383 research outputs found

    Introduction to the Special Section

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    Introduction to the Special Section

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    Declarative Specification

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    Deriving formal specifications from informal requirements is extremely difficult since one has to overcome the conceptual gap between an application domain and the domain of formal specification methods. To reduce this gap we introduce application-specific specification languages, i.e., graphical and textual notations that can be unambiguously mapped to formal specifications in a logic language. We describe a number of realised approaches based on this idea, and evaluate them with respect to their domain specificity vs. generalit

    A practical application of sharing and freeness inference

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    Reactive concurrent programming revisited

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    In this note we revisit the so-called reactive programming style, which evolves from the synchronous programming model of the Esterel language by weakening the assumption that the absence of an event can be detected instantaneously. We review some research directions that have been explored since the emergence of the reactive model ten years ago. We shall also outline some questions that remain to be investigated

    Tehokas sisäänpäindeterministisiin automaatteihin perustuva Constraint Grammar -jäsennin

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    Proceeding volume: 14 (2011)Pappret conceptualizes parsning med Constraint Grammar på ett nytt sätt som en process med två viktiga representationer. En representation innehåller lokala tvetydighet och den andra sammanfattar egenskaperna hos den lokala tvetydighet klasser. Båda representationer manipuleras med ren finite-state metoder, men deras samtrafik är en ad hoc -tillämpning av rationella potensserier. Den nya tolkningen av parsning systemet har flera praktiska fördelar, bland annat det inåt deterministiska sättet att beräkna, representera och räkna om alla potentiella tillämpningar av reglerna i meningen.Paperi uudelleenkonseptualisoi Constraint Grammarin sellaisena viitekehyksenä, jossa säännöt tarkentavat paikallisen ambiguiteetin tiivistä esitysmuotoa samalla kun sääntöjen ehdot sovitetaan piirrevektoreita vasten, jotka esittävät tiivistetyjen esitysmuotojen summia. Molemmat näkökulmat monitulkintaisuuteen käsitellään käyttäen puhtaita (pure) äärellistilaisia operaatioita. Tiivis esitysmuoto kuvataan piirrevektoreihin rationaalisten potenssisarjojen avulla. Tämä yhteys ei ole yhtään vähemmän puhdas kuin aikaisemmin vallalla ollut tulkinta, jonka edellyttää että leksikaalisen transduktorin tuottama sanan luentajoukko maagisesti linearisoidaan merkatuksi luentojen peräkkäinasetteluksi, joka syötetään puhtaille (äärellistilaisille) transduktoreille. Esitetyllä lähestymistavalla on useita käytännöllisiä etuja: mm. sisäänpäin deterministinen tapa laskea, esittää ja ylläpitää kaikki mahdolliset kohdat, joissa säännöt voivat soveltua virkkeeseen.The paper reconceptualizes Constraint Grammar as a framework where the rules refine the compact representations of local ambiguity while the rule conditions are matched against a string of feature vectors that summarize the compact representations. Both views to the ambiguity are processed with pure finite-state operations. The compact representations are mapped to feature vectors with the aid of a rational power series. This magical interconnection is not less pure than a prevalent interpretation that requires that the reading set provided by a lexical transducer is magically linearized to a marked concatenation of readings given to pure transducers. The current approach has several practical benefits, including the inward deterministic way to compute, represent and maintain all the applications of the rules in the sentence.Peer reviewe

    Overview of Hydra: a concurrent language for synchronous digital circuit design

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    Hydra is a computer hardware description language that integrates several kinds of software tool (simulation, netlist generation and timing analysis) within a single circuit specification. The design language is inherently concurrent, and it offers black box abstraction and general design patterns that simplify the design of circuits with regular structure. Hydra specifications are concise, allowing the complete design of a computer system as a digital circuit within a few pages. This paper discusses the motivations behind Hydra, and illustrates the system with a significant portion of the design of a basic RISC processor

    Two-stage Pipeline for Multilingual Dialect Detection

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    Dialect Identification is a crucial task for localizing various Large Language Models. This paper outlines our approach to the VarDial 2023 shared task. Here we have to identify three or two dialects from three languages each which results in a 9-way classification for Track-1 and 6-way classification for Track-2 respectively. Our proposed approach consists of a two-stage system and outperforms other participants' systems and previous works in this domain. We achieve a score of 58.54% for Track-1 and 85.61% for Track-2. Our codebase is available publicly (https://github.com/ankit-vaidya19/EACL_VarDial2023)