46 research outputs found

    Body image: interdisciplinary approach in education, diagnostics, therapy and rehabilitation

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    U raznim podrucjima edukacije, dijagnostike, terapije i rehabilitacije, klinicki entitet slika tijela je veoma kompleksno problemsko podrucje. U okviru tema: slika tijela - forma i sadržaj, biopsihosocijalni i drugi cimbenici u sticanju predodžbe o vlastitom tijelu, znanstvena istraživanja i komplementarno suportivni pristupi u prevenciji i terapiji poremecaja slike tijela… - prikazana su neka tumacenja s aspekta raznih disciplina. Poseban osvrt ucinjen je na problemsko podrucje doživljaj slike tijela u osoba s motorickim poremecajima i kronicnim bolestima. Pregledom rezultata suvremenih istraživanja naglašena je potreba razvijanja interdisciplinarnih pristupa u svrhu proucavanja meðupovezanosti brojnih cimbenika koji utjecu na razvoj doživljaja slike tijela u pojedinca.In various fields of education, diagnostics, therapy and rehabilitation, the clinical entity body image is a very complex problem field. Within the topics: body image – form and content, biopsychosocial and other factors of body image development, scientific research studies and complementary supportive approaches to prevention and therapy of the body image disorder - some interpretations have been presented from the viewpoints of different disciplines. A special emphasis has been made on the problem field of body image experience in persons with motility disturbancies and chronic diseases. In a review of the results obtained from contemporary research, the necessity to develop interdisciplinary approaches for the purpose of studying interactions between numerous factors affecting the development of an person\u27s body image has been emphasised

    Metamorphosis of Learning Ecosystems in Response to The Fourth Industrial Revolution's (4IR)

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    This review provides a comprehensive overview of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and its educational impact. It focuses on the accelerated pace of technological advancements and the urgent need to understand how these changes affect educational systems. The research, which includes empirical studies, theoretical frameworks, and policy literature, employs a thematic analysis to identify key trends and themes using secondary data like books, research findings, and scientific journals related to 4IR. Key findings highlight the increasing demands for new skills in the workforce, ethical considerations, and the necessity for an interdisciplinary approach in education. The study underscores the transformation of education in the wake of 4IR's influence, particularly in automation and artificial intelligence (AI). It emphasizes the importance of adapting educational paradigms to address the challenges and opportunities presented by these technological advancements. The study's major implication is the need for a fundamental shift in learning ecosystems to align with the transformative power of 4IR. This involves adapting to significant changes in the educational landscape, which are necessary to facilitate user ease. Integrating modern intelligent technologies has fundamentally altered production and global supply networks, leading to increased automation, enhanced communication, and smart machines. This transformation underscores the need for educational systems to evolve and prepare for these ongoing changes

    Метод проектів у навчанні студентів письма англійською мовою

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    У даній роботі aналізується використання проектної методики у навчанні студентів. Метод проектів створює умови, за яких студенти навчаються у колективній взаємодії й удосконалюють комунікативні вміння. Проектна діяльність в процесі підготовки дозволяє розвивати професійні якості, знання, уміння та навички писемного мовлення, ураховувати індивідуальні здібності студента та покращує реалізовувати міждисциплінарний підхід у навчанні.This paper analyzes the use of project methodology in education of student. The project method creates conditions under which students learn in collective interaction and improve communication skills. Project activity in the preparation process allows to develop professional qualities, knowledge, abilities and skills of written communication, take into account the individual abilities of the student and improves the implementation of an interdisciplinary approach in education

    Student Learning Outcomes of an Interdisciplinary Fashion Event

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    The purposes of a cross-college fashion show held at a Mid-Atlantic university were to: a) provide a platform for developing or emergent professionals to display their career talents, b) provide an opportunity for students to work collaboratively across multiple creative disciplines, c) give students a holistic academic experience, and d) support undergraduate scholarships. Such an interdisciplinary event for students from various majors across a university may stimulate the growth of knowledge and motivate real-life applications

    Searching to Learn : Using Search Results to Build Concept Knowledge

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    Interdisciplinary Learning at University: Assessment of an Interdisciplinary Experience Based on the Case Study Methodology

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    In the current context, higher education faces the challenge of preparing future professionals to respond to society’s increasingly complex problems. However, the search for solutions means adopting new ways of working that promote multidimensionality through collaboration and an interdisciplinary outlook. In this change of paradigm, universities should work on the development of sustainability education, promoting critical reflection and the necessary skills to generate a change in thinking and real practice for sustainability, through incorporation of methodologies that foster collaborative teaching and working. The main aim of the present study was to design, implement, and assess an experience based on the case study methodology, approached from an interdisciplinary perspective. By designing repeated pretest–posttest measures, we analyzed changes in learning skills linked to interdisciplinarity, such as collaborative work, participation, motivation, and interdisciplinary thinking. The sample comprised 539 university undergraduates from Social Education, Primary Education, and Psychology degree courses. The results confirmed that the methodology used improved interdisciplinary outlook, participation, cooperation, and motivation. The implications of this type of innovative experience for the teaching–learning process of university students are discussed.The Research Project was sponsored by the University of the Basque Country (Spain), with grant number EHU-HBT19-20, Cod. 133


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    This paper evaluates yacht design master programs in Izmir University of Economics (IUE) and Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) in terms of where each institution is in the partnership with the industry. Therefore, vision and educational structure of both programs are summarized and projects as the cases are exhibited to understand in which ways each contributes to the development of yacht industry. A table of university - industry links typology prepared by The Innovation Policy Platform is used as a tool for evaluation and both programs are considered as two institutions in collaboration not only to the industry, but also to each other as an example of a collaborative development vision