4 research outputs found

    Platform Provider by Accident - A Case Study of Digital Platform Coring

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    Recent years have witnessed the rapid emergence of digital technology as not just an enabler, but indeed a material basis for platform development. However, extant platform literature does not adequately address strategies related to digital platforms. Specifically, the notion of platform coring does not consider how a core is to be identified or the nature of a core in relation to entangled physical and digital materiality. This paper presents a single-case study of a digital platform for business-to-business services. Results suggest that rather than a specific platform element, the core of a digital platform may be described as a capability to harness the potential of digital technology. Furthermore, platform coring may be aided by adopting value propositions as a means to conceptualize the process of negotiating mutual benefit among platform stakeholders. This study contributes to the understanding of digital platform establishment as it addresses the notion of coring and the emergent process related to the distributed ontology of digital technology and a situated perception of value

    Exploration of Adoption of Service Innovations Through Technology Road-Mapping: Case of Location Based Services

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    Exploration of Adoption of Service Innovations through Technology Road-Mapping: Case of Location Based Services: 10.4018/jssmet.2010040105: This paper utilizes a technology road-mapping approach to demonstrate how a traditional technology management process can be applied to improve plannin

    Can Hongkong Telecom be the leader in the emerging Internet market in Hong Kong.

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    Cheng Wai Man, Candy.Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1996.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 65-66).ABSTRACT --- p.iiTABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.ivLIST OF FIGURES --- p.viiLIST OF TABLES --- p.viiiChapter Chapter1 --- Introduction --- p.1The Commercial Development of Internet in the US --- p.2Electronic Commerce is the Trend and Area of Competition --- p.4The Commercial Development of Internet in Hong Kong --- p.5High PC Penetration Facilitates Internet Pick-up --- p.7Chapter Chapter2 --- Internet Industry Analysis --- p.12Wholesaler -- The Backbone Network Carrier --- p.13Target CustomersBooming Demand on Leased Circuit ServiceIntensified Competition with New EntrantsRegional Opportunity is the Main IssueRetailers -- The Internet Service Provider (ISP) --- p.16Large ISPs DominateEnlarging Service Portfolio to Remain CompetitiveISP Exerts Great Substitution Force on On-line ServiceOn-line Service Providers --- p.20Losers and WinnersISP Substituting Conventional On-line ServiceNew Entrants with a Hand on InternetCollaboration Among the IT Players to Tap on the Emerging MarketUsers --- p.24General Users Receptive to InternetCorporate Users Demand High End ServiceCustomer Needs Determine Internet Access EmployedChapter Chapter3 --- Commercial Opportunities For Hongkong Telecom with the Rising Internet Demand --- p.30The Golden Goose: ISDN --- p.31Regional Opportunities -- Hubbing Creates Entry Barrier --- p.33Development of Network Security as Value Added Service --- p.34Network Service Consultancy --- p.36Chapter Chapter4 --- Threats to Hongkong Telecom with the Rising Internet Demand --- p.37Revenue Migration --- p.37Customers Switching Brand --- p.38Pre-empt Local Competition --- p.39Chapter Chapter5 --- Competitive Advantages of Hongkong Telecom --- p.41Huge Customer Base Speeds Up Service Adoption --- p.41Unchallenged Credibility --- p.42Expertise in Network Configuration and LAN Management --- p.42Expertise in Developing Security System --- p.43Network Resource Abundance --- p.43Administrative Ability to Run an Internet Operation --- p.44Hi-tech Infrastructure for Future Development -- IMS --- p.45Differentiation -- Local Access in Overseas Possible --- p.46Chapter Chapter6 --- Strategic Integration and Positioning of HKT to Dominate the Internet Market --- p.48TCSL Internet --HKT as a Backbone Network Manager --- p.48Target CustomersMarket PotentialInternet AccessDirect CompetitorsMajor Customer BenefitsPricingMajor Service OfferingsBenefits to HKTIMS On-line -- Internet-based On-line Service Provider --- p.52Target CustomersInternet AccessDirect CompetitorsMajor Customer BenefitsPricingBenefits to HKTChapter Chapter7 --- The HKT Challenges --- p.55Strategically Positioning of IMS On-Line and TCSL Internet --- p.55Extension of Core Business -- New Venture --- p.58High Overhead Balancing Off Profitability --- p.61Business Cannibalizing Each Other --- p.62Chapter Chapter8 --- "Conclusion -- ""Win Win"" Situation" --- p.64BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.65Appendix 1: Growth Rate of Internet Users --- p.67Appendix 2: Commercial Addresses Comprise 51% of Internet Network Registration --- p.68Appendix 3: Internet Service Providers in Hong Kong --- p.69Appendix 4: Comparison Among ISPs on Service Offerings --- p.71Appendix 5: Network Configuration between Customer End and HKT CSL Internet Node --- p.7

