16,437 research outputs found

    A preliminary study of a hybrid user interface for augmented reality applications

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    Augmented Reality (AR) applications are nowadays largely diffused in many fields of use, especially for entertainment, and the market of AR applications for mobile devices grows faster and faster. Moreover, new and innovative hardware for human-computer interaction has been deployed, such as the Leap Motion Controller. This paper presents some preliminary results in the design and development of a hybrid interface for hand-free augmented reality applications. The paper introduces a framework to interact with AR applications through a speech and gesture recognition-based interface. A Leap Motion Controller is mounted on top of AR glasses and a speech recognition module completes the system. Results have shown that, using the speech or the gesture recognition modules singularly, the robustness of the user interface is strongly dependent on environmental conditions. On the other hand, a combined usage of both modules can provide a more robust input

    Real-Time Markerless Tracking the Human Hands for 3D Interaction

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    This thesis presents methods for enabling suitable human computer interaction using only movements of the bare human hands in free space. This kind of interaction is natural and intuitive, particularly because actions familiar to our everyday life can be reflected. Furthermore, the input is contact-free which is of great advantage e.g. in medical applications due to hygiene factors. For enabling the translation of hand movements to control signals an automatic method for tracking the pose and/or posture of the hand is needed. In this context the simultaneous recognition of both hands is desirable to allow for more natural input. The first contribution of this thesis is a novel video-based method for real-time detection of the positions and orientations of both bare human hands in four different predefined postures, respectively. Based on such a system novel interaction interfaces can be developed. However, the design of such interfaces is a non-trivial task. Additionally, the development of novel interaction techniques is often mandatory in order to enable the design of efficient and easily operable interfaces. To this end, several novel interaction techniques are presented and investigated in this thesis, which solve existing problems and substantially improve the applicability of such a new device. These techniques are not restricted to this input instrument and can also be employed to improve the handling of other interaction devices. Finally, several new interaction interfaces are described and analyzed to demonstrate possible applications in specific interaction scenarios.Markerlose Verfolgung der menschlichen Hände in Echtzeit für 3D Interaktion In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Verfahren dargestellt, die sinnvolle Mensch- Maschine-Interaktionen nur durch Bewegungen der bloßen Hände in freiem Raum ermöglichen. Solche "natürlichen" Interaktionen haben den besonderen Vorteil, dass alltägliche und vertraute Handlungen in die virtuelle Umgebung übertragen werden können. Außerdem werden auf diese Art berührungslose Eingaben ermöglicht, nützlich z.B. wegen hygienischer Aspekte im medizinischen Bereich. Um Handbewegungen in Steuersignale umsetzen zu können, ist zunächst ein automatisches Verfahren zur Erkennung der Lage und/oder der Art der mit der Hand gebildeten Geste notwendig. Dabei ist die gleichzeitige Erfassung beider Hände wünschenswert, um die Eingaben möglichst natürlich gestalten zu können. Der erste Beitrag dieser Arbeit besteht aus einer neuen videobasierten Methode zur unmittelbaren Erkennung der Positionen und Orientierungen beider Hände in jeweils vier verschiedenen, vordefinierten Gesten. Basierend auf einem solchen Verfahren können neuartige Interaktionsschnittstellen entwickelt werden. Allerdings ist die Ausgestaltung solcher Schnittstellen keinesfalls trivial. Im Gegenteil ist bei einer neuen Art der Interaktion meist sogar die Entwicklung neuer Interaktionstechniken erforderlich, damit überhaupt effiziente und gut bedienbare Schnittstellen konzipiert werden können. Aus diesem Grund wurden in dieser Arbeit einige neue Interaktionstechniken entwickelt und untersucht, die vorhandene Probleme beheben und die Anwendbarkeit eines solchen Eingabeinstruments für bestimmte Arten der Interaktion verbessern oder überhaupt erst ermöglichen. Diese Techniken sind nicht auf dieses Eingabeinstrument beschränkt und können durchaus auch die Handhabung anderer Eingabegeräte verbessern. Des Weiteren werden mehrere neue Interaktionsschnittstellen präsentiert, die den möglichen Einsatz bloßhändiger Interaktion in verschiedenen, typischen Anwendungsgebieten veranschaulichen

    Evaluation of Physical Finger Input Properties for Precise Target Selection

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    The multitouch tabletop display provides a collaborative workspace for multiple users around a table. Users can perform direct and natural multitouch interaction to select target elements using their bare fingers. However, physical size of fingertip varies from one person to another which generally introduces a fat finger problem. Consequently, it creates the imprecise selection of small size target elements during direct multitouch input. In this respect, an attempt is made to evaluate the physical finger input properties i.e. contact area and shape in the context of imprecise selection

    Vision-Based Three Dimensional Hand Interaction In Markerless Augmented Reality Environment

