11,209 research outputs found

    The Impact of Gamification on Employee Engagement in a Complex System of Human Resource Management Processes

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusPromocijas darba mērÄ·is ir izpētÄ«t spÄ“ÄŒoĆĄanu kā rÄ«ku, ko izmanto personālvadÄ«bas procesu kompleksā sistēmā, un tās potenciālu ietekmēt augstāku darbinieku iesaisti ĆĄajos procesos, kā arÄ« izstrādāt rekomendācijas spÄ“ÄŒotu un iesaisti veicinoĆĄu personālvadÄ«bas procesu dizainam. PētÄ«jums piedāvā hipotēzi, ka, Ɔemot vērā spÄ“ÄŒu vides augsti iesaistoĆĄo raksturu, darbinieku iesaiste daĆŸÄdos personālvadÄ«bas procesos tiek pozitÄ«vi ietekmēta, izmantojot spÄ“ÄŒu elementus, kas veicina izmērāmu ĆĄo procesu rādÄ«tāju paaugstināƥanos. Darba zinātniskā novitāte izpauĆŸas spÄ“ÄŒoĆĄanas definÄ«cijā ar fokusu uz personālvadÄ«bas procesiem, kā arÄ« pienesumā vadÄ«bzinātƆu teorijas attÄ«stÄ«bai: izstrādāts 10-soÄŒu modelis iesaisti veicinoĆĄai personālvadÄ«bas procesu spÄ“ÄŒoĆĄanai. Darba ietvaros izstrādātā metodoloÄŁija spÄ“ÄŒoĆĄanas ietekmes izpētei uz darbinieku iesaisti var tikt izmantota gan viena uzƆēmuma vai uzƆēmumu grupas ietvaros, gan pārrobeĆŸu pētÄ«jumiemThe aim of this study is to explore gamification as a tool used within a complex system of human resource management processes and its potential to achieve higher employee engagement with these processes, as well as to develop recommendations for gamified and engagement-positive design of the said processes. Hypothesis defended throughout the thesis argues that given highly engaging character of the game environment employee engagement with various human resource management processes can be positively influenced through the application of game elements, thus promoting improvement of the process indicators. Scientific novelty of the doctoral thesis lies in developed gamification definition with a focus on human resource management processes, as well as in contribution to the management theory development: thesis offers 10-steps model for the engagement positive gamification of human resource management processes. Methodology for research of the impact of gamification on employee engagement can be used within any business enterprise or group of enterprises, as well as for the crossborder research

    An empirical investigation of factors influencing teacher attraction to a career as school counselor.

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    This study addressed the administrative task of recruiting school counselors in the largest school district of Kentucky, a state undergoing systemic school reform. The participants (N = 553) were elementary (n = 162), middle (n = 113), and high (n = 278) school teachers.The independent variables included personal characteristics of the participants (age, gender, number of dependent children, ethnicity, education, current school enrollment, current school level, current school CATS level, years of teaching experience, years of teaching experience in JCPS, years of teaching experience in Kentucky) serving as control variables. The other independent variables were counselor job facets (predictor variables) and job satisfaction (current, expected). The dependent variable was a two-item composite score for applicant rating of a school counselor position as depicted in a simulated counselor job description. The coefficient alpha for the composite rating was .9531. This research study utilized a correlation design with hierarchical multiple regression analysis as the primary analytical procedure. The results indicated one control variable (years of experience in JCPS) and four predictor variables (ECE paperwork, administration, testing/assessment, counsel/mentor) explained significant variance in the dependent variable (rating of a school counselor). JCPS experience (beta = -.20, p \u3c .01) was a negative coefficient indicating as teaching experience in JCPS increased, participant rating of a counselor job decreased. The full model (adjusted-R2 = .35) explained 35% of the variance in the rating of a counselor job. Additional statistical procedures included the independent-samples t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to analyze group mean scores with the two-item composite (counselor job rating) serving as the dependent variable. The one-way ANOVA with highest degree serving as the independent variable was significant (p \u3c; .05). The participants with a bachelors degree (M = 6.0) as the highest degree earned was significantly higher than the mean for participants with masters degree +30 hours (M = 5.1) as the highest degree earned. The Pearson correlation between age and job rating (R = -.19) was significant (p \u3c .0001) indicating as age increased, the score for job rating decreased. Paired t-tests results indicated that teachers rated their current satisfaction with six job factors as teachers higher than they did their expected job satisfaction as a school counselor. The participants completed three open-ended questions which have implications for counselor recruitment and job restructuring. Implications for future research might involve casting practicing counselors in the role of simulated applicants for position vacancies

