10 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic synchronization of flagellar oscillators

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    We survey the theory synchronization in collections of noisy oscillators. This framework is applied to flagellar synchronization by hydrodynamic interactions. The time-reversibility of hydrodynamics at low Reynolds numbers prompts swimming strokes that break symmetry to facilitate hydrodynamic synchronization. We discuss different physical mechanisms for flagellar synchronization, which break this symmetry in different ways.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures; accepted for publication in EPJ Special Topics Issue,Lecture Notes of the Summer School "Microswimmers -- From Single Particle Motion to Collective Behaviour'', organised by the DFG Priority Programme SPP 1726 (Forschungszentrum J\"ulich, J\"ulich, 2015

    Flowing matter

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    This open access book, published in the Soft and Biological Matter series, presents an introduction to selected research topics in the broad field of flowing matter, including the dynamics of fluids with a complex internal structure -from nematic fluids to soft glasses- as well as active matter and turbulent phenomena.Flowing matter is a subject at the crossroads between physics, mathematics, chemistry, engineering, biology and earth sciences, and relies on a multidisciplinary approach to describe the emergence of the macroscopic behaviours in a system from the coordinated dynamics of its microscopic constituents.Depending on the microscopic interactions, an assembly of molecules or of mesoscopic particles can flow like a simple Newtonian fluid, deform elastically like a solid or behave in a complex manner. When the internal constituents are active, as for biological entities, one generally observes complex large-scale collective motions. Phenomenology is further complicated by the invariable tendency of fluids to display chaos at the large scales or when stirred strongly enough. This volume presents several research topics that address these phenomena encompassing the traditional micro-, meso-, and macro-scales descriptions, and contributes to our understanding of the fundamentals of flowing matter.This book is the legacy of the COST Action MP1305 “Flowing Matter”

