132 research outputs found

    Teacher-Learner Interactions in Online Learning at the Center for Online and Distance Training, Travinh Univerisity, Vietnam

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    This survey research study explored teacher-learner interactions in online education at the Center for Online and Distance Training (CODT), Travinh University, Vietnam. The research focused on how teachers and learners could interact in the online setting, how teachers could incorporate collaboration and communication in online learning environments, and how the teacher encouraged student interactivity. Research findings indicated that teachers and learners recognized the importance and effectiveness of teacher-learner interactions in online education. The results lead to recommendations about the necessity of pedagogical interactions in support of teaching and learning activities both in face-to-face and online courses at the CODT, Travinh University, as well as in Vietnam more generally.Masters of Educational TechnologyUniveristy of Hawai

    When Shakespeare meets Al Gore: imagine interactions, communication competence, and immediacy traditional and online-based distance education

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    The growth of distance education, in its many forms, has had consequences for both online universities as well as more traditional universities. This study examines instructional behaviors and communication strategies used in face-to-face and online educational settings. The purpose of this study is to explore student perceptions of instructor immediacy, motivation, and communicator competence in addition to their own motivation and intrapersonal communication use in higher education settings. This dissertation follows a social scientific organizational pattern: introduction, literature review, methods, results, and discussion. The first two chapters examine the purpose of the study and the appropriate research on distance education, teacher immediacy, communication and communicator competence, student motivation, and imagined interactions. The third chapter describes the participants, instruments, and methods utilized in both the pilot and current study. The fourth chapter presents the results of the 6 hypotheses and 5 research questions posited for this current study. Finally, the discussion considers how the results clarify the potential and pitfalls associated with online education. Conclusions about the roles of immediacy, motivation, communicator competence and imagined interactions in online education are posited. The role of sample demographics and different methodological approaches are examined and implications for future research are considered

    Teachers Performance Analysis Of Vocation High School In Banten Province

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    This study aimed to analyze and prove the influence of leadership, school culture and competence on work motivation and its implication toward teacher\u27s performance of vocation high school at Banten province, both partially and simultaneously. The method used in this research were descriptive, survey and explanatory method with population size of 617 and sample size of 215 respondents. The method used to analysis data was SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). The research result, obtained the findings as follows: The leadership, school culture and competence both partially and simultaneously had positive and significant impact on work motivation with contribution (R2) 50%. Partially leadership dominantly influence on work motivation. Further on Structural 2 showed those: The leadership, school culture, competence and work motivation both partially and simultaneously had positive and significant impact on teacher\u27s performance with contribution (R2) 77%. Viewed as partial, the leadership had dominantly toward teacher\u27s performance. Concerning on direct and indirect effect that work motivation was being full mediating. This study found and recommended that to increase teacher\u27s  performance of vocation high school at Banten province needed to be extending work motivation, reflected by the dimension of affiliation and supported with an increase in leadership which reflected by the dimension of personality especially integrity, and then backed with an enhance in teacher\u27s competence which reflected by the dimension of personality, especially hold the norms, and the last one repaired the school culture with the dimension bureaucracy especially coordinatio

    On campus, but out of class: an investigation into students' experiences of learning technologies in their self-directed study

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    This paper presents an investigation into how students studying at university engage actively with learning technology in their self‐directed study time. The case study surveyed 250 students studying at undergraduate and postgraduate level from a purposive sample of departments within one institution. The study has also conducted focus groups and a number of in‐depth follow‐up interviews with respondents to the survey. In this article we explore three emerging aspects of the learning experience, namely student expectations of the technology, their lecturers' engagement with technology and how the technology might support processes of transition in higher education. One key implication is that more academic guidance is needed on what and how to use the technology effectively for independent learning, even where ICT skills levels are high. The study also identifies the significant role that the lecturer plays in facilitating students' use of technology. The findings of this study will be of interest to those working to incorporate learning technologies more effectively in higher education, in particular for those who are looking to improve the engagement of students in self‐directed learning


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    Thesis (PhD) - Indiana University, School of Education, 2006Given the lack of research on the pedagogical issues of online interactions, this study is conducted to deepen current understanding about student experiences of and preferences for instructional activities that promote learner-instructor, learner-learner, and learner-self interactions in online education. Four overarching research questions were examined in this study: (1) What instructional activities are used to promote online course interactions? (2)What are learner preferences for these instructional activities? (3) Is there a relationship between learner's gender, age, prior educational level, online experience, work status, marital status, or personality and preferences for the instructional activities that promote online class interactions? (4) Why do learners prefer some interactive activities over others? Using survey analyses from 188 online MBA students and 11 follow-up interviews, the study revealed findings at both the technological and pedagogical levels. For instance, learner preferences toward class-level asynchronous discussion ranked quite low even though it was used often in online learning. Results further revealed that the relatively low preferences toward class-level discussion were related to large class size, repetitive postings, and unclear rules and expectations. In general, online learners prefer to engage in all three types of interactions. The preferences decline in the order of learner-instructor, learner-learner, and learner-self interaction. Age is positively related to learner preferences for learner-self interactions, while raising kids is negatively related to learner preference for learner-learner interactions. Other individual characteristics (such as gender, work status, and personality traits) did not demonstrate a significant effect on learner preferences for all three types of interactions. The results of this research suggested the existence of other variables that could better predict learner preferences for online learning interactions


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    Artikel ini membahas bagaimana kecenderungan Learner-Self Interaction (LSI) siswa SD dalam menyelesaikan soal matematika open-ended. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam artikel ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan tahapan menyebarkan soal cerita, memantau proses pengerjaan soal; dan menganalisis hasil pekerjaan siswa. Adapun subjek penelitian terdiri dari seluruh siswa kelas IV sebanyak 14 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (a) 8 dari 14 siswa mampu memenuhi komponen LSI pertama; (b) 2 siswa mampu memenuhi komponen LSI kedua; (c) 3 siswa mampu memenuhi komponen LSI ketiga. Berdasarkan bukti kualitatif yang dilaporkan dalam artikel ini, diketahui bagaimana kecenderungan antara siswa yang menggunakan Learner-Self Interaction dalam memecahkan soal matematika terbuka dan siswa yang tidak menggunakan Learner-Self Interaction dalam memecahkan soal matematika terbuka

    Satisfaction and attitudes of Zagreb medical students towards online education during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    In March 2020 all in-person teaching activities at the University of Zagreb School of Medicine ceased due to COVID-19 pandemic and online classes were introduced till the end of the academic year. Both teachers and students experienced a completely new teaching environment