    Social Media and the Mediating Role of Perceived Authenticity in Covert Celebrity Endorsement: Influencing Factors

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    This thesis analyses the factors that influence the celebrity endorser’s perceived authenticity and its impact on the promoted brand in covert social media marketing. To examine consumer behaviour, the Persuasion Knowledge Model and Attribution Theory were integrated, and a theoretical framework was then developed. In total, 653 social media users were recruited to participate in the research, and structural equation modelling was conducted to test the proposed model. The results confirm that (1) activated persuasion knowledge negatively influences celebrity endorser’s perceived authenticity in covert social media marketing; (2) celebrity-brand congruity does not have a significant impact on the endorser’s perceived authenticity; (3) celebrity’s expertise positively influences the celebrity endorser’s perceived authenticity when endorsing products related to his or her area of expertise; (4) the celebrity’s perceived attractiveness has a positive impact on the celebrity’s perceived authenticity when endorsing attractiveness enhancing products covertly in social media; and (5) perceived authenticity of a celebrity endorser positively influences brand attitudes and, consequently, behavioural intentions. Both theoretical and managerial implications are drawn, suggesting directions for future studies

    The influence of intangible incentives on Generation Z : a self-concept based approach

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    As by today, Generation Z prepares to enter the job market. Therefore, companies will be facing a new set of challenges. With the youngest generation being part the labor force, four different generations will impact the formation of the organizations, all of them carrying different beliefs, values and ambitions. Gaining influence in the economic world the question arises: What does Generation Z expect from their future employer, what do they desire and how can a firm appeal more attractive to them? This empirical study aims to identify the perceived importance levels of Generation Z towards different intangible dimensions of employer attractiveness. Moreover, the research pursues to frame how the self-concept of Generation Z individuals, examined through the trait self-esteem, moderates the values attributed to different intangible incentives. Findings of this study provide evidence that Training & Development, Flexibility and Working Environment are among the most attracting factors for Generation Z individuals. Furthermore, the results revealed that self-esteem positively impacts the value attributed with Autonomy & Empowerment, Working Environment, Flexibility and Training through different tasks. The comparisons regarding gender, nationality and employment status revealed distinguished perception of those valued attributes among German and Portuguese nationals and among male and female members of the Generation Z.A partir de hoje, a Geração Z prepara-se para entrar no mercado de trabalho. Deste modo, as empresas estarĂŁo a enfrentar um novo conjunto de desafios. Com a geração mais jovem fazendo parte da força de trabalho, quatro geraçÔes diferentes terĂŁo impacto na formação das organizaçÔes, todas elas com diferentes crenças, valores e ambiçÔes. Ao ganhar influĂȘncia no mundo econĂłmico, a pergunta surge: O que Ă© que a Geração Z espera do seu futuro empregador, o que eles desejam e como uma empresa pode parecer mais atrativa para eles? Este estudo empĂ­rico visa identificar os nĂ­veis de importĂąncia que a Geração Z dĂĄ a diferentes dimensĂ”es intangĂ­veis do empregador. AlĂ©m disso, a pesquisa procura enquadrar como o autoconceito dos indivĂ­duos da Geração Z, examinados por meio do traço da autoestima, modera os valores atribuĂ­dos aos diferentes incentivos intangĂ­veis. Os resultados deste estudo dĂŁo provas de que Treino e Desenvolvimento, Flexibilidade e Ambiente de Trabalho estĂŁo entre os fatores mais atrativos para os indivĂ­duos da Geração Z. AlĂ©m disso, ficou provado que o traço da auto-estima tem impacto positivo no valor atribuĂ­do com Autonomia & Poder, Ambiente de Trabalho, Flexibilidade e Treino por meio de diferentes tarefas. As comparaçÔes relativas a sexo, nacionalidade e situação de emprego revelaram uma percepção distinta dos atributos valorizados entre alemĂŁes e portugueses e entre os membros masculinos e femininos da Geração Z

