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    Partial Correctness of a Power Algorithm

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    This work continues a formal verification of algorithms written in terms of simple-named complex-valued nominative data [6],[8],[15],[11],[12],[13]. In this paper we present a formalization in the Mizar system [3],[1] of the partial correctness of the algorithm: i := val.1 j := val.2 b := val.3 n := val.4 s := val.5 while (i n) i := i + j s := s * b return s computing the natural n power of given complex number b, where variables i, b, n, s are located as values of a V-valued Function, loc, as: loc/.1 = i, loc/.3 = b, loc/.4 = n and loc/.5 = s, and the constant 1 is located in the location loc/.2 = j (set V represents simple names of considered nominative data [17]).The validity of the algorithm is presented in terms of semantic Floyd-Hoare triples over such data [9]. Proofs of the correctness are based on an inference system for an extended Floyd-Hoare logic [2],[4] with partial pre- and post-conditions [14],[16],[7],[5].Institute of Informatics, University of Białystok, PolandGrzegorz Bancerek, Czesław Byliński, Adam Grabowski, Artur Korniłowicz, Roman Matuszewski, Adam Naumowicz, and Karol Pąk. The role of the Mizar Mathematical Library for interactive proof development in Mizar. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 61(1):9–32, 2018. doi:10.1007/s10817-017-9440-6.R.W. Floyd. Assigning meanings to programs. Mathematical aspects of computer science, 19(19–32), 1967.Adam Grabowski, Artur Korniłowicz, and Adam Naumowicz. Four decades of Mizar. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 55(3):191–198, 2015. doi:10.1007/s10817-015-9345-1.C.A.R. Hoare. An axiomatic basis for computer programming. Commun. ACM, 12(10): 576–580, 1969.Ievgen Ivanov and Mykola Nikitchenko. On the sequence rule for the Floyd-Hoare logic with partial pre- and post-conditions. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer. Volume II: Workshops, Kyiv, Ukraine, May 14–17, 2018, volume 2104 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 716–724, 2018.Ievgen Ivanov, Mykola Nikitchenko, Andrii Kryvolap, and Artur Korniłowicz. Simple-named complex-valued nominative data – definition and basic operations. Formalized Mathematics, 25(3):205–216, 2017. doi:10.1515/forma-2017-0020.Ievgen Ivanov, Artur Korniłowicz, and Mykola Nikitchenko. Implementation of the composition-nominative approach to program formalization in Mizar. The Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 26(1):59–76, 2018.Ievgen Ivanov, Artur Korniłowicz, and Mykola Nikitchenko. On an algorithmic algebra over simple-named complex-valued nominative data. Formalized Mathematics, 26(2):149–158, 2018. doi:10.2478/forma-2018-0012.Ievgen Ivanov, Artur Korniłowicz, and Mykola Nikitchenko. An inference system of an extension of Floyd-Hoare logic for partial predicates. Formalized Mathematics, 26(2): 159–164, 2018. doi:10.2478/forma-2018-0013.Ievgen Ivanov, Artur Korniłowicz, and Mykola Nikitchenko. Partial correctness of GCD algorithm. Formalized