15 research outputs found

    Soft shadows using sp-line approximation

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    © 2015 Penerbit UTM Press. All rights reserved. Realistic soft shadows are an important factor to enhance the realism of Augmented Reality systems. Without shadows, virtual objects would look floating over the scene resulting unrealistic rendering of AR environment. Little attention has been directed towards balanced trade-off between shadow quality and computational cost. In this study, a new approach is proposed; Quadratic Sp-line Interpolation (QSI) to soften the outline of the shadow. QSI estimates the border of hard shadow samples. In more details, a reflective hemisphere is used to capture real light then to create an environment map. Implementation of the Median Cut algorithm is performed to locate the direction of real light sources on the environment map. Subsequently, the original hard shadows are retrieved and a sample of multilayer hard shadows is produced. The proposed technique is tested by using three samples of multilayer hard shadows with a varied number of light sources that are generated from the Median Cut algorithm. The experimental results show that the proposed technique has successfully produced realistic soft shadows with low computational costs

    Augmenting Deformable Objects in Real-Time

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    We present a real-time system that can draw virtual patterns or images on deforming real objects by estimating both the deformations and the shading parameters. We show that this is what is required to render the virtual elements so that they blend convincingly with the surrounding real textures. The whole process of uncompressing the video stream, measuring the deformations, estimating the lighting parameters, and realistically augmenting the input image takes about 100 ms on a 2.8 GHz PC. It is fully automated and does not require any manual initialization or engineering of the scene. It is also robust to large deformations, lighting changes, motion blur, specularities, and occlusions. It can therefore be demonstrated live on a simple laptop

    Automatic generation of consistent shadows for Augmented Reality

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    Sponsor : CHCCS The Canadian Human-Computer Communications SocietyInternational audienceIn the context of mixed reality, it is difficult to simulate shadow interaction between real and virtual objects when only an approximate geometry of the real scene and the light source is known. In this paper, we present a realtime rendering solution to simulate colour-consistent virtual shadows in a real scene. The rendering consists of a three-step mechanism: shadow detection, shadow protection and shadow generation. In the shadow detection step, the shadows due to real objects are automatically identified using the texture information and an initial estimate of the shadow region. In the next step, a protection mask is created to prevent further rendering in those shadow regions. Finally, the virtual shadows are generated using shadow volumes and a pre-defined scaling factor that adapts the intensity of the virtual shadows to the real shadow. The procedure detects and generates shadows in real time, consistent with those already present in the scene and offers an automatic and real-time solution for common illumination, suitable for augmented reality

    Dynamic HDR Environment Capture for Mixed Reality

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    Rendering accurate and convincing virtual content into mixed reality (MR) scenes requires detailed illumination information about the real environment. In existing MR systems, this information is often captured using light probes [1, 8, 9, 17, 19--21], or by reconstructing the real environment as a preprocess [31, 38, 54]. We present a method for capturing and updating a HDR radiance map of the real environment and tracking camera motion in real time using a self-contained camera system, without prior knowledge about the real scene. The method is capable of producing plausible results immediately and improving in quality as more of the scene is reconstructed. We demonstrate how this can be used to render convincing virtual objects whose illumination changes dynamically to reflect the changing real environment around them

    Réalité Augmentée et Environnement Collaboratif : Un Tour d'Horizon

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    National audienceLa Réalité Augmentée (RA) est généralement définie comme une branche dérivée de la Réalité Virtuelle. D'une façon plus générale, le concept de réalité augmentée regroupe une approche multidisciplinaire visant un mélange entre réel et virtuel. La forte potentialité induite par cette connexion promet un cadre adéquat pour l'interaction 3D ou les applications collaboratives. On présente dans cet article un tour d'horizon des principaux travaux menés à ce jour dans le cadre de l'image et de la RA et plus particulièrement le cadre collaboratif

    Real-time Illumination and Visual Coherence for Photorealistic Augmented/Mixed Reality

