153 research outputs found

    The HOAPS Climatology - Evaluation and Applications

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    Assimilation de données satellitaires pour le suivi des ressources en eau dans la zone Euro-Méditerranée

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    Une estimation plus précise de l'état des variables des surfaces terrestres est requise afin d'améliorer notre capacité à comprendre, suivre et prévoir le cycle hydrologique terrestre dans diverses régions du monde. En particulier, les zones méditerranéennes sont souvent caractérisées par un déficit en eau du sol affectant la croissance de la végétation. Les dernières simulations du GIEC (Groupe d'Experts Intergouvernemental sur l'Evolution du Climat) indiquent qu'une augmentation de la fréquence des sécheresses et des vagues de chaleur dans la région Euro-Méditerranée est probable. Il est donc crucial d'améliorer les outils et l'utilisation des observations permettant de caractériser la dynamique des processus des surfaces terrestres de cette région. Les modèles des surfaces terrestres ou LSMs (Land Surface Models) ont été développés dans le but de représenter ces processus à diverses échelles spatiales. Ils sont habituellement forçés par des données horaires de variables atmosphériques en point de grille, telles que la température et l'humidité de l'air, le rayonnement solaire et les précipitations. Alors que les LSMs sont des outils efficaces pour suivre de façon continue les conditions de surface, ils présentent encore des défauts provoqués par les erreurs dans les données de forçages, dans les valeurs des paramètres du modèle, par l'absence de représentation de certains processus, et par la mauvaise représentation des processus dans certaines régions et certaines saisons. Il est aussi possible de suivre les conditions de surface depuis l'espace et la modélisation des variables des surfaces terrestres peut être améliorée grâce à l'intégration dynamique de ces observations dans les LSMs. La télédétection spatiale micro-ondes à basse fréquence est particulièrement utile dans le contexte du suivi de ces variables à l'échelle globale ou continentale. Elle a l'avantage de pouvoir fournir des observations par tout-temps, de jour comme de nuit. Plusieurs produits utiles pour le suivi de la végétation et du cycle hydrologique sont déjà disponibles. Ils sont issus de radars en bande C tels que ASCAT (Advanced Scatterometer) ou Sentinel-1. L'assimilation de ces données dans un LSM permet leur intégration de façon cohérente avec la représentation des processus. Les résultats obtenus à partir de l'intégration de données satellitaires fournissent une estimation de l'état des variables des surfaces terrestres qui sont généralement de meilleure qualité que les simulations sans assimilation de données et que les données satellitaires elles-mêmes. L'objectif principal de ce travail de thèse a été d'améliorer la représentation des variables des surfaces terrestres reliées aux cycles de l'eau et du carbone dans le modèle ISBA grâce à l'assimilation d'observations de rétrodiffusion radar (sigma°) provenant de l'instrument ASCAT. Un opérateur d'observation capable de représenter les sigma° ASCAT à partir de variables simulées par le modèle ISBA a été développé. Une version du WCM (water cloud model) a été mise en œuvre avec succès sur la zone Euro-Méditerranée. Les valeurs simulées ont été comparées avec les observations satellitaires. Une quantification plus détaillée de l'impact de divers facteurs sur le signal a été faite sur le sud-ouest de la France. L'étude de l'impact de la tempête Klaus sur la forêt des Landes a montré que le WCM est capable de représenter un changement brutal de biomasse de la végétation. Le WCM est peu efficace sur les zones karstiques et sur les surfaces agricoles produisant du blé. Dans ce dernier cas, le problème semble provenir d'un décalage temporel entre l'épaisseur optique micro-ondes de la végétation et l'indice de surface foliaire de la végétation. Enfin, l'assimilation directe des sigma° ASCAT a été évaluée sur le sud-ouest de la France.More accurate estimates of land surface conditions are important for enhancing our ability to understand, monitor, and predict key variables of the terrestrial water cycle in various parts of the globe. In particular, the Mediterranean area is frequently characterized by a marked impact of the soil water deficit on vegetation growth. The latest IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) simulations indicate that occurrence of droughts and warm spells in the Euro-Mediterranean region are likely to increase. It is therefore crucial to improve the ways of understanding, observing and simulating the dynamics of the land surface processes in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Land surface models (LSMs) have been developed for the purpose of representing the land surface processes at various spatial scales. They are usually forced by hourly gridded atmospheric variables such as air temperature, air humidity, solar radiation, precipitation, and are used to simulate land surface states and fluxes. While LSMs can provide a continuous monitoring of land surface conditions, they still show discrepancies due to forcing and parameter errors, missing processes and inadequate model physics for particular areas or seasons. It is also possible to observe the land surface conditions from space. The modelling of land surface variables can be improved through the dynamical integration of these observations into LSMs. Remote sensing observations are particularly useful in this context because they are able to address global and continental scales. Low frequency microwave remote sensing has advantages because it can provide regular observations in all-weather conditions and at either daytime or night-time. A number of satellite-derived products relevant to the hydrological and vegetation cycles are already available from C-band radars such as the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) or Sentinel-1. Assimilating these data into LSMs permits their integration in the process representation in a consistent way. The results obtained from assimilating satellites products provide land surface variables estimates that are generally superior to the model estimates or satellite observations alone. The main objective of this thesis was to improve the representation of land surface variables linked to the terrestrial water and carbon cycles in the ISBA LSM through the assimilation of ASCAT backscatter (sigma°) observations. An observation operator capable of representing the ASCAT sigma° from the ISBA simulated variables was developed. A version of the water cloud model (WCM) was successfully implemented over the Euro-Mediterranean area. The simulated values were compared with those observed from space. A more detailed quantification of the influence of various factors on the signal was made over southwestern France. Focusing on the Klaus storm event in the Landes forest, it was shown that the WCM was able to represent abrupt changes in vegetation biomass. It was also found that the WCM had shortcomings over karstic areas and over wheat croplands. It was shown that the latter was related to a discrepancy between the seasonal cycle of microwave vegetation optical depth (VOD) and leaf area index (LAI). Finally, the direct assimilation of ASCAT sigma° observations was assessed over southwestern France

