10 research outputs found

    Internet cross-media retrieval based on deep learning

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    With the development of Internet, multimedia information such as image and video is widely used. Therefore, how to find the required multimedia data quickly and accurately in a large number of resources , has become a research focus in the field of information process. In this paper, we propose a real time internet cross-media retrieval method based on deep learning. As an innovation, we have made full improvement in feature extracting and distance detection. After getting a large amount of image feature vectors, we sort the elements in the vector according to their contribution and then eliminate unnecessary features. Experiments show that our method can achieve high precision in image-text cross media retrieval, using less retrieval time. This method has a great application space in the field of cross media retrieval

    HOTS about Environment and Designing Science Serial Books for Digital Learning in Elementary School

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    Environmental education is one of the important aspects of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)-based elementary school learning. The use of learning media for e-learning implementation requires HOTS-based evaluation. This study aims to perform analysis related to HOTS and the utilization of e-learning in elementary school (SD). The method used in the research is the descriptive method with a survey as the data collection technique. The research instrument is in the form of a test question to measure HOTS based on Anderson’s taxonomy and Ichsan’s taxonomy. The second instrument employed is a questionnaire containing questions related to learning and various obstacles in e-learning. The research finds that the average HOTS score of elementary school students measured using Anderson’s taxonomy is 2.58; whereas, those measured with Ichsan’s taxonomy is 2.27 for all items. The HOTS measurement results using both taxonomies have some differences and one of them is in the C6 realm (create versus develop). The measurement results using the questionnaire suggest that WhatsApp is the frequently-used learning media (65.97%). Moreover, the most ideal learning duration according to the students is less than 3 hours (67.36%). The utilization of learning media become an important matter in the implementation of e-learning to enhance elementary school students’ HOTS. Serial books are an alternative solution so that students can understand environmental material well. The research concludes that differences in HOTS scores occurred between those measured with Anderson’s taxonomy and Ichsan’s taxonomy. Learning media to be further developed should be HOTS-base

    Supplementary Book of Green Consumerism: An Innovation of Environmental Learning based on HOTS

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    Learning in the 21st-century, students are required to have a good understanding of the latest environmental issues, namely the ability of Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). Environmental learning at the Junior High School level in public school and Islamic-based schools requires deepening of the material by the latest environmental issues such as green consumerism. The purpose of this study was to develop an Android-based Supplementary Book of Green Consumerism (SBGC) for environmental learning in natural science subjects. The research method used in this study was the research and development of Borg and Gall development with a few modifications. This study was only carried out up to the validation stage by experts. The results showed that the SBGC was highly valid with a validation score of 3.70 and the percentage of completeness of 92.50 %. Based on the scores obtained, it can be concluded that SBGC is suitable to be used in environmental learning. SBGC has the advantage of being based on technology, based on HOTS, as well as simple and attractive. It can be concluded that SBGC can be used in environmental learning at schools

    LOTS dan HOTS tentang tanaman obat: Pembelajaran sains dan lingkungan saat new normal COVID-19

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    Medicinal plants were contextual to study during Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The purpose of this study was to measure Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS) and Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) of medicinal plants and analyze the relevance of science learning during new normal COVID-19. The research method used descriptive quantitative with survey techniques carried out in 2019 and 2020. The instrument used 12 items test questions with a sample of 104 vocational students. The results showed that the students' LOTS of scores were higher (2.32) than students’ HOTS (1.69). The analysis showed that the topic of medicinal plants and the relevant environment during the new normal period of COVID-19. The conclusion from this study that the LOTS score was higher than HOTS and knowledge of medicinal plants became relevant during the new normal COVID-19

    Students’ pro-environmental behavior and environmental learning outcomes based on green consumerism

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    Green consumerism has been considered as one of promising movement in maintaining the environmental quality. This research aimed to describe the students’ pro-environmental behavior (PEB) as considerable as there learning outcome based on green consumerism. This survey research was conducted in State Junior High School 1 of South Tambun, Bekasi, West Java on July-August 2018. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling with 256 students. The subject was divided into two groups: 128 students from seventh grade who had not received environmental learning materials and 128 students from eighth grade who had received environmental learning materials. The data analysis used in this study was an independent t-test. The results of the t-test showed that there was no significant difference of PEB achievement between the two groups. In addition, not with standing that the average of the students’ environmental learning outcomes was 72.76, but there was as high as 78.60% of students’ achievement was classified below the standard value. Thus, teachers should evaluate the environmental materials used. It is expected that Biology subjects on environmental material can accommodate green consumerism concepts

