153 research outputs found

    ChildAugment: Data Augmentation Methods for Zero-Resource Children's Speaker Verification

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    The accuracy of modern automatic speaker verification (ASV) systems, when trained exclusively on adult data, drops substantially when applied to children's speech. The scarcity of children's speech corpora hinders fine-tuning ASV systems for children's speech. Hence, there is a timely need to explore more effective ways of reusing adults' speech data. One promising approach is to align vocal-tract parameters between adults and children through children-specific data augmentation, referred here to as ChildAugment. Specifically, we modify the formant frequencies and formant bandwidths of adult speech to emulate children's speech. The modified spectra are used to train ECAPA-TDNN (emphasized channel attention, propagation, and aggregation in time-delay neural network) recognizer for children. We compare ChildAugment against various state-of-the-art data augmentation techniques for children's ASV. We also extensively compare different scoring methods, including cosine scoring, PLDA (probabilistic linear discriminant analysis), and NPLDA (neural PLDA). We also propose a low-complexity weighted cosine score for extremely low-resource children ASV. Our findings on the CSLU kids corpus indicate that ChildAugment holds promise as a simple, acoustics-motivated approach, for improving state-of-the-art deep learning based ASV for children. We achieve up to 12.45% (boys) and 11.96% (girls) relative improvement over the baseline.Comment: The following article has been accepted by The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA). After it is published, it will be found at https://pubs.aip.org/asa/jas

    Anonymizing Speech: Evaluating and Designing Speaker Anonymization Techniques

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    The growing use of voice user interfaces has led to a surge in the collection and storage of speech data. While data collection allows for the development of efficient tools powering most speech services, it also poses serious privacy issues for users as centralized storage makes private personal speech data vulnerable to cyber threats. With the increasing use of voice-based digital assistants like Amazon's Alexa, Google's Home, and Apple's Siri, and with the increasing ease with which personal speech data can be collected, the risk of malicious use of voice-cloning and speaker/gender/pathological/etc. recognition has increased. This thesis proposes solutions for anonymizing speech and evaluating the degree of the anonymization. In this work, anonymization refers to making personal speech data unlinkable to an identity while maintaining the usefulness (utility) of the speech signal (e.g., access to linguistic content). We start by identifying several challenges that evaluation protocols need to consider to evaluate the degree of privacy protection properly. We clarify how anonymization systems must be configured for evaluation purposes and highlight that many practical deployment configurations do not permit privacy evaluation. Furthermore, we study and examine the most common voice conversion-based anonymization system and identify its weak points before suggesting new methods to overcome some limitations. We isolate all components of the anonymization system to evaluate the degree of speaker PPI associated with each of them. Then, we propose several transformation methods for each component to reduce as much as possible speaker PPI while maintaining utility. We promote anonymization algorithms based on quantization-based transformation as an alternative to the most-used and well-known noise-based approach. Finally, we endeavor a new attack method to invert anonymization.Comment: PhD Thesis Pierre Champion | Universit\'e de Lorraine - INRIA Nancy | for associated source code, see https://github.com/deep-privacy/SA-toolki