    The Law and Economics of Antidiscrimination Law

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    This essay provides an overview of the central theoretical law and economics insights concerning antidiscrimination law across a variety of contexts including discrimination in labor markets, housing markets, consumer purchases, and policing. The different models of discrimination based on animus, statistical discrimination, and cartel exploitation are analyzed for both race and sex discrimination. I explore the theoretical arguments for prohibiting private discriminatory conduct and illustrates the tensions that exist between concerns for liberty and equality. I also discuss the critical point that one cannot automatically attribute observed disparities in various economic or social outcomes to discrimination, and illustrate the complexities in establishing the existence of discrimination. The major empirical findings showing the effectiveness of federal law in the first decade after passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act are contrasted with the generally less optimistic findings from subsequent antidiscrimination interventions.

    Hype or Help? A Longitudinal Field Study of Virtual World Use for Team Collaboration

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    Despite increasing organizational interest and investment in virtual worlds (VWs), there is a lack of research on the benefits of VWs. When and how does the use of VW systems engender better organizational outcomes than traditional collaborative technologies? This paper investigates the value of VWs for team collaboration. Team collaboration is particularly relevant in studying VWs given the rich interactive nature of VWs and an increasing organizational reliance on virtual teamwork. To understand the value of VW use for team collaboration, we examine the relationship between a team’s disposition toward IT, their general disposition (personality) and VW use in influencing team cohesion and performance. We conducted a field study that compares two collaborative technology systems – one that is based on a traditional desktop metaphor and one that is grounded in the principles of a virtual world. We tracked the use of the systems for one year. We analyzed data at the team level and the results generally support our model, with agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, openness, and computer self-efficacy interacting with time and technology type to positively influence team technology use. We also found that the use of the virtual world system positively influenced the relationship between technology use and team cohesion, which, in turn, predicts team performance. The model explains 57 percent, 21 percent, and 24 percent of the variance in team technology use, team cohesion, and team performance, respectively

    Characteristics of the Effective Online Teaching Faculty: Perspectives of Online University Administrators

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    The purpose of this explorative qualitative case study was to identify the characteristics online administrators reveal as existing in their most effective, and ineffective online teaching faculty (OTF). By identifying the characteristics of effective OTF, online administrators can develop practices to reduce and avoid the negative effects associated with ineffective OTF. Negative effects include increased transactional distance and student attrition. Analyzed were personal interviews of ten online administrators from eight different universities, a year of student surveys from six courses, and faculty handbooks. Interview questions sought the best approach to online facilitation, recommendations for retention of students, factors related to course facilitation that bring positive or negative results and what attributes were found in both effective and ineffective OTF. The data collected and literature reviewed revealed an Online Student Hierarchy of Needs pyramid with four progressive levels satisfied by the Facilitation, Cognitive and Social Presences\u27 of the effective OTF

