177 research outputs found

    An Automatic Driver Deployment Mechanism In The Osgi Gateway For Smart Homes

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    Smart home consists of smart appliances that provide services to home users. Home users should be able to purchase additional new smart appliance anytime and use it instantly at home without any configuration involved. In this thesis, we explore a typical scenario for smart homes that utilizes an OSGi-powered residential gateway that provides interoperation between heterogeneous smart appliances. Drivers play a significant role in OSGi gateway to provide an integral aspect of services to users, as interoperation can only be possible if the gateway recognizes all heterogeneous smart appliances. An enhancement to OSGi Device Manager named A-ODM (Advance-OSGi Device Manager) is proposed to provide a zeroconfiguration environment to smart homes. A-ODM is an automatic driver deployment mechanism for OSGi gateway to resolve driver dependency externally.A smart home simulation with driver provisioning architecture have been designed and implemented to demonstrate the feasibility of a network delivery of driver provisioning through web service architecture. A-ODM is tested on several OSGi implementations to compare its performance. We observed that A-ODM performed better in OSGi implementations with smaller footprint

    Personalized Home-Networks:Identity-driven network behaviour and configuration

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    Smart Home Systems

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    A Systematic Process for Implementing Gateways for Test Tools

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    Test automation is facing a new challenge because tools, as well as having to provide conventional test functionalities, must be capable to interact with ever more heterogeneous complex systems under test (SUT). The number of existing software interfaces to access these systems is also a growing number. The problem cannot be analyzed only from a technical or engineering perspective; the economic perspective is as important. This paper presents a process to systematically implement gateways which support the communication between test tools and SUTs with a reduced cost. The proposed solution does not preclude any interface protocol at the SUT side. This process is supported using a generic architecture of a gateway defined on top of OSGi. Any test tool can communicate with the gateway through a unique defined interface. To communicate the gateway and the SUT, basically, the driver corresponding to the SUT software interface has to be loaded

    Analysis of key aspects to manage Wireless Sensor Networks in Ambient Assisted Living environments

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) based on ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 will be key enablers of non-invasive, highly sensitive infrastructures to support the provision of future ambient assisted living services. This paper addresses the main design concerns and requirements when conceiving ambient care systems (ACS), frameworks to provide remote monitoring, emergency detection, activity logging and personal notifications dispatching services. In particular, the paper describes the design of an ACS built on top of a WSN composed of Crossbow's MICAz devices, external sensors and PDAs enabled with ZigBee technology. The middleware is integrated in an OSGi framework that processes the acquired information to provide ambient services and also enables smart network control. From our experience, we consider that in a future, the combination of ZigBee technology together with a service oriented architecture may be a versatile approach to AAL services offering, both from the technical and business points of view

    Chapter Securing the Home Energy Management Platform

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    Recently, many efforts have been done to chemically functionalize sensors surface to achieve selectivity towards diagnostics targets, such as DNA, RNA fragments and protein tumoural biomarkers, through the surface immobilization of the related specific receptor. Especially, some kind of sensors such as microcantilevers (gravimetric sensors) and one-dimensional photonics crystals (optical sensors) able to couple Bloch surface waves are very sensitive. Thus, any kind of surface modifications devoted to functionalize them has to be finely controlled in terms of mass and optical characteristics, such as refractive index, to minimize the perturbation, on the transduced signal, that can affect the response sensitivity towards the detected target species

    Securing the Home Energy Management Platform

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    Energy management in households gets increasingly more attention in the struggle to integrate more sustainable energy sources. Especially in the electrical system, smart grid systems are envisioned to be part in the efforts towards a better utilisation of the energy production and distribution infrastructure. The Home Energy Management System (HEMS) is a critical infrastructure component in this endeavour. Its main goal is to enable energy services utilising smart devices in the households based on the interest of the residential consumers and external actors. With the role of being both an essential link in the communication infrastructure for balancing the electrical grid and a surveillance unit in private homes, security and privacy become essential to address. In this chapter, we identify and address potential threats Home Energy Management Platform (HEMP) developers should consider in the progress of designing architecture, selecting hardware and building software. Our approach starts with a general view of the involved stakeholders and the HEMS. Given the system overview, a threat model is constructed from the HEMP developer\u27s point of view. Based on the threats that have been detected, possible mitigation strategies are proposed taking into account the state of the art of technology for securing platforms

    Design and Implementation of UPnP-based Energy Gateway for Demand Side Management in Smart Grid

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    Legacy electrical grids are urged to evolve towards smart grids, the smarter power delivery system that relies heavily on ICT. Numerous smart grids applications are expected to be developed for efficient management and utilization of electricity at the demand side such as home automation, Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), dynamic energy pricing, efficient load management, etc. For easing and boosting the development of new demand side services, the concept of Home Energy Gateway (HEG) has recently been proposed in literature. It involves communication with the utility as well as with devices at the consumer sites. The literature still lacks a comprehensive HEG design that could provide all essential features such as zero-configuration, auto-discovery, seamless plug & play communication, interoperability and integration, customers privacy and communication security.This paper addresses the HEG challenges in an effective way through the design of suitable communication frameworks and a security mechanism for enabling strong protection against cyber attacks. The proposed system effectively copes with the interoperability and integration issues between plethora of heterogeneous devices at the consumer sites. The devices in proposed system inherit plug & play features and support zero-configuration and seamless networking. Further, the proposed system design is technology-agnostic and flexible enough to be adopted for the implementation of any specific demand side service. This paper also evaluates the proposed system in real-networking environment and presents performance metrics