    The effectiveness of rosetta stone software usage on students’ pronunciation development at the eighth grade of SMP IT PAPB Semarang

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    Technology is very important for human activities, especially in teaching and learning. Every people knew that technology based-learning is very useful in this era. The objectives of study were to explain the effectiveness of Rosetta stone software usage on students’ pronunciation development at the Eighth Grade of SMP IT PAPB Semarang and to find out its pedagogical implications. This research is quantitative research. The researcher used Quasi-Experimental design to measure the effectiveness of Rosetta Stone software on student’s pronunciation development. For this research, the researcher invited the students of class 8C as the control class and class 8E as the experimental class. The researcher used a pre-test, a post-test, and questionnaires as the data collection technique. After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed the result by normality, homogeinity, and hypothesis test. The study showed that: The test of hypothesis using t-test formula shows the value of the t-test is higher than the value of the t-table. The value of t-test is 2.300, and the value of t-table on α = 5% is 2.002 (2.300 < 2.002). Then the hypothesis is accepted and Ho was rejected. The results of this research showed that most of students like English because English is fun lesson, although it is difficult for them. After using Rosetta Stone software, students felt easier and happier to understand and to practice pronunciation. Teacher realized that Rosetta Stone can help students’ learning and the teacher will use this software for future teaching and learning. Therefore, using Rosetta Stone software as learning media is effective

    Learning Environment: Gender Profile of Students' Pro-Environmental Behavior (PEB) based on Green Consumerism

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    The damage to nature and the changing situation of the surrounding environment certainly make you anxious. The role of students in safeguarding nature is certainly one of the important points in determining the sustainability of green consumerism. The purpose of this study is to see the influence of gender in the students' Pro-Environmental Behavior (PEB) in understanding the concept of green consumerism. The research was conducted in July-August 2018. The research was located at State Junior High School (SMPN) 1 of South Tambun, Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia. The method used was a survey with simple random sampling to obtain 214 samples consisted of 107 male students and 107 female students. PEB score of male students was 63.86 and 64.34 for female students. Data analysis used was t-test with a confidence level of 95%. The results of the t-test showed that there were no differences in green consumerism in terms Pro-Environmental Behavior between male and female. This shows that there needs to be an effort in evaluation by the teachers to improve the male and female students Pro-Environmental Behavior

    Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills in Environmental Learning: Develop Assessment Based on Green Consumerism

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    21st-century learning emphasizes several important abilities, one of which is the ability of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). This ability can be possessed by students by familiarizing students with HOTS-based questions. The purpose of this study was to develop HOTS-based questions on environmental learning based on green consumerism. The research method used is research and development using Borg and Gall Model. The study was conducted in November 2018 at State Junior High School 1 South Tambun. The validation results show that the assessment on green consumerism-based environmental learning developed has a very valid category according to the experts, and is valid and reliable after measurement. This is because the questions developed are relevant to the current environmental conditions. The results of HOTS male students 44.98 and female students 46.61. The average score of Male and Female 45.79 are still relatively low and need to be improved. The conclusion is that the questions developed have a valid, reliable and appropriate category of use in the process of learning science in junior high school

    Designing an Innovative Assessment of HOTS in the Science Learning for the 21st Century

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    Science learning in the 21st century should develop the abilities of the students to find solutions to the problems. This task requires a set of skills called Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and innovative assessment should be designed to gauge the acquisition of these skills. Thus, this study aimed to create an innovative HOTS-based assessment tool in science learning. It entailed a method following the research and development model. It covered the topic of genetics and involved biology experts and junior high school students. The result initially showed that the assessment tool has high content validity. It further revealed that the items have a high-reliability index and they loaded on components based on the three HOTS intended for the test. Thus, this paper concludes that the HOTS-based assessment tool is a good classroom test to gauge the science learning of the students.</p