masyarakat untuk mampu beradaptasi dengan terbukanya informasi. Banyak bidang mengintegrasikan teknologi dalam pekerjaannya. Akan tetapi, persoalan adaptasi akan menjadi persoalan yang besar bagi masyarakat di saat teknologi baru bermunculan. Untuk mengevaluasi dan memprediksi perilaku masyarakat dibutuhkan kerangka kerja yaitu TAM (Teori Acceptance Model) di mana model ini populer dan banyak digunakan dalam studi perilaku saat menggunakan teknologi.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) melihat TAM dari sudut pandang kerangka kerja dan perluasan TAM, 2) tujuan menggunakan TAM, 3) variabel eksternal yang digunakan selain konstruksi TAM, 4) identifikasi bidang apa saja yang menggunakan TAM pada teknologi digital dalam tahun 2021 dengan menggunakan SLR (Systematic Literature Review), serta 5) mengidentifikasi pada topik penelitian dan menjawab pertanyaan penelitian dan didapatkan selama tahun 2021. Kerangka kerja TAM dengan dua konstruksi utama PEUO dan PU masih bersifat adaptif dan kontekstual dalam berbagai bidang. Contohnya pendidikan, bisnis, akomodasi, pariwisata, dan perbankan dengan tujuan menguji, mengidentifikasi, menyelidiki, dan menguji akuntabilitas faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku dengan beberapa variabel tambahan

    Elderly and Internet Banking: An Application of UTAUT2

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    The present study aims to explain Internet banking use by the elderly, applying the UTAUT2 approach (extension of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology in the consumer context). A sample of 415 individuals over 55 years old has been analyzed. WarpPLS 3.0 was used for the measurement models analysis and the structural model analysis. The results show that the elderly’s people’s to accept Internet banking was significantly impacted by habit, performance expectancy, price value and effort expectancy, in this order of influence of strength. The actual behavior was influenced by behavior intention and habit. However, social influence, facilitating conditions and hedonic motivation did not play a salient role in affecting the actual adoption behavior of Internet banking. Gender was proposed as a moderator variable but the results did not support this role

    Mobile shopping apps adoption and perceived risks: A cross-country perspective utilizing the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology

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    Consumer adoption of mobile shopping apps is an emerging area in m-commerce which poses an interesting challenge for retailers and app developers. In this study, we adapt the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) to investigate factors predicting consumer behavioral intention (BI) and use behavior (UB) towards mobile shopping apps, considering the impact of two manifestations of consumer’s perceived risk: Privacy Risk and Security Risk. Because cultural characteristics may moderate the impact of these risks on behavioral intention and use behavior, we conduct two studies from two consumer panels from countries with significant difference in technology use as captured by the Computer-Based Media Support Index (CMSI), namely India (high CMSI) and USA (low CMSI). For both countries, the baseline UTAUT 2 constructs predict the Behavioral Intention to use mobile shopping apps (and subsequently use behavior). However, the manifestations of perceived risk are significant only for the country with the highest CMSI score, suggesting that cultural influences play a strong role in the adoption of m-shopping. Our study has practical implications for theory as it poses the use of m-shopping apps in a cross-cultural context, suggesting that privacy and security moderate intention to use differently across cultures as predicted by the CMSI. From that perspective, it also has practical implications for consumer behavior researchers and app developers challenged with app localization as well as retailers designing mobile shopping apps for an intercultural audience

    extending the expectation confirmation model

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    Tam, C., Santos, D., & Oliveira, T. (2018). Exploring the influential factors of continuance intention to use mobile Apps: extending the expectation confirmation model. Information Systems Frontiers, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-018-9864-5The use of mobile applications (apps) has been growing in the world of technology, a phenomenon related to the increasing number of smartphone users. Even though the mobile apps market is huge, few studies have been made on what makes individuals continue to use a mobile app or stop using it. This study aims to uncover the factors that underlie the continuance intention to use mobile apps, addressing two theoretical models: Expectation confirmation model (ECM) and the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2). A total of 304 questionnaires were collected by survey to test the theoretical framework proposal, using structural equation modelling (SEM). Our findings indicate that the most important drivers of continuance intention of mobile apps are satisfaction, habit, performance expectancy, and effort expectancy.authorsversionpublishe

    Analyzing The Adoption Of Mobile Banking Service In Vietnam: Extending Utaut2 With Fear Of Covid-19

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    In Vietnam, the acceptance rate of mobile banking is still at a low level despite the efforts from banks and the government. Therefore, it is important to look at the elements influencing Vietnamese customers' adoption of mobile banking. Moreover, non-cash payment actions are more prevalent in an epidemic scenario. A straightforward explanation is that most people fear the illness and look for ways to avoid social interaction. In this study, the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model (UTAUT2) is extended by considering perceived fear of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the findings, trust, performance expectancy, social influence, and fear of the pandemic significantly affect behavioral intention to adopt mobile banking services of Vietnamese people. Furthermore, the behavioral intention, followed by the perceived fear of the COVID-19, considerably and favorably influence the usage behavior toward mobile banking

    Mobile Adoption in the Arab Countries: A Conceptual Framework

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    There is limited research studying mobile phone adoption by actual consumers in the Arab countries, although the region had an incredible growth in mobile usage between the years 2000 and 2014. The main aim of this paper is to develop a conceptual framework that can explain mobile adoption by customers in the Arab countries. An extensive analysis of the existing literature related to technology adoption in general as well as mobile adoption in the Arab countries was conducted. Accordingly, this paper proposes a new conceptual model based on some modifications of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) and adding new variables which were also found related to the studied phenomenon. This research provides several important implications for researchers willing to study mobile adoption in the Arab countries as well as telecommunication companies operating or willing to operate in the region. Consequently, this model is set forward based on future empirical validation of it in Arab countries