93 research outputs found

    The electronically steerable parasitic array radiator antenna for wireless communications : signal processing and emerging techniques

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    Smart antenna technology is expected to play an important role in future wireless communication networks in order to use the spectrum efficiently, improve the quality of service, reduce the costs of establishing new wireless paradigms and reduce the energy consumption in wireless networks. Generally, smart antennas exploit multiple widely spaced active elements, which are connected to separate radio frequency (RF) chains. Therefore, they are only applicable to base stations (BSs) and access points, by contrast with modern compact wireless terminals with constraints on size, power and complexity. This dissertation considers an alternative smart antenna system the electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) which uses only a single RF chain, coupled with multiple parasitic elements. The ESPAR antenna is of significant interest because of its flexibility in beamforming by tuning a number of easy-to-implement reactance loads connected to parasitic elements; however, parasitic elements require no expensive RF circuits. This work concentrates on the study of the ESPAR antenna for compact transceivers in order to achieve some emerging techniques in wireless communications. The work begins by presenting the work principle and modeling of the ESPAR antenna and describes the reactance-domain signal processing that is suited to the single active antenna array, which are fundamental factors throughout this thesis. The major contribution in this chapter is the adaptive beamforming method based on the ESPAR antenna. In order to achieve fast convergent beamforming for the ESPAR antenna, a modified minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamfomer is proposed. With reactance-domain signal processing, the ESPAR array obtains a correlation matrix of receive signals as the input to the MVDR optimization problem. To design a set of feasible reactance loads for a desired beampattern, the MVDR optimization problem is reformulated as a convex optimization problem constraining an optimized weight vector close to a feasible solution. Finally, the necessary reactance loads are optimized by iterating the convex problem and a simple projector. In addition, the generic algorithm-based beamforming method has also studied for the ESPAR antenna. Blind interference alignment (BIA) is a promising technique for providing an optimal degree of freedom in a multi-user, multiple-inputsingle-output broadcast channel, without the requirements of channel state information at the transmitters. Its key is antenna mode switching at the receive antenna. The ESPAR antenna is able to provide a practical solution to beampattern switching (one kind of antenna mode switching) for the implementation of BIA. In this chapter, three beamforming methods are proposed for providing the required number of beampatterns that are exploited across one super symbol for creating the channel fluctuation patterns seen by receivers. These manually created channel fluctuation patterns are jointly combined with the designed spacetime precoding in order to align the inter-user interference. Furthermore, the directional beampatterns designed in the ESPAR antenna are demonstrated to improve the performance of BIA by alleviating the noise amplification. The ESPAR antenna is studied as the solution to interference mitigation in small cell networks. Specifically, ESPARs analog beamforming presented in the previous chapter is exploited to suppress inter-cell interference for the system scenario, scheduling only one user to be served by each small BS at a single time. In addition, the ESPAR-based BIA is employed to mitigate both inter-cell and intracell interference for the system scenario, scheduling a small number of users to be simultaneously served by each small BS for a single time. In the cognitive radio (CR) paradigm, the ESPAR antenna is employed for spatial spectrum sensing in order to utilize the new angle dimension in the spectrum space besides the conventional frequency, time and space dimensions. The twostage spatial spectrum sensing method is proposed based on the ESPAR antenna being targeted at identifying white spectrum space, including the new angle dimension. At the first stage, the occupancy of a specific frequency band is detected by conventional spectrum-sensing methods, including energy detector and eigenvalue-based methods implemented with the switched-beam ESPAR antenna. With the presence of primary users, their directions are estimated at the second stage, by high-resolution angle-of-arrival (AoA) estimation algorithms. Specifically, the compressive sensing technology has been studied for AoA detection with the ESPAR antenna, which is demonstrated to provide high-resolution estimation results and even to outperform the reactance-domain multiple signal classification

    Enhanced Inter-Cell Interference Coordination Challenges in Heterogeneous Networks

