52 research outputs found

    Multi-Source Data Sensing in Mobile Personalized Healthcare Systems: Semantic Linking and Data Mining

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    The paper introduces an approach to collecting and mining health-related information on the patient based on sensed data from various medical devices as well as from other digitallyenabled sources. The regularly sensed data are semantically linked thus creating an additional information space-semantic layer. On the latter, a linked knowledge-rich structure-semantic network-is maintained and used to construct mobile services. The use of various medical devices and other data sources makes it possible to remotely monitor patients' vital physiological parameters and other important health-related events. It includes sensing the context of the physical environment, which is then coupled with the health state of the patient. Several patients and interested people can be virtually integrated into a group. Consequently, social methods can be used for enhancing the treatment adherence and for motivating the healthcare goals. As such, the healthcare services would have became more focused on the patients and their needs. Ultimately, the mobile healthcare moves towards the vision of At-Home Laboratory (AHL) that diminishes the necessity to visit the hospital and to directly use its facility

    Fuzzy C-Means with Borda Algorithm in Cluster Determination System for Food Prone Areas in Aceh Utara

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    In this research, the clustering of food prone areas in Aceh Utama is based on the Index Ketahanan Pangan (IKP) indicators compiled by Badan Ketahanan Pangan (BKP) using Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) and Borda algorithms. The fuzzy C-Means algorithm was used to classify food-prone areas with three clusters: very prone, moderately prone, and prone. The Borda algorithm was used to choose the most prone area from very prone clusters, which are considered urgently to be followed up by decision-makers. Based on the research results, it was found that in the aspect of food availability, four sub-districts are moderately prone, 10 are prone, and 13 are very prone. Regarding food affordability, it found that 12 sub-districts are moderately prone, seven are prone, and eight are very prone. Regarding food utilization, one sub-district is moderately prone, three are prone, and 23 are very prone. The results of voting using the Borda algorithm in very prone clusters are obtained Sawang District from the aspect of food availability, Syamtalira Aron District from the aspect of food affordability, and Lapang District from the aspect of food utilization. The clustering system is built based on the web using the PHP programming language

    From IT service management to IT service governance: An ontological approach for integrated use of ITIL and COBIT frameworks

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    Some companies have achieved better performance as a result of their IT investments, while others have not, as organizations are interested in calculating the value added by their IT. There is a wide range of literature that agrees that the best practices used by organizations promote continuous improvement in service delivery. Nevertheless, overuse of these practices can have undesirable effects and unquantified investments. This paper proposed a practical tool formally developed according to the DSR design science approach, it addresses a domain relevant to both practitioners and academics by providing IT service governance (ITSG) domain model ontology, concerned with maximizing the clarity and veracity of the concepts within it. The results revealed that the proposed ontology resolved key barriers to ITSG process adoption in organizations, and that combining COBIT and ITIL practices would help organizations better manage their IT services and achieve better business-IT alignment

    Улучшение модели репутации и доверия путем внедрения индикаторов надежности для внутригрупповой коммуникации между автономными транспортными средствами

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    Reputation and Trust models have successfully been implemented to ensure security and maintain nodes’ trustworthiness in decentralized networks, including autonomous vehicles (AVs). However, the implementations of these models usually lack of objective parameters to calculate the initial Reputation values. In this study, we employ reliability-based approach to evaluate the initial Reputation value

    Combining IoT and users’ profiles to provide contextualized information and services

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    Technological evolution has led to the emergence of a set of solutions suitable to support mobility and ubiquity scenarios. Wireless computing and mobile devices together with the miniaturization of sensors and actuators, which are now embedded in physical spaces, are today’s reality. This phenomenon opened the door to a set of opportunities for reengineering how we perceive a given fact or situation and how we act on it. With regard to the delivery of information to users of a given physical space, there is now the possibility of radically transforming the mechanisms of interaction between the space and the user, redesigning the entire experience of interaction. This change allows the user to see the physical space around him adapt to himself and provide him with contextualized and personalized information according to his profile of interest. This approach can improve the way we manage customer relationships in a given business context. This article presents an overview of the state of the art of intelligent spaces and analyzes the potential of indoor positioning systems and techniques, and proposes a conceptual model for the detection of users in physical spaces and the consequent adaptation of an intelligent physical space to provide information aligned with the user's interest profile and in accordance with their privacy rules.UNIAG, R&D unit funded by the FCT – Portuguese Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education. UID/GES/4752/2019.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sensor Coverage Strategy in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This paper mainly describes studies hydrophone placement strategy in a complex underwater environment model to compute a set of "good" locations where data sampling will be most effective. Throughout this paper it is assumed that a 3-D underwater topographic map of a workspace is given as input.Since the negative gradient direction is the fastest descent direction, we fit a complex underwater terrain to a differentiable function and find the minimum value of the function to determine the low-lying area of the underwater terrain.The hydrophone placement strategy relies on gradient direction algorithm that solves a problem of maximize underwater coverage: Find the maximize coverage set of hydrophone inside a 3-D workspace. After finding the maximize underwater coverage set, to better take into account the optimal solution to the problem of data sampling, the finite VC-dimension algorithm computes a set of hydrophone that satisfies hydroacoustic signal energy loss constraints. We use the principle of the maximize splitting subset of the coverage set and the ”dual” set of the coverage covering set, so as to find the hitting set, and finally find the suboptimal set (i.e., the sensor suboptimal coverage set).Compared with the random deployment algorithm, although the computed set of hydrophone is not guaranteed to have minimum size, the algorithm does compute with high network coverage quality

    Technology and design tools for portable software development for embedded systems

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    Nowadays embedded systems are used in broad range of domains such as avionics, space industry, automotive, mobile devices, domestic appliances and so on. There is enormous number of tasks that should be solved using embedded systems. There are many tools and approaches that allow developing of software for domain area experts, but mainly for general purpose computing systems. In this article we propose the complex technology and tools that allows involving domain experts in software development for embedded systems. The proposed technology has various aspects and abilities that can be used to build verifiable and portable software for a wide range of embedded platforms

    Different implementation of network level in embedded networking with QoS

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    Some modern standards in space industry, which are being used in embedded networking designs, provide quality of service features, which are implemented by means of virtual channels. Implementations of virtual channels mechanisms are very different. Each implementation has its latency characteristics for packet flow, hardware cost and performance. These parameters depend on the virtual channels quantity in a port and switch matrix's channels quantity connected to every port (connection point). The connection point quantity can vary from one to a number of virtual channels in port. We consider three structures and implementations of network layer. In the first implementation quantity of connection points is equal to number of virtual channels in a port. In the second - one connection point. The third - one connection point with lower priority data transmission interruption. In this article we compare characteristics of different architecture implementations and structures of port controllers and switch matrix. Also we analyze and simulate proposed mechanism. We present formulas to calculate minimum and maximum data packet transmission latency and compare theoretic and simulation results. Count of virtual channels is 4 for simulation, packet length - 250, 750 bytes. Moreover router's switch matrix hardware cost is evaluated in the article

    Smartphone-Oriented Development of Video Data Based Services

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    The massive introduction of video capturing devices in Internet of Things (IoT) environments leads to development of various video data based services. In this paper, we consider the need and background on the video data based services in IoT environments. Based on the smart spaces approach, we introduce the architecture and distributed configurations to construct such services using primarily local devices and to deliver such services using smartphones. We discuss possible data models that can be used on such mediatory components as a local video server and a semantic information broker