    The Effect Of Acoustic Variability On Automatic Speaker Recognition Systems

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    This thesis examines the influence of acoustic variability on automatic speaker recognition systems (ASRs) with three aims. i. To measure ASR performance under 5 commonly encountered acoustic conditions; ii. To contribute towards ASR system development with the provision of new research data; iii. To assess ASR suitability for forensic speaker comparison (FSC) application and investigative/pre-forensic use. The thesis begins with a literature review and explanation of relevant technical terms. Five categories of research experiments then examine ASR performance, reflective of conditions influencing speech quantity (inhibitors) and speech quality (contaminants), acknowledging quality often influences quantity. Experiments pertain to: net speech duration, signal to noise ratio (SNR), reverberation, frequency bandwidth and transcoding (codecs). The ASR system is placed under scrutiny with examination of settings and optimum conditions (e.g. matched/unmatched test audio and speaker models). Output is examined in relation to baseline performance and metrics assist in informing if ASRs should be applied to suboptimal audio recordings. Results indicate that modern ASRs are relatively resilient to low and moderate levels of the acoustic contaminants and inhibitors examined, whilst remaining sensitive to higher levels. The thesis provides discussion on issues such as the complexity and fragility of the speech signal path, speaker variability, difficulty in measuring conditions and mitigation (thresholds and settings). The application of ASRs to casework is discussed with recommendations, acknowledging the different modes of operation (e.g. investigative usage) and current UK limitations regarding presenting ASR output as evidence in criminal trials. In summary, and in the context of acoustic variability, the thesis recommends that ASRs could be applied to pre-forensic cases, accepting extraneous issues endure which require governance such as validation of method (ASR standardisation) and population data selection. However, ASRs remain unsuitable for broad forensic application with many acoustic conditions causing irrecoverable speech data loss contributing to high error rates

    Automatic text filtering using limited supervision learning for epidemic intelligence

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    Robust Speaker Verification

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    Cílem této práce je analyzovat úspěšnost systému rozpoznávaní mluvčího na nahrávkach degradovaných různym telefonním přenosovým kanálem. Použili jsme dva způsoby extrakce příznaků - Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) a moderní systém, který spojuje Bottleneck příznaky spolu s MFCC. Systém rozpoznávání mluvčího je založen na i-vektorech a Pravděpodobnostní Lineární Diskriminační Analýze (PLDA). Porovnali jsme scenáře, kde je PLDA trénovaná jen na čisté řeči, poté systém kde jsme přidali data s hlukem a reverberací a nakonec, data degradované kodekem. Vyhodnotili jsem systémy za rovnakých podmínek (data ze stejného kodeku byli také v trénování PLDA) a také za rozdílnych podmínek (data ze stejného kodeku resp. rodiny kodeků nebyli v trénování PLDA). Také jsme experimentovali s nedávno představenou technikou na adaptaci kanálu - Within-class Covariance Correction (WCC). Můžeme jednoznačně vidět zlepšení úspěšnosti přidáním degradovaných dat do PLDA resp. WCC (s přibližně stejným výsledkem) pro obě naše testované podmínky.The goal of this paper is to analyze the impact of codec degraded speech on a state-ofthe-art speaker recognition system. Two feature extraction techniques are analyzed - Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and the state-of-the-art system using Bottleneck features together with MFCC. Speaker recognition system is based on i-vector and Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (PLDA). We compared scenarios where PLDA is trained only on clean data, then system where we added also noise and reverberant data, and at last, codec degraded speech. We evaluated the systems on the matched conditions (data from the same codec are seen with PLDA) and also mismatched conditions (PLDA does not see any data from the tested codec). We experimented also with recently introduced technique for channel adaptation - Within-class Covariance Correction (WCC). We can see clear benefit of adding transcoded data to PLDA or WCC (with approximately same gain) for both tested conditions (matched and mismatched).

