5,552 research outputs found

    Simulation of an automotive supply chain using big data

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    Supply Chains (SCs) are dynamic and complex networks that are exposed to disruption, which have consequences hard to quantify. Thus, simulation may be used, as it allows the uncertainty and dynamic nature of systems to be considered. Furthermore, the several systems used in SCs generate data with increasingly high volumes and velocities, paving the way for the development of simulation models in Big Data contexts. Hence, contrarily to traditional simulation approaches, which use statistical distributions to model specific SC problems, this paper proposed a Decision-Support System, supported by a Big Data Warehouse (BDW) and a simulation model. The first stores and integrates data from multiple sources and the second reproduces movements of materials and information from such data, while it also allows risk scenarios to be analyzed. The obtained results show the model being used to reproduce the historical data stored in the BDW and to assess the impact of events triggered during runtime to disrupt suppliers in a geographical range. This paper also analyzes the volume of data that was managed, hoping to serve as a milestone for future SC simulation studies in Big Data contexts. Further conclusions and future work are also discussed.This work has been supported by FCT (Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia) within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2019 and by the Doctoral scholarship PDE/BDE/114566/2016 funded by FCT, the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, through national funds, and co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) through the Operational Programme for Human Capital (POCH)

    Manufacturing Processes Management with Usage of Simulation Tools

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    Simulace výrobních procesů pomáhá optimalizovat výrobu, logistiku a další systémy, díky čemuž dochází ke snižování nákladů a racionalizaci vnitropodnikových procesů. Využitím diskrétní simulace programu Witness Power with Ease se v diplomové práci optimalizuje logistický tok materiálu ve společnosti Hella Autotechnik, s.r.o. Práce přibližuje metody a jednotlivé fáze tvorby modelu včetně jeho validace a navrhuje vylepšení, díky kterému by mělo dojít ke snížení nákladů na dopravní služby o 24 400 Kč měsíčně.By optimizing the logistics, production and other systems the simulation can reduce costs and rationalise business processes. By use of discrete simulation in software Witness Power with Ease is in this diploma thesis optimised logistical flow of material in the company Hella Autotechnik, s.r.o. The thesis introduces methods and particular phases of creating the model including its validation. The proposal in the diploma work suggests the improvement to lower the costs for the transportation services by 24,400 CZK per month.

    Progress in Material Handling Research: 2016

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    Real-time supply chain simulation: a big data-driven approach

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    Simulation of Supply Chains comprises huge amounts of data, resulting in numerous entities flowing in the model. These networks are highly dynamic systems, where entities' relationships and other elements evolve with time, paving the way for real-time Supply Chain decision-support tools capable of using real data. In light of this, a solution comprising of a Big Data Warehouse to store relevant data and a simulation model of an automotive plant, are being developed. The purpose of this paper is to address the modelling approach, which allowed the simulation model to automatically adapt to the data stored in a Big Data Warehouse and thus adapt to new scenarios without manual intervention. The main characteristics of the conceived solution were demonstrated, with emphasis to the real-time and the ability to allow the model to load the state of the system from the Big Data Warehouse.This work has been supported by FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2019 and by the Doctoral scholarship PDE/BDE/114566/2016 funded by FCT, the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, through national funds, and co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) through the Operational Programme for Human Capital (POCH)

    A Simulation Technology for Supply-Chain Ingeration

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    A computer graphics approach to logistics strategy modelling