    Kriittiset menestystekijät liiketoiminta-arvon luomisessa Internet-pohjaisilla palveluilla

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    This study focuses on establishing an understanding of what factors make Internet-based services successful for companies, and the research context is approached from a business and service development angle. The specific research objective of the study is to identify the critical success factors for business value creation in the development of Internet-based services. The study begins with a literature review, which first covers the business-driven models that also provide the foundation for Internet-based service development. Furthermore, the literature review introduces theories of service design and development. This creates an understanding of the models that give insight into Internet-based service development from the perspective of how to create successful services. After the literature review, case studies are conducted on projects in the area of Internet-based service development. The data collection is done by interviewing project stakeholders and by examining the key documentation produced during the projects. The study results are finally summarized into four main themes. The first theme highlights the importance of the linkage between Internet-related ventures and various business planning and service development activities. The second theme points out those Internet-based services, as any other services, are perceived by customers as part of the overall value offering of a service provider. This indicates that Internet based service development should be an integral part of the overall offering development. The third theme stresses that Internet-based services often require a clear operational change that integrates the online service flows into the overall business processes of the organization. The fourth and final theme of the study findings emphasizes that while technology related activities do not directly define the value creation potential of Internet-based services, technology is far from being a meaningless factor in Internet-based service development.Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää tekijöitä, jotka auttavat yrityksiä hyödyntämään Internet-pohjaisia palveluita liiketoiminnassa. Aihealuetta lähestytään liiketoiminnan ja palveluiden kehittämisen näkökulmista. Tarkempi tutkimuksen tavoite on tunnistaa kriittisiä menestystekijöitä liiketoiminta-arvon luomiselle Internet-pohjaisilla palveluilla. Tutkimus tarkastelee aluksi liiketoiminnan suunnittelua ja kehittämistä käsittelevää kirjallisuutta, tarkoituksena muodostaa käsitys liiketoimintavetoisista malleista Internet-pohjaisten palveluiden kehittämisen pohjaksi. Lisäksi kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käsitellään palvelusuunnittelun ja palvelukehittämisen teorioita. Tämän katsauksen tarkoituksena on saada käsitys malleista jotka auttavat kehittämään menestyviä Internet-pohjaisia palveluita. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen jälkeen tutkimus perehtyy kahteen Internet-pohjaisia palveluita kehittäneeseen case-projektiin. Tiedonkeruu suoritetaan haastattelemalla projektien sidosryhmiä sekä tutkimalla projektien tuottamaa dokumentaatiota. Lopuksi tutkimus vetää löydökset yhteen neljän olennaiseksi tunnistetun teeman kautta. Ensimmäinen teema korostaa Internet-pohjaisten palveluiden kehittämisen yhteyttä liiketoiminnan suunnitteluun ja palvelukehittämiseen. Toinen teema puolestaan korostaa, että kuten kaikissa palveluissa, asiakkaat kokevat Internet-pohjaiset palvelut osaksi palveluntarjoajan kokonaisarvotarjoomaa. Tämä näkökulma paljastaa, että Internet-pohjaisten palveluiden kehittämisen on oltava kiinteä osa kokonaistarjooman kehittämistä. Kolmantena teemana on, että Internet-pohjaisten palveluiden käyttöönotto edellyttää usein selviä muutoksia myös operatiiviseen toimintaan, jotta palveluprosessit saadaan yhdistettyä kiinteäksi osaksi yrityksen liiketoimintaprosesseja. Neljäs ja viimeinen teema selkeyttää teknologian roolia Internet-pohjaisten palveluiden kehittämisessä. Vaikka teknologialla ei tutkimuksessa nähdä suoraa merkitystä palveluiden arvonluontipotentiaalille, havaintojen perusteella teknologia on merkittävä ja erityishuomiota vaativa tekijä Internet-pohjaisten palveluiden kehittämisessä