    Speaker Recognition in Unconstrained Environments

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    Speaker recognition is applied in smart home devices, interactive voice response systems, call centers, online banking and payment solutions as well as in forensic scenarios. This dissertation is concerned with speaker recognition systems in unconstrained environments. Before this dissertation, research on making better decisions in unconstrained environments was insufficient. Aside from decision making, unconstrained environments imply two other subjects: security and privacy. Within the scope of this dissertation, these research subjects are regarded as both security against short-term replay attacks and privacy preservation within state-of-the-art biometric voice comparators in the light of a potential leak of biometric data. The aforementioned research subjects are united in this dissertation to sustain good decision making processes facing uncertainty from varying signal quality and to strengthen security as well as preserve privacy. Conventionally, biometric comparators are trained to classify between mated and non-mated reference,--,probe pairs under idealistic conditions but are expected to operate well in the real world. However, the more the voice signal quality degrades, the more erroneous decisions are made. The severity of their impact depends on the requirements of a biometric application. In this dissertation, quality estimates are proposed and employed for the purpose of making better decisions on average in a formalized way (quantitative method), while the specifications of decision requirements of a biometric application remain unknown. By using the Bayesian decision framework, the specification of application-depending decision requirements is formalized, outlining operating points: the decision thresholds. The assessed quality conditions combine ambient and biometric noise, both of which occurring in commercial as well as in forensic application scenarios. Dual-use (civil and governmental) technology is investigated. As it seems unfeasible to train systems for every possible signal degradation, a low amount of quality conditions is used. After examining the impact of degrading signal quality on biometric feature extraction, the extraction is assumed ideal in order to conduct a fair benchmark. This dissertation proposes and investigates methods for propagating information about quality to decision making. By employing quality estimates, a biometric system's output (comparison scores) is normalized in order to ensure that each score encodes the least-favorable decision trade-off in its value. Application development is segregated from requirement specification. Furthermore, class discrimination and score calibration performance is improved over all decision requirements for real world applications. In contrast to the ISOIEC 19795-1:2006 standard on biometric performance (error rates), this dissertation is based on biometric inference for probabilistic decision making (subject to prior probabilities and cost terms). This dissertation elaborates on the paradigm shift from requirements by error rates to requirements by beliefs in priors and costs. Binary decision error trade-off plots are proposed, interrelating error rates with prior and cost beliefs, i.e., formalized decision requirements. Verbal tags are introduced to summarize categories of least-favorable decisions: the plot's canvas follows from Bayesian decision theory. Empirical error rates are plotted, encoding categories of decision trade-offs by line styles. Performance is visualized in the latent decision subspace for evaluating empirical performance regarding changes in prior and cost based decision requirements. Security against short-term audio replay attacks (a collage of sound units such as phonemes and syllables) is strengthened. The unit-selection attack is posed by the ASVspoof 2015 challenge (English speech data), representing the most difficult to detect voice presentation attack of this challenge. In this dissertation, unit-selection attacks are created for German speech data, where support vector machine and Gaussian mixture model classifiers are trained to detect collage edges in speech representations based on wavelet and Fourier analyses. Competitive results are reached compared to the challenged submissions. Homomorphic encryption is proposed to preserve the privacy of biometric information in the case of database leakage. In this dissertation, log-likelihood ratio scores, representing biometric evidence objectively, are computed in the latent biometric subspace. Conventional comparators rely on the feature extraction to ideally represent biometric information, latent subspace comparators are trained to find ideal representations of the biometric information in voice reference and probe samples to be compared. Two protocols are proposed for the the two-covariance comparison model, a special case of probabilistic linear discriminant analysis. Log-likelihood ratio scores are computed in the encrypted domain based on encrypted representations of the biometric reference and probe. As a consequence, the biometric information conveyed in voice samples is, in contrast to many existing protection schemes, stored protected and without information loss. The first protocol preserves privacy of end-users, requiring one public/private key pair per biometric application. The latter protocol preserves privacy of end-users and comparator vendors with two key pairs. Comparators estimate the biometric evidence in the latent subspace, such that the subspace model requires data protection as well. In both protocols, log-likelihood ratio based decision making meets the requirements of the ISOIEC 24745:2011 biometric information protection standard in terms of unlinkability, irreversibility, and renewability properties of the protected voice data

    ABSP System for The Third DIHARD Challenge

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    This report describes the speaker diarization system developed by the ABSP Laboratory team for the third DIHARD speech diarization challenge. Our primary contribution is to develop acoustic domain identification (ADI) system for speaker diarization. We investigate speaker embeddings based ADI system. We apply a domain-dependent threshold for agglomerative hierarchical clustering. Besides, we optimize the parameters for PCA-based dimensionality reduction in a domain-dependent way. Our method of integrating domain-based processing schemes in the baseline system of the challenge achieved a relative improvement of 9.63% and 10.64% in DER for core and full conditions, respectively, for Track 1 of the DIHARD III evaluation set