35 research outputs found

    Conceptual framework for process-oriented feedback through Learning Analytics Dashboards

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    The number of students enrolled in online higher education courses is increasing, and as a result, more data on their learning process is being generated. By exploring this student behavior data through learning analytics, both student and teacher can be provided with process-oriented feedback in the form of dashboards. However, little is known about the typology of relevant feedback in the dashboard to different learning objectives, students and teachers. Although most dashboards and the feedback they provide are based solely on student performance indicators, research shows that such feedback is not sufficient. This article attempts to define a conceptual model that visualizes the relationships between the design of a Learning Analytics Dashboard (LAD) and the concepts of learning science in order to provide process-oriented feedback that supports the regulation of learning. The aim of the work is not to propose a specific design of the LAD to provide feedback, but rather a conceptual framework for the choice of concepts for that design, and therefore to help understand future data needs as a basis for the educational feedback of the dashboards. As a conclusion of our research, we can say that having LADs adapted to any profile (student, teacher, etc.) can improve decision-making processes by showing each user the information that interests them most in the way that best enables them to understand it

    Using Learning Analytics to Improve Instructional Support Design for Online Learning

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    Learning analytics has been demonstrated as a great tool to evaluate quality of instructional design. This study examined how instructors can utilize learning analytics to improve online learning support design. 128 students from a southern university in United States participated in this study. All learning data related to learners and online learning environment was collected and analyzed. Results showed that learning analytics results were very helpful for instructors to improve online instructional support timing, adjust learning module design, and enhance learning materials accessibility

    The Praxis of Learning Analytics for a Conceptual Open Textbooks System

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    Textbook costs have skyrocketed in recent years putting them beyond the reach of many students but there are options which can mitigate this problem Open textbooks an open educational resource have proven capable of making textbooks affordable to students There have been few educational development as promising as the development of open textbooks to lower costs for students While the last five years have witnessed unparalleled interest and significant advances in the development and dissemination of open textbooks one important aspect has until now remained unexplored the praxis of learning analytics for extracting information regarding how learners interact and learn with open textbooks which is crucial for their evaluation and iterative improvement process Learning analytics off ers a faster and more objective means of data collection and processing than traditional counterparts such as surveys and questionnaires and most importantly with their capability to provide direct evidence of learning they present the opportunity to enhance both learner performance and environmen


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    The development of various kinds of businesses in the city of Malang that is so fast becomes one of the bases for printing companies to develop businesses because many of these businesses require services for brochures, logos and so forth. This business development requires an increase in employee performance because employees become the main movers of service companies, especially in the CV. Intidesign. This research uses a quantitative approach to the type of causal research. The population in this study were employees of CV. Intidesign Malang, with saturated sampling technique where all existing populations are used as samples, that is, 40 respondents. Analysis of the data used in this study is multiple regression analysis. From the results of the study suggested CV. Intidesign Malang is expected to continue to pay attention to the physical work environment around employees who carry out work and implement a good workload distribution to improve employee performance. Future researchers who are interested in reviewing employee performance are expected to develop research results through taking variables that have an influence on employee performance and the selection of different objects. Thus, it can help enrich the results associated with factors that can affect employee performance.Perkembangan berbagai macam usaha di Kota Malang yang begitu pesat menjadi salah satu dasar bagi perusahaan percetakan untuk mengembangkan usaha karena banyak dari usaha tersebut yang membutuhkan jasa untuk brosur, logo dan lain sebagainya. Pengembangan usaha ini membutuhkan peningkatan kinerja pegawai karena pegawai menjadi penggerak utama perusahaan jasa terutama pada CV. Intidesign. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian kausal. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan CV. Intidesign Malang, dengan teknik sampling jenuh dimana semua populasi yang ada digunakan sebagai sampel, yaitu, 40 responden. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi berganda. Dari hasil penelitian disarankan CV. Intidesign Malang diharapkan untuk terus memperhatikan lingkungan kerja fisik di sekitar karyawan yang melaksanakan pekerjaan dan menerapkan distribusi beban kerja yang baik untuk meningkatkan kinerja karyawan. Peneliti masa depan yang tertarik meninjau kinerja karyawan diharapkan untuk mengembangkan hasil penelitian melalui mengambil variabel yang memiliki pengaruh pada kinerja karyawan dan pemilihan objek yang berbeda. Dengan demikian, dapat membantu memperkaya hasil yang terkait dengan faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja karyawan

    Impact of Motivation and Strategy Use on Performance in a Blended Learning Course

