2,386 research outputs found

    Spatial organization of bacterial transcription and translation

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    In bacteria such as Escherichia coli\textit{Escherichia coli}, DNA is compacted into a nucleoid near the cell center, while ribosomes−-molecular complexes that translate messenger RNAs (mRNAs) into proteins−-are mainly localized at the poles. We study the impact of this spatial organization using a minimal reaction-diffusion model for the cellular transcriptional-translational machinery. Our model predicts that ∌90%\sim 90\% of mRNAs are segregated to the poles and reveals a "circulation" of ribosomes driven by the flux of mRNAs, from synthesis in the nucleoid to degradation at the poles. To address the existence of non-specific, transient interactions between ribosomes and mRNAs, we developed a novel method to efficiently incorporate such transient interactions into reaction-diffusion equations, which allowed us to quantify the biological implications of such non-specific interactions, e.g. for ribosome efficiency

    Bakteri ribosoomide uurimus keemilise modifitseerimise meetoditega

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Ribosoom on suur makromolekulaarne kompleks, mis kodeerib pĂ€riliku informatsiooni valgulisse olemusse. Eeltuumsete organsimide ribosoom koosneb kaheks alamĂŒhikust, vĂ€ikesest (30S) ja suurest (50S) alamĂŒhikust. Ribosoomi kahte alamĂŒhikut hoiavad koos ~ 30 erinevat ĂŒhendust, mis on jagatud 12 silla (B1a-B8) vahel. VĂ€ike alamĂŒhik koosneb ĂŒhest RNA molekulist (16S rRNA, 1542 nukleotiidi) ja 21-st ribosoomi valgust (S1-S21). Ribosoomi suur alamĂŒhik koosneb kahest RNA molekulist (5S rRNA, 120 nukleotiidi ja 23S rRNA, 2904 nukleotiidi) ja 33-st ribosoomi valgust (L1-L36). Minu töös uuritakse ribosomaalse RNA keemiliste positsioonide olulisust ribosoomi kahe alamĂŒhiku omavahelisel seonumisel. Keemilise modifitseerimise meetodit kasutades detekteerisime 16S rRNA-s kuus positsiooni (A702, A1418, A1483, U793, U1414 ja U1495), millede modifitseerimine takistab alamĂŒhikute assotseerumist. Detekteeritud positsioonid paiknevad tuntud alamĂŒhikute vahelistes sildades. Seega alamĂŒhikute assotsiatsioonil mĂ€ngivad olulist rolli sillad B2a (U1495), B2b(U793), B3 (A1418, A1483, U1414) ja B7a (A702). Lisaks sellele töötasime vĂ€lja meetodi, millega saab uurida RNA suhkur-fosfaat selgroo interaktsioone 23S rRNA-s. VĂ€lja töötatud meetodit on vĂ”imalik kasutada RNA suhkur-fosfaat selgroo interaktsioonide uurimiseks, substraatide sidumiskohtade mÀÀramiseks ja individuaalsete positsioonide mĂ”ju mÀÀramiseks valgusĂŒnteesi erinevates etappides. Kolmandas töös uuritakse ribosoomi valkude vĂ”imet vĂ€lja vahetuda ja selle tulemusena taastada keemiliselt kahjustatud ribosoomide funktsioon. Ribosoomis vĂ€lja vahetuvate valkude kindlaks tegemiseks, me kasutasime kahte in vitro meetodit, nii radioaktiivset mĂ€rgistamist kui ka raskete isotoopide eristamise meetodit. Ribosoomi valgud S2, L1, L7/12, L9, L10, L11 ja L33 on kĂ”ige kergemini vahetuvad r-valgud. Seega, meie tulemused nĂ€itavad, et kahjustatud ribosoome on vĂ”imalik parandada valkude asendamise teel.The ribosome is a macromolecular assembly that is responsible for protein biosynthesis following genetic instructions in all organisms. The prokaryotic ribosome contains about two-thirds RNA and one-third protein and consists of two subunits, the larger (50S) of which is approximately twice the molecular weight of the smaller (30S). Prokaryotic ribosomes contain ~54 different proteins, 23S rRNA, 16S rRNA, and 5S rRNA. Two ribosomal subunits are held together by more than 30 individual intersubunit interactions spread among 12 bridges (B1-B8). Using modification interference approach we were able to identify 6 essential 16S rRNA positions for subunit association. Modification of the N1 position of A702, A1418, and A1483 with DMS, and of the N3 position of U793, U1414, and U1495 with CMCT in 30S subunits strongly interferes with 70S ribosome formation. Five of these positions localize into previously recognized intersubunit bridges, namely, B2a (U1495), B2b (U793), B3 (A1483; A1418), and B7a (A702). These four intersubunit bridges are essential for reassociation of the 70S ribosome, thus forming the functional core of the intersubunit contacts. In order to study RNA backbone interactions in the ribosome, we combined different assays like in vitro T7 transcription, in vitro 50S reconstitution and primer extension to generate a reliable approach to study RNA backbone interactions of the large ribosomal subunit by using phosphorothioate approach. This phosphorothioate-substitution approach is suitable for footprinting of various ligand-ribosome complexes and for functional studies in the modification interference assay. In addition, because the ribosome is made of many individual proteins, we studied the ability of ribosomal proteins to exchange and restore the function of damaged ribosomes. Incubation of chemically inactivated ribosomes with total ribosomal proteins led to reactivation of translational activity. Ribosomal proteins S1, S2, L1, L7/12, L9, L10, L11 and L33 are among the most readily exchangeable proteins. The results show that the damaged ribosomes can be repaired by mean of protein exchange

    Characterization of a 30S Ribsomal Subunit Intermediate Found in \u3cem\u3eEscherichia coli\u3cem\u3e Cells Growing with Neomycin and Paromomycin.