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    3GPP LTE-Advanced has started a new study item to investigate Heterogeneous Network (HetNet) deployments as a cost effective way to deal with the unrelenting traffic demand. HetNets consist of a mix of macrocells, remote radio heads, and low-power nodes such as picocells, femtocells, and relays. Leveraging network topology, increasing the proximity between the access network and the end-users, has the potential to provide the next significant performance leap in wireless networks, improving spatial spectrum reuse and enhancing indoor coverage. Nevertheless, deployment of a large number of small cells overlaying the macrocells is not without new technical challenges. In this article, we present the concept of heterogeneous networks and also describe the major technical challenges associated with such network architecture. We focus in particular on the standardization activities within the 3GPP related to enhanced inter-cell interference coordination.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Models and optimisation methods for interference coordination in self-organising cellular networks

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    A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyWe are at that moment of network evolution when we have realised that our telecommunication systems should mimic features of human kind, e.g., the ability to understand the medium and take advantage of its changes. Looking towards the future, the mobile industry envisions the use of fully automatised cells able to self-organise all their parameters and procedures. A fully self-organised network is the one that is able to avoid human involvement and react to the fluctuations of network, traffic and channel through the automatic/autonomous nature of its functioning. Nowadays, the mobile community is far from this fully self-organised kind of network, but they are taken the first steps to achieve this target in the near future. This thesis hopes to contribute to the automatisation of cellular networks, providing models and tools to understand the behaviour of these networks, and algorithms and optimisation approaches to enhance their performance. This work focuses on the next generation of cellular networks, in more detail, in the DownLink (DL) of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) based networks. Within this type of cellular system, attention is paid to interference mitigation in self-organising macrocell scenarios and femtocell deployments. Moreover, this thesis investigates the interference issues that arise when these two cell types are jointly deployed, complementing each other in what is currently known as a two-tier network. This thesis also provides new practical approaches to the inter-cell interference problem in both macro cell and femtocell OFDMA systems as well as in two-tier networks by means of the design of a novel framework and the use of mathematical optimisation. Special attention is paid to the formulation of optimisation problems and the development of well-performing solving methods (accurate and fast)

    Optimal and practical handover decision algorithms in heteregeneous marco-femto cellular networks

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    Driven by the smart tablet/phone revolution and the proliferation of bandwidth hungry applications such as cloud computing and streaming video, the demand for high data rate wireless communication is increasing tremendously. In order to meet the increasing demand from subscribers, wireless operators are in the process of augmenting their macrocell network with supplemental infrastructure such as microcells, distributed antennas and relays. An alternative with lower upfront costs is to improve indoor coverage and capacity by using end-consumer installed femtocells. A femtocell is a low power, short range (up to 100 meters coverage radius) cellular wireless access point (AP), functioning in service provider owned licensed spectrum. Due to the proximity of end users to the femtocell access points, APs are able to provide higher end-user QoE and better spatial reuse of limited spectrum. Femtocells are useful in offloading the macro-cellular network as well as reducing the operating and capital expenditure costs for operators. Femtocells coexist with legacy cellular networks consisting of macrocells. In this emerging combined architecture, large number of Femtocell Application Point (FAPs) is randomly deployed in the coverage area of macro BSs. However, several problems related to MM (mobility management) and RM (resource management) in this combined architecture still remain to be solved. The ad hoc deployment of FAPs and asymmetric radio communication and call processing capabilities between macrofemto networks are the primary causes of these problems. Uncoordinated deployment of FAPs providing indoor oriented wireless access service within the macro coverage may cause severe interference problems that need to be mitigated and handled by RM/MM schemes. The MM decisions should take into account the resource constraints and UE mobility in order to prevent unnecessary or undesirable handovers towards femtocells. Ignoring these factors in MM decisions may lead to low customer satisfaction due to mismanagement of handover events in the combined macro-femto network, delayed signaling traffic and unsatisfactory call/connection quality. In order to address all of the aforementioned issues, the handover decision problem in combined femto-macro networks has been formulated as a multi-objective non-linear optimization problem. Since there are no known analytical solution to this problem, an MDP (Markov Decision Process) based heuristic has been proposed as a practical and optimal HO (handover) decision making scheme. This heuristic has been updated and improved in an iterative manner and has also been supported by a dynamic SON (Self Organizing Networks) algorithms that is based on heuristic's components. The performance results show that the final version of MDP based heuristic has signi cantly superior performance in terms offloading the macro network, minimizing the undesirable network events (e.g. outage and admission rejection) when compared to state-of-art handover algorithms