Mathematics, 26(2):165–173, 2018. doi:10.2478/forma-2018-0014.Ievgen Ivanov, Artur Korniłowicz, and Mykola Nikitchenko. On algebras of algorithms and specifications over uninterpreted data. Formalized Mathematics, 26(2):141–147, 2018. doi:10.2478/forma-2018-0011.Artur Kornilowicz, Andrii Kryvolap, Mykola Nikitchenko, and Ievgen Ivanov. Formalization of the algebra of nominative data in Mizar. In Maria Ganzha, Leszek A. Maciaszek, and Marcin Paprzycki, editors, Proceedings of the 2017 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, FedCSIS 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, September 3–6, 2017., pages 237–244, 2017. ISBN 978-83-946253-7-5. doi:10.15439/2017F301.Artur Kornilowicz, Andrii Kryvolap, Mykola Nikitchenko, and Ievgen Ivanov. Formalization of the nominative algorithmic algebra in Mizar. In Leszek Borzemski, Jerzy Świątek, and Zofia Wilimowska, editors, Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 38th International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology – ISAT 2017 – Part II, Szklarska Poręba, Poland, September 17–19, 2017, volume 656 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pages 176–186. Springer, 2017. ISBN 978-3-319-67228-1. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-67229-8_16.Artur Korniłowicz, Andrii Kryvolap, Mykola Nikitchenko, and Ievgen Ivanov. An approach to formalization of an extension of Floyd-Hoare logic. In Vadim Ermolayev, Nick Bassiliades, Hans-Georg Fill, Vitaliy Yakovyna, Heinrich C. Mayr, Vyacheslav Kharchenko, Vladimir Peschanenko, Mariya Shyshkina, Mykola Nikitchenko, and Aleksander Spivakovsky, editors, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer, Kyiv, Ukraine, May 15–18, 2017, volume 1844 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 504–523. CEUR-WS.org, 2017.Artur Korniłowicz, Ievgen Ivanov, and Mykola Nikitchenko. Kleene algebra of partial predicates. Formalized Mathematics, 26(1):11–20, 2018. doi:10.2478/forma-2018-0002.Andrii Kryvolap, Mykola Nikitchenko, and Wolfgang Schreiner. Extending Floyd-Hoare logic for partial pre- and postconditions. In Vadim Ermolayev, Heinrich C. Mayr, Mykola Nikitchenko, Aleksander Spivakovsky, and Grygoriy Zholtkevych, editors, Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications: 9th International Conference, ICTERI 2013, Kherson, Ukraine, June 19–22, 2013, Revised Selected Papers, pages 355–378. Springer International Publishing, 2013. ISBN 978-3-319-03998-5. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-03998-5_18.Volodymyr G. Skobelev, Mykola Nikitchenko, and Ievgen Ivanov. On algebraic properties of nominative data and functions. In Vadim Ermolayev, Heinrich C. Mayr, Mykola Nikitchenko, Aleksander Spivakovsky, and Grygoriy Zholtkevych, editors, Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications – 10th International Conference, ICTERI 2014, Kherson, Ukraine, June 9–12, 2014, Revised Selected Papers, volume 469 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, pages 117–138. Springer, 2014. ISBN 978-3-319-13205-1. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-13206-8_6.27218919