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    A realistically inserted virtual object in the real-time physical environment is a desirable feature in augmented reality (AR) applications and mixed reality (MR) in general. This problem is considered a vital research area in computer graphics, a field that is experiencing ongoing discovery. The algorithms and methods used to obtain dynamic and real-time illumination measurement, estimating, and rendering of augmented reality scenes are utilized in many applications to achieve a realistic perception by humans. We cannot deny the powerful impact of the continuous development of computer vision and machine learning techniques accompanied by the original computer graphics and image processing methods to provide a significant range of novel AR/MR techniques. These techniques include methods for light source acquisition through image-based lighting or sampling, registering and estimating the lighting conditions, and composition of global illumination. In this review, we discussed the pipeline stages with the details elaborated about the methods and techniques that contributed to the development of providing a photo-realistic rendering, visual coherence, and interactive real-time illumination results in AR/MR

    Augmented reality for non-rigid surfaces

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is the process of integrating virtual elements in reality, often by mixing computer graphics into a live video stream of a real scene. It requires registration of the target object with respect to the cameras. To this end, some approaches rely on dedicated hardware, such as magnetic trackers or infra-red cameras, but they are too expensive and cumbersome to reach a large public. Others are based on specifically designed markers which usually look like bar-codes. However, they alter the look of objects to be augmented, thereby hindering their use in application for which visual design matters. Recent advances in Computer Vision have made it possible to track and detect objects by relying on natural features. However, no such method is commonly used in the AR community, because the maturity of available packages is not sufficient yet. As far as deformable surfaces are concerned, the choice is even more limited, mainly because initialization is so difficult. Our main contribution is therefore a new AR framework that can properly augment deforming surfaces in real-time. Its target platform is a standard PC and a single webcam. It does not require any complex calibration procedure, making it perfectly suitable for novice end-users. To satisfy to the most demanding application designers, our framework does not require any scene engineering, renders virtual objects illuminated by real light, and let real elements occlude virtual ones. To meet this challenge, we developed several innovative techniques. Our approach to real-time registration of a deforming surface is based on wide-baseline feature matching. However, traditional outlier elimination techniques such as RANSAC are unable to handle the non-rigid surface's large number of degrees of freedom. We therefore proposed a new robust estimation scheme that allows both 2–D and 3–D non-rigid surface registration. Another issue of critical importance in AR to achieve realism is illumination handling, for which existing techniques often require setup procedures or devices such as reflective spheres. By contrast, our framework includes methods to estimate illumination for rendering purposes without sacrificing ease of use. Finally, several existing approaches to handling occlusions in AR rely on multiple cameras or can only deal with occluding objects modeled beforehand. Our requires only one camera and models occluding objects at runtime. We incorporated these components in a consistent and flexible framework. We used it to augment many different objects such as a deforming T-shirt or a sheet of paper, under challenging conditions, in real-time, and with correct handling of illumination and occlusions. We also used our non-rigid surface registration technique to measure the shape of deformed sails. We validated the ease of deployment of our framework by distributing a software package and letting an artist use it to create two AR applications