    Spatial spectrum reuse in heterogeneous wireless networks: interference management and access control

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    Διαχρονικά, η κυρίαρχη σχεδιαστική επιλογή για την βελτίωση της φασματικής απόδοσης των ασύρματων δικτύων κινητών επικοινωνιών είναι η χωρική επαναχρησιμοποίηση φάσματος, η δυνατότητα δηλαδή να επαναχρησιμοποιείται το ίδιο κομμάτι φάσματος πολλές φορές στο χώρο με την προϋπόθεση ότι διατηρούνται χαμηλά τα επίπεδα των παρεμβολών. Στα σύγχρονα δίκτυα κινητών επικοινωνιών μελετώνται δύο νέοι τρόποι χωρικής επαναχρησιμοποίησης φάσματος: α) η ανάπτυξη φεμτοκυψελών (femtocells), η ανάπτυξη δηλαδή μικρών κυψελών για εξυπηρέτηση κυρίως εσωτερικών χώρων στην ευρύτερη περιοχή κάλυψης μία κύριας κυψέλης, και β) η ενεργοποίηση επικοινωνιών συσκευής-σε-συσκευή (Device-to-Device – D2D), απευθείας δηλαδή επικοινωνιών χωρίς την διαμεσολάβηση του σταθμού βάσης της κυψέλης. Σκοπός της παρούσας διατριβής είναι να μελετηθούν και να αντιμετωπιστούν οι προκλήσεις που προκύπτουν από την εισαγωγή φεμτοκυψελών και την υιοθέτηση επικοινωνιών συσκευής-σε-συσκευή σε κυψελωτά δίκτυα προτυποποιημένα από την 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project). Πιο συγκεκριμένα, μελετώνται τα προβλήματα της διαχείρισης του φάσματος και των παρεμβολών, καθώς και θέματα πρόσβασης στο φάσμα για Long Term Evolution (LTE) και LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) δίκτυα με φεμτοκυψέλες και με επικοινωνίες συσκευής-σε- συσκευή. Για το σκοπό αυτό, αρχικά μελετήθηκαν τα LTE/LTE-A κυψελωτά δίκτυα ως προς το φυσικό επίπεδο, την αρχιτεκτονική και τις παρεμβολές, αποτυπώνοντας και την τρέχουσα κατάσταση στο τομέα της προτυποποίησης των φεμτοκυψελών και των επικοινωνιών συσκευής-σε-συσκευή. Ακολούθησε μια συγκριτική μελέτη μηχανισμών διαχείρισης παρεμβολών σε κανάλια ελέγχου ενός LTE/LTE-A δικτύου με φεμτοκυψέλες και ένας καινοτόμος μηχανισμός ελέγχου ισχύος για μεταδόσεις φεμτοκυψελών, βασισμένος στην ποιότητα εμπειρίας στο τελικό χρήστη. Η δουλειά αυτή άνοιξε νέους ερευνητικούς ορίζοντες, όπου το επίπεδο ικανοποίησης του τελικού χρήστη παίζει ενεργό ρόλο στη διαχείριση του δικτύου και την παροχή των υπηρεσιών. Παρόλα αυτά, η περεταίρω μελέτη προς την κατεύθυνση αυτή είναι εκτός του σκοπού της παρούσας διατριβής. Στην συνέχεια, το κύριο βάρος της μελέτης μεταφέρθηκε στο πρόβλημα της διαχείρισης του φάσματος και των παρεμβολών στο πολύ πιο δυναμικό περιβάλλον ενός κυψελωτού δικτύου όπου επιτρέπονται οι επικοινωνίες συσκευής-σε-συσκευή. Σε πρώτη φάση, θεωρήθηκε ένα σύνολο από ζεύγη συσκευών που επικοινωνούν μεταξύ τους με επικοινωνίες συσκευής-σε-συσκευή και προτάθηκε ένας μηχανισμός συλλογής πληροφορίας παρεμβολών και ένα σχήμα ανάθεσης πόρων βασισμένο στη θεωρία γράφων. Το κύριο αποτέλεσμα της μελέτης αυτής ήταν πως αν και υψηλά επίπεδα χωρικής επαναχρησιμοποίησης μπορούν να επιτευχθούν, η συλλογή και η επεξεργασία πληροφορίας παρεμβολών είναι ένα πολύπλοκο πρόβλημα το οποίο απαιτεί και επιπλέον πόρους σηματοδοσίας. Έτσι, προτάθηκε και αναλύθηκε μίας λύση βασισμένη στον ανταγωνισμό. Πρακτικά οι χρήστες των επικοινωνιών συσκευής-σε-συσκευή εφαρμόζουν ένα σχήμα ανταγωνισμού όμοιο με αυτό που χρησιμοποιείται στα δίκτυα WiFi (Wireless Fidelity), προσαρμοσμένο όμως στο φυσικό επίπεδο των LTE/LTE-A δικτύων. Μαθηματική ανάλυση του σχήματος έδειξε ισχυρή εξάρτηση των επιδόσεων από το πλήθος των χρηστών που ανταγωνίζονται για το φάσμα. Σε μια προσπάθεια περιορισμού του πλήθους των ανταγωνιζόμενων χρηστών μόνο σε αυτούς που βρίσκονται σε γειτνίαση, και άρα μονό σε αυτούς που η άμεση επικοινωνία τους είναι εφικτή, μελετήθηκε το πρόβλημα της ανίχνευσης γειτονικής συσκευής. Με βάση τις τρέχουσες προδιαγραφές της 3GPP, για την επίλυση του προβλήματος ανίχνευσης γειτονικής συσκευής, μία συσκευή είτε ανακοινώνει με μετάδοση περιοδικών μηνυμάτων την παρουσία της σε μια συγκεκριμένη περιοχή, είτε αιτείται από κάποια συγκεκριμένη συσκευή πληροφορία ανίχνευσης. Υιοθετώντας τη δεύτερη περίπτωση, προτάθηκαν βελτιώσεις στο LTE/LTE-A δίκτυο πρόσβασης ώστε να επιτρέπεται η ανάθεση φάσματος για μεταδόσεις ανίχνευσης γειτονικών συσκευών. Παράλληλα, δεδομένου ότι και για τις μεταδόσεις αυτές απαιτείται η κατανάλωση φάσματος, σχεδιάστηκε και αξιολογήθηκε