162 research outputs found

    Time-Varying Graphs and Dynamic Networks

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    The past few years have seen intensive research efforts carried out in some apparently unrelated areas of dynamic systems -- delay-tolerant networks, opportunistic-mobility networks, social networks -- obtaining closely related insights. Indeed, the concepts discovered in these investigations can be viewed as parts of the same conceptual universe; and the formal models proposed so far to express some specific concepts are components of a larger formal description of this universe. The main contribution of this paper is to integrate the vast collection of concepts, formalisms, and results found in the literature into a unified framework, which we call TVG (for time-varying graphs). Using this framework, it is possible to express directly in the same formalism not only the concepts common to all those different areas, but also those specific to each. Based on this definitional work, employing both existing results and original observations, we present a hierarchical classification of TVGs; each class corresponds to a significant property examined in the distributed computing literature. We then examine how TVGs can be used to study the evolution of network properties, and propose different techniques, depending on whether the indicators for these properties are a-temporal (as in the majority of existing studies) or temporal. Finally, we briefly discuss the introduction of randomness in TVGs.Comment: A short version appeared in ADHOC-NOW'11. This version is to be published in Internation Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed System

    Performance of Opportunistic Epidemic Routing on Edge-Markovian Dynamic Graphs

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    Connectivity patterns in intermittently-connected mobile networks (ICMN) can be modeled as edge-Markovian dynamic graphs. We propose a new model for epidemic propagation on such graphs and calculate a closed-form expression that links the best achievable delivery ratio to common ICMN parameters such as message size, maximum tolerated delay, and link lifetime. These theoretical results are compared to those obtained by replaying a real-life contact trace.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Distributed Community Detection in Dynamic Graphs

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    Inspired by the increasing interest in self-organizing social opportunistic networks, we investigate the problem of distributed detection of unknown communities in dynamic random graphs. As a formal framework, we consider the dynamic version of the well-studied \emph{Planted Bisection Model} \sdG(n,p,q) where the node set [n][n] of the network is partitioned into two unknown communities and, at every time step, each possible edge (u,v)(u,v) is active with probability pp if both nodes belong to the same community, while it is active with probability qq (with q<<pq<<p) otherwise. We also consider a time-Markovian generalization of this model. We propose a distributed protocol based on the popular \emph{Label Propagation Algorithm} and prove that, when the ratio p/qp/q is larger than nbn^{b} (for an arbitrarily small constant b>0b>0), the protocol finds the right "planted" partition in O(logn)O(\log n) time even when the snapshots of the dynamic graph are sparse and disconnected (i.e. in the case p=Θ(1/n)p=\Theta(1/n)).Comment: Version I

    Shortest, Fastest, and Foremost Broadcast in Dynamic Networks

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    Highly dynamic networks rarely offer end-to-end connectivity at a given time. Yet, connectivity in these networks can be established over time and space, based on temporal analogues of multi-hop paths (also called {\em journeys}). Attempting to optimize the selection of the journeys in these networks naturally leads to the study of three cases: shortest (minimum hop), fastest (minimum duration), and foremost (earliest arrival) journeys. Efficient centralized algorithms exists to compute all cases, when the full knowledge of the network evolution is given. In this paper, we study the {\em distributed} counterparts of these problems, i.e. shortest, fastest, and foremost broadcast with termination detection (TDB), with minimal knowledge on the topology. We show that the feasibility of each of these problems requires distinct features on the evolution, through identifying three classes of dynamic graphs wherein the problems become gradually feasible: graphs in which the re-appearance of edges is {\em recurrent} (class R), {\em bounded-recurrent} (B), or {\em periodic} (P), together with specific knowledge that are respectively nn (the number of nodes), Δ\Delta (a bound on the recurrence time), and pp (the period). In these classes it is not required that all pairs of nodes get in contact -- only that the overall {\em footprint} of the graph is connected over time. Our results, together with the strict inclusion between PP, BB, and RR, implies a feasibility order among the three variants of the problem, i.e. TDB[foremost] requires weaker assumptions on the topology dynamics than TDB[shortest], which itself requires less than TDB[fastest]. Reversely, these differences in feasibility imply that the computational powers of RnR_n, BΔB_\Delta, and PpP_p also form a strict hierarchy