    Mediatisation in Twitter: an exploratory analysis of the 2015 Spanish general election

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    [EN] The mediatisation model in politics assumes that media conveys political messages between parties and citizenship, with the risk of promoting issues that frame the electoral content in terms of competition. These dynamics could distract from the debate of ideas and political policies. However, digital media like Twitter provide direct communication channels between parties, candidates and users. The present research explores Twitter content during an electoral campaign focused on the four issues proposed by Patterson (1980) to assess mediatisation: political, policy, campaign and personal (regarding the candidate). The goal of this research study is to evaluate the degree of mediatisation on Twitter using this typology. The research also evaluates the influence of the issue on retweet volume. The study¿s basis was a 15.8 million-tweet corpus obtained during the 2015 Spanish General Election pre-campaign and campaign. This dataset was analysed using an automatic classification system. The results highlighted a predominance of policy issues during both the pre- campaign and campaign, except for the two televised debates, during which campaign issues were the most prevalent. On the election night, users commented much more on political issues. Finally, the kind of issue most likely to be retweeted was policy issues.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, with Grants CSO2013-43960-R (Los flujos de comunicación en los procesos de movilización política: medios, blogs y líderes de opinión) and CSO2016-77331-C2-1-R (Estrategias, agendas y discursos en las cibercampañas electorales: medios de comunicación y ciudadanos).Baviera, T.; Calvo, D.; Llorca-Abad, G. (2019). Mediatisation in Twitter: an exploratory analysis of the 2015 Spanish general election. Journal of International Communication. 25(2):275-300. https://doi.org/10.1080/13216597.2019.1634619S275300252Antonakaki, D., Spiliotopoulos, D., V. Samaras, C., Pratikakis, P., Ioannidis, S., & Fragopoulou, P. (2017). Social media analysis during political turbulence. PLOS ONE, 12(10), e0186836. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0186836Barberá, P. (2015). Birds of the Same Feather Tweet Together: Bayesian Ideal Point Estimation Using Twitter Data. Political Analysis, 23(1), 76-91. doi:10.1093/pan/mpu011Bartholomé, G., Lecheler, S., & de Vreese, C. (2017). Towards A Typology of Conflict Frames. Journalism Studies, 19(12), 1689-1711. doi:10.1080/1461670x.2017.1299033Batrinca, B., & Treleaven, P. C. (2014). Social media analytics: a survey of techniques, tools and platforms. AI & SOCIETY, 30(1), 89-116. doi:10.1007/s00146-014-0549-4Baviera, T., Peris, À., & Cano-Orón, L. (2017). Political candidates in infotainment programmes and their emotional effects on Twitter: an analysis of the 2015 Spanish general elections pre-campaign season. Contemporary Social Science, 14(1), 144-156. doi:10.1080/21582041.2017.1367833BLUMLER, J. G., & KAVANAGH, D. (1999). The Third Age of Political Communication: Influences and Features. Political Communication, 16(3), 209-230. doi:10.1080/105846099198596Bor, S. E. (2013). Using Social Network Sites to Improve Communication Between Political Campaigns and Citizens in the 2012 Election. American Behavioral Scientist, 58(9), 1195-1213. doi:10.1177/0002764213490698Brants, K., & Neijens, P. (1998). The Infotainment of Politics. Political Communication, 15(2), 149-164. doi:10.1080/10584609809342363Burnap, P., Gibson, R., Sloan, L., Southern, R., & Williams, M. (2016). 140 characters to victory?: Using Twitter to predict the UK 2015 General Election. Electoral Studies, 41, 230-233. doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2015.11.017Campos-Domínguez, E. (2017). Twitter y la comunicación política. El Profesional de la Información, 26(5), 785. doi:10.3145/epi.2017.sep.01Campos-Domínguez, E., & Calvo, D. (2017). Electoral campaign on the Internet: Planning, impact and viralization on Twitter during the Spanish general election, 2015. Comunicación y Sociedad, 0(29), 93-116. doi:10.32870/cys.v0i29.6423Ceron, A., & Splendore, S. (2016). From contents to comments: Social TV and perceived pluralism in political talk shows. New Media & Society, 20(2), 659-675. doi:10.1177/1461444816668187Chadwick, A. (2013). The Hybrid Media System. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199759477.001.0001Conway, B. A., Kenski, K., & Wang, D. (2015). The Rise of Twitter in the Political Campaign: Searching for Intermedia Agenda-Setting Effects in the Presidential Primary. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 20(4), 363-380. doi:10.1111/jcc4.12124Couldry, N., & Hepp, A. (2013). Conceptualizing Mediatization: Contexts, Traditions, Arguments. 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Exploring Motivations of Second Screen Use and Its Effect on Online Political Participation. Journal of Communication, 65(5), 793-815. doi:10.1111/jcom.12174Grover, P., Kar, A. K., Dwivedi, Y. K., & Janssen, M. (2019). Polarization and acculturation in US Election 2016 outcomes – Can twitter analytics predict changes in voting preferences. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 145, 438-460. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2018.09.009Jensen, K. B. (2013). Definitive and Sensitizing Conceptualizations of Mediatization. Communication Theory, 23(3), 203-222. doi:10.1111/comt.12014Jungherr, A. (2014). The Logic of Political Coverage on Twitter: Temporal Dynamics and Content. Journal of Communication, 64(2), 239-259. doi:10.1111/jcom.12087Kalsnes, B., Krumsvik, A. H., & Storsul, T. (2014). Social media as a political backchannel. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 66(3), 313-328. doi:10.1108/ajim-09-2013-0093Lee, K., Palsetia, D., Narayanan, R., Patwary, M. M. 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    Increasing Children's Character Overt Behaviours by Neuro Pedagogy-Based Play