μία λύση βασισμένη στη χωρική επαναχρησιμοποίηση φάσματος. Το βασικό συμπέρασμα ήταν ότι λόγω των χαμηλών απαιτήσεων ποιότητας των μηνυμάτων ανίχνευσης, κάτω από ορισμένες συνθήκες πυκνότητας του δικτύου, μπορεί να επιτραπεί η χωρική επαναχρησιμοποίηση του κυψελωτού φάσματος για μεταδόσεις ανίχνευσης συσκευής.Historically, the spatial spectrum reuse has been the most efficient approach for improving cellular system capacity. Based on this observation, the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) has proposed new spatial spectrum reuse schemes, towards fulfilling the International Mobile Telecommunications-Advanced (IMT-Advanced) requirements for the 4G networks. In this direction, a major shift is realized from wide-range cells with high transmit power (macrocells) to low-power small-sized cells (femtocells), while a lot of effort is allocated to the spatial spectrum reuse by enabling Device-to-Device (D2D) communications, i.e., direct communications in a cellular network, without the intervention of the base station. The scope of this thesis is to deal with challenges arising from the introduction of femtocells and D2D communications in cellular networks standardized by 3GPP Release 8 and beyond, i.e., Long Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE-Advanced (LTE-A). More specifically, for the case of femtocells, the interference management problem is studied, while for the D2D communications the radio resource management and the spectrum access challenges are addressed. First, a comprehensive description of the physical layer and architecture of the LTE/LTE-A networks is provided, and the current standardization efforts for the introduction of femtocells and D2D communications are described. Subsequently, different control channel interference management schemes for femtocell-overlaid LTE/LTE-A networks are studied, while an innovative power control scheme for the femtocell downlink transmissions is proposed, utilizing the end user’s quality of experience. This work brings to the surface new research challenges, where the end user’s satisfaction level plays an active role in network management and service provisioning. However, the further investigation of these challenges is out of this thesis’ scope. Considering the much more dynamic environment defined by the D2D communications in a cellular network, the major research effort is then shifted to the resource and interference management problem for D2D communications. Assuming a predefined set of D2D pairs in a cellular network, an interference information collection mechanism and a D2D resource allocation scheme, based on the graph-coloring theory, are proposed. Evaluation results showed that even high spatial spectrum reuse levels can be achieved, the interference collection and processing problem is quite complex, while additional signaling is needed. Taking this into account, a contention-based approach is proposed. Under this approach, the D2D devices compete for accessing the spectrum following a procedure similar with that used in WiFi (Wireless Fidelity) networks. Performance analysis shows that the efficiency of the proposed scheme depends on the number of competing devices. Towards restricting the number of competing devices, only to those that are in proximity and, thus, in valid positions for D2D communication, the device discovery problem is studied. According to the 3GPP standardization efforts, the solution of the device discovery problem requires frequent transmission of discovery signals from each device, either announcing its presence in a specific area, or requesting discovery information from a target device. Adopting the second option, enhancements in the 3GPP standardized access network are proposed, enabling a resource request / allocation procedure for device discovery transmissions. In parallel, a spatial spectrum reuse scheme is designed and evaluated, as an effort to reduce the consumption of radio resources for discovery transmissions. Analytical and simulation results show that, under certain conditions for the network density, a number of discovery transmissions can be enabled in a multi-cellular network even if no interference information is available

