6 research outputs found

    RI-CUBE: dotando al PCE de información abstracta de ingeniería de tráfico interdominio

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    El cómputo de rutas en Internet se ha vuelto una tarea compleja y costosa. La arquitectura PCE (Path Computation Element) proporciona la funcionalidad necesaria para el cómputo de rutas interdominio en redes MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) y GMPLS (Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching). En este escenario, el cálculo de rutas interdominio se lleva a cabo mediante la cooperación entre PCEs. El PCE que requiera ayuda, utiliza un mecanismo de selección de PCEs colaboradores que podría tener en consideración el estado de la red y sus recursos. Este mecanismo es especialmente importante debido al impacto que tiene en el tiempo total necesario para computar una ruta interdominio completa. En este trabajo, aportamos un detallado estudio de la información de ingeniería de tráfico manejada por los IGPs (Interior Gateway Protocols) más importantes y también un mecanismo para intercambiar esta información en entornos interdominio de forma que no se viole la privacidad de sobre la topología de la dominios afectados. Con esta información en su poder, un elemento PCE puede seleccionar un PCE exterior para colaborar, de forma efectiva y más precisa, minimizando el tiempo total necesario para calcular la ruta interdominio.Postprint (published version

    GMPLS-controlled OBS Network Simulator: Implementation of the signaling protocol

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    Projecte final de carrera fet en col.laboració amb ISCTE-IUL LisboaThe Optical Burst Switching (OBS) paradigm is regaining greater attention by the professionals and researchers of the optical networking field, as it offers a number of advantages when compared with other optical switching paradigms. This type of technology was developed with the objective to carry information all-optically without using any kind of buffering device. However, due to its one-way signaling process, the presence of a control plane is extremely useful to manage complementary signaling and routing features, providing flexibility, reliability and taking more benefits of the OBS networks. The goal of this project is to extend Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) control plane architecture to properly handle OBS networks. In spite of GMPLS is not prepared to lead with these type of networks, this flexible architecture has been seen as a potential candidate to be used as the control plane of other kinds of optical networks (e.g., IP, Ethernet, Optical Circuit networks) and therefore to manage control OBS networks. In this project, the existent event-driven JAVA simulator for OBS networks – JAVOBS – is extended to simulate a possible interoperability model between GMPLS and OBS technologies. The first objective is to implement a new control layer (GMPLS) separated from the data layer of the OBS network. The second and main objective fits on the basic signaling procedures implementation of the GMPLS Reservation Protocol-Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE) protocol, in order to analyze the performance of the OBS network’s behavior when it is controlled by such interoperable control plane (GMPLS/OBS)

    Proposta de Plano de Controle para Redes Ópticas de Transporte Utilizando LSPs Hierárquicos

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    A evolução das redes de telecomunicações permitiu o surgimento de novas classes de serviço que exigem cada vez mais das tecnologias de redes de núcleo. As exigências são de, cada vez mais, dinamicidade e capacidade de aprovisionamento de recursos para o transporte de informações baseado em demandas, uma característica conhecida como BoD (Bandwidth on Demand). No plano de transporte, a tecnologia OTN (Optical Transport Network) sofreu recentes avanços para acompanhar essas demandas por dinamicidade, e vem se firmando como tecnologia de transporte para redes de núcleo. Integrando toda a capacidade de comutação e multiplexação OTN, tanto no domínio elétrico como óptico, surge um conceito de equipamento denominado OTNSwitch como solução para as redes de núcleo. Porém, ainda que o plano de transporte ofereça tal capacidade e dinamicidade, faz-se necessário a existência de um plano de controle capaz de atuar nos equipamentos e realizar a configuração de caminhos na rede, permitindo o suprimento das demandas. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo propor um plano de controle baseado nos protocolos GMPLS (Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching) para o equipamento OTNSwitch, capaz de alocar recursos para uma demanda utilizando o conceito de LSPs (Label Switch Path) hierárquicos utilizando- se a capacidade de multiplexação TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) oferecida pela tecnologia OTN e melhor aproveitamento da capacidade de transmissão dos comprimentos de onda na rede

    GMPLS-controlled OBS Network Simulator: Implementation of the signaling protocol

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    Projecte final de carrera fet en col.laboració amb ISCTE-IUL LisboaThe Optical Burst Switching (OBS) paradigm is regaining greater attention by the professionals and researchers of the optical networking field, as it offers a number of advantages when compared with other optical switching paradigms. This type of technology was developed with the objective to carry information all-optically without using any kind of buffering device. However, due to its one-way signaling process, the presence of a control plane is extremely useful to manage complementary signaling and routing features, providing flexibility, reliability and taking more benefits of the OBS networks. The goal of this project is to extend Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) control plane architecture to properly handle OBS networks. In spite of GMPLS is not prepared to lead with these type of networks, this flexible architecture has been seen as a potential candidate to be used as the control plane of other kinds of optical networks (e.g., IP, Ethernet, Optical Circuit networks) and therefore to manage control OBS networks. In this project, the existent event-driven JAVA simulator for OBS networks – JAVOBS – is extended to simulate a possible interoperability model between GMPLS and OBS technologies. The first objective is to implement a new control layer (GMPLS) separated from the data layer of the OBS network. The second and main objective fits on the basic signaling procedures implementation of the GMPLS Reservation Protocol-Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE) protocol, in order to analyze the performance of the OBS network’s behavior when it is controlled by such interoperable control plane (GMPLS/OBS)

    Architecture and implementation of a topological information and traffic engineering service to RWA systems

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    Orientador: Mauricio Ferreira MagalhãesDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Redes totalmente ópticas (fotônicas) controladas por GMPLS (Generalized MultiProtocol Label Switching) são a promessa para lidar com o crescente volume de tráfego IP. Os protocolos de sinalização e roteamento GMPLS, principalmente OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) e RSVP (Resource ReSerVation Protocol), trabalham de tal modo que o cálculo da rota para circuitos ópticos não considera a disponibilidade de comprimentos de onda (labels). Esta solução não é ótima em termos do uso de recursos de rede e da probabilidade de bloqueio de novos circuitos. Para aprimorar este quadro, algoritmos RWA (Routing and Wavelength Assignment) mais eficientes poderiam ser usados para calcular a rota e o comprimento de onda simultaneamente. Estes algoritmos RWA necessitam conhecer a topologia óptica de um modo ainda não descrito pelas atuais especificações do protocolo OSPF. Esta dissertação propõe extensões de Engenharia de Tráfego para o protocolo OSPF para permitir que o plano de controle GMPLS se beneficie do uso de algoritmos RWA mais eficientes. Um protótipo foi desenvolvido e instalado em uma rede óptica emulada para verificar a praticabilidade da solução proposta baseado na sobrecarga de tráfego gerado no plano de controleAbstract: GMPLS-controlled all-optical networks are the promise to handle the increasing volume of IP traffic. The GMPLS routing and signaling protocols, mainly OSPF and RSVP, work in such a way that the route calculation for optical circuits does not take into account the wavelength (label) availability. This is not optimal in terms of network resources usage and blocking probability of new circuits. To deal with this scenario, more efficient RWA algorithms could be used to calculate the route and the wavelength assignment at one time. These RWA engines need to know the optical topology in a way that is not described by current OSPF standards. This dissertation proposes Traffic Engineering extensions to the OSPF protocol to enable the GMPLS control plane to take advantage of the most effective RWA classes. A prototype was developed and deployed in an optical-emulated copper-based network to verify its feasibility based on the bandwidth overhead generated in the control planeMestradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoMestre em Engenharia Elétric