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    Kemunculan realiti tambahan membolehkan objek maya untuk wujud bersama dengan dunia sebenar dan ini memberi kaedah baru untuk berinteraksi dengan objek maya. Sistem realiti tambahan memerlukan penunjuk tertentu, seperti penanda untuk menentukan bagaimana objek maya wujud dalam dunia sebenar. Penunjuk tertentu mesti diperolehi untuk menggunakan sistem realiti tambahan, tetapi susah untuk seseorang mempunyai penunjuk tersebut pada bila-bila masa. Tangan manusia, yang merupakan sebahagian dari badan manusia dapat menyelesaikan masalah ini. Selain itu, tangan boleh digunakan untuk berinteraksi dengan objek maya dalam dunia realiti tambahan. Tesis ini membentangkan sebuah sistem realiti tambahan yang menggunakan tangan terbuka untuk pendaftaran objek maya dalam persekitaran sebenar dan membolehkan pengguna untuk menggunakan tangan yang satu lagi untuk berinteraksi dengan objek maya yang ditambahkan dalam tiga-matra. Untuk menggunakan tangan untuk pendaftaran dan interaksi dalam realiti tambahan, postur dan isyarat tangan pengguna perlu dikesan. The advent of augmented reality (AR) enables virtual objects to be superimposed on the real world and provides a new way to interact with the virtual objects. AR system requires an indicator to determine for how the virtual objects aligned in the real world. The indicator must first be obtained to access to a particular AR system. It may be inconvenient to have the indicator in reach at all time. Human hand, which is part of the human body may be a solution for this. Besides, hand is also a promising tool for interaction with virtual objects in AR environment. This thesis presents a markerless Augmented Reality system which utilizes outstretched hand for registration of virtual objects in the real environment and enables the users to have three dimensional (3D) interaction with the augmented virtual objects. To employ the hand for registration and interaction in AR, hand postures and gestures that the user perform has to be recognized


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    Direct interaction with large displays through monocular computer vision

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    Large displays are everywhere, and have been shown to provide higher productivity gain and user satisfaction compared to traditional desktop monitors. The computer mouse remains the most common input tool for users to interact with these larger displays. Much effort has been made on making this interaction more natural and more intuitive for the user. The use of computer vision for this purpose has been well researched as it provides freedom and mobility to the user and allows them to interact at a distance. Interaction that relies on monocular computer vision, however, has not been well researched, particularly when used for depth information recovery. This thesis aims to investigate the feasibility of using monocular computer vision to allow bare-hand interaction with large display systems from a distance. By taking into account the location of the user and the interaction area available, a dynamic virtual touchscreen can be estimated between the display and the user. In the process, theories and techniques that make interaction with computer display as easy as pointing to real world objects is explored. Studies were conducted to investigate the way human point at objects naturally with their hand and to examine the inadequacy in existing pointing systems. Models that underpin the pointing strategy used in many of the previous interactive systems were formalized. A proof-of-concept prototype is built and evaluated from various user studies. Results from this thesis suggested that it is possible to allow natural user interaction with large displays using low-cost monocular computer vision. Furthermore, models developed and lessons learnt in this research can assist designers to develop more accurate and natural interactive systems that make use of human’s natural pointing behaviours

    Virtual Reality Application in Data Visualization and Analysis

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    This thesis is aimed for finding a solution for non-gaming application of Virtual Reality technology in data visualization and analysis. Starting by reconstructing the concept of Virtual Reality, the paper then describes the principles, concepts and techniques of designing a Virtual Reality application. In the last part of the thesis, a detailed description of how a prototype implemented is presented to provide a preview of how data visualization and analysis and Virtual Reality technology can be combined together in order to enable users to perceive and comprehend data in a possibly better way

    Barehand Mode Switching in Touch and Mid-Air Interfaces

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    Raskin defines a mode as a distinct setting within an interface where the same user input will produce results different to those it would produce in other settings. Most interfaces have multiple modes in which input is mapped to different actions, and, mode-switching is simply the transition from one mode to another. In touch interfaces, the current mode can change how a single touch is interpreted: for example, it could draw a line, pan the canvas, select a shape, or enter a command. In Virtual Reality (VR), a hand gesture-based 3D modelling application may have different modes for object creation, selection, and transformation. Depending on the mode, the movement of the hand is interpreted differently. However, one of the crucial factors determining the effectiveness of an interface is user productivity. Mode-switching time of different input techniques, either in a touch interface or in a mid-air interface, affects user productivity. Moreover, when touch and mid-air interfaces like VR are combined, making informed decisions pertaining to the mode assignment gets even more complicated. This thesis provides an empirical investigation to characterize the mode switching phenomenon in barehand touch-based and mid-air interfaces. It explores the potential of using these input spaces together for a productivity application in VR. And, it concludes with a step towards defining and evaluating the multi-faceted mode concept, its characteristics and its utility, when designing user interfaces more generally


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