5,108 research outputs found

    Strategic corporate communication in the digital age

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    This chapter presents a systematic review of over thirty (30) types of online marketing methods. It describes different methods like email marketing, social network marketing, in-game marketing and augmented reality marketing, among other approaches. The researchers discuss that the rationale for using these online marketing strategies is to increase brand awareness, customer centric marketing and consumer loyalty. They shed light on various personalization methods including recommendation systems and user generated content in their taxonomy of online marketing terms. Hence, they explain how these online marketing methods are related to each other. The researchers contend that the boundaries between online marketing methods have not been clarified enough within the academic literature. Therefore, this chapter provides a better understanding of different online marketing methods. A review of the literature suggests that the ā€˜oldestā€™ online marketing methods including the email and the websites are still very relevant for todayā€™s corporate communication. In conclusion, the researchers put forward their recommendations for future research about contemporary online marketing methods.peer-reviewe

    The impact of traditional and social media marketing on customersā€™ brand trust and purchase intentions in the Turkish airline market

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of customers' attitudes towards traditional and social media marketing on brand trust and purchase intention. Reviewing the extant literature unveiled that the subject of traditional versus social media marketing in the airline market is not sufficiently studied. Thus, we studied the mentioned subject in Turkey because the aviation sector has shown noteworthy improvements due to a significant increasing volume of e-commerce, not only on the passenger side but also on the cargo side as well. On the other hand, thanks to the passenger demand growth since starting the recent century, the Turkish airline industry leads a giant contribution to the enlargement of the global economy due to the increasing number of connections and falling air transport costs. Data was gathered in Istanbul airports from 341 passengers of the airlines of Turkey to compare the impact of traditional and social media marketing on brand trust and purchase intention of customers and analyzed by using structural equation modeling. The findings reveal that in recent years digital marketing and online advertising campaigns has been more effective than traditional marketing for augmenting brand trust and purchase intention of the passengers

    Semantic discovery and reuse of business process patterns

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    Patterns currently play an important role in modern information systems (IS) development and their use has mainly been restricted to the design and implementation phases of the development lifecycle. Given the increasing significance of business modelling in IS development, patterns have the potential of providing a viable solution for promoting reusability of recurrent generalized models in the very early stages of development. As a statement of research-in-progress this paper focuses on business process patterns and proposes an initial methodological framework for the discovery and reuse of business process patterns within the IS development lifecycle. The framework borrows ideas from the domain engineering literature and proposes the use of semantics to drive both the discovery of patterns as well as their reuse

    Retail Distribution Within the New York City Organic Cacao Market

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    The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies small physical commodities firm owners need to establish a distribution channel within the commodities market to enhance profits. The general business problem was that importing physical commodities from emerging markets was not profitable. The specific business problem was some small physical wholesale commodities firm managers lacked strategies to establish distribution channels for imported commodities. The information presented in this study is important to suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers of organic cacao products to identify strategies to enhance their distribution channels. Disruptive innovation and the theory of constraints grounded the conceptual framework to relate ideas presented in this study. The central research question guiding the study concerned strategies small physical wholesale commodities firm owners used to establish distribution channels within the commodities market. Participants included 6 small business owners who gave recorded responses during in-depth, face-to-face interviews. The 6 interview recordings were transcribed, then coded and interpreted. Data analysis revealed 6 themes, which included price point strategy, B2B relationships, differentiation, strategic locations, sufficient operating capital, and customer relationships. Enhancing profits in the distribution channels of small organic cacao companies requires a holistic approach in the New York City area. The social implications of this study may draw attention to organic cacao, which is a healthy alternative to confectionery chocolate. Strategies introduced to enhance profits may increase economic growth in the local communities in the New York Tri-State area

    Analiza učinkovitosti oglaŔivačkih poruka. Usporedba po mediju, tipologiji i rasporedu oglasa

