62 research outputs found

    The Trajectory of IT in Healthcare at HICSS: A Literature Review, Analysis, and Future Directions

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    Research has extensively demonstrated that healthcare industry has rapidly implemented and adopted information technology in recent years. Research in health information technology (HIT), which represents a major component of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, demonstrates similar findings. In this paper, review the literature to better understand the work on HIT that researchers have conducted in HICSS from 2008 to 2017. In doing so, we identify themes, methods, technology types, research populations, context, and emerged research gaps from the reviewed literature. With much change and development in the HIT field and varying levels of adoption, this review uncovers, catalogs, and analyzes the research in HIT at HICSS in this ten-year period and provides future directions for research in the field

    Knowledge management system for big data in a smart electricity grid context

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    We have been witnessing a real explosion of information, due in large part to the development in Information and Knowledge Technologies (ICTs). As information is the raw material for the discovery of knowledge, there has been a rapid growth, both in the scientific community and in ICT itself, in the study of the Big Data phenomenon (Kaisler et al., 2014). The concept of Smart Grids (SG) has emerged as a way of rethinking how to produce and consume energy imposed by economic, political and ecological issues (Lund, 2014). To become a reality, SGs must be supported by intelligent and autonomous IT systems to make the right decisions in real time. Knowledge needed for real-time decision-making can only be achieved if SGs are equipped with systems capable of efficiently managing all the surrounding information. Thus, this paper proposes a system for the management of information in the context of SG to enable the monitoring, in real time, of the events that occur in the ecosystem and to predict following events.This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 641794 (project DREAM-GO) and from FEDER Funds through COMPETE program and from National Funds through FCT under the project UID/EEA/00760/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Towards explaining user satisfaction with contact tracing mobile applications in a time of pandemic: a text analytics approach

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    This research project investigates the critical phenomenon of the post-adoption use of Contact Tracing Mobile Applications (CTMAs) in a time of pandemic. A panel data set of customer reviews was collected from March 2020 to June 2021. Using sentiment analysis, topic modeling and dictionary-based analytics, 10,337 reviews were analyzed. The results show that after controlling for review sentiment and length, user satisfaction is associated with users’ perception of utilitarian benefits of CTMA, their CTMA-specific privacy concerns, and installation and use issues. Our methodological approach (using various text analysis techniques for analyzing public feedback) and findings (influential factors on consumers’ satisfaction with CTMA) can inform the design and deployment of the next generation of CTMAs for managing future pandemics

    Exploring study profiles of Computer Science students with Social Network Analysis

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    Information technology is widely adapted in all levels of education. The extensive information resources facilitate enhanced human capacity and the social environment to support learning. In particular, Social Network Analysis (SNA) has been broadly used in teaching and learning practices. In this paper, we perform community detection analysis to identify the learning behavior profiles of undergraduate computer science students in a Nordic university. The social network was created using 273 responses to an online survey. The students themselves provided their social connections at the university, and node attributes were created based on responses to questions regarding Educational Values, Goals Orientation, Self-efficacy, and the university teaching methods. We analyze the biggest communities to identify the factors that characterize the learning strategy and preferences of undergraduate computer science students

    Interpersonal Relations and Social Actions on Live Streaming Services. A Systematic Review on Cyber-social Relations

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    This article provides a systematic review on interpersonal relations and social actions on live streaming services as, for instance, Twitch, Chaturbate, YouNow, or Taobao Live. Are those relations social, parasocial, or is there another specific kind of relation? Based on 77 articles, we give a short bibliometric overview and discuss interactions on live streaming services, social actions of streamers, social actions of viewers, shopping relations on live streaming services, and the streamers’ and viewers’ intentions to continuous actions leading (also supported by elements of gamification) the audience to a kind of stickiness towards individual streams, streamers, and services. Due to highly interactive communication between audience and broadcasters and among the viewers, social actions on live streaming services take a middle position between social and parasocial relations and―concerning shopping―also a middle position between physical event-shopping and ordering on an e-commerce platform. They form a new human-human relation, which we name “cyber-social relation.

    Rapid prototyping of the SmartAR augmented reality control platform for multiple use cases

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    The technology of augmented reality (AR) is still in its infancy, but given the significant influence of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, it can be said to be the next big thing for the next generation. The goal of this study is to create, utilizing fast application development approaches, a low-cost platform that can be applied to a variety of Smart City and Smart Building use cases. The many AR use cases discussed in this paper are all implemented using the same methodology. The Node-Red platform, which is perfectly suited to the Internet of Things and online applications, was used to swiftly construct a number of augmented reality use cases for the platfor

    Big Data Management in Maritime Transport

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    As maritime transport produces a large amount of data from various sources and in different formats, authors have analysed current applications of Big Data by researching global applications and experiences and by studying journal and conference articles. Big Data innovations in maritime transport (both cargo and passenger) are demonstrated, mainly in the fields of seaport operations, weather routing, monitoring/tracking and security. After the analysis, the authors have concluded that Big Data analyses can provide deep understanding of causalities and correlations in maritime transport, thus improving decision making. However, there exist major challenges of an efficient data collection and processing in maritime transport, such as technology challenges, challenges due to competitive conditions etc. Finally, the authors provide a future perspective of Big Data usage in maritime transport

    KOSI- Key Object Detection for Sentiment Insights

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    This paper explores an original approach of using computer vision, data mining and an expert system to facilitate marketers and other interested parties to take automated data-driven decisions with the use of actionable insights. The system uses a state-of-the-art algorithm to retrieves all the images of a desired Instagram user profile. Then, the data is passed through a combination of different convolutional neural networks for object detection and a rule-based translation system to determine the interests of this profile user. Further, using a separately trained convolutional neural network with an original dataset developed as part of this study, personality insights are derived. The results from the conducted experiments yield a satisfactory prediction of interests and not very promising results for the personality prediction

    How Well Do Service Concepts Apply to Digital Services and Service Digitalization?

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    This paper explores the extent to which typical service concepts apply to digital service (DS) and service digitalization. It defines service, service systems, digital, digitalization, digital objects, digital agents, digital service, and service digitalization. Application of those definitions to four real world cases explores how well concepts from the service literature describe DS and service digitalization

    ICT Support for Refugees and Undocumented Immigrants

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    Immigrant integration has become a primary political concern for leaders in Germany and the United States. The information systems (IS) community has begun to research how information and communications technologies can assist immigrants and refugees, such as by examining how countries can facilitate social-inclusion processes. Migrants face the challenge of joining closed communities that cannot integrate or fear doing so. We conducted a panel discussion at the 2019 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) in Cancun, Mexico, to introduce multiple viewpoints on immigration. In particular, the panel discussed how technology can both support and prevent immigrants from succeeding in their quest. We conducted the panel to stimulate a thoughtful and dynamic discussion on best practices and recommendations to enhance the discipline’s impact on alleviating the challenges that occur for immigrants in their host countries. In this panel report, we introduce the topic of using ICT to help immigrants integrate and identify differences between North/Central America and Europe. We also discuss how immigrants (particularly refugees) use ICT to connect with others, feel that they belong, and maintain their identity. We also uncover the dark and bright sides of how governments use ICT to deter illegal immigration. Finally, we present recommendations for researchers and practitioners on how to best use ICT to assist with immigration