12 research outputs found

    Interface Simulation Distances

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    The classical (boolean) notion of refinement for behavioral interfaces of system components is the alternating refinement preorder. In this paper, we define a distance for interfaces, called interface simulation distance. It makes the alternating refinement preorder quantitative by, intuitively, tolerating errors (while counting them) in the alternating simulation game. We show that the interface simulation distance satisfies the triangle inequality, that the distance between two interfaces does not increase under parallel composition with a third interface, and that the distance between two interfaces can be bounded from above and below by distances between abstractions of the two interfaces. We illustrate the framework, and the properties of the distances under composition of interfaces, with two case studies.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2012, arXiv:1210.202

    A Formal Approach based on Fuzzy Logic for the Specification of Component-Based Interactive Systems

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    Formal methods are widely recognized as a powerful engineering method for the specification, simulation, development, and verification of distributed interactive systems. However, most formal methods rely on a two-valued logic, and are therefore limited to the axioms of that logic: a specification is valid or invalid, component behavior is realizable or not, safety properties hold or are violated, systems are available or unavailable. Especially when the problem domain entails uncertainty, impreciseness, and vagueness, the appliance of such methods becomes a challenging task. In order to overcome the limitations resulting from the strict modus operandi of formal methods, the main objective of this work is to relax the boolean notion of formal specifications by using fuzzy logic. The present approach is based on Focus theory, a model-based and strictly formal method for componentbased interactive systems. The contribution of this work is twofold: i) we introduce a specification technique based on fuzzy logic which can be used on top of Focus to develop formal specifications in a qualitative fashion; ii) we partially extend Focus theory to a fuzzy one which allows the specification of fuzzy components and fuzzy interactions. While the former provides a methodology for approximating I/O behaviors under imprecision, the latter enables to capture a more quantitative view of specification properties such as realizability.Comment: In Proceedings FESCA 2015, arXiv:1503.0437

    Long-Term Average Cost in Featured Transition Systems

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    A software product line is a family of software products that share a common set of mandatory features and whose individual products are differentiated by their variable (optional or alternative) features. Family-based analysis of software product lines takes as input a single model of a complete product line and analyzes all its products at the same time. As the number of products in a software product line may be large, this is generally preferable to analyzing each product on its own. Family-based analysis, however, requires that standard algorithms be adapted to accomodate variability. In this paper we adapt the standard algorithm for computing limit average cost of a weighted transition system to software product lines. Limit average is a useful and popular measure for the long-term average behavior of a quality attribute such as performance or energy consumption, but has hitherto not been available for family-based analysis of software product lines. Our algorithm operates on weighted featured transition systems, at a symbolic level, and computes limit average cost for all products in a software product line at the same time. We have implemented the algorithm and evaluated it on several examples

    IST Austria Technical Report

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    We consider Markov decision processes (MDPs) which are a standard model for probabilistic systems. We focus on qualitative properties for MDPs that can express that desired behaviors of the system arise almost-surely (with probability 1) or with positive probability. We introduce a new simulation relation to capture the refinement relation of MDPs with respect to qualitative properties, and present discrete graph theoretic algorithms with quadratic complexity to compute the simulation relation. We present an automated technique for assume-guarantee style reasoning for compositional analysis of MDPs with qualitative properties by giving a counter-example guided abstraction-refinement approach to compute our new simulation relation. We have implemented our algorithms and show that the compositional analysis leads to significant improvements

    Contracts for System Design

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    Systems design has become a key challenge and differentiating factor over the last decades for system companies. Aircrafts, trains, cars, plants, distributed telecommunication military or health care systems, and more, involve systems design as a critical step. Complexity has caused system design times and costs to go severely over budget so as to threaten the health of entire industrial sectors. Heuristic methods and standard practices do not seem to scale with complexity so that novel design methods and tools based on a strong theoretical foundation are sorely needed. Model-based design as well as other methodologies such as layered and compositional design have been used recently but a unified intellectual framework with a complete design flow supported by formal tools is still lacking albeit some attempts at this framework such as Platform-based Design have been successfully deployed. Recently an "orthogonal" approach has been proposed that can be applied to all methodologies proposed thus far to provide a rigorous scaffolding for verification, analysis and abstraction/refinement: contractbased design. Several results have been obtained in this domain but a unified treatment of the topic that can help in putting contract-based design in perspective is still missing. This paper intends to provide such treatment where contracts are precisely defined and characterized so that they can be used in design methodologies such as the ones mentioned above with no ambiguity. In addition, the paper provides an important link between interfaces and contracts to show similarities and correspondences. Examples of the use of contracts in design are provided as well as in depth analysis of existing literature.Cet article fait le point sur le concept de contrat pour la conception de systèmes. Les contrats que nous proposons portent, non seulement sur des propriétés de typage de leurs interfaces, mais incluent une description abstraite de comportements. Nous proposons une méta-théorie, ou, si l'on veut, une théorie générique des contrats, qui permet le développement séparé de sous-systèmes. Nous montrons que cette méta-théorie se spécialise en l'une ou l'autre des théories connues

