14 research outputs found

    Interplay between functional connectivity and scale-free dynamics in intrinsic fMRI networks

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    International audienceStudies employing functional connectivity-type analyses have established that sponta-neous fluctuations in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) signals are orga-nized within large-scale brain networks. Meanwhile, fMRI signals have been shown to exhibit 1/f-type power spectra – a hallmark of scale-free dynamics. We studied the interplay between functional connectivity and scale-free dynamics in fMRI signals, utilizing the fractal connectivity framework – a multivariate extension of the univari-ate fractional Gaussian noise model, which relies on a wavelet formulation for robust parameter estimation. We applied this framework to fMRI data acquired from healthy young adults at rest and performing a visual detection task. First, we found that scale-invariance existed beyond univariate dynamics, being present also in bivariate cross-temporal dynamics. Second, we observed that frequencies within the scale-free range do not contribute evenly to inter-regional connectivity, with a systematically stronger contribution of the lowest frequencies, both at rest and during task. Third, in addition to a decrease of the Hurst exponent and inter-regional correlations, task performance modified cross-temporal dynamics, inducing a larger contribution of the highest fre-quencies within the scale-free range to global correlation. Lastly, we found that across individuals, a weaker task modulation of the frequency contribution to inter-regional Rev.#1, Q

    Differences in MEG and EEG power-law scaling explained by a coupling between spatial coherence and frequency: a simulation study

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    International audienceElectrophysiological signals (electroencephalography, EEG, and magnetoencephalography , MEG), as many natural processes, exhibit scale-invariance properties resulting in a power-law (1/f) spectrum. Interestingly, EEG and MEG differ in their slopes, which could be explained by several mechanisms, including non-resistive properties of tissues. Our goal in the present study is to estimate the impact of space/frequency structure of source signals as a putative mechanism to explain spectral scaling properties of neuroimaging signals. We performed simulations based on the summed contribution of cortical patches with different sizes (ranging from 0.4 to 104.2 cm 2). Small patches were attributed signals of high frequencies, whereas large patches were associated with signals of low frequencies, on a logarithmic scale. The tested parameters included i) the space/frequency structure (range of patch sizes and frequencies) and ii) the amplitude factor c parametrizing the spatial scale ratios. We found that the space/frequency structure may cause differences between EEG and MEG scale-free spectra that are compatible with real data findings reported in previous studies. We also found that below a certain spatial scale, there were no more differences between EEG and MEG, suggesting a limit for the resolution of both methods. Our work provides an explanation of experimental findings. This does not rule out other mechanisms for differences between EEG and MEG, but suggests an important role of spatio-temporal structure of neural dynamics. This can help the analysis and interpretation of power-law measures in EEG and MEG, and we believe our results can also impact computational modeling of brain dynamics, where different local connectivity structures could be used at different frequencies

    Resting-state fMRI activity predicts unsupervised learning and memory in an immersive virtual reality environment

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    In the real world, learning often proceeds in an unsupervised manner without explicit instructions or feedback. In this study, we employed an experimental paradigm in which subjects explored an immersive virtual reality environment on each of two days. On day 1, subjects implicitly learned the location of 39 objects in an unsupervised fashion. On day 2, the locations of some of the objects were changed, and object location recall performance was assessed and found to vary across subjects. As prior work had shown that functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) measures of resting-state brain activity can predict various measures of brain performance across individuals, we examined whether resting-state fMRI measures could be used to predict object location recall performance. We found a significant correlation between performance and the variability of the resting-state fMRI signal in the basal ganglia, hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus, insula, and regions in the frontal and temporal lobes, regions important for spatial exploration, learning, memory, and decision making. In addition, performance was significantly correlated with resting-state fMRI connectivity between the left caudate and the right fusiform gyrus, lateral occipital complex, and superior temporal gyrus. Given the basal ganglia's role in exploration, these findings suggest that tighter integration of the brain systems responsible for exploration and visuospatial processing may be critical for learning in a complex environment

    A projection algorithm for gradient waveforms design in Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    International audienceCollecting the maximal amount of information in a given scanning time is a major concern in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to speed up image acquisition. The hardware constraints (gradient magnitude, slew rate, ...), physical distortions (e.g., off-resonance effects) and sampling theorems (Shannon, compressed sensing) must be taken into account simultaneously, which makes this problem extremely challenging. To date, the main approach to design gradient waveform has consisted of selecting an initial shape (e.g. spiral, radial lines, ...) and then traversing it as fast as possible using optimal control. In this paper, we propose an alternative solution which first consists of defining a desired parameterization of the trajectory and then of optimizing for minimal deviation of the sampling points within gradient constraints. This method has various advantages. First, it better preserves the density of the input curve which is critical in sampling theory. Second, it allows to smooth high curvature areas making the acquisition time shorter in some cases. Third, it can be used both in the Shannon and CS sampling theories. Last, the optimized trajectory is computed as the solution of an efficient iterative algorithm based on convex programming. For piecewise linear trajectories, as compared to optimal control reparameterization, our approach generates a gain in scanning time of 10% in echo planar imaging while improving image quality in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) by more than 6 dB. We also investigate original trajectories relying on traveling salesman problem solutions. In this context, the sampling patterns obtained using the proposed projection algorithm are shown to provide significantly better reconstructions (more than 6 dB) while lasting the same scanning time

    Hierarchical network structure as the source of power-law frequency spectra (state-trait continua) in living and non-living systems: how physical traits and personalities emerge from first principles in biophysics

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    What causes organisms to have different body plans and personalities? We address this question by looking at universal principles that govern the morphology and behavior of living systems. Living systems display a small-world network structure in which many smaller clusters are nested within fewer larger ones, producing a fractal-like structure with a power-law cluster size distribution. Their dynamics show similar qualities: the timeseries of inner message passing and overt behavior contain high frequencies or 'states' that are nested within lower frequencies or 'traits'. Here, we argue that the nested modular (power-law) dynamics of living systems results from their nested modular (power-law) network structure: organisms 'vertically encode' the deep spatiotemporal structure of their environments, so that high frequencies (states) are produced by many small clusters at the base of a nested-modular hierarchy and lower frequencies (traits) are produced by fewer larger clusters at its top. These include physical as well as behavioral traits. Nested-modular structure causes higher frequencies to be embedded in lower frequencies, producing power-law dynamics. Such dynamics satisfy the need for efficient energy dissipation through networks of coupled oscillators, which also governs the dynamics of non-living systems (e.g. earthquake dynamics, stock market fluctuations). Thus, we provide a single explanation for power-law frequency spectra in both living and non-living systems. If hierarchical structure indeed produces hierarchical dynamics, the development (e.g. during maturation) and collapse (e.g. during disease) of hierarchical structure should leave specific traces in power-law frequency spectra that may serve as early warning signs to system failure. The applications of this idea range from embryology and personality psychology to sociology, evolutionary biology and clinical medicine