    Interactive mixed reality rendering in a distributed ray tracing framework

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    The recent availability of interactive ray tracing opened the way for new applications and for improving existing ones in terms of quality. Since today CPUs are still too slow for this purpose, the necessary computing power is obtained by connecting a number of machines and using distributed algorithms. Mixed reality rendering - the realm of convincingly combining real and virtual parts to a new composite scene - needs a powerful rendering method to obtain a photorealistic result. The ray tracing algorithm thus provides an excellent basis for photorealistic rendering and also advantages over other methods. It is worth to explore its abilities for interactive mixed reality rendering. This thesis shows the applicability of interactive ray tracing for mixed (MR) and augmented reality (AR) applications on the basis of the OpenRT framework. Two extensions to the OpenRT system are introduced and serve as basic building blocks: streaming video textures and in-shader AR view compositing. Streaming video textures allow for inclusion of the real world into interactive applications in terms of imagery. The AR view compositing mechanism is needed to fully exploit the advantages of modular shading in a ray tracer. A number of example applications from the entire spectrum of the Milgram Reality-Virtuality continuum illustrate the practical implications. An implementation of a classic AR scenario, inserting a virtual object into live video, shows how a differential rendering method can be used in combination with a custom build real-time lightprobe device to capture the incident light and include it into the rendering process to achieve convincing shading and shadows. Another field of mixed reality rendering is the insertion of real actors into a virtual scene in real-time. Two methods - video billboards and a live 3D visual hull reconstruction - are discussed. The implementation of live mixed reality systems is based on a number of technologies beside rendering and a comprehensive understanding of related methods and hardware is necessary. Large parts of this thesis hence deal with the discussion of technical implementations and design alternatives. A final summary discusses the benefits and drawbacks of interactive ray tracing for mixed reality rendering.Die Verfügbarkeit von interaktivem Ray-Tracing ebnet den Weg für neue Anwendungen, aber auch für die Verbesserung der Qualität bestehener Methoden. Da die heute verfügbaren CPUs noch zu langsam sind, ist es notwendig, mehrere Maschinen zu verbinden und verteilte Algorithmen zu verwenden. Mixed Reality Rendering - die Technik der überzeugenden Kombination von realen und synthetischen Teilen zu einer neuen Szene - braucht eine leistungsfähige Rendering-Methode um photorealistische Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Der Ray-Tracing-Algorithmus bietet hierfür eine exzellente Basis, aber auch Vorteile gegenüber anderen Methoden. Es ist naheliegend, die Möglichkeiten von Ray-Tracing für Mixed-Reality-Anwendungen zu erforschen. Diese Arbeit zeigt die Anwendbarkeit von interaktivem Ray-Tracing für Mixed-Reality (MR) und Augmented-Reality (AR) Anwendungen anhand des OpenRT-Systems. Zwei Erweiterungen dienen als Grundbausteine: Videotexturen und In-Shader AR View Compositing. Videotexturen erlauben die reale Welt in Form von Bildern in den Rendering-Prozess mit einzubeziehen. Der View-Compositing-Mechanismus is notwendig um die Modularität einen Ray-Tracers voll auszunutzen. Eine Reihe von Beispielanwendungen von beiden Enden des Milgramschen Reality-Virtuality-Kontinuums verdeutlichen die praktischen Aspekte. Eine Implementierung des klassischen AR-Szenarios, das Einfügen eines virtuellen Objektes in eine Live-Übertragung zeigt, wie mittels einer Differential Rendering Methode und einem selbstgebauten Gerät zur Erfassung des einfallenden Lichts realistische Beleuchtung und Schatten erzielt werden können. Ein anderer Anwendungsbereich ist das Einfügen einer realen Person in eine künstliche Szene. Hierzu werden zwei Methoden besprochen: Video-Billboards und eine interaktive 3D Rekonstruktion. Da die Implementierung von Mixed-Reality-Anwendungen Kentnisse und Verständnis einer ganzen Reihe von Technologien nebem dem eigentlichen Rendering voraus setzt, ist eine Diskussion der technischen Grundlagen ein wesentlicher Bestandteil dieser Arbeit. Dies ist notwenig, um die Entscheidungen für bestimmte Designalternativen zu verstehen. Den Abschluss bildet eine Diskussion der Vor- und Nachteile von interaktivem Ray-Tracing für Mixed Reality Anwendungen