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    The research aims to improve the character of children aged 4-6 years by implementing the way the individual interacts with the environment. Qualitative research methods were used in this study, where researchers investigated the open behavior of children aged 4-6 years during neuropedagogy-based play, as well as the open behavior of preschool teachers' professional characters in managing play. The participants in this research were 20 children aged 4-6 years and 4 teachers who were chosen deliberately. The results of the study revealed that all the children's overt character behaviors improved after participating in neuropedagogy-based play. There was not a single child who was classified as having open early behavior. On the other hand, preschool teachers consistently demonstrate the implications of their professional behavior. Based on research findings, it is proven that neuro-pedagogy-based play is beneficial for preschool children and teachers. Extrapolated from this interpretation, curriculum designers and teaching practices are informed that neuro pedagogy-based play can strengthen children's character, this is necessary in preparing future generations who can overcome all challenges in the future. Keywords: neuro pedagogy-based play, open character behavior, children aged 4-6 years References: Bandura A (1997) Social Learning Theory. New Jersey: Prentice  Hall, Inc A Paramount Communication Company Englewood Cliff Beibert M. Hanna & Hasellhorn  Marcus (2016). Individual Differences in Moral Development : Does Intelligence Really Affect Children’s Moral Emotion? Department of Education and Human Development. German Institute for International Educational Research, Frankfurt am Main. Germany Bonomo Virginia (2017) Brain-Based Learning Theory. Journal of Education and Human Development, Vol 6 No 1(Online) DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v6n1a3. URL: http://doi.org/10.15640/jehd.v6na3 Bransford J, Brown A, and Cocking, (2000). How People Learn: Brain, Mind and Experience & School. Washington, DC: National Academy Press Budiartati Emmy. Y & Jamaris Martini  (2018) Music Instructional to Develop Character Value for Early Childhood at Fishery Community Tambak Lorok Semarang City. Journal of Non-Formal Education 4, 47-56 Carter R, Aldridge S, Pge M, & Parker S ( 2009 ) The Human Brain Book. New York, NY: DK Publishing Chojak. M (2018) Neuropedagogy as a Scientific Discipline: Interdisciplinary Description of the Theoretical Basis for the Development of a Research  Field. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. International Journal of Education and Pedagogical Science . Vol 12, No 8, 2018 Chudler E.C (2005) Brain Plasticity What is it?. http://www.faculty.washington.edu/chudler/plast.html Collin Gallian & Dixson Hazel. (1993). Integrated Learning Planned Curriculum Unit (Bookshelf tt) Collin. JW (2007) The Neuroscience and Learning. 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Stephen, Rushon - Jualo Anne & larkin Elizabeth (2019) Neuroscience, Play and Early Childhood Education: Connections, Implications and Assessment.  Early Childhood Education Journal 37: 351-361. DOI 10.1007/s10643-009-0359-3 Santrock, W. John (1996 ) Child Development. Chicago: Brown & Benchmark Seravac, Zoran & Jevanovic Jelena ( 2012) Adaptive Neuro-Fizzy Pedagogical Recommender. Expert Systems with Applications. Volume 39, Issue 10. , 9797-9806 Shearer, Banton (2018). Multiple Intelligences in Teaching and Education Lessons Learned from Neuroscience. Journal of Intelligence, Vol 6, No 38; doi: 10.3390/jintellgence6030038 Soldz ,Stephen (1988) The Construction of Meaning: Kagan, Piaget, and Psychoanalysis. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 18 (1) p 46-59 the phenomena of mind.Nature.com/scitable/blog/brain ) Voytek, Brown (2013) Brain Matricts: How measuring brian biology can explain. White E. Rachel (2012) Power of Play. Minnesota: Minnesota Children’s Museum   &nbsp

    Analyzing cultural expatriates' attitudes toward “Englishnization” using dynamic topic modeling