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    Purpose ā€“ This research aims to evaluate how the effectiveness of advertisements can vary according to three fundamental variables: the time schedule of message receipt, the media, and the type of advertising message used. Design/methodology/approach ā€“ An experiment with 375 university students related to administrative careers was devised, creating 25 work groups that were stimulated by multiple advertisements with different combinations of the described variables. Subsequently, various techniques were applied to evaluate the ads used. Findings and implications ā€“ The main results showed that advertisements with musical messages have a greater capacity to be retained in the minds of their recipients; similarly, advertising messages that are transmitted through the use of audiovisual media have a greater capacity to please or attract. Limitation ā€“ The main limitation is associated primarily with the characteristics of the sample, as it is a very specific audience, where the influence of other demographic variables, including age, sex, marital status, and living conditions, was not considered. Originality ā€“ The results obtained confirm the contributions of previous studies and reveal patterns of behavior related to the impact of the media and the type of advertisement that is used in its potential to stimulate memories in the subjects receiving the message and to please the target audience, fundamentally in the messages aimed at young audiences (university students). In addition, it provides information on how some attributes that distinguish the advertisement, according to the type of advertising messages used, should be considered as an additional criterion for managers to decide on the type of the advertising message, the fair amount to use, and the most beneficial transmission schedule of such advertisements.Svrha ā€“ Cilj je istraživanja procijeniti kako se učinkovitost oglasa može razlikovati ovisno o trima ključnim varijablama, to jest o vremenskom rasporedu primanja poruke, mediju i vrsti koriÅ”tene oglaÅ”ivačke poruke. MetodoloÅ”ki pristup ā€“ OsmiÅ”ljen je eksperiment u kojem je sudjelovalo 375 studenata poslovnog usmjerenja, a oformljeno je 25 radnih grupa koje su poticane viÅ”estrukim oglasima s različitim kombinacijama opisanih varijabli. Potom su primijenjene različite tehnike za procjenu koriÅ”tenih oglasa. Rezultati i implikacije ā€“ Glavni rezultati pokazali su da oglasi s glazbenim porukama imaju veću sposobnost zadržavanja u svijesti primatelja poruke kao i da oglaÅ”ivačke poruke koje se prenose koriÅ”tenjem audiovizualnih medija imaju veći kapacitet za ugoditi ili privući. Ograničenja ā€“ Glavno ograničenje uglavnom je povezano s karakteristikama uzorka jer je riječ o vrlo specifičnoj populaciji u kojoj utjecaj drugih demografskih varijabli, poput dobi, spola, bračnog statusa, životnih uvjeta, između ostalog, nije razmatran. Doprinos ā€“ Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju doprinose prethodnih istraživanja i otkrivaju obrasce ponaÅ”anja povezane s utjecajem medija i vrste koriÅ”tenog oglasa u odnosu na potencijal poticanja sjećanja u primatelja poruke i ugađanje ciljnoj publici, u osnovi u porukama namijenjenim mladoj publici (studentima). Dodatno, pružaju informacije o tome kako neke atribute, po kojima se oglas razlikuje prema vrsti koriÅ”tene oglaÅ”ivačke poruke, treba razmatrati kao dodatni kriterij pri odlučivanju menadžera o vrsti oglaÅ”ivačke poruke, primjerenoj količini koriÅ”tenja kao i najpovoljnijem rasporedu prenoÅ”enja takvih oglasa

    Valuing Social Data

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    Social data production is a unique form of value creation that characterizes informational capitalism. Social data production also presents critical challenges for the various legal regimes that are encountering it. This Article provides legal scholars and policymakers with the tools to comprehend this new form of value creation through two descriptive contributions. First, it presents a theoretical account of social data, a mode of production which is cultivated and exploited for two distinct (albeit related) forms of value: prediction value and exchange value. Second, it creates and defends a taxonomy of three ā€œscriptsā€ that companies follow to build up and leverage prediction value and describes the normative and legal ramifications of these scripts.The Article then applies these descriptive contributions to demonstrate how legal regimes are failing to effectively regulate social data value creation. Through the examples of tax law and data privacy law, it demonstrates these struggles in both legal regimes that have historically regulated value creation, like tax law, and legal regimes that have been newly tasked with regulating value creation by informational capitalism, like privacy and data protection law.The Article argues that separately analyzing dataā€™s prediction value and its exchange value may be helpful to understanding the challenges the law faces in governing social data production and the political economy surrounding such production. This improved understanding will equip legal scholars to better confront the harms of lawā€™s failures in the face of informational capitalism, reduce legal arbitrage by powerful actors, and facilitate opportunities to maximize the beneficial potential of social data value

    Effective forms of market orientation across the business cycle:a longitudinal analysis of business-to-business firms

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    Macroeconomic developments, such as the business cycle, have a remarkable influence on firms and their performance. In business-to-business (B-to-B) markets characterized by a strong emphasis on long-term customer relationships, market orientation (MO) provides a particularly important safeguard for firms against fluctuating market forces. Using panel data from an economic upturn and downturn, we examine the effectiveness of different forms of MO (i.e., customer orientation, competitor orientation, interfunctional coordination, and their combinations) on firm performance in B-to-B firms. Our findings suggest that the impact of MO increases especially during a downturn, with interfunctional coordination clearly boosting firm performance and, conversely, competitor orientation becoming even detrimental. The findings further indicate that both the role of MO and its most effective forms vary across industry sectors, MO having a particularly strong impact on performance among B-to-B service firms. The findings of our study provide guidelines for executives to better manage performance across the business cycle and tailor their investments in MO more effectively, according to the firm's specific industry sector

    23rd Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Science Conference, July 11-14, 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland:book of abstracts

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    This book includes the (edited) abstracts of the papers that will be presented at the 23rd Recent Advancesin Retailing and Services Science Conference, at the Carlton/Hilton hotel, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 11-16, 2016.The aim of the conference is to bring together an international and multidisciplinary audience working ondifferent topics in retailing and consumer behavior research. Both completed work and work in progresswill be presented. This is reflected in the kind of papers that have been accepted for presentation
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