    GEWEX water vapor assessment (G-VAP): final report

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    Este es un informe dentro del Programa para la Investigación del Clima Mundial (World Climate Research Programme, WCRP) cuya misión es facilitar el análisis y la predicción de la variabilidad de la Tierra para proporcionar un valor añadido a la sociedad a nivel práctica. La WCRP tiene varios proyectos centrales, de los cuales el de Intercambio Global de Energía y Agua (Global Energy and Water Exchanges, GEWEX) es uno de ellos. Este proyecto se centra en estudiar el ciclo hidrológico global y regional, así como sus interacciones a través de la radiación y energía y sus implicaciones en el cambio global. Dentro de GEWEX existe el proyecto de Evaluación del Vapor de Agua (VAP, Water Vapour Assessment) que estudia las medidas de concentraciones de vapor de agua en la atmósfera, sus interacciones radiativas y su repercusión en el cambio climático global.El vapor de agua es, de largo, el gas invernadero más importante que reside en la atmósfera. Es, potencialmente, la causa principal de la amplificación del efecto invernadero causado por emisiones de origen humano (principalmente el CO2). Las medidas precisas de su concentración en la atmósfera son determinantes para cuantificar este efecto de retroalimentación positivo al cambio climático. Actualmente, se está lejos de tener medidas de concentraciones de vapor de agua suficientemente precisas para sacar conclusiones significativas de dicho efecto. El informe del WCRP titulado "GEWEX water vapor assessment. Final Report" detalla el estado actual de las medidas de las concentraciones de vapor de agua en la atmósfera. AEMET ha colaborado en la generación de este informe y tiene a unos de sus miembros, Xavier Calbet, como co-autor de este informe

    Potential of millimeter- and submillimeter-wave satellite observations for hydrometeor studies

