10 research outputs found

    INVISQUE: Intuitive information exploration through interactive visualization

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    In this paper we present INVISQUE, a novel system designed for interactive information exploration. Instead of a conventional list-style arrangement, in INVISQUE information is represented by a two-dimensional spatial canvas, with each dimension representing user-defined semantics. Search results are presented as index cards, ordered in both dimensions. Intuitive interactions are used to perform tasks such as keyword searching, results browsing, categorizing, and linking to online resources such as Google and Twitter. The interaction-based query style also naturally lends the system to different types of user input such as multi-touch gestures. As a result, INVISQUE gives users a much more intuitive and smooth experience of exploring large information spaces

    Tools for Arabic Natural Language Processing: a case study in qalqalah prosody

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    In this paper, we focus on the prosodic effect of qalqalah or "vibration" applied to a subset of Arabic consonants under certain constraints during correct Qur'anic recitation or taǧwīd, using our Boundary-Annotated Qur’an dataset of 77430 words (Brierley et al 2012; Sawalha et al 2014). These qalqalah events are rule-governed and are signified orthographically in the Arabic script. Hence they can be given abstract definition in the form of regular expressions and thus located and collected automatically. High frequency qalqalah content words are also found to be statistically significant discriminators or keywords when comparing Meccan and Medinan chapters in the Qur'an using a state-of-the-art Visual Analytics toolkit: Semantic Pathways. Thus we hypothesise that qalqalah prosody is one way of highlighting salient items in the text. Finally, we implement Arabic transcription technology (Brierley et al under review; Sawalha et al forthcoming) to create a qalqalah pronunciation guide where each word is transcribed phonetically in IPA and mapped to its chapter-verse ID. This is funded research under the EPSRC "Working Together" theme

    Does an interactive trust-enhanced electronic consent improve patient experiences when asked to share their health records for research? A randomized trial

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    Objective In the context of patient broad consent for future research uses of their identifiable health record data, we compare the effectiveness of interactive trust-enhanced e-consent, interactive-only e-consent, and standard e-consent (no interactivity, no trust enhancement). Materials and Methods A randomized trial was conducted involving adult participants making a scheduled primary care visit. Participants were randomized into 1 of the 3 e-consent conditions. Primary outcomes were patient-reported satisfaction with and subjective understanding of the e-consent. Secondary outcomes were objective knowledge, perceived voluntariness, trust in medical researchers, consent decision, and time spent using the application. Outcomes were assessed immediately after use of the e-consent and at 1-week follow-up. Results Across all conditions, participants (N = 734) reported moderate-to-high satisfaction with consent (mean 4.3 of 5) and subjective understanding (79.1 of 100). Over 94% agreed to share their health record data. No statistically significant differences in outcomes were observed between conditions. Irrespective of condition, black participants and those with lower education reported lower satisfaction, subjective understanding, knowledge, perceived voluntariness, and trust in medical researchers, as well as spent more time consenting. Conclusions A large majority of patients were willing to share their identifiable health records for research, and they reported positive consent experiences. However, incorporating optional additional information and messages designed to enhance trust in the research process did not improve consent experiences. To improve poorer consent experiences of racial and ethnic minority participants and those with lower education, other novel consent technologies and processes may be valuable

    Internet search techniques: using word count, links and directory structure as internet search tools

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    A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ofthe University of LutonAs the Web grows in size it becomes increasingly important that ways are developed to maximise the efficiency of the search process and index its contents with minimal human intervention. An evaluation is undertaken of current popular search engines which use a centralised index approach. Using a number of search terms and metrics that measure similarity between sets of results, it was found that there is very little commonality between the outcome of the same search performed using different search engines. A semi-automated system for searching the web is presented, the Internet Search Agent (ISA), this employs a method for indexing based upon the idea of "fingerprint types". These fingerprint types are based upon the text and links contained in the web pages being indexed. Three examples of fingerprint type are developed, the first concentrating upon the textual content of the indexed files, the other two augment this with the use of links to and from these files. By looking at the results returned as a search progresses in terms of numbers and measures of content of results for effort expended, comparisons can be made between the three fingerprint types. The ISA model allows the searcher to be presented with results in context and potentially allows for distributed searching to be implemented

    Practical, appropriate, empirically-validated guidelines for designing educational games

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    There has recently been a great deal of interest in the potential of computer games to function as innovative educational tools. However, there is very little evidence of games fulfilling that potential. Indeed, the process of merging the disparate goals of education and games design appears problematic, and there are currently no practical guidelines for how to do so in a coherent manner. In this paper, we describe the successful, empirically validated teaching methods developed by behavioural psychologists and point out how they are uniquely suited to take advantage of the benefits that games offer to education. We conclude by proposing some practical steps for designing educational games, based on the techniques of Applied Behaviour Analysis. It is intended that this paper can both focus educational games designers on the features of games that are genuinely useful for education, and also introduce a successful form of teaching that this audience may not yet be familiar with

    Semantic pathways: a novel visualisation of varieties of English

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    Semantic Pathways is a corpus exploration tool with a unique visual interface in which keyword extraction and keyword-based document clustering have been implemented in order to facilitate insight forming. Semantic Pathways combines corpus comparison techniques from Corpus Linguistics with aesthetically-driven design and interaction to produce fluidly interactive information exploration. In addition, users can access Semantic Pathways via the command line, where integration with Python and NLTK offers additional benefits. We describe system operation from the user’s perspective, and then use the tool for corpus comparison of different varieties of English with the LOB and Brown corpora as test and reference sets, demonstrating its novelty in gisting an entire document collection and speedy and intuitive exploration of lexical usage across the document set

    Compact Representations Of Videos Through Dominant And Multiple Motion Estimation

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    An explosion of on-line image and video data in digital form is already well underway. With the exponential rise in interactive information exploration and dissemination through the WorldWide Web (WWW), the major inhibitors of rapid access to on-line video data are costs and management of capture and storage, lack of real-time delivery, and non-availability of contentbased intelligent search and indexing techniques. The solutions for capture, storage and delivery maybe on the horizon or a little beyond. However, even with rapid delivery, the lack of efficient authoring and querying tools for visual content-based indexing may still inhibit as widespread a use of video information as that of text and traditional tabular data is currently. In order to be able to non-linearly browse and index into videos through visual content, it is necessary to develop authoring tools that can automatically separate moving objects and significant components of the scene, and represent these in a compact ..