724 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Online terhadap Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis pada Siswa SMA

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    This study aims to test and compare the effectiveness of online and offline learning on students' critical thinking skills. The sample selected as many as 252 students, who were selected based on the distribution of the balance of the number of students based on online and offline class learning. The sample was obtained from 8 schools in 2 cities, namely Situbondo and Probolinggo. The critical thinking skills rubric adapted from Zane (2013), which was developed by Facione (1990), consists of 6 indicators, namely (1) Interpretation, (2) Analysis, (3) Evaluation, (4) Conclusion, (5) Explanation, and (6 ) Metacognitive. ANOVA analysis was used to test the effect of online and offline learning on students' critical thinking skills by starting with the prerequisite test, namely the homogeneity test and normality test. The analysis showed that students who were given offline learning showed higher critical thinking skills compared to those who were given online learning. Hands-on activities and classroom activities have a significant influence on the development of student's critical thinking skills. Keyword: online learning, offline learning, critical thinking skil

    A Brief History of the Business Model Concept

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    AAPOR Report on Big Data

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    In recent years we have seen an increase in the amount of statistics in society describing different phenomena based on so called Big Data. The term Big Data is used for a variety of data as explained in the report, many of them characterized not just by their large volume, but also by their variety and velocity, the organic way in which they are created, and the new types of processes needed to analyze them and make inference from them. The change in the nature of the new types of data, their availability, the way in which they are collected, and disseminated are fundamental. The change constitutes a paradigm shift for survey research.There is a great potential in Big Data but there are some fundamental challenges that have to be resolved before its full potential can be realized. In this report we give examples of different types of Big Data and their potential for survey research. We also describe the Big Data process and discuss its main challenges

    Physical Therapy 2009

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    The data scientist: what companies expect from recent graduates and the role of business schools

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    This research aims to understand if universities are preparing students well enough to cater to companies’ current data science needs, particularly in terms of skills. To do so, the study reviews data science programs in Portuguese business schools and follows a mixed-method approach, by interviewing data science managers, and surveying recent data scientists online. It was concluded that there is room to improve the skillsets of graduates and recommendations are provided to business schools, who can have a strategic role in bridging the skill gap for future graduates, in what is consensually perceived as strategic, fast growing professional occupation

    Pembelajaran Ear Training Berbasis Teknologi dalam Meningkatkan Musikalitas

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    Ear training atau aural skills adalah latihan keterampilan untuk mengidentifikasi nada melalui kegiatan mendengarkan musik. Penerapan keterampilan ini biasannya dilakukan dengan cara dikte musik secara lisan atau tertulis. Sedangkan teknologi berupa seperangkat komputer atau laptop dengan aplikasi software yang telah dirancang khusus untuk pembelajaran ear training di Program Studi Penyajian Musik FSP ISI Yogyakarta. Media teknologi ini digunakan untuk membantu dosen dalam menyampaikan materi ajar dalam kelas pembelajaran ear training. Penelitian ini bertujuan, pertama, menemukan formulasi tepat dan terbaik terhadap unsur-unsur musik, yakni : interval, trinada, ritme, melodi dan akor/harmoni, dan mendeskripsikannya sebagai bahan Pembelajaran Ear Training di Prodi Penyajian Musik FSP ISI Yogyakarta. Kedua, membuktikan bahwa Pembelajaran Ear Training Berbasis Teknologi ini bermanfaat besar bagi dosen dan mahasiswa. Data-data diperoleh antara lain, dari hasil pembelajaran pada semester-semester awal karena penelitian ini difokuskan untuk materi semester III. Untuk memperoleh data yang lebih akurat, maka dilakukan depth interview langsung kepada mahasiswa, kemudian data dipilah-pilah sesuai kategorisasi permasalahan dan menganalisis situasi pembelajaran ear training yang dihadapi mahasiswa sebagai informan.AbstractTechnology-Based Ear Training to Improve Musicality. Ear training or aural skills are skills training to identify tone through listening to music. These skills are customarily applied by music dictation orally or in writing. At the same time, the technology is in the form of a computer or laptop with software applications designed specifically for teaching ear training at the Music Performance Studies Program FSP Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta. Media technology assists the faculty in delivering teaching materials in classroom teaching ear training. First, This study aims to find the suitable formulation and the best musical elements, namely: interval, triad, rhythm, melody and chord/harmony, and described it as learning material ear training at the Music Performance Studies Program FSP Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta. Second, prove that Ear Learning Technology Based Training benefits faculty and students greatly. The data obtained, among others, of the learning outcomes at the beginning of semesters because the research was focused on the material in the third semester. To get more accurate data, the depth interview is conducted directly with the students, and then, the data is sorted according to the categorisation of problems and ear training, analysing learning situations students face as informants.Keywords: ear training; technology; musicalit

    Policy Implications of User-Generated Data Network Effects

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    User-generated data (UGD) network effects are an exciting and novel economic force. They upset conventional market competition dynamics, and they lead to the formation of dominant data platforms with market power that spans different and seemingly unrelated markets. This article explains that UGD network effects are a blessing and a curse. They provide dominant data platforms with the opportunity to generate welfare-enhancing efficiencies as well as welfare-reducing anticompetitive harms. After exploring the economic opportunities and social threats, this article explores the implications of UGD network effects on competition policy. Drawing on traditional network effects theory, this article proposes and critically examines a host of remedial approaches for policymakers to consider. These remedies include modernized public utility-style regulation, open access policies, and adjusted standards for anti-monopolization and merger scrutiny

    Programming Creativity: Semantics and Organisation of Creativity Within IT Enterprises

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    What does "creativity" mean in the context of IT and what happens when IT acts in its name? Jan Sebastian Zipp examines the concept of creativity in large IT companies in times of digital change, including new ways of working or potential artificial creativity with no human interaction. Drawing on constitutive elements like Silicon Valley or its connection to counterculture, his analysis of the representation and organisation of creativity as a social practice provides insights into the inherent logic of the creativity narrative of IT. This study contributes vital foundations for a critical engagement with today's prevailing understanding of the concept of creativity
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