676,755 research outputs found

    The NISK 2018 Proceedings: Message from the Programme Chairs

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    Source at https://ojs.bibsys.no/index.php/NISK.This NISK Journal volume 11 is the published proceedings of the papers presented at NISK 2018: the 11th Norwegian Information Security Conference 2018 held on September 18-20, 2018 in Longyearbyen, Svalbard. The aim of the NISK conference series is to be the principal Norwegian research venue for presenting and discussing developments in the field of ICT security and privacy, and bringing together people from universities, industry, and public authorities. We invite both national and international contributions by researchers, practitioners, and PhD- and Master thesis students presenting new problems and solutions within topics on ICT security

    SSPFA: Effective Stack Smashing Protection for Android OS

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    [EN] In this paper, we detail why the stack smashing protector (SSP), one of the most effective techniques to mitigate stack bufferoverflow attacks, fails to protect the Android operating system and thus causes a false sense of security that affects all Androiddevices. We detail weaknesses of existing SSP implementations, revealing that current SSP is not secure. We propose SSPFA,the first effective and practical SSP for Android devices. SSPFA provides security against stack buffer overflows withoutchanging the underlying architecture. SSPFA has been implemented and tested on several real devices showing that it is notintrusive, and it is binary-compatible with Android applications. Extensive empirical validation has been carried out over theproposed solution.This work was partially funded by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Grant No. 20160251-ASLR-NG).Marco Gisbert, H.; Ripoll Ripoll, JI. (2019). SSPFA: Effective Stack Smashing Protection for Android OS. International Journal of Information Security. 18(4):519-532. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10207-018-00425-8S519532184Buchanan, W.J., Chiale, S., Macfarlane, R.: A methodology for the security evaluation within third-party android marketplaces. Digit. Investig. 23(Supplement C), 88–98 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diin.2017.10.002Tian, D., Jia, X., Chen, J., Hu, C., Xue, J.: A practical online approach to protecting kernel heap buffers in kernel modules. China Commun. 1, 143–152 (2016)One, A.: Smashing the stack for fun and profit. Phrack, 7(49) (1996)Younan, Y., Pozza, D., Piessens, F., Joosen, W.: Extended protection against stack smashing attacks without performance loss. In: In Proceedings of ACSAC (2006)Abadi, M., Budiu, M., Erlingsson, U., Ligatti, J.: Control-flow Integrity. In: Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Series CCS ’05, pp. 340–353. 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    Interoperability, Trust Based Information Sharing Protocol and Security: Digital Government Key Issues

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    Improved interoperability between public and private organizations is of key significance to make digital government newest triumphant. Digital Government interoperability, information sharing protocol and security are measured the key issue for achieving a refined stage of digital government. Flawless interoperability is essential to share the information between diverse and merely dispersed organisations in several network environments by using computer based tools. Digital government must ensure security for its information systems, including computers and networks for providing better service to the citizens. Governments around the world are increasingly revolving to information sharing and integration for solving problems in programs and policy areas. Evils of global worry such as syndrome discovery and manage, terror campaign, immigration and border control, prohibited drug trafficking, and more demand information sharing, harmonization and cooperation amid government agencies within a country and across national borders. A number of daunting challenges survive to the progress of an efficient information sharing protocol. A secure and trusted information-sharing protocol is required to enable users to interact and share information easily and perfectly across many diverse networks and databases globally.Comment: 20 page

    Scan to BIM for 3D reconstruction of the papal basilica of saint Francis in Assisi In Italy

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    The historical building heritage, present in the most of Italian cities centres, is, as part of the construction sector, a working potential, but unfortunately it requires planning of more complex and problematic interventions. However, policies to support on the existing interventions, together with a growing sensitivity for the recovery of assets, determine the need to implement specific studies and to analyse the specific problems of each site. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the methodology and the results obtained from integrated laser scanning activity in order to have precious architectural information useful not only from the cultural heritage point of view but also to construct more operative and powerful tools, such as BIM (Building Information Modelling) aimed to the management of this cultural heritage. The Papal Basilica and the Sacred Convent of Saint Francis in Assisi in Italy are, in fact, characterized by unique and complex peculiarities, which require a detailed knowledge of the sites themselves to ensure visitor’s security and safety. For such a project, we have to take in account all the people and personnel normally present in the site, visitors with disabilities and finally the needs for cultural heritage preservation and protection. This aim can be reached using integrated systems and new technologies, such as Internet of Everything (IoE), capable of connecting people, things (smart sensors, devices and actuators; mobile terminals; wearable devices; etc.), data/information/knowledge and processes to reach the desired goals. The IoE system must implement and support an Integrated Multidisciplinary Model for Security and Safety Management (IMMSSM) for the specific context, using a multidisciplinary approach

    Constructing a global counterterrorist legislation database: dilemmas, procedures, and preliminary analyses

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    Counterterrorist legislation is one of the main ways in which countries, particularly democracies, respond to terror attacks. Yet, there is to date no comprehensive cross-national database of counterterrorist legislation. This article introduces an overarching global counterterrorist legislation database (GCLD), covering more than 1,000 laws in 219 countries and territories over the years 1850-2009. I present the dilemmas and difficulties involved in constructing a global terrorism database and explain how these difficulties were addressed when assembling the current database. The article also brings descriptive statistics and analyses of the data, focusing on the historical development of global counterterrorist legislation and on the regional distribution of this legislation. It concludes with some recommendations for future researchers who may want to use the database.Publisher PD