    Contributions to modeling, structural analysis, and routing performance in dynamic networks

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    Cette thèse apporte des contributions à la modélisation, compréhension ainsi qu’à la communication efficace d’information dans les réseaux dynamiques peuplant la périphérie de l’Internet. Par réseaux dynamiques, nous signifions les réseaux pouvant être modélisés par des graphes dynamiques dans lesquels noeuds et liens évoluent temporellement. Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous proposons un nouveau modèle de mobilité - STEPS - qui permet de capturer un large spectre de comportement de mobilité humains. STEPS mets en oeuvre deux principes fondamentaux de la mobilité humaine : l’attachement préférentiel à une zone de prédilection et l’attraction vers une zone de prédilection. Nous proposons une modélisation markovienne de ce modèle de mobilité. Nous montrons que ce simple modèle paramétrique est capable de capturer les caractéristiques statistiques saillantes de la mobilité humaine comme la distribution des temps d’inter-contacts et de contacts. Dans la deuxième partie, en utilisant STEPS, nous analysons les propriétés comportementales et structurelles fondamentales des réseaux opportunistes. Nous redéfinissons dans le contexte des réseaux dynamiques la notion de structure petit monde et montrons comment une telle structure peut émerger. En particulier, nous montrons que les noeuds fortement dynamiques peuvent jouer le rôle de ponts entre les composants déconnectés, aident à réduire significativement la longueur du chemin caractéristique du réseau et contribuent à l’émergence du phénomène petit-monde dans les réseaux dynamiques. Nous proposons une façon de modéliser ce phénomène sous STEPS. À partir d’un réseau dynamique régulier dans lequel les noeuds limitent leur mobilité à leurs zones préférentielles respectives. Nous recablons ce réseau en injectant progressivement des noeuds nomades se déplaçant entre plusieurs zones. Nous montrons que le pourcentage de tels nœuds nomades est de 10%, le réseau possède une structure petit monde avec un fort taux de clusterisation et un faible longueur du chemin caractéristique. La troisième contribution de cette thèse porte sur l’étude de l’impact du désordre et de l’irrégularité des contacts sur la capacité de communication d’un réseau dynamique. Nous analysons le degré de désordre de réseaux opportunistes réels et montrons que si exploité correctement, celui-ci peut améliorer significativement les performances du routage. Nous introduisons ensuite un modèle permettant de capturer le niveau de désordre d’un réseau dynamique. Nous proposons deux algorithmes simples et efficaces qui exploitent la structure temporelle d’un réseau dynamique pour délivrer les messages avec un bon compromis entre l’usage des ressources et les performances. Les résultats de simulations et analytiques montrent que ce type d’algorithme est plus performant que les approches classiques. Nous mettons également en évidence aussi la structure de réseau pour laquelle ce type d’algorithme atteint ses performances optimum. Basé sur ce résultat théorique nous proposons un nouveau protocole de routage efficace pour les réseaux opportunistes centré sur le contenu. Dans ce protocole, les noeuds maintiennent, via leurs contacts opportunistes, une fonction d’utilité qui résume leur proximité spatio-temporelle par rapport aux autres noeuds. En conséquence, router dans un tel contexte se résume à suivre le gradient de plus grande pente conduisant vers le noeud destination. Cette propriété induit un algorithme de routage simple et efficace qui peut être utilisé aussi bien dans un contexte d’adressage IP que de réseau centré sur les contenus. Les résultats de simulation montrent que ce protocole superforme les protocoles de routage classiques déjà définis pour les réseaux opportunistes. La dernière contribution de cette thèse consiste à mettre en évidence une application potentielle des réseaux dynamiques dans le contexte du « mobile cloud computing ». En utilisant les techniques d’optimisation particulaires, nous montrons que la mobilité peut augmenter considérablement la capacité de calcul des réseaux dynamiques. De plus, nous montrons que la structure dynamique du réseau a un fort impact sur sa capacité de calcul. ABSTRACT : This thesis contributes to the modeling, understanding and efficient communication in dynamic networks populating the periphery of the Internet. By dynamic networks, we refer to networks that can be modeled by dynamic graphs in which nodes and links change temporally. In the first part of the thesis, we propose a new mobility model - STEPS - which captures a wide spectrum of human mobility behavior. STEPS implements two fundamental principles of human mobility: preferential attachment and attractor. We show that this simple parametric model is able to capture the salient statistical properties of human mobility such as the distribution of inter-contact/contact time. In the second part, using STEPS, we analyze the fundamental behavioral and structural properties of opportunistic networks. We redefine in the context of dynamic networks the concept of small world structure and show how such a structure can emerge. In particular, we show that highly dynamic nodes can play the role of bridges between disconnected components, helping to significantly reduce the length of network path and contribute to the emergence of small-world phenomenon in dynamic networks. We propose a way to model this phenomenon in STEPS. From a regular dynamic network in which nodes limit their mobility to their respective preferential areas. We rewire this network by gradually injecting highly nomadic nodes moving between different areas. We show that when the ratio of such nomadic nodes is around 10%, the network has small world structure with a high degree of clustering and a low characteristic path length. The third contribution of this thesis is the study of the impact of disorder and contact irregularity on the communication capacity of a dynamic network. We analyze the degree of disorder of real opportunistic networks and show that if used correctly, it can significantly improve routing performances. We then introduce a model to capture the degree of disorder in a dynamic network. We propose two simple and efficient algorithms that exploit the temporal structure of a dynamic network to deliver messages with a good tradeoff between resource usage and performance. The simulation and analytical results show that this type of algorithm is more efficient than conventional approaches. We also highlight also the network structure for which this type of algorithm achieves its optimum performance. Based on this theoretical result, we propose a new efficient routing protocol for content centric opportunistic networks. In this protocol, nodes maintain, through their opportunistic contacts, an utility function that summarizes their spatio-temporal proximity to other nodes. As a result, routing in this context consists in following the steepest slopes of the gradient field leading to the destination node. This property leads to a simple and effective algorithm routing that can be used both in the context of IP networks and content centric networks. The simulation results show that this protocol outperforms traditional routing protocols already defined for opportunistic networks. The last contribution of this thesis is to highlight the potential application of dynamic networks in the context of "mobile cloud computing." Using the particle optimization techniques, we show that mobility can significantly increase the processing capacity of dynamic networks. In addition, we show that the dynamic structure of the network has a strong impact on its processing capacity