    Female Small Business Owners: Strategies for Success

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    In 2015, 30.2 million small businesses existed in the United States; the Small Business Administration predicted that only half would survive beyond 5 years. Female business owners who do not establish practices to gain a competitive advantage in the small business marketplace may experience poor business performance. Grounded in trait theory, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore the business strategies female small business owners use to succeed in a small business beyond 5 years. Participants included 3 female owners of successful small businesses in Northern California who have been in continual operation for more than 5 years. Data were collected from interviews, observation, and documentation in the form of customer reviews and public documents establishing the age of the business. Methodological triangulation and manual data analysis were used to extract themes from the data. There were 4 themes that emerged from the data. The themes included personality and the development of a business persona, as well as education, quality of product or service, and financial management. Employees, financial stakeholders, and society are beneficiaries of successful business enterprises that generate tax dollars, provide employment, and provide access to a desirable product or service. The implications of positive social change include the potential for female business owners to experience greater success and contribute to their communities by providing a positive example of female entrepreneurship

    A curated pop-up retail concept showcasing and nurturing emerging fashion designers

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    The state of the fashion industry is influenced by social behaviour, political decisions and economical changes. In the last few years, the fashion industry underwent substantial transformations with the digital revolution as one of the most significant changes. The online environment opened a window of opportunities for small and medium fashion businesses, which harnessed the power of e-tailing and social media. However, the research proves that physical sale constitutes 92 percent of the total sale and will only diminish to 75 percent in favour of the digital one. Thus, the digital world should be perceived as complimentary to the physical one, which form together a powerful omnichannel approach. Due to the experience economy and the fact that consumers can get anything they want over the internet, the function of physical retail spaces shifts from product-oriented to experience-oriented. The purpose of this project is to test whether curated fashion retail pop-up concepts can counterbalance the online overload of information and choice as well as win the customer engagement. In order to build a comprehensive background of the project a broad knowledge was collected from different fields that were believed to enrich the project: omnichannel, Instagram, customer behaviour, pop-up retail and branding models were extensively studied and followed a precise analysis of the local market. The knowledge and data formed a solid foundation and contributed to a creation of Fashion- Deli Lisbon Fashion Pop Up Market, a branded pop-up retail concept for emerging designers. The implementation of the project proved that temporary retail thanks to its experiential features attracts and engages customers, generates buzz and drives sales – an observation that may serve as an indication for emerging designers.O estado da indĂșstria da moda Ă© influenciado pelo comportamento social, decisĂ”es polĂ­ticas e mudanças econĂłmicas. Nos Ășltimos anos, a indĂșstria da moda sofreu transformaçÔes substanciais, entre as quais a revolução digital Ă© uma das mudanças mais significativas. O ambiente on-line abriu uma janela de oportunidades para pequenas e mĂ©dias empresas de moda, que aproveitaram o poder do e-tailing e dos media sociais. No entanto, as pesquisas provam que a venda fĂ­sica representa 92% da venda total, e sĂł diminuirĂĄ para 75% a favor das vendas no mercado digital. Assim, o mundo digital deve ser percebido como um complemento ao fĂ­sico – juntos, eles formam uma poderosa abordagem de omnichanel. Devido Ă  economia de experiĂȘncia e ao facto dos consumidores poderem obter o que querem pela internet, a função dos espaços fĂ­sicos de venda transforma-se de focada no produto para passar a estar focada na experiĂȘncia. O objectivo deste projecto Ă© testar se um conceito de pop-up retail selecionado, pode contrabalançar o excesso de informação online e a variedade de escolhas, e conseguir o envolvimento do cliente. Para criar um background compreensivo do projecto, for recolhido um leque vasto de informação de diferentes ĂĄreas que em nosso entender vĂŁo enriquecer o projecto: Instagram, comportamento dos clientes, pop-up retail e os modelos de branding, foram profundamente estudados e foi seguida uma anĂĄlise precisa do mercado local. O conhecimento e os dados formaram uma sĂłlida fundação e contribuĂ­ram para formação do FashionDeli Lisbon Fashion Pop Up Market, uma marca de conceito pop-up retail para designers emergentes. A implementação do projeto provou que o conceito de retalho temporĂĄrio, graças Ă s suas caracterĂ­sticas experimentais, atrai e envolve os consumidores, genera interesse e eleva as vendas - uma observação que pode servir como indicador para os designers emergentes