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    [EN] Several Japanese multinational corporations (MNCs) have recently adopted an English-only policy known as “Englishnization”. This study examines the impact of this policy using computer-assisted text analysis to investigate changes in cultural expatriates’ perceptions of Japanese work practices and values over time. Cultural expatriates are a significant but underexplored outcome of globalization. Despite the recent proliferation of studies on the internationalization of Japanese MNCs, few studies have focused on cultural expatriates' perceptions of corporate language policy in social media texts. This study analyzes a corpus of 208 posts from Rakuten, a Japanese MNC, on Glassdoor from 2009 to 2020. The findings suggest that these posts can be divided into three content groups: the threat of a foreign corporate culture, embracing the Rakuten way, and perceptions of leadership and marginalized status. Further, the posts reveal how Rakuten’s corporate language policy, as an instrument of internal internationalization, impacts external internationalization. The dynamics of “Englishnization’’ reveal a pressing issue facing Rakuten: namely, how to balance multinational cohesion with monolingualism and multiculturalism. This paper aims to demonstrate that dynamic topic modeling could enhance our understanding of the manner in which cultural expatriates and the English-only policy affect the internationalization of Japanese MNCs. It contributes to the literature by examining cultural expatriates’ perceptions of Japanese work practices and values from a diachronic perspective.Zhang, Z. (2021). Analyzing cultural expatriates' attitudes toward “Englishnization” using dynamic topic modeling. Journal of Computer-Assisted Linguistic Research. 5(1):1-26. https://doi.org/10.4995/jclr.2021.15909OJS12651Alalwan, Ali Abdallah. 2018. 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    Open-Source Telemedicine Platform for Wireless Medical Video Communication

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    An m-health system for real-time wireless communication of medical video based on open-source software is presented. The objective is to deliver a low-cost telemedicine platform which will allow for reliable remote diagnosis m-health applications such as emergency incidents, mass population screening, and medical education purposes. The performance of the proposed system is demonstrated using five atherosclerotic plaque ultrasound videos. The videos are encoded at the clinically acquired resolution, in addition to lower, QCIF, and CIF resolutions, at different bitrates, and four different encoding structures. Commercially available wireless local area network (WLAN) and 3.5G high-speed packet access (HSPA) wireless channels are used to validate the developed platform. Objective video quality assessment is based on PSNR ratings, following calibration using the variable frame delay (VFD) algorithm that removes temporal mismatch between original and received videos. Clinical evaluation is based on atherosclerotic plaque ultrasound video assessment protocol. Experimental results show that adequate diagnostic quality wireless medical video communications are realized using the designed telemedicine platform. HSPA cellular networks provide for ultrasound video transmission at the acquired resolution, while VFD algorithm utilization bridges objective and subjective ratings

    Improved reception of in-body signals by means of a wearable multi-antenna system

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    High data-rate wireless communication for in-body human implants is mainly performed in the 402-405 MHz Medical Implant Communication System band and the 2.45 GHz Industrial, Scientific and Medical band. The latter band offers larger bandwidth, enabling high-resolution live video transmission. Although in-body signal attenuation is larger, at least 29 dB more power may be transmitted in this band and the antenna efficiency for compact antennas at 2.45 GHz is also up to 10 times higher. Moreover, at the receive side, one can exploit the large surface provided by a garment by deploying multiple compact highly efficient wearable antennas, capturing the signals transmitted by the implant directly at the body surface, yielding stronger signals and reducing interference. In this paper, we implement a reliable 3.5 Mbps wearable textile multi-antenna system suitable for integration into a jacket worn by a patient, and evaluate its potential to improve the In-to-Out Body wireless link reliability by means of spatial receive diversity in a standardized measurement setup. We derive the optimal distribution and the minimum number of on-body antennas required to ensure signal levels that are large enough for real-time wireless endoscopy-capsule applications, at varying positions and orientations of the implant in the human body

    Genetic algorithms for satellite scheduling problems

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    Recently there has been a growing interest in mission operations scheduling problem. The problem, in a variety of formulations, arises in management of satellite/space missions requiring efficient allocation of user requests to make possible the communication between operations teams and spacecraft systems. Not only large space agencies, such as ESA (European Space Agency) and NASA, but also smaller research institutions and universities can establish nowadays their satellite mission, and thus need intelligent systems to automate the allocation of ground station services to space missions. In this paper, we present some relevant formulations of the satellite scheduling viewed as a family of problems and identify various forms of optimization objectives. The main complexities, due highly constrained nature, windows accessibility and visibility, multi-objectives and conflicting objectives are examined. Then, we discuss the resolution of the problem through different heuristic methods. In particular, we focus on the version of ground station scheduling, for which we present computational results obtained with Genetic Algorithms using the STK simulation toolkit.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version