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    This thesis describes the development and application of a decision support system for logistics strategy modelling. The decision support system that is developed enables the modelling of logistics systems at a strategic level for any country or area in the world. The model runs on IBM PC or compatible computers under DOS (disk operating system). The decision support system uses colour graphics to represent the different physical functions of a logistics system. The graphics of the system is machine independent. The model displays on the screen the map of the area or country which is being considered for logistic planning. The decision support system is hybrid in term of algorithm. It employs optimisation for allocation. The customers are allocated by building a network path from customer to the source points taking into consideration all the production and throughput constraints on factories, distribution depots and transshipment points. The system uses computer graphic visually interactive heuristics to find the best possible location for distribution depots and transshipment points. In a one depot system it gives the optimum solution but where more than one depot is involved, the optimum solution is not guaranteed. The developed model is a cost-driven model. It represents all the logistics system costs in their proper form. Its solution very much depends on the relationship between all the costs. The locations of depots and transshipment points depend on the relationship between inbound and outbound transportation costs. The model has been validated on real world problems, some of which are described here. The advantages of such a decision support system for the formulation of a problem are discussed. Also discussed is the contribution of such an approach at the validation and solution presentation stages

    Serious Games Integrated Framework: Keep Them in the Flow

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    Serious games aim to improve the learner experience, allowing them to build knowledge and skills using untraditional learning tools. Supply chain management (SCM) and similar complex fields are promising areas for the adoption of such technology. Complex interrelated concepts and the difficulties faced by the student in understanding and managing the complete image of the field prompts teachers to search for alternative learning tools. This paper proposes an integrated simulation-based serious games framework and describes an implemented serious game called AuSuM (AUtomobile SUpply chain Management). The framework explains the required components and the relationships between them in order to improve engagement and motivation for students in the classroom. This framework was tested through the implemented game, and piloted in real classrooms where it demonstrated improvement in students’ engagement, motivation and knowledge development

    Shared Spare Parts Management in Offshore Remote Locations: A Model to Improve Logistics and Reduce Carbon Emissions.

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    The management of spare parts poses significant challenges, particularly in offshore remote locations. The combination of the remoteness of these locations and harsh environmental conditions adds complexity to the process of timely delivery of spare parts. As a result, lead times are prolonged and operational downtime is increased, leading to substantial financial losses for companies. The lack of simulation models limits the practical application of sharing spare parts strategy, hindering understanding of their potential benefits, costs, and challenges. This gap hinders the implementation of the concept of sharing spare parts management and prevents their adoption in real-world scenarios To address this gap, a simulation model was developed to manage spare parts across three offshore locations in the Barents Sea. The focus lies in exploring the benefits of sharing spare parts strategy among platforms, particularly regarding lead times, CO2 emissions, carbon tax costs, and reuse of spare parts among these platforms. The study follows a quantitative approach using AnyLogic software for simulation. Various factors, including storage capacities, vessel speed, carbon emissions, and carbon tax costs, were incorporated into the model. The research design consists of four stages: conceptualization, model structuring, parameterization, and validation. A case study approach is used, with data from three common equipment types across three criticality classes. Through a comparison between the baseline scenario and the solution scenario, the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed concept of sharing spare parts. It reduced trips to the onshore warehouse by 42%, decreased total traveling time, CO2 emissions, and carbon tax costs by 48.6% each, and optimized lead times and inventory management. These results underscore the potential benefits of sharing spare parts systems, providing a pathway for more efficient and sustainable spare parts management in offshore operations

    Agent Based Modeling and Simulation Framework for Supply Chain Risk Management

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    This research develops a flexible agent-based modeling and simulation (ABMS) framework for supply chain risk management with significant enhancements to standard ABMS methods and supply chain risk modeling. Our framework starts with the use of software agents to gather and process input data for use in our simulation model. For our simulation model, we extend an existing mathematical framework for discrete event simulation (DES) to ABMS and then implement the concepts of variable resolution modeling from the DES domain to ABMS and provide further guidelines for aggregation and disaggregation of supply chain models. Existing supply chain risk management research focuses on consumable item supply chains. Since the Air Force supply chain contains many reparable items, we fill this gap with our risk metrics framework designed for reparable item supply chains, which have greater complexity than consumable item supply chains. We present new metrics, along with existing metrics, in a framework for reparable item supply chain risk management and discuss aggregation and disaggregation of metrics for use with our variable resolution modeling