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    The distribution of hydrometeors is highly variable in space and time, since it is the result of a complex chain of processes with scales from microphysical (1e-6 m) to synoptical (1e3 m). It is a challenging task to observe these highly variable atmospheric constituents on a global scale with a temporal and spatial resolution sufficient for numerical weather prediction (NWP) and hydrological purposes. This study investigates the potential of the millimeter- and submillimeter-wavelength range on space-borne sensors for hydrometeor and surface precipitation rate observations. The approach is based on simulations with cloud resolving models (CRMs) coupled to a radiative transfer (RT) model. The simulations are performed for mid-latitude cases covering a broad band of precipitation events such as heavy convective and light stratiform winter precipitation. Realistic atmospheric conditions were simulated with two mesoscale CRMs: the Meso-scale NonHydrostatic model (Meso-NH) on a 10 km and the COSMO-DE (COnsortium for Small-scale MOdeling-DEutschland) on a 2.8 km horizontal resolution. When calculating brightness temperatures for satellite observations with the one-dimensional radiative transfer model MWMOD (MicroWave MODel), the detailed cloud microphysics and the three-dimensional fields of temperature, humidity, and pressure of the CRMs are considered in the calculation of the interaction parameters. The model framework has been evaluated by comparing the simulated brightness temperature fields to observations of the Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) as well as to those of the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-B (AMSU-B). The results show a good agreement as long as the CRMs capture the atmospheric situation correctly. Consequently, by coupling the radiative transfer model for microwave radiation to CRMs it is possible to evaluate these models through comparison to microwave satellite observations. Brightness temperatures for frequencies between 50 and 428 GHz at nine observation angles have been simulated for five mid-latitude cases at two time steps. In combination with the vertically integrated hydrometeor contents, these brightness temperature simulations have been used to set up a database. On the basis of this database simple retrieval algorithms have been developed to estimate the potential of the millimeter- and submillimeter-wavelength region for precipitation and hydrometeor observations. The results show, that especially for snow and graupel, the total column content can be retrieved accurately with relative errors smaller than 20% in stratiform precipitation cases over land and ocean surfaces. The performance for rain water path is similar to the one for graupel and snow in light precipitation cases. For the cases with higher precipitation amounts, the relative errors for rain water path are larger especially over land. The same behavior can be seen in the surface rain rate retrieval with the difference that the relative errors are doubled in comparison to the rain water path. Algorithms with a reduced number of frequencies show that window channels at higher frequencies are important for the surface rain rate retrieval. These are sensitive to the scattering in the ice phase related to the rain below. For the frozen hydrometeor retrieval, good results can be achieved by retrieval algorithms based only on frequencies at 150 GHz and above which are suitable for geostationary applications due to their reduced demands concerning the antenna size

    Earth observation for water resource management in Africa

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    Harmonization of remote sensing land surface products : correction of clear-sky bias and characterization of directional effects

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    Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Geofísicas e da Geoinformação (Deteção Remota), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2018Land surface temperature (LST) is the mean radiative skin temperature of an area of land resulting from the mean energy balance at the surface. LST is an important climatological variable and a diagnostic parameter of land surface conditions, since it is the primary variable determining the upward thermal radiation and one of the main controllers of sensible and latent heat fluxes between the surface and the atmosphere. The reliable and long-term estimation of LST is therefore highly relevant for a wide range of applications, including, amongst others: (i) land surface model validation and monitoring; (ii) data assimilation; (iii) hydrological applications; and (iv) climate monitoring. Remote sensing constitutes the most effective method to observe LST over large areas and on a regular basis. Satellite LST products generally rely on measurements in the thermal infrared (IR) atmospheric window, i.e., within the 8-13 micrometer range. Beside the relatively weak atmospheric attenuation under clear sky conditions, this band includes the peak of the Earth’s spectral radiance, considering surface temperature of the order of 300K (leading to maximum emission at approximately 9.6 micrometer, according to Wien’s Displacement Law). The estimation of LST from remote sensing instruments operating in the IR is being routinely performed for nearly 3 decades. Nevertheless, there is still a long list of open issues, some of them to be addressed in this PhD thesis. First, the viewing position of the different remote sensing platforms may lead to variability of the retrieved surface temperature that depends on the surface heterogeneity of the pixel – dominant land cover, orography. This effect introduces significant discrepancies among LST estimations from different sensors, overlapping in space and time, that are not related to uncertainties in the methodologies or input data used. Furthermore, these directional effects deviate LST products from an ideally defined LST, which should correspond to the ensemble directional radiometric temperature of all surface elements within the FOV. In this thesis, a geometric model is presented that allows the upscaling of in situ measurements to the any viewing configuration. This model allowed generating a synthetic database of directional LST that was used consistently to evaluate different parametric models of directional LST. Ultimately, a methodology is proposed that allows the operational use of such parametric models to correct angular effects on the retrieved LST. Second, the use of infrared data limits the retrieval of LST to clear sky conditions, since clouds “close” the atmospheric window. This effect introduces a clear-sky bias in IR LST datasets that is difficult to quantify since it varies in space and time. In addition, the cloud clearing requirement severely limits the space-time sampling of IR measurements. Passive microwave (MW) measurements are much less affected by clouds than IR observations. LST estimates can in principle be derived from MW measurements, regardless of the cloud conditions. However, retrieving LST from MW and matching those estimations with IR-derived values is challenging and there have been only a few attempts so far. In this thesis, a methodology is presented to retrieve LST from passive MW observations. The MW LST dataset is examined comprehensively against in situ measurements and multiple IR LST products. Finally, the MW LST data is used to assess the spatial-temporal patterns of the clear-sky bias at global scale.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, SFRH/BD/9646