727 research outputs found

    Interest of the dual hybrid control scheme for teleoperation with time delays

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    A new scheme of teleoperation called "dual hybrid control" is described. It is shown that telepresence is increased compared to traditional force feedback schemes. It is particulary well suited for time delay teleoperation

    Issues, concerns, and initial implementation results for space based telerobotic control

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    Telerobotic control for space based assembly and servicing tasks presents many problems in system design. Traditional force reflection teleoperation schemes are not well suited to this application, and the approaches to compliance control via computer algorithms have yet to see significant testing and comparison. These observations are discussed in detail, as well as the concerns they raise for imminent design and testing of space robotic systems. As an example of the detailed technical work yet to be done before such systems can be specified, a particular approach to providing manipulator compliance is examined experimentally and through modeling and analysis. This yields some initial insight into the limitations and design trade-offs for this class of manipulator control schemes. Implications of this investigation for space based telerobots are discussed in detail

    A Passivity-Based Distributed Reference Governor for Constrained Robotic Networks

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    This paper focuses on a passivity-based distributed reference governor (RG) applied to a pre-stabilized mobile robotic network. The novelty of this paper lies in the method used to solve the RG problem, where a passivity-based distributed optimization scheme is proposed. In particular, the gradient descent method minimizes the global objective function while the dual ascent method maximizes the Hamiltonian. To make the agents converge to the agreed optimal solution, a proportional-integral consensus estimator is used. This paper proves the convergence of the state estimates of the RG to the optimal solution through passivity arguments, considering the physical system static. Then, the effectiveness of the scheme considering the dynamics of the physical system is demonstrated through simulations and experiments.Comment: 8 pages, International Federation of Automatic Conference 2017, 8 figure

    Bilevel shared control for teleoperators

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    A shared system is disclosed for robot control including integration of the human and autonomous input modalities for an improved control. Autonomously planned motion trajectories are modified by a teleoperator to track unmodelled target motions, while nominal teleoperator motions are modified through compliance to accommodate geometric errors autonomously in the latter. A hierarchical shared system intelligently shares control over a remote robot between the autonomous and teleoperative portions of an overall control system. Architecture is hierarchical, and consists of two levels. The top level represents the task level, while the bottom, the execution level. In space applications, the performance of pure teleoperation systems depend significantly on the communication time delays between the local and the remote sites. Selection/mixing matrices are provided with entries which reflect how each input's signals modality is weighted. The shared control minimizes the detrimental effects caused by these time delays between earth and space

    Expert-in-the-Loop Multilateral Telerobotics for Haptics-Enabled Motor Function and Skills Development

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    Among medical robotics applications are Robotics-Assisted Mirror Rehabilitation Therapy (RAMRT) and Minimally-Invasive Surgical Training (RAMIST) that extensively rely on motor function development. Haptics-enabled expert-in-the-loop motor function development for such applications is made possible through multilateral telerobotic frameworks. While several studies have validated the benefits of haptic interaction with an expert in motor learning, contradictory results have also been reported. This emphasizes the need for further in-depth studies on the nature of human motor learning through haptic guidance and interaction. The objective of this study was to design and evaluate expert-in-the-loop multilateral telerobotic frameworks with stable and human-safe control loops that enable adaptive “hand-over-hand” haptic guidance for RAMRT and RAMIST. The first prerequisite for such frameworks is active involvement of the patient or trainee, which requires the closed-loop system to remain stable in the presence of an adaptable time-varying dominance factor. To this end, a wave-variable controller is proposed in this study for conventional trilateral teleoperation systems such that system stability is guaranteed in the presence of a time-varying dominance factor and communication delay. Similar to other wave-variable approaches, the controller is initially developed for the Velocity-force Domain (VD) based on the well-known passivity assumption on the human arm in VD. The controller can be applied straightforwardly to the Position-force Domain (PD), eliminating position-error accumulation and position drift, provided that passivity of the human arm in PD is addressed. However, the latter has been ignored in the literature. Therefore, in this study, passivity of the human arm in PD is investigated using mathematical analysis, experimentation as well as user studies involving 12 participants and 48 trials. The results, in conjunction with the proposed wave-variables, can be used to guarantee closed-loop PD stability of the supervised trilateral teleoperation system in its classical format. The classic dual-user teleoperation architecture does not, however, fully satisfy the requirements for properly imparting motor function (skills) in RAMRT (RAMIST). Consequently, the next part of this study focuses on designing novel supervised trilateral frameworks for providing motor learning in RAMRT and RAMIST, each customized according to the requirements of the application. The framework proposed for RAMRT includes the following features: a) therapist-in-the-loop mirror therapy; b) haptic feedback to the therapist from the patient side; c) assist-as-needed therapy realized through an adaptive Guidance Virtual Fixture (GVF); and d) real-time task-independent and patient-specific motor-function assessment. Closed-loop stability of the proposed framework is investigated using a combination of the Circle Criterion and the Small-Gain Theorem. The stability analysis addresses the instabilities caused by: a) communication delays between the therapist and the patient, facilitating haptics-enabled tele- or in-home rehabilitation; and b) the integration of the time-varying nonlinear GVF element into the delayed system. The platform is experimentally evaluated on a trilateral rehabilitation setup consisting of two Quanser rehabilitation robots and one Quanser HD2 robot. The framework proposed for RAMIST includes the following features: a) haptics-enabled expert-in-the-loop surgical training; b) adaptive expertise-oriented training, realized through a Fuzzy Interface System, which actively engages the trainees while providing them with appropriate skills-oriented levels of training; and c) task-independent skills assessment. Closed-loop stability of the architecture is analyzed using the Circle Criterion in the presence and absence of haptic feedback of tool-tissue interactions. In addition to the time-varying elements of the system, the stability analysis approach also addresses communication delays, facilitating tele-surgical training. The platform is implemented on a dual-console surgical setup consisting of the classic da Vinci surgical system (Intuitive Surgical, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA), integrated with the da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK) motor controllers, and the dV-Trainer master console (Mimic Technology Inc., Seattle, WA). In order to save on the expert\u27s (therapist\u27s) time, dual-console architectures can also be expanded to accommodate simultaneous training (rehabilitation) for multiple trainees (patients). As the first step in doing this, the last part of this thesis focuses on the development of a multi-master/single-slave telerobotic framework, along with controller design and closed-loop stability analysis in the presence of communication delays. Various parts of this study are supported with a number of experimental implementations and evaluations. The outcomes of this research include multilateral telerobotic testbeds for further studies on the nature of human motor learning and retention through haptic guidance and interaction. They also enable investigation of the impact of communication time delays on supervised haptics-enabled motor function improvement through tele-rehabilitation and mentoring