    Nonlinear dynamics and fluctuations in biological systems

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    The present habilitation thesis in theoretical biological physics addresses two central dynamical processes in cells and organisms: (i) active motility and motility control and (ii) self-organized pattern formation. The unifying theme is the nonlinear dynamics of biological function and its robustness in the presence of strong fluctuations, structural variations, and external perturbations. We theoretically investigate motility control at the cellular scale, using cilia and flagella as ideal model system. Cilia and flagella are highly conserved slender cell appendages that exhibit spontaneous bending waves. This flagellar beat represents a prime example of a chemo-mechanical oscillator, which is driven by the collective dynamics of molecular motors inside the flagellar axoneme. We study the nonlinear dynamics of flagellar swimming, steering, and synchronization, which encompasses shape control of the flagellar beat by chemical signals and mechanical forces. Mechanical forces can synchronize collections of flagella to beat at a common frequency, despite active motor noise that tends to randomize flagellar synchrony. In Chapter 2, we present a new physical mechanism for flagellar synchronization by mechanical self-stabilization that applies to free-swimming flagellated cells. This new mechanism is independent of direct hydrodynamic interactions between flagella. Comparison with experimental data provided by experimental collaboration partners in the laboratory of J. Howard (Yale, New Haven) confirmed our new mechanism in the model organism of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas. Further, we characterize the beating flagellum as a noisy oscillator. Using a minimal model of collective motor dynamics, we argue that measured non-equilibrium fluctuations of the flagellar beat result from stochastic motor dynamics at the molecular scale. Noise and mechanical coupling are antagonists for flagellar synchronization. In addition to the control of the flagellar beat by mechanical forces, we study the control of the flagellar beat by chemical signals in the context of sperm chemotaxis. We characterize a fundamental paradigm for navigation in external concentration gradients that relies on active swimming along helical paths. In this helical chemotaxis, the direction of a spatial concentration gradient becomes encoded in the phase of an oscillatory chemical signal. Helical chemotaxis represents a distinct gradient-sensing strategy, which is different from bacterial chemotaxis. Helical chemotaxis is employed, for example, by sperm cells from marine invertebrates with external fertilization. We present a theory of sensorimotor control, which combines hydrodynamic simulations of chiral flagellar swimming with a dynamic regulation of flagellar beat shape in response to chemical signals perceived by the cell. Our theory is compared to three-dimensional tracking experiments of sperm chemotaxis performed by the laboratory of U. B. Kaupp (CAESAR, Bonn). In addition to motility control, we investigate in Chapter 3 self-organized pattern formation in two selected biological systems at the cell and organism scale, respectively. On the cellular scale, we present a minimal physical mechanism for the spontaneous self-assembly of periodic cytoskeletal patterns, as observed in myofibrils in striated muscle cells. This minimal mechanism relies on the interplay of a passive coarsening process of crosslinked actin clusters and active cytoskeletal forces. This mechanism of cytoskeletal pattern formation exemplifies how local interactions can generate large-scale spatial order in active systems. On the organism scale, we present an extension of Turing’s framework for self-organized pattern formation that is capable of a proportionate scaling of steady-state patterns with system size. This new mechanism does not require any pre-pattering clues and can restore proportional patterns in regeneration scenarios. We analytically derive the hierarchy of steady-state patterns and analyze their stability and basins of attraction. We demonstrate that this scaling mechanism is structurally robust. Applications to the growth and regeneration dynamics in flatworms are discussed (experiments by J. Rink, MPI CBG, Dresden).:1 Introduction 10 1.1 Overview of the thesis 10 1.2 What is biological physics? 12 1.3 Nonlinear dynamics and control 14 1.3.1 Mechanisms of cell motility 16 1.3.2 Self-organized pattern formation in cells and tissues 28 1.4 Fluctuations and biological robustness 34 1.4.1 Sources of fluctuations in biological systems 34 1.4.2 Example of stochastic dynamics: synchronization of noisy oscillators 36 1.4.3 Cellular navigation strategies reveal adaptation to noise 39 2 Selected publications: Cell motility and motility control 56 2.1 “Flagellar synchronization independent of hydrodynamic interactions” 56 2.2 “Cell body rocking is a dominant mechanism for flagellar synchronization” 57 2.3 “Active phase and amplitude fluctuations of the flagellar beat” 58 2.4 “Sperm navigation in 3D chemoattractant landscapes” 59 3 Selected publications: Self-organized pattern formation in cells and tissues 60 3.1 “Sarcomeric pattern formation by actin cluster coalescence” 60 3.2 “Scaling and regeneration of self-organized patterns” 61 4 Contribution of the author in collaborative publications 62 5 Eidesstattliche Versicherung 64 6 Appendix: Reprints of publications 66Das Thema der vorliegenden Habilitationsschrift in Theoretischer Biologischer Physik ist die nichtlineare Dynamik funktionaler biologischer Systeme und deren Robustheit gegenüber Fluktuationen und äußeren Störungen. Wir entwickeln hierzu theoretische Beschreibungen für zwei grundlegende biologische Prozesse: (i) die zell-autonome Kontrolle aktiver Bewegung, sowie (ii) selbstorganisierte Musterbildung in Zellen und Organismen. In Kapitel 2, untersuchen wir Bewegungskontrolle auf zellulärer Ebene am Modelsystem von Zilien und Geißeln. Spontane Biegewellen dieser dünnen Zellfortsätze ermöglichen es eukaryotischen Zellen, in einer Flüssigkeit zu schwimmen. Wir beschreiben einen neuen physikalischen Mechanismus für die Synchronisation zweier schlagender Geißeln, unabhängig von direkten hydrodynamischen Wechselwirkungen. Der Vergleich mit experimentellen Daten, zur Verfügung gestellt von unseren experimentellen Kooperationspartnern im Labor von J. Howard (Yale, New Haven), bestätigt diesen neuen Mechanismus im Modellorganismus der einzelligen Grünalge Chlamydomonas. Der Gegenspieler dieser Synchronisation durch mechanische Kopplung sind Fluktuationen. Wir bestimmen erstmals Nichtgleichgewichts-Fluktuationen des Geißel-Schlags direkt, wofür wir eine neue Analyse-Methode der Grenzzykel-Rekonstruktion entwickeln. Die von uns gemessenen Fluktuationen entstehen mutmaßlich durch die stochastische Dynamik molekularen Motoren im Innern der Geißeln, welche auch den Geißelschlag antreiben. Um die statistische Physik dieser Nichtgleichgewichts-Fluktuationen zu verstehen, entwickeln wir eine analytische Theorie der Fluktuationen in einem minimalen Modell kollektiver Motor-Dynamik. Zusätzlich zur Regulation des Geißelschlags durch mechanische Kräfte untersuchen wir dessen Regulation durch chemische Signale am Modell der Chemotaxis von Spermien-Zellen. Dabei charakterisieren wir einen grundlegenden Mechanismus für die Navigation in externen Konzentrationsgradienten. Dieser Mechanismus beruht auf dem aktiven Schwimmen entlang von Spiralbahnen, wodurch ein räumlicher Konzentrationsgradient in der Phase eines oszillierenden chemischen Signals kodiert wird. Dieser Chemotaxis-Mechanismus unterscheidet sich grundlegend vom bekannten Chemotaxis-Mechanismus von Bakterien. Wir entwickeln eine Theorie der senso-motorischen Steuerung des Geißelschlags während der Spermien-Chemotaxis. Vorhersagen dieser Theorie werden durch Experimente der Gruppe von U.B. Kaupp (CAESAR, Bonn) quantitativ bestätigt. In Kapitel 3, untersuchen wir selbstorganisierte Strukturbildung in zwei ausgewählten biologischen Systemen. Auf zellulärer Ebene schlagen wir einen einfachen physikalischen Mechanismus vor für die spontane Selbstorganisation von periodischen Zellskelett-Strukturen, wie sie sich z.B. in den Myofibrillen gestreifter Muskelzellen finden. Dieser Mechanismus zeigt exemplarisch auf, wie allein durch lokale Wechselwirkungen räumliche Ordnung auf größeren Längenskalen in einem Nichtgleichgewichtssystem entstehen kann. Auf der Ebene des Organismus stellen wir eine Erweiterung der Turingschen Theorie für selbstorganisierte Musterbildung vor. Wir beschreiben eine neue Klasse von Musterbildungssystemen, welche selbst-organisierte Muster erzeugt, die mit der Systemgröße skalieren. Dieser neue Mechanismus erfordert weder eine vorgegebene Kompartimentalisierung des Systems noch spezielle Randbedingungen. Insbesondere kann dieser Mechanismus proportionale Muster wiederherstellen, wenn Teile des Systems amputiert werden. Wir bestimmen analytisch die Hierarchie aller stationären Muster und analysieren deren Stabilität und Einzugsgebiete. Damit können wir zeigen, dass dieser Skalierungs-Mechanismus strukturell robust ist bezüglich Variationen von Parametern und sogar funktionalen Beziehungen zwischen dynamischen Variablen. Zusammen mit Kollaborationspartnern im Labor von J. Rink (MPI CBG, Dresden) diskutieren wir Anwendungen auf das Wachstum von Plattwürmern und deren Regeneration in Amputations-Experimenten.:1 Introduction 10 1.1 Overview of the thesis 10 1.2 What is biological physics? 12 1.3 Nonlinear dynamics and control 14 1.3.1 Mechanisms of cell motility 16 1.3.2 Self-organized pattern formation in cells and tissues 28 1.4 Fluctuations and biological robustness 34 1.4.1 Sources of fluctuations in biological systems 34 1.4.2 Example of stochastic dynamics: synchronization of noisy oscillators 36 1.4.3 Cellular navigation strategies reveal adaptation to noise 39 2 Selected publications: Cell motility and motility control 56 2.1 “Flagellar synchronization independent of hydrodynamic interactions” 56 2.2 “Cell body rocking is a dominant mechanism for flagellar synchronization” 57 2.3 “Active phase and amplitude fluctuations of the flagellar beat” 58 2.4 “Sperm navigation in 3D chemoattractant landscapes” 59 3 Selected publications: Self-organized pattern formation in cells and tissues 60 3.1 “Sarcomeric pattern formation by actin cluster coalescence” 60 3.2 “Scaling and regeneration of self-organized patterns” 61 4 Contribution of the author in collaborative publications 62 5 Eidesstattliche Versicherung 64 6 Appendix: Reprints of publications 6