    IST Austria Thesis

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    This dissertation concerns the automatic verification of probabilistic systems and programs with arrays by statistical and logical methods. Although statistical and logical methods are different in nature, we show that they can be successfully combined for system analysis. In the first part of the dissertation we present a new statistical algorithm for the verification of probabilistic systems with respect to unbounded properties, including linear temporal logic. Our algorithm often performs faster than the previous approaches, and at the same time requires less information about the system. In addition, our method can be generalized to unbounded quantitative properties such as mean-payoff bounds. In the second part, we introduce two techniques for comparing probabilistic systems. Probabilistic systems are typically compared using the notion of equivalence, which requires the systems to have the equal probability of all behaviors. However, this notion is often too strict, since probabilities are typically only empirically estimated, and any imprecision may break the relation between processes. On the one hand, we propose to replace the Boolean notion of equivalence by a quantitative distance of similarity. For this purpose, we introduce a statistical framework for estimating distances between Markov chains based on their simulation runs, and we investigate which distances can be approximated in our framework. On the other hand, we propose to compare systems with respect to a new qualitative logic, which expresses that behaviors occur with probability one or a positive probability. This qualitative analysis is robust with respect to modeling errors and applicable to many domains. In the last part, we present a new quantifier-free logic for integer arrays, which allows us to express counting. Counting properties are prevalent in array-manipulating programs, however they cannot be expressed in the quantified fragments of the theory of arrays. We present a decision procedure for our logic, and provide several complexity results

    Simulation product fidelity: a qualitative & quantitative system engineering approach

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    La modélisation informatique et la simulation sont des activités de plus en plus répandues lors de la conception de systèmes complexes et critiques tels que ceux embarqués dans les avions. Une proposition pour la conception et réalisation d'abstractions compatibles avec les objectifs de simulation est présentée basés sur la théorie de l'informatique, le contrôle et le système des concepts d'ingénierie. Il adresse deux problèmes fondamentaux de fidélité dans la simulation, c'est-à-dire, pour une spécification du système et quelques propriétés d'intérêt, comment extraire des abstractions pour définir une architecture de produit de simulation et jusqu'où quel point le comportement du modèle de simulation représente la spécification du système. Une notion générale de cette fidélité de la simulation, tant architecturale et comportementale, est expliquée dans les notions du cadre expérimental et discuté dans le contexte des abstractions de modélisation et des relations d'inclusion. Une approche semi-formelle basée sur l'ontologie pour construire et définir l'architecture de produit de simulation est proposée et démontrée sur une étude d'échelle industrielle. Une approche formelle basée sur le jeu théorique et méthode formelle est proposée pour différentes classes de modèles des systèmes et des simulations avec un développement d'outils de prototype et cas des études. Les problèmes dans la recherche et implémentation de ce cadre de fidélité sont discutées particulièrement dans un contexte industriel.In using Modeling and Simulation for the system Verification & Validation activities, often the difficulty is finding and implementing consistent abstractions to model the system being simulated with respect to the simulation requirements. A proposition for the unified design and implementation of modeling abstractions consistent with the simulation objectives based on the computer science, control and system engineering concepts is presented. It addresses two fundamental problems of fidelity in simulation, namely, for a given system specification and some properties of interest, how to extract modeling abstractions to define a simulation product architecture and how far does the behaviour of the simulation model represents the system specification. A general notion of this simulation fidelity, both architectural and behavioural, in system verification and validation is explained in the established notions of the experimental frame and discussed in the context of modeling abstractions and inclusion relations. A semi-formal ontology based domain model approach to build and define the simulation product architecture is proposed with a real industrial scale study. A formal approach based on game theoretic quantitative system refinement notions is proposed for different class of system and simulation models with a prototype tool development and case studies. Challenges in research and implementation of this formal and semi-formal fidelity framework especially in an industrial context are discussed

    Revisiting logical semantics for processes and their distances

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación, leída el 2-02-2016Esta tesis se enmarca en el amplio campo de la teoría de la concurrencia. Más específicamente, nos centramos en el estudio de las relaciones de similitud entre procesos concurrentes. Comenzamos estudiando la bisimulación, considerada la más importante de estas relaciones, y vemos después cómo podemos extender nuestros resultados al resto de las semánticas de procesos estudiadas durante las últimas décadas. En particular, nuestra contribución a la comunidad científica, se centra en dos puntos principales: – El desarrollo de una caracterización lógica uniforme de las semánticas de procesos: proponemos un esquema lógico común (enmarcado en la conocida lógica modal de Hennessy-Milner) e incluimos las diferentes semánticas en este esquema, enfatizando las diferencias y similitudes entre ellas, que se presentan del modo más claro posible. – La presentación de una nueva noción de distancia, tanto entre procesos finitos como infinitos: la misma se diferencia de las anteriormente propuestas en su carácter global, que acumula las diferencias que aportan los distintos cómputos, en lugar de quedarnos con la máxima de ellas...This thesis can be included in the broad field of concurrency theory. More specifically, we focus on the study of the similarities between concurrent processes. We start from bisimulation, the main of these relations, and then we see how we can extend the obtained results to the rest of the semantics developed along the last years. In particular, our main contributions can be roughly described by the following two items: – The development of a unified logical characterization of process semantics: we propose a common logical scheme (within the framework of the well known Hennessy-Milner Logic) and we set the different semantics in this scheme by emphasizing, in the clearest possible way, the (dis)similarities between them. – We present a new notion of distance for both finite and infinite processes. This novel notion differs from the previously available ones in its global character: instead of taking the maximum disagreement between the two compared processes, it adds all the differences provided by their whole sets of computations...Depto. de Sistemas Informáticos y ComputaciónFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Interface simulation distances

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    The classical (boolean) notion of refinement for behavioral interfaces of system components is the alternating refinement preorder. In this paper, we define a distance for interfaces, called interface simulation distance. It makes the alternating refinement preorder quantitative by, intuitively, tolerating errors (while counting them) in the alternating simulation game. We show that the interface simulation distance satisfies the triangle inequality, that the distance between two interfaces does not increase under parallel composition with a third interface, that the distance between two interfaces can be bounded from above and below by distances between abstractions of the two interfaces, and how to synthesize an interface from incompatible requirements. We illustrate the framework, and the properties of the distances under composition of interfaces, with two case studies