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    The bacterial ribosome is a target for inhibition by numerous antibiotics. Neomycin and paromomycin are aminoglycoside antibiotics that specifically stimulate the misreading of mRNA by binding to the decoding site of 16S rRNA in the 30S ribosomal subunit. Recent work has shown that both antibiotics also inhibit 30S subunit assembly in Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus cells. This work describes the characteristics of an assembly intermediate produced in E.coli cells grown with neomycin or paromomycin. Antibiotic treatment stimulated the accumulation of a 30S assembly precursor with a sedimentation coefficient of 21S. The particle was able to bind radio labeled antibiotics both in vivo and in vitro. Hybridization experiments showed that the 21S precursor particle contained 16S and 17S rRNA. Ten 30S ribosomal proteins were found in the precursor after inhibition by each drug in vivo. In addition, cell free reconstitution assays generated a 21S particle during incubation with either aminoglycoside. Precursor formation was inhibited with increasing drug concentration. This work examines features of a novel antibiotic target for aminoglycoside and will provide information that is needed for the design of more effective antimicrobial agents

    Escherichia coli Ribosoomivalkude sĂŒntees statsionaarses kasvufaasis

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    The repression of cell growth as a response to starvation leads the bacterial culture to enter stationary growth phase. The cell needs to conserve the energy to survive the starvation. As a result, the metabolic processes of the cell slow down. The ribosome is one of the most energy-consuming organelles, as its main function is to carry out the protein synthesis. The ribosomal proteins have a profound effect on the correct functioning and assembly of the ribosome. To determine whether or not the ribosomal proteins of Escherichia coli are synthesised during stationary growth phase, the changes in the protein quantities over 14 days after the beginning of the growth were calculated. 24 out of 54 ribosomal proteins were found to be synthesised during stationary growth phase. Many of these proteins were found to have a positive effect on the cell during stationary growth phase, such as maintenance of the ribosome structural integrity, for instance, via protein exchange, and self-downregulation of the ribosomal protein synthesis. In estonian: Rakkude kasvu aeglustumisel stressitingimustel siseneb rakukultuuri statsionaarsesse kasvufaasi. Selle tulemusena aeglustub rakkude metabolism ning vĂ€heneb nende energiakasutus. Ribosoomid on ĂŒhed suurimatest energiatarbijatest rakkudes, viies lĂ€bi valkude sĂŒnteesi ehk translatsiooni. Ribosoomivalgud osalevad ribosoomi tertsiaalstruktuuri korrektses moodustumises ja funktsionaalsuse tagamises. Selleks, et detekteerida Escherichia coli ribosoomivalkude sĂŒnteesi statsionaarse kasvufaasi kĂ€igus, kasvatati rakke 14 pĂ€eva ning mÔÔdeti valkude koguse muutust rakukultuuris. Tulemused nĂ€itasid, et 24 r-valku 54st sĂŒnteesiti rakkudes statsionaarse kasvufaasi kĂ€igus. SĂŒnteesitud r-valgud vĂ”ivad omada positiivset efekti rakkudele, alustades ribosoomivalkude sĂŒnteesi repressiooniga ning lĂ”petades olemasolevate ribosoomide struktuuri terviklikkuse hoidmisega, lĂ€bi r-valkude vahetuse

    Distinct GDP/GTP bound states of the tandem G-domains of EngA regulate ribosome binding

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    EngA, a unique GTPase containing a KH-domain preceded by two consecutive G-domains, displays distinct nucleotide binding and hydrolysis activities. So far, Escherichia coli EngA is reported to bind the 50S ribosomal subunit in the guanosine-5â€Č-trihosphate (GTP) bound state. Here, for the first time, using mutations that allow isolating the activities of the two G-domains, GD1 and GD2, we show that apart from 50S, EngA also binds the 30S and 70S subunits. We identify that the key requirement for any EngA–ribosome association is GTP binding to GD2. In this state, EngA displays a weak 50S association, which is further stabilized when GD1 too binds GTP. Exchanging bound GTP with guanosine-5â€Č-diphosphate (GDP), at GD1, results in interactions with 50S, 30S and 70S. Therefore, it appears that GD1 employs GTP hydrolysis as a means to regulate the differential specificity of EngA to either 50S alone or to 50S, 30S and 70S subunits. Furthermore, using constructs lacking either GD1 or both GD1 and GD2, we infer that GD1, when bound to GTP and GDP, adopts distinct conformations to mask or unmask the 30S binding site on EngA. Our results suggest a model where distinct nucleotide-bound states of the two G-domains regulate formation of specific EngA–ribosome complexes
