55 research outputs found

    The Trajectory of IT in Healthcare at HICSS: A Literature Review, Analysis, and Future Directions

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    Research has extensively demonstrated that healthcare industry has rapidly implemented and adopted information technology in recent years. Research in health information technology (HIT), which represents a major component of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, demonstrates similar findings. In this paper, review the literature to better understand the work on HIT that researchers have conducted in HICSS from 2008 to 2017. In doing so, we identify themes, methods, technology types, research populations, context, and emerged research gaps from the reviewed literature. With much change and development in the HIT field and varying levels of adoption, this review uncovers, catalogs, and analyzes the research in HIT at HICSS in this ten-year period and provides future directions for research in the field

    Too old to Shop? A Comparative Analysis of the Engagement of Junior and Senior Customers in Social Commerce

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    With the continuous success of social media websites also social commerce rises in popularity. As increasing numbers of elderly consumers use social media, it is interesting to understand how elderly consumers engage in social commerce platforms. This study examines how different dimensions of customer engagement influence trust with young and older consumers. A survey was conducted to collect data from American consumers. Our results show that perceived enjoyment, satisfaction, and social commerce value have significant effects on consumers’ trust. Further, there are important differences regarding the respective effects between younger and older consumers. Our study contributes to the literature by clarifying the effect of customer engagement on trust in social commerce between young and elderly consumers. Our results can provide practitioners important guidelines regarding how to support consumers’ trust development in social commerce

    Too old to Shop? A Comparative Analysis of the Engagement of Junior and Senior Customers in Social Commerce

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    With the continuous success of social media websites also social commerce rises in popularity. As increasing numbers of elderly consumers use social media, it is interesting to understand how elderly consumers engage in social commerce platforms. This study examines how different dimensions of customer engagement influence trust with young and older consumers. A survey was conducted to collect data from American consumers. Our results show that perceived enjoyment, satisfaction, and social commerce value have significant effects on consumers’ trust. Further, there are important differences regarding the respective effects between younger and older consumers. Our study contributes to the literature by clarifying the effect of customer engagement on trust in social commerce between young and elderly consumers. Our results can provide practitioners important guidelines regarding how to support consumers’ trust development in social commerce

    Innovative Concepts within Knowledge Management

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    In our increasingly knowledge-based society the need for innovative concepts within the discipline of Knowledge Management (KM) becomes clear. Therefore, this article aims to shed light on current and uprising innovative technologies and concepts within the discipline of KM. This study conveys recent and previous scientific literature on the relevance of uprising innovative concepts within the various dimensions of KM. We conducted a systematic literature review (SLR) on various literature sources to cover the whole spectrum of innovative KM approaches. All 37 reviewed articles originate from acknowledged sources and were written in English. The findings show, which innovative concepts show relevance within KM, how they are classified into the three innovation categories social, technological, and organizational, how they manifest within KM and what to expect from future KM innovations

    Literature Review on Blockchain with focus on Supply Chain

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    In order to understand the applicability of Blockchain technology to Supply Chain, this paper reviews the available literature published within the AISNET’s basket of eight journals on the topic Blockchain and a list of selected top IS conferences. One observation in the results is that authors have been giving more importance to areas related to either fintech or cryptocurrencies. Nevertheless, other applications of blockchain technologies are being approached by these authors. Since the area of focus of this paper relates to Supply Chain, the refinement process of the results, consisted on filtering out those observations. Hence the approach consists on the research and review of all available publications with the utilization of a unique interpretation framework and focus on the avenues of research provided by these articles. Gathering information in order to create discussion debates, grouped by the unit of analysis identified, within Supply Chain

    Virtual teamwork in the context of technological and cultural transformation

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    Megatrends affect all individuals and organizations in our society. Mobility and flexibility are examples of megatrends that influence our everyday lives and also intensely alter the ways we work. The deployment of virtual teams meets the new chances emerging with these trends. Employees aspire to work virtually due to benefits, such as flexibility regarding the locations and hours for working. Organizations deploy virtual teams to remain competitive regarding new technological opportunities, employee retention and cost efficiency in an increasingly digital environment. Organizations can guide their change towards virtuality by building on the knowledge of practice as well as scientific insights regarding the deployment of virtual teams. In order to provide a holistic view on the structures and processes affected by such a change and thus provide guidance, a framework for analyzing and planning organizational change is adapted to virtual teamwork and presented in this paper. The framework shows that the deployment of virtual teams affects the whole organization. This comprehensive view on the implementation of virtual teamwork allows an integration of virtual teams and focusses on their performance. The adapted framework furthermore provides links for further in-depth research in this field

    Virtual teamwork in the context of technological and cultural transformation

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    Megatrends affect all individuals and organizations in our society. Mobility and flexibility are examples of megatrends that influence our everyday lives and also intensely alter the ways we work. The deployment of virtual teams meets the new chances emerging with these trends. Employees aspire to work virtually due to benefits, such as flexibility regarding the locations and hours for working. Organizations deploy virtual teams to remain competitive regarding new technological opportunities, employee retention and cost efficiency in an increasingly digital environment. Organizations can guide their change towards virtuality by building on the knowledge of practice as well as scientific insights regarding the deployment of virtual teams. In order to provide a holistic view on the structures and processes affected by such a change and thus provide guidance, a framework for analyzing and planning organizational change is adapted to virtual teamwork and presented in this paper. The framework shows that the deployment of virtual teams affects the whole organization. This comprehensive view on the implementation of virtual teamwork allows an integration of virtual teams and focusses on their performance. The adapted framework furthermore provides links for further in-depth research in this field

    A Goal-based Framework Integrating Disparate Media Choice Theories

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    Media choice and selection theories are numerous and highly fragmented. While much of this theorizing has helped IS researchers better understand what influences people’s media choices and selections, the proliferation of theories also leads to redundancies, and decreased clarity and impact. Here, we develop and apply an approach to better know what we know about a set of related theories. We present a unifying framework of media choice that (1) builds on prior work, (2) streamlines disparate lines of research, and (3) links media choices to goals. In addition to advancing media choice theorizing, the framework is a useful template for relating future research contributions to previous theories, an effective teaching aid, and a tool for practitioners applying media choice theories

    Proposing Design Principles for Sustainable Fire Safety Training in Immersive Virtual Reality

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    Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) technologies are frequently adopted by organizations for safety training. Safety training in IVR engages and motivates employees to develop skills in how to manage hazardous situations. By employing IVR for safety training, organizations and employees can develop safety knowledge and increase their sustainability awareness. In this paper we develop design principles for sustainable fire safety training in IVR. The principles were developed through an Action Design Research (ADR) case. The paper demonstrates how ADR can be used to design individual training environments and how the method supports the development of more generic design principles for such environments. The design principles are subsequently proposed as: Design for Multimodal Risk Perception, Design for Empathetic Safety Cognition, Design for Formative Hazard Inspection, and Design for Comfort in Uncomfortable Decision Making

    Go for it: Where IS researchers aren’t researching

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    This viewpoint article describes two research topics under-researched by Information Systems (IS) researchers: Robotics and IT addiction. These topics offer great potential for IS researchers in terms of business and societal impacts and it would behoove IS researchers to study them more fully. The aspects of the research topics that are related to IS are discussed and potential research areas and questions are suggested