419 research outputs found

    Virtual Design of Piston Production Line

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    On Class Diagrams, Crossings and Metrics

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    As a standardized software engineering diagram, the UML class diagram provides various information on the static structure of views on software while design, implementation and maintenance phase. This talk gives an overview on drawing UML class diagrams in hierarchical fashion. Therefore, common elements of class diagrams are introduced and aesthetic rules for drawing UML class diagrams are given. These rules are based on four disciplines involved in the reading process of diagrams. After a brief introduction to our drawing algorithm, an extensive extension of the well-known Sugiyama algorithm, two details are highlighted: A new crossing reduction algorithm is presented and compared to existing ones and issues on measuring the quality of a layout are discussed

    Software engineering methodologies and tools

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    Over the years many engineering disciplines have developed, including chemical, electronic, etc. Common to all engineering disciplines is the use of rigor, models, metrics, and predefined methodologies. Recently, a new engineering discipline has appeared on the scene, called software engineering. For over thirty years computer software has been developed and the track record has not been good. Software development projects often miss schedules, are over budget, do not give the user what is wanted, and produce defects. One estimate is there are one to three defects per 1000 lines of deployed code. More and more systems are requiring larger and more complex software for support. As this requirement grows, the software development problems grow exponentially. It is believed that software quality can be improved by applying engineering principles. Another compelling reason to bring the engineering disciplines to software development is productivity. It has been estimated that productivity of producing software has only increased one to two percent a year in the last thirty years. Ironically, the computer and its software have contributed significantly to the industry-wide productivity, but computer professionals have done a poor job of using the computer to do their job. Engineering disciplines and methodologies are now emerging supported by software tools that address the problems of software development. This paper addresses some of the current software engineering methodologies as a backdrop for the general evaluation of computer assisted software engineering (CASE) tools from actual installation of and experimentation with some specific tools

    Prototype system for supporting the incremental modelling of vague geometric configurations

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    In this paper the need for Intelligent Computer Aided Design (Int.CAD) to jointly support design and learning assistance is introduced. The paper focuses on presenting and exploring the possibility of realizing learning assistance in Int.CAD by introducing a new concept called Shared Learning. Shared Learning is proposed to empower CAD tools with more useful learning capabilities than that currently available and thereby provide a stronger interaction of learning between a designer and a computer. Controlled computational learning is proposed as a means whereby the Shared Learning concept can be realized. The viability of this new concept is explored by using a system called PERSPECT. PERSPECT is a preliminary numerical design tool aimed at supporting the effective utilization of numerical experiential knowledge in design. After a detailed discussion of PERSPECT's numerical design support, the paper presents the results of an evaluation that focuses on PERSPECT's implementation of controlled computational learning and ability to support a designer's need to learn. The paper then discusses PERSPECT's potential as a tool for supporting the Shared Learning concept by explaining how a designer and PERSPECT can jointly learn. There is still much work to be done before the full potential of Shared Learning can be realized. However, the authors do believe that the concept of Shared Learning may hold the key to truly empowering learning in Int.CAD

    Fundamentals of object-oriented languages, systems, and methods : Seminar 9434, August 22-26, 1994

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    Fundamentals of object-oriented languages, systems, and methods : Seminar 9434, August 22-26, 1994

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    A Systematic Design Method For Modeling Complex Processes And Interactions In Web Hypermedia Applications

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    Sehingga kini, aplikasi hipermedia web telah berkembang daripada sebuah laman web ringkas dan statik kepada sebuah aplikasi laman web yang lebih kompleks, bagi menyokong turutan proses-proses yang kompleks dan interaksi dalam navigasi. Kemunculan pelbagai ciri dalam reka bentuk web dan konsep permodelan seperti permodelan domain konseptual dan struktur navigasi telah membawa kepada isu-isu baru dalam paradigma pendekatan permodelan. Untuk memberi gambaran yang lebih jelas sesuatu paparan struktur reka bentuk domain aplikasi hipermedia web, pereka bentuk web haruslah mengenalpasti dan menentukan dengan jelas secara keseluruhan aspek reka bentuk yang wujud dalam aplikasi yang berkaitan. To date, web hypermedia applications have evolved from a simple static information webpage to a more complex web application, supporting sequence of complex processes and navigation interactions. The coexistence of various web design features and modeling concepts in conceptual application domain and navigation structures, have raises new issues on the modeling approach paradigm. To provide a clear structured view on the design of web hypermedia application domain, web designers should identify and clearly define the whole design aspects exist in such applications

    Independent verification of specification models for large software systems at the early phases of development lifecycle

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    One of the major challenges facing the software industry, in general and IV&V (Independent Verification and Validation) analysts in particular, is to find ways for analyzing dynamic behavior of requirement specifications of large software systems early in the development lifecycle. Such analysis can significantly improve the performance and reliability of the developed systems. This dissertation addresses the problem of developing an IV&V framework for extracting semantics of dynamic behavior from requirement specifications based on: (1) SART (Structured Analysis with Realtime) models, and (2) UML (Unified Modeling Language) models.;For SART, the framework presented here shows a direct mapping from SART specification models to CPN (Colored Petrinets) models. The semantics of the SART hierarchy at the individual levels are preserved in the mapping. This makes it easy for the analyst to perform the analysis and trace back to the corresponding SART model. CPN was selected because it supports rigorous dynamic analysis. A large scale case study based on a component of NASA EOS system was performed for a proof of the concept.;For UML specifications, an approach based on metamodels is presented. A special type of metamodel, called dynamic metamodel (DMM), is introduced. This approach holds several advantages over the direct mapping of UML to CPN. The mapping rules for generating DMM are not CPN specific, hence they would not change if a language other than CPN is used. Also it makes it more flexible to develop DMM because other types of models can be added to the existing UML models. A simple example of a pacemaker is used to illustrate the concepts of DMM