    Cooperation strategies for inter-cell interference mitigation in OFDMA systems

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    Recently the use of modern cellular networks has drastically changed with the emerging Long Term Evolution Advanced (LTE-A) technology. Homogeneous networks which were initially designed for voice-centric and low data rates face unprecedented challenges for meeting the increasing traffic demands of high data-driven applications and their important quality of service requirements. Therefore, these networks are moving towards the so called Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets). HetNets represent a new paradigm for cellular networks as their nodes have different characteristics such as transmission power and radio frequency coverage area. Consequently, a HetNet shows completely different interference characteristics compared to homogeneous deployment and attention must be paid to these disparities when different tiers are collocated together. This is mostly due to the potential spectrum frequency reuse by the involved tiers in the HetNets. Hence, efficient inter-cell interference mitigation solutions in co-channel deployments of HetNets remain a challenge for both industry and academic researchers. This thesis focuses on LTE-A HetNet systems which are based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Access (OFDMA) modulation. Our aim is to investigate the aggressive interference issue that appears when different types of base stations are jointly deployed together and especially in two cases, namely Macro-Femtocells and Macro-Picocells co-existence. We propose new practical power adjustment solutions for managing inter-cell interference dynamically for both cases. In the first part dedicated to Femtocells and Macrocell coexistence, we design a MBS-assisted femtocell power adjustment strategy which takes into account femtocells users performance while mitigating the inter-cell interference on victim macrocell users. Further, we propose a new cooperative and context-aware interference mitigation method which is derived for realistic scenarios involving mobility of users and their varying locations. We proved numerically that the Femtocells are able to maintain their interference under a desirable threshold by adjusting their transmission power. Our strategies provide an efficient means for achieving the desired level of macrocell/femtocell throughput trade-off. In the second part of the studies where Picocells are deployed under the umbrella of the Macrocell, we paid a special attention and efforts to the interference management in the situation where Picocells are configured to set up a cell range expansion. We suggest a MBS-assisted collaborative scheme powered by an analytical model to predict the mobility of Macrocell users passing through the cell range expansion area of the picocell. Our goal is to adapt the muting ratio ruling the frequency resource partitioning between both tiers according to the mobility behavior of the range-expanded users, thereby providing an efficient trade-off between Macrocell and Picocell achievable throughputs.Récemment, l'utilisation des réseaux cellulaires a radicalement changé avec l’émergence de la quatrième génération (4G) de systèmes de télécommunications mobiles LTE/LTE-A (Long Term Evolution-Advanced). Les réseaux de générations précédentes (3G), initialement conçus pour le transport de la voix et les données à faible et moyen débits, ont du mal à faire face à l’augmentation accrue du trafic de données multimédia tout en répondant à leurs fortes exigences et contraintes en termes de qualité de service (QdS). Pour mieux répondre à ces besoins, les réseaux 4G ont introduit le paradigme des Réseaux Hétérogènes (HetNet).Les réseaux HetNet introduisent une nouvelle notion d’hétérogénéité pour les réseaux cellulaires en introduisant le concept des smalls cells (petites cellules) qui met en place des antennes à faible puissance d’émission. Ainsi, le réseau est composé de plusieurs couches (tiers) qui se chevauchent incluant la couverture traditionnelle macro-cellulaire, les pico-cellules, les femto-cellules, et les relais. Outre les améliorations des couvertures radio en environnements intérieurs, les smalls cells permettent d’augmenter la capacité du système par une meilleure utilisation du spectre et en rapprochant l’utilisateur de son point d’accès au réseau. Une des conséquences directes de cette densification cellulaire est l’interférence générée entre les différentes cellules des diverses couches quand ces dernières réutilisent les mêmes fréquences. Aussi, la définition de solutions efficaces de gestion des interférences dans ce type de systèmes constitue un de leurs défis majeurs. Cette thèse s’intéresse au problème de gestion des interférences dans les systèmes hétérogènes LTE-A. Notre objectif est d’apporter des solutions efficaces et originales au problème d’interférence dans ce contexte via des mécanismes d’ajustement de puissance des petites cellules. Nous avons pour cela distingués deux cas d’étude à savoir un déploiement à deux couches macro-femtocellules et macro-picocellules. Dans la première partie dédiée à un déploiement femtocellule et macrocellule, nous concevons une stratégie d'ajustement de puissance des femtocellules assisté par la macrocellule et qui prend en compte les performances des utilisateurs des femtocells tout en atténuant l'interférence causée aux utilisateurs des macrocellules sur leurs liens montants. Cette solution offre l’avantage de la prise en compte de paramètres contextuels locaux aux femtocellules (tels que le nombre d’utilisateurs en situation de outage) tout en considérant des scénarios de mobilité réalistes. Nous avons montré par simulation que les interférences sur les utilisateurs des macrocellules sont sensiblement réduites et que les femtocellules sont en mesure de dynamiquement ajuster leur puissance d'émission pour atteindre les objectifs fixés en termes d’équilibre entre performance des utilisateurs des macrocellules et celle de leurs propres utilisateurs. Dans la seconde partie de la thèse, nous considérons le déploiement de picocellules sous l'égide de la macrocellule. Nous nous sommes intéressés ici aux solutions d’extension de l’aire picocellulaire qui permettent une meilleure association utilisateur/cellule permettant de réduire l’interférence mais aussi offrir une meilleure efficacité spectrale. Nous proposons donc une approche basée sur un modèle de prédiction de la mobilité des utilisateurs qui permet de mieux ajuster la proportion de bande passante à partager entre la macrocellule et la picocellule en fonction de la durée de séjour estimée de ces utilisateurs ainsi que de leur demandes en bande passante. Notre solution a permis d’offrir un bon compromis entre les débits réalisables de la Macro et des picocellules