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    Understanding students’ self-regulatory learning (SRL) processes is important, especially in Blended Learning (BL). This study examined the predictability of students’ final scores based on indicators from students’ reported measures reflecting SRL. We administrated the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MLSLQ) three times to measure students’ motivation belief and use of learning strategies (N=189) and collected 515 viable surveys. We found that students’ motivation and strategy use dropped until midterm and it increased again as the course progressed towards the end. We identified the constructs that had a high correlation with final scores. In terms of prediction, stepwise regression mostly used motivational components as predictors. The findings confirmed the importance of understanding students’ motivation and SRL process and disclosed the advantages of using students’ reported measures of SRL, which is meaningful to Learning Analytics. The findings also support the potential for an early final score prediction, which would be very helpful in identifying at-risk students, addressing one of the LA aims

    Learning Analytics in het onderwijs:Een onderwijskundig perspectief

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    https://www.surf.nl/kennisbank/2016/rapport-learning-analytics-in-het-onderwijs-een-onderwijskundig-perspectief.htmlLearning analytics in de onderwijspraktijk Meer inzicht in het onderwijsproces, gerichte feedback aan studenten en uiteindelijk verbetering van het onderwijs: dat is de gedachte achter learning analytics. De mogelijkheden van learning analytics zijn groot, maar hoe past een opleiding of instelling ze succesvol toe? Dat valt of staat met de manier waarop learning analytics wordt toegepast in de onderwijspraktijk. Ontwerpen van online onderwijs Learning analytics werkt pas echt als we erin slagen de juiste vragen aan de data te stellen. Dat begint al bij het ontwerpen van online onderwijs. Voor het rapport 'Learning analytics in het onderwijs: een onderwijskundig perspectief' hebben we samen met vertegenwoordigers uit het hoger onderwijs onderzocht hoe je in een onderwijsontwerp effectief gebruik kunt maken van learning analytics. In een aantal cases laten we bovendien zien hoe dat in de onderwijspraktijk kan werken. Ondersteuning en inspiratie voor docenten en onderwijsontwikkelaars Het rapport ondersteunt en inspireert docenten en onderwijsontwikkelaars bij het toepassen van learning analytics in online onderwijs. Zo kunnen ze data verzamelen over hoe studenten door een online omgeving klikken, welke video’s ze bekijken, en welke andere digitale voetsporen ze achterlaten, en wat dat zegt over hun leergedrag.SUR


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    Throughout the 2019-2020 academic year, the engagement, achievement and progression of a level 4 cohort at a post-92 university in the East of England were explored in collaboration with the student cohort; questioning measurements of engagement (Bassett-Dubsky,2020). Even before Covid-19, students recognised the performative function of such measures. This chapter suggests that available indicators of student engagement have not been fit for purpose during lockdown and online learning and have exposed issues with existing measurements. Pre-lockdown, students in this study viewed both attendance and meeting submission deadlines as a matter for individual choice, such that neither factor may directly indicate engagement. During lockdown, students might engage in a recorded taught session at a time of their individual choosing in ways that support greater engagement but are measured as non-attendance - equated with non-engagement. During Covid, we have appreciated that absence or premature departure may be due to a range of issues, including digital exclusion (Yates, 2020), lack of space at home for work, and inconvenience of session time given lockdown-related responsibilities. If we can be flexible in our interpretation and support of engagement that is not signalled by attendance during Covid, we can continue to be so post-Covid. Similarly, rapid embrace of lecture capture and technology-enabled inclusive pedagogy have brought positives to lockdown learning we may wish to retain, although the role of learner analytics is considered more sceptically. Pre-Covid, the factor seen by the study cohort as most indicative of student engagement was, ‘Determination to progress and achieve’. This chapter suggests that lockdown has altered how we might identify whether a student is determined to progress and achieve, and how we might better appreciate barriers to acting on that determination. This chapter recommends that HEI should retain the Inclusive flexibilities of lockdown learning (Wonkhe & Aula, 2021) that allow student personalisation and extend these flexibilities to our interpretation and recognition (Wong and Chiu, 2020) of subjective student engagements (Parkes et al, 2020)

    The Proof of the Pudding: Examining Validity and Reliability of the Evaluation Framework for Learning Analytics

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    While learning analytics (LA) is maturing from being a trend to being part of the institutional toolbox, the need for more empirical evidences about the effects for LA on the actual stakeholders, i.e. learners and teachers, is increasing. Within this paper we report about a further evaluation iteration of the Evaluation Framework for Learning Analytics (EFLA) that provides an efficient and effective measure to get insights into the application of LA in educational institutes. For this empirical study we have thus developed and implemented several LA widgets into a MOOC platform’s dashboard and evaluated these widgets using the EFLA as well as the framework itself using principal component and reliability analysis. The results show that the EFLA is able to measure differences between widget versions. Furthermore, they indicate that the framework is highly reliable after slightly adapting its dimensions

    Educational Theories and Learning Analytics : From Data to Knowledge

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    Under embargo until 17.01.21.acceptedVersio