77 research outputs found

    Accrediting your library program: what is it worth?

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    This paper considers the role of accreditation in education for librarianship and information studies. It outlines the elements of core knowledge required in library education and the types of programs generally available. The accreditation programs of three international library associations: the American Library Association (ALA), the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) and the Australian Library and Information Association(ALIA) are discussed. A case is presented for these associations to support the role of academic scholarship in librarianship. The paper concludes with a discussion of a number of the political issues involved in the accreditation process

    The Fake News Phenomenon-An Opportunity for the Library Community to Make a Splash?

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    Студенческий поиск научно-технической информации

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    Розглянуто можливості, які існують в Національному технічному університеті України «Київський політехнічний інститут» для доступу до науково-технічної інформації у галузях радіотехніки та електроніки. Подана характеристика наявним друкованим та електронним фаховим виданням України та зарубіжжя. Досліджено основні можливості для отримання українських наукових періодичних es es видань, а також реферативних журналів через офіційні ресурси. Наведено перелік зарубіжної наукової періодики та наявність друкованої версії в бібліотеках. За наявності наводиться web-адреса ресурсу. Описано провідні бібліотечні агенції та патентні бази даних і доступ до них.The possibilities that exist in the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" for access to scientific and technical information in the fields of radio engineering and electronics are considered. The existent print and electronic professional editions of Ukraine and abroad are characterized. The main opportunities for Ukrainian scientific periodicals, and abstract journals through official resources are investigated. The list of foreign scientific periodicals and the availability of the printed version of the library are compiled. If there is a web address of a resource, it is given. The leading library agencies, patent databases and access to them are described.Рассмотрены возможности, существующие в Национальном техническом университете Украины «Киевский политехнический институт» для доступа к научно-технической информации в области радиотехники и электроники. Даётся характеристика украинским и зарубежным печатным, а также электронным профессиональным изданиям. Исследованы основные возможности для получения украинских научных периодических изданий, а также реферативных журналов через официальные ресурсы. Приведен перечень зарубежной научной периодики и наличие печатной версии в библиотеках. При наличии приводится web-адрес ресурса. Описаны ведущие библиотечные агентства, патентные базы данных и способ доступа к ним

    Pravo na privatnost i zaštitu osobnih podataka u knjižnicama: perspektive i dokumenti

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    Privacy as a legal concept is an unavoidable part of a modern democratic society and is recognized as one of the fundamental human rights of every citizen. The right to privacy and the protection of personal data are guaranteed by international human rights documents. In librarianship, the right to privacy and protection of personal data is also guaranteed in the documents of international library associations, which clearly emphasize that librarians are obliged in their work to protect the privacy and personal data of their users. Privacy and personal data are increasingly difficult to protect today, as access to data is simpler and easier due to the use of different and new information technologies, electronic communication, social networks, electronic databases, etc. Personal rights are guaranteed by international documents on protection of personal data and protected by national personal data protection laws. The main objectives of the paper are: to problematize the definition of the concept of privacy from several perspectives; problematize the importance of the right to privacy and protection of personal data in the context of the library profession; provide an overview of significant international documents in the field of human rights which also guarantee the right to privacy and protection of personal data; make a review of important international documents guaranteeing the right to protection and confidentiality of personal data; and finally, the paper will provide an overview of documents of international library associations that in their texts indicate the importance of privacy and protection of personal data in the library business.Privatnost kao pravni koncept nezaobilazan je dio modernog demokratskog društva i prepoznato je kao jedno od temeljnih ljudskih prava svakog građanina. Pravo na privatnost i zaštitu osobnih podataka zajamčeni su međunarodnim dokumentima o ljudskim pravima. U knjižničarskoj se djelatnosti pravo na privatnost i zaštitu osobnih podataka također garantira u dokumentima međunarodnih knjižničarskih udruženja u kojima se jasno naglašava da su knjižničari u svom radu obvezni da štite privatnost i osobne podatke svojih korisnika. Privatnost i osobne podatke je danas sve teže zaštititi, jer je pristup podacima jednostavniji i lakši zbog korištenja različitih i novih informacionih tehnologija, elektronskog komuniciranja, društvenih mreža, elektronskih baza podataka itd. Osobna se prava garantiraju međunarodnim dokumentima o zaštiti osobnih podataka, a štite se nacionalnim zakonima o zaštiti osobnih podataka. Glavni ciljevi rada su: problematizirati definiranje pojma privatnosti iz nekoliko perspektiva; problematizirati značaj prava na privatnost i zaštitu osobnih podataka u kontekstu knjižničarske profesije; dati pregled značajnijih međunarodnih dokumenata u području ljudskih prava u kojima se garantira i pravo na privatnost i zaštitu osobnih podataka; načiniti osvrt na značajnije međunarodne dokumente kojima se garantira pravo na zaštitu i tajnost osobnih podataka; i na kraju rad će dati pregled dokumenata međunarodnih knjižničarskih udruženja koji u svojim tekstovima ukazuju na značaj privatnosti i zaštite osobnih podataka u knjižničnoj djelatnosti

    The Activities of the Lithuanian Research Library Consortium (LMBA) – the View of a Small Country in the East

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    Intervention faite lors de la pré-conférence au 36e congrès LIBER qui s\u27est tenu à Varsovie du 3 au 7 juillet 2007

    Unveiling the Web Presence of State Universities of Assam: A Webometric Study

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    This study examines the web impact and visibility of the websites of State Universities of Assam. Through various webometric parameters, the study analyzes the URLs, obtains Alexa traffic rank of websites and calculates the web impacts factors (WIFs) and WISER rank of the University websites. The raw data like the amount of web-pages, rich files, links etc. was collected by using the Google search engine and a web based Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tool. Findings revealed that the Top Level Domain (TLD) .ac.in is the mostly used domain extension by the state university websites of Assam. The websites of Assam Rajiv Gandhi University of Cooperative Management, Gauhati University & Assam Agricultural University are the top ranked websites as per Alexa rankings for both Global and Indian rank. In terms of Revised Web Impact Factor (RWIF), Assam Rajiv Gandhi University of Cooperative Management holds the first rank with 3.033 RWIF. Based on the WISER index value, it is observed that the Dibrugarh University with 8.865 WISER index value is in the first place, followed by Assam Agricultural University with 7.286 WISER index value and Cotton University with 6.396 WISER index value are placed in second and third positions respectively

    Snmipnuntn, September 2012

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