18 research outputs found

    Ideal Bipolar Anti Fuzzy Pada K-Aljabar

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    Dalam tesis ini dibahas tentang penerapan bipolar anti fuzzy pada K-aljabar. Suatu pemetaan yang memiliki nilai interval bilangan real [0,1] pada kodomainnya disebut himpunan fuzzy. Teori fuzzy merupakan suatu teori yang banyak diterapkan dalam struktur aljabar. Teori bipolar fuzzy merupakan pengembangan dari teori fuzzy, yang kodomainnya terletak pada interval bilangan real [-1,1]. Himpunan bipolar fuzzy merupakan pasangan dari dua himpunan fuzzy yaitu nilai keanggotaan dan non-keanggotaan, yang secara berurutan direpresentasikan dengan nilai positif dan negatif. Seperti halnya teori fuzzy, teori bipolar fuzzy juga dapat diterapkan dalam beberapa struktur aljabar, salah satunya k-aljabar.Suatu struktur aljabar yang dibangun dari grup G dan memenuhi beberapa aksioma disebut dengan K-aljabar. Seperti halnya bipolar fuzzy, teori bipolar anti fuzzy juga dapat diterapkan pada K-aljabar. Pada tesis ini dibahas tentang sifat-sifat ideal bipolar anti fuzzy pada K-aljabar, karakterisasi ideal bipolar anti fuzzy pada K-aljabar, anti image dan anti preimage ideal bipolar anti fuzzy pada K-aljabar, dan translasi bipolar fuzzy, perluasan bipolar fuzzy, pergandaan bipolar fuzzy pada ideal bipolar anti fuzzy pada K-aljabar

    Some Generalized Forms of Fuzzy Interval Valued Hyperideals in a Hyperring

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    Some generalized forms of the hyperideals of a hyperring in the paper of Zhan et al. (2008) will be given. As a generalization of the interval valued (α,β)-fuzzy hyperideals of a hyperring with α,β∈{∈,q,∈∧q,∈∨q} and α≠∈∧q, the notion of generalized interval valued (α,β)-fuzzy hyperideals of a hyperring is also introduced. Special attention is concentrated on the interval valued (∈γ~,∈γ~∨qδ~)-fuzzy hyperideals. As a consequence, some characterizations theorems of interval valued (∈γ~,∈γ~∨qδ~)-fuzzy hyperideals will be provided

    On properties of generalized bipolar fuzzy semigroups

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    In this paper, we introduce a generalization of a bipolar fuzzy subsemigroup, namely a (1, 2; 1, 2)-bipolar fuzzy subsemigroup. The notions of (1, 2; 1, 2)-bipolar fuzzy left (right, bi-) ideals are discussed. Some necessary and sufficient conditions of (1, 2; 1, 2)-bipolar fuzzy left (right, bi-) ideals are obtained. Furthermore, any regular semigroup is characterized in terms of generalized bipolar fuzzy semigroup

    Regular ag-groupoids characterized by (∈, ∈ ∨ q k)-fuzzy ideals

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    In this paper, we introduce a considerable machinery which permits us to characterize a number of special (fuzzy) subsets in AG -groupoids. Generalizing the concepts of (∈, ∈ ∨q) -fuzzy bi-ideals (interior ideal), we define (∈, ∈ ∨ q k) -fuzzy bi-ideals, (∈, ∈ ∨ q k )-fuzzy left (right)-ideals and ( , ) k ? ? ?q -fuzzy interior ideals in AG -groupoids and discuss some fundamental aspects of these ideals in AG -groupoids. We further define ( ∈, ∈ ∨ q k) -fuzzy bi-ideals and (∈, ∈ ∨ q k)-fuzzy interior ideals and give some of their basic properties in AG -groupoids. In the last section, we define lower/upper parts of (∈, ∈ ∨ q k ) -fuzzy left (resp. right) ideals and investigate some characterizations of regular and intera-regular AG -groupoids in terms of the lower parts of ( ∈, ∈ ∨ q k ) -fuzzy left (resp. right) ideals and ( ∈, ∈ ∨ q k )-fuzzy bi-ideal of AG -groupoids

    Ideal Theory in Semigroups Based on Intersectional Soft Sets

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    The notions of int-soft semigroups and int-soft left (resp., right) ideals are introduced, and several properties are investigated. Using these notions and the notion of inclusive set, characterizations of subsemigroups and left (resp., right) ideals are considered. Using the notion of int-soft products, characterizations of int-soft semigroups and int-soft left (resp., right) ideals are discussed. We prove that the soft intersection of int-soft left (resp., right) ideals (resp., int-soft semigroups) is also int-soft left (resp., right) ideals (resp., int-soft semigroups). The concept of int-soft quasi-ideals is also introduced, and characterization of a regular semigroup is discussed

    Ideal Theory in Semigroups Based on Intersectional Soft Sets

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    VPRS-based regional decision fusion of CNN and MRF classifications for very fine resolution remotely sensed images

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    Recent advances in computer vision and pattern recognition have demonstrated the superiority of deep neural networks using spatial feature representation, such as convolutional neural networks (CNN), for image classification. However, any classifier, regardless of its model structure (deep or shallow), involves prediction uncertainty when classifying spatially and spectrally complicated very fine spatial resolution (VFSR) imagery. We propose here to characterise the uncertainty distribution of CNN classification and integrate it into a regional decision fusion to increase classification accuracy. Specifically, a variable precision rough set (VPRS) model is proposed to quantify the uncertainty within CNN classifications of VFSR imagery, and partition this uncertainty into positive regions (correct classifications) and non-positive regions (uncertain or incorrect classifications). Those “more correct” areas were trusted by the CNN, whereas the uncertain areas were rectified by a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)-based Markov random field (MLP-MRF) classifier to provide crisp and accurate boundary delineation. The proposed MRF-CNN fusion decision strategy exploited the complementary characteristics of the two classifiers based on VPRS uncertainty description and classification integration. The effectiveness of the MRF-CNN method was tested in both urban and rural areas of southern England as well as Semantic Labelling datasets. The MRF-CNN consistently outperformed the benchmark MLP, SVM, MLP-MRF and CNN and the baseline methods. This research provides a regional decision fusion framework within which to gain the advantages of model-based CNN, while overcoming the problem of losing effective resolution and uncertain prediction at object boundaries, which is especially pertinent for complex VFSR image classification


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    The full content of this special edition is retrieved from the conference proceedings published by the European Scientific Institute, ESI. http://eujournal.org/index.php/esj/pages/view/books The European Scientific Journal, ESJ, after approval from the publisher re publishes the papers in a Special edition