1,718 research outputs found

    Dimension Detection with Local Homology

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    Detecting the dimension of a hidden manifold from a point sample has become an important problem in the current data-driven era. Indeed, estimating the shape dimension is often the first step in studying the processes or phenomena associated to the data. Among the many dimension detection algorithms proposed in various fields, a few can provide theoretical guarantee on the correctness of the estimated dimension. However, the correctness usually requires certain regularity of the input: the input points are either uniformly randomly sampled in a statistical setting, or they form the so-called (ε,δ)(\varepsilon,\delta)-sample which can be neither too dense nor too sparse. Here, we propose a purely topological technique to detect dimensions. Our algorithm is provably correct and works under a more relaxed sampling condition: we do not require uniformity, and we also allow Hausdorff noise. Our approach detects dimension by determining local homology. The computation of this topological structure is much less sensitive to the local distribution of points, which leads to the relaxation of the sampling conditions. Furthermore, by leveraging various developments in computational topology, we show that this local homology at a point zz can be computed \emph{exactly} for manifolds using Vietoris-Rips complexes whose vertices are confined within a local neighborhood of zz. We implement our algorithm and demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of our method using both synthetic and real data sets

    Magnification Control in Self-Organizing Maps and Neural Gas

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    We consider different ways to control the magnification in self-organizing maps (SOM) and neural gas (NG). Starting from early approaches of magnification control in vector quantization, we then concentrate on different approaches for SOM and NG. We show that three structurally similar approaches can be applied to both algorithms: localized learning, concave-convex learning, and winner relaxing learning. Thereby, the approach of concave-convex learning in SOM is extended to a more general description, whereas the concave-convex learning for NG is new. In general, the control mechanisms generate only slightly different behavior comparing both neural algorithms. However, we emphasize that the NG results are valid for any data dimension, whereas in the SOM case the results hold only for the one-dimensional case.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    Intrinsic Dimension Estimation: Relevant Techniques and a Benchmark Framework

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    When dealing with datasets comprising high-dimensional points, it is usually advantageous to discover some data structure. A fundamental information needed to this aim is the minimum number of parameters required to describe the data while minimizing the information loss. This number, usually called intrinsic dimension, can be interpreted as the dimension of the manifold from which the input data are supposed to be drawn. Due to its usefulness in many theoretical and practical problems, in the last decades the concept of intrinsic dimension has gained considerable attention in the scientific community, motivating the large number of intrinsic dimensionality estimators proposed in the literature. However, the problem is still open since most techniques cannot efficiently deal with datasets drawn from manifolds of high intrinsic dimension and nonlinearly embedded in higher dimensional spaces. This paper surveys some of the most interesting, widespread used, and advanced state-of-the-art methodologies. Unfortunately, since no benchmark database exists in this research field, an objective comparison among different techniques is not possible. Consequently, we suggest a benchmark framework and apply it to comparatively evaluate relevant state-of-the-art estimators

    A scale-based approach to finding effective dimensionality in manifold learning

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    The discovering of low-dimensional manifolds in high-dimensional data is one of the main goals in manifold learning. We propose a new approach to identify the effective dimension (intrinsic dimension) of low-dimensional manifolds. The scale space viewpoint is the key to our approach enabling us to meet the challenge of noisy data. Our approach finds the effective dimensionality of the data over all scale without any prior knowledge. It has better performance compared with other methods especially in the presence of relatively large noise and is computationally efficient.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-EJS137 the Electronic Journal of Statistics (http://www.i-journals.org/ejs/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
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