    Interactive mixed reality rendering in a distributed ray tracing framework

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    The recent availability of interactive ray tracing opened the way for new applications and for improving existing ones in terms of quality. Since today CPUs are still too slow for this purpose, the necessary computing power is obtained by connecting a number of machines and using distributed algorithms. Mixed reality rendering - the realm of convincingly combining real and virtual parts to a new composite scene - needs a powerful rendering method to obtain a photorealistic result. The ray tracing algorithm thus provides an excellent basis for photorealistic rendering and also advantages over other methods. It is worth to explore its abilities for interactive mixed reality rendering. This thesis shows the applicability of interactive ray tracing for mixed (MR) and augmented reality (AR) applications on the basis of the OpenRT framework. Two extensions to the OpenRT system are introduced and serve as basic building blocks: streaming video textures and in-shader AR view compositing. Streaming video textures allow for inclusion of the real world into interactive applications in terms of imagery. The AR view compositing mechanism is needed to fully exploit the advantages of modular shading in a ray tracer. A number of example applications from the entire spectrum of the Milgram Reality-Virtuality continuum illustrate the practical implications. An implementation of a classic AR scenario, inserting a virtual object into live video, shows how a differential rendering method can be used in combination with a custom build real-time lightprobe device to capture the incident light and include it into the rendering process to achieve convincing shading and shadows. Another field of mixed reality rendering is the insertion of real actors into a virtual scene in real-time. Two methods - video billboards and a live 3D visual hull reconstruction - are discussed. The implementation of live mixed reality systems is based on a number of technologies beside rendering and a comprehensive understanding of related methods and hardware is necessary. Large parts of this thesis hence deal with the discussion of technical implementations and design alternatives. A final summary discusses the benefits and drawbacks of interactive ray tracing for mixed reality rendering.Die Verfügbarkeit von interaktivem Ray-Tracing ebnet den Weg für neue Anwendungen, aber auch für die Verbesserung der Qualität bestehener Methoden. Da die heute verfügbaren CPUs noch zu langsam sind, ist es notwendig, mehrere Maschinen zu verbinden und verteilte Algorithmen zu verwenden. Mixed Reality Rendering - die Technik der überzeugenden Kombination von realen und synthetischen Teilen zu einer neuen Szene - braucht eine leistungsfähige Rendering-Methode um photorealistische Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Der Ray-Tracing-Algorithmus bietet hierfür eine exzellente Basis, aber auch Vorteile gegenüber anderen Methoden. Es ist naheliegend, die Möglichkeiten von Ray-Tracing für Mixed-Reality-Anwendungen zu erforschen. Diese Arbeit zeigt die Anwendbarkeit von interaktivem Ray-Tracing für Mixed-Reality (MR) und Augmented-Reality (AR) Anwendungen anhand des OpenRT-Systems. Zwei Erweiterungen dienen als Grundbausteine: Videotexturen und In-Shader AR View Compositing. Videotexturen erlauben die reale Welt in Form von Bildern in den Rendering-Prozess mit einzubeziehen. Der View-Compositing-Mechanismus is notwendig um die Modularität einen Ray-Tracers voll auszunutzen. Eine Reihe von Beispielanwendungen von beiden Enden des Milgramschen Reality-Virtuality-Kontinuums verdeutlichen die praktischen Aspekte. Eine Implementierung des klassischen AR-Szenarios, das Einfügen eines virtuellen Objektes in eine Live-Übertragung zeigt, wie mittels einer Differential Rendering Methode und einem selbstgebauten Gerät zur Erfassung des einfallenden Lichts realistische Beleuchtung und Schatten erzielt werden können. Ein anderer Anwendungsbereich ist das Einfügen einer realen Person in eine künstliche Szene. Hierzu werden zwei Methoden besprochen: Video-Billboards und eine interaktive 3D Rekonstruktion. Da die Implementierung von Mixed-Reality-Anwendungen Kentnisse und Verständnis einer ganzen Reihe von Technologien nebem dem eigentlichen Rendering voraus setzt, ist eine Diskussion der technischen Grundlagen ein wesentlicher Bestandteil dieser Arbeit. Dies ist notwenig, um die Entscheidungen für bestimmte Designalternativen zu verstehen. Den Abschluss bildet eine Diskussion der Vor- und Nachteile von interaktivem Ray-Tracing für Mixed Reality Anwendungen