    Energy-Efficient Sleep Mode Schemes for Cell-Less RAN in 5G and Beyond 5G Networks

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    In 5G and beyond 5G networks, the new cell-less radio access network architecture is adopted to overcome the extreme network capacity challenges generated by massive wireless devices used for diverse scenarios and various applications. At the same time, the evolution of mobile communications faces the important challenge of increased network power consumption. To fulfill user demands for various user densities and meanwhile reduce the power consumption, we present a novel energy-efficiency enhancement scheme, i.e., (3×E) to increase the transmission rate per energy unit, with stable performance within the cell-less radio access network (RAN) architecture. Our proposed (3×E) scheme activates two-step sleep modes (i.e., certain phase and conditional phase) through the intelligent interference management for temporarily switching access points (APs) to sleep, optimizing the network energy efficiency (EE) in highly loaded scenarios, as well as in scenarios with lower load. An intelligent control over underutilized/unused APs is considered, taking their interference contribution into account as the primary main criteria in addition to load-based conditional criteria. Therefore, our proposed scheme assures a stable performance enhancement and maintains an efficient power saving when the number of UEs increases, improving existing works not addressing this performance stability in peak-traffic hours. Simulation results show that the network EE is improved up to 30% compared to the reference algorithm and up to 60% with respect to the baseline algorithm in which all APs are active all the time.This work was supported by the European Union H2020 Research and Innovation Programme funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) TeamUp5G Project under Grant 81339