    Efficient algorithms for analyzing large scale network dynamics: Centrality, community and predictability

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    Large scale networks are an indispensable part of our daily life; be it biological network, smart grids, academic collaboration networks, social networks, vehicular networks, or the networks as part of various smart environments, they are fast becoming ubiquitous. The successful realization of applications and services over them depend on efficient solution to their computational challenges that are compounded with network dynamics. The core challenges underlying large scale networks, for example: determining central (influential) nodes (and edges), interactions and contacts among nodes, are the basis behind the success of applications and services. Though at first glance these challenges seem to be trivial, the network characteristics affect their effective and efficient evaluation strategy. We thus propose to leverage large scale network structural characteristics and temporal dynamics in addressing these core conceptual challenges in this dissertation. We propose a divide and conquer based computationally efficient algorithm that leverages the underlying network community structure for deterministic computation of betweenness centrality indices for all nodes. As an integral part of it, we also propose a computationally efficient agglomerative hierarchical community detection algorithm. Next, we propose a network structure evolution based novel probabilistic link prediction algorithm that predicts set of links occurring over subsequent time periods with higher accuracy. To best capture the evolution process and have higher prediction accuracy we propose multiple time scales with the Markov prediction model. Finally, we propose to capture the multi-periodicity of human mobility pattern with sinusoidal intensity function of a cascaded nonhomogeneous Poisson process, to predict the future contacts over mobile networks. We use real data set and benchmarked approaches to validate the better performance of our proposed approaches --Abstract, page iii