43,664 research outputs found

    Control of a launcher in atmospheric ascent with guardian maps

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    This paper describes the synthesis of a SISO scheduled controller for a launcher vehicle. The problem consists in designing a control law which will be valid on the atmospheric ascent trajectory from time 25 s to time 60 s, while ensuring robustness and performance requirements. Moreover a flexible model with two bending modes is considered, making the problem more challenging. An algorithm based upon guardian maps has been retained in order to find an a priori fixed architecture controller. The algorithm yields a sequence of controllers that ensures that pole confinement constraints are fulfilled for any time between 25 s and 60 s. The user can then interpolate those controllers to find a scheduled controller with respect to time

    Trapped Modes in Linear Quantum Stochastic Networks with Delays

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    Networks of open quantum systems with feedback have become an active area of research for applications such as quantum control, quantum communication and coherent information processing. A canonical formalism for the interconnection of open quantum systems using quantum stochastic differential equations (QSDEs) has been developed by Gough, James and co-workers and has been used to develop practical modeling approaches for complex quantum optical, microwave and optomechanical circuits/networks. In this paper we fill a significant gap in existing methodology by showing how trapped modes resulting from feedback via coupled channels with finite propagation delays can be identified systematically in a given passive linear network. Our method is based on the Blaschke-Potapov multiplicative factorization theorem for inner matrix-valued functions, which has been applied in the past to analog electronic networks. Our results provide a basis for extending the Quantum Hardware Description Language (QHDL) framework for automated quantum network model construction (Tezak \textit{et al.} in Philos. Trans. R. Soc. A, Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 370(1979):5270-5290, to efficiently treat scenarios in which each interconnection of components has an associated signal propagation time delay

    Optimum constrained image restoration filters

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    The filter was developed in Hilbert space by minimizing the radius of gyration of the overall or composite system point-spread function subject to constraints on the radius of gyration of the restoration filter point-spread function, the total noise power in the restored image, and the shape of the composite system frequency spectrum. An iterative technique is introduced which alters the shape of the optimum composite system point-spread function, producing a suboptimal restoration filter which suppresses undesirable secondary oscillations. Finally this technique is applied to multispectral scanner data obtained from the Earth Resources Technology Satellite to provide resolution enhancement. An experimental approach to the problems involving estimation of the effective scanner aperture and matching the ERTS data to available restoration functions is presented

    Efficient design optimization of complex electromagnetic systems using parametric macromodeling techniques

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    We propose a new parametric macromodeling technique for complex electromagnetic systems described by scattering parameters, which are parameterized by multiple design variables such as layout or substrate feature. The proposed technique is based on an efficient and reliable combination of rational identification, a procedure to find scaling and frequency shifting system coefficients, and positive interpolation schemes. Parametric macromodels can be used for efficient and accurate design space exploration and optimization. A design optimization example for a complex electromagnetic system is used to validate the proposed parametric macromodeling technique in a practical design process flow

    Progressive construction of a parametric reduced-order model for PDE-constrained optimization

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    An adaptive approach to using reduced-order models as surrogates in PDE-constrained optimization is introduced that breaks the traditional offline-online framework of model order reduction. A sequence of optimization problems constrained by a given Reduced-Order Model (ROM) is defined with the goal of converging to the solution of a given PDE-constrained optimization problem. For each reduced optimization problem, the constraining ROM is trained from sampling the High-Dimensional Model (HDM) at the solution of some of the previous problems in the sequence. The reduced optimization problems are equipped with a nonlinear trust-region based on a residual error indicator to keep the optimization trajectory in a region of the parameter space where the ROM is accurate. A technique for incorporating sensitivities into a Reduced-Order Basis (ROB) is also presented, along with a methodology for computing sensitivities of the reduced-order model that minimizes the distance to the corresponding HDM sensitivity, in a suitable norm. The proposed reduced optimization framework is applied to subsonic aerodynamic shape optimization and shown to reduce the number of queries to the HDM by a factor of 4-5, compared to the optimization problem solved using only the HDM, with errors in the optimal solution far less than 0.1%

    Robust sparse image reconstruction of radio interferometric observations with purify

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    Next-generation radio interferometers, such as the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), will revolutionise our understanding of the universe through their unprecedented sensitivity and resolution. However, to realise these goals significant challenges in image and data processing need to be overcome. The standard methods in radio interferometry for reconstructing images, such as CLEAN, have served the community well over the last few decades and have survived largely because they are pragmatic. However, they produce reconstructed inter\-ferometric images that are limited in quality and scalability for big data. In this work we apply and evaluate alternative interferometric reconstruction methods that make use of state-of-the-art sparse image reconstruction algorithms motivated by compressive sensing, which have been implemented in the PURIFY software package. In particular, we implement and apply the proximal alternating direction method of multipliers (P-ADMM) algorithm presented in a recent article. First, we assess the impact of the interpolation kernel used to perform gridding and degridding on sparse image reconstruction. We find that the Kaiser-Bessel interpolation kernel performs as well as prolate spheroidal wave functions, while providing a computational saving and an analytic form. Second, we apply PURIFY to real interferometric observations from the Very Large Array (VLA) and the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and find images recovered by PURIFY are higher quality than those recovered by CLEAN. Third, we discuss how PURIFY reconstructions exhibit additional advantages over those recovered by CLEAN. The latest version of PURIFY, with developments presented in this work, is made publicly available.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, PURIFY code available at http://basp-group.github.io/purif