    Posture-Dependent Projection-Based Force Reflection Algorithms for Bilateral Teleoperators

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    It was previously established that the projection-based force reflection (PBFR) algorithms improve the overall stability of a force reflecting teleoperation system. The idea behind the PBFR algorithms is to identify the component of the reflected force which is compensated by interaction with the operator\u27s hand, and subsequently attenuate the residual component of the reflected force. If there is no a priori information regarding the behaviour of the human operator, the PBFR gain is selected equal to sufficiently small constant in order to guarantee stability for a wide range of human operator responses. Small PBRF gains, however, may deteriorate the transparency of a teleoperator system. In this thesis, a new method for selecting the PBFR gain is introduced which depends on human postures. Using an online human posture estimation, the introduced posture-dependent PBFR algorithm has been applied to a teleoperation system with force feedback. It is experimentally demonstrated that the developed method for selection of the PBFR gain based on human postures improves the transparency of the teleoperator system while the stability is preserved. Finally, preliminary results that deal with an extension of the developed methods towards a more realistic model of the human arm with 4 degrees of freedom and three dimensional movements are presented

    Control of Cooperative Haptics-Enabled Teleoperation Systems with Application to Minimally Invasive Surgery

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    Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgical (RAMIS) systems frequently have a structure of cooperative teleoperator systems where multiple master-slave pairs are used to collaboratively execute a task. Although multiple studies indicate that haptic feedback improves the realism of tool-tissue interaction to the surgeon and leads to better performance for surgical procedures, current telesurgical systems typically do not provide force feedback, mainly because of the inherent stability issues. The research presented in this thesis is directed towards the development of control algorithms for force reflecting cooperative surgical teleoperator systems with improved stability and transparency characteristics. In the case of cooperative force reflecting teleoperation over networks, conventional passivity based approaches may have limited applicability due to potentially non-passive slave-slave interactions and irregular communication delays imposed by the network. In this thesis, an alternative small gain framework for the design of cooperative network-based force reflecting teleoperator systems is developed. Using the small gain framework, control algorithms for cooperative force-reflecting teleoperator systems are designed that guarantee stability in the presence of multiple network-induced communication constraints. Furthermore, the design conservatism typically associated with the small-gain approach is eliminated by using the Projection-Based Force Reflection (PBFR) algorithms. Stability results are established for networked cooperative teleoperator systems under different types of force reflection algorithms in the presence of irregular communication delays. The proposed control approach is consequently implemented on a dual-arm (two masters/two slaves) robotic MIS testbed. The testbed consists of two Haptic Wand devices as masters and two PA10-7C robots as the slave manipulators equipped with da Vinci laparoscopic surgical instruments. The performance of the proposed control approach is evaluated in three different cooperative surgical tasks, which are knot tightening, pegboard transfer, and object manipulation. The experimental results obtained indicate that the PBFR algorithms demonstrate statistically significant performance improvement in comparison with the conventional direct force reflection algorithms. One possible shortcoming of using PBFR algorithms is that implementation of these algorithms may lead to attenuation of the high-frequency component of the contact force which is important, in particular, for haptic perception of stiff surfaces. In this thesis, a solution to this problem is proposed which is based on the idea of separating the different frequency bands in the force reflection signal and consequently applying the projection-based principle to the low-frequency component, while reflecting the high-frequency component directly. The experimental results demonstrate that substantial improvement in transient fidelity of the force feedback is achieved using the proposed method without negative effects on the stability of the system

    Sampled data systems passivity and discrete port-Hamiltonian systems

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    In this paper, we present a novel way to approach the interconnection of a continuous and a discrete time physical system first presented in [1][2] [3]. This is done in a way which preserves passivity of the coupled system independently of the sampling time T. This strategy can be used both in the field of telemanipulation, for the implementation of a passive master/slave system on a digital transmission line with varying time delays and possible loss of packets (e.g., the Internet), and in the field of haptics, where the virtual environment should `feel¿ like a physical equivalent system

    Network Latency in Teleoperation of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles:A Review of Trends, Challenges, and Mitigation Strategies

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    With remarkable advancements in the development of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs), the integration of teleoperation has become crucial for improving safety and operational efficiency. However, teleoperation faces substantial challenges, with network latency being a critical factor influencing its performance. This survey paper explores the impact of network latency along with state-of-the-art mitigation/compensation approaches. It examines cascading effects on teleoperation communication links (i.e., uplink and downlink) and how delays in data transmission affect the real-time perception and decision-making of operators. By elucidating the challenges and available mitigation strategies, the paper offers valuable insights for researchers, engineers, and practitioners working towards the seamless integration of teleoperation in the evolving landscape of CAVs

    Teleoperated and cooperative robotics : a performance oriented control design

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