    Annual Research Report 2020

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    Hi-Fidelity Simulation of the Self-Assembly and Dynamics of Colloids and Polymeric Solutions with Long Range Interactions

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    Modeling the equilibrium properties and dynamic response of the colloidal and polymeric solutions provides valuable insight into numerous biological and industrial processes and facilitates development of novel technologies. To this end, the centerpiece of this research is to incorporate the long range electrostatic or hydrodynamic interactions via computationally efficient algorithms and to investigate the effect of these interactions on the self-assembly of colloidal particles and dynamic properties of polymeric solutions. Specifically, self-assembly of a new class of materials, namely bipolar Janus nano-particles, is investigated via molecular dynamic simulation in order to establish the relationship between individual particle characteristics, such as surface charge density, particle size, etc., and the final structure formation. Furthermore, the importance of incorporating the long range electrostatic interaction in achieving the corresponding final morphology is discussed. The dynamic properties of polymeric solutions are investigated via two parallel pathways. In the first approach, force-extension behavior of the flexible polyelectrolytes is probed via fine-grained Brownian dynamics simulation of the bead-rod model. The presented model accurately incorporates the excluded volume interaction in order to capture the effect of salt concentration on the force-extension response of polyelectrolyte chain as observed in the single chain experiments. It is shown that accurate incorporation of the excluded volume effect on a long chain of more than 500 Kuhn segments is necessary to reach the universal scaling both for equilibrium properties and force-extension response. Next, a new force law is extracted using a novel discrete Pade approximant from the constant-force ensemble result of the bead-rod model. The new force law is implemented in the coarse-grained meso-scale bead-spring model with hydrodynamic interactions in order to investigate the dynamics of flexible macromolecules in the athermal solvent. In the second approach the computational cost of the long range hydrodynamic interaction in dilute solution of polymeric chains with constrains is reduced via development of a new computational technique based on the conjugate gradient and Krylov subspace methods. Moreover, an algorithm for estimating the contribution of various forces to the transient polymeric stress tensor is introduced and employed in order to investigate transient dynamics of the solution of the flexible polymeric chains