671 research outputs found

    Recycling texts: human evaluation of example-based machine translation subtitles for DVD

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    This project focuses on translation reusability in audiovisual contexts. Specifically, the project seeks to establish (1) whether target language subtitles produced by an EBMT system are considered intelligible and acceptable by viewers of movies on DVD, and (2)whether a relationship exists between the ‘profiles’ of corpora used to train an EBMT system, on the one hand, and viewers’ judgements of the intelligibility and acceptability of the subtitles produced by the system, on the other. The impact of other factors, namely: whether movie-viewing subjects have knowledge of the soundtrack language; subjects’ linguistic background; and subjects’ prior knowledge of the (Harry Potter) movie clips viewed; is also investigated. Corpus profiling is based on measurements (partly using corpus-analysis tools) of three characteristics of the corpora used to train the EBMT system: the number of source language repetitions they contain; the size of the corpus; and the homogeneity of the corpus (independent variables). As a quality control measure in this prospective profiling phase, we also elicit human judgements (through a combined questionnaire and interview) on the quality of the corpus data and on the reusability in new contexts of the TL subtitles. The intelligibility and acceptability of EBMT-produced subtitles (dependent variables) are, in turn, established through end-user evaluation sessions. In these sessions 44 native German-speaking subjects view short movie clips containing EBMT-generated German subtitles, and following each clip answer questions (again, through a combined questionnaire and interview) relating to the quality characteristics mentioned above. The findings of the study suggest that an increase in corpus size along with a concomitant increase in the number of source language repetitions and a decrease in corpus homogeneity, improves the readability of the EBMT-generated subtitles. It does not, however, have a significant effect on the comprehensibility, style or wellformedness of the EBMT-generated subtitles. Increasing corpus size and SL repetitions also results in a higher number of alternative TL translations in the corpus that are deemed acceptable by evaluators in the corpus profiling phase. The research also finds that subjects are more critical of subtitles when they do not understand the soundtrack language, while subjects’ linguistic background does not have a significant effect on their judgements of the quality of EBMT-generated subtitles. Prior knowledge of the Harry Potter genre, on the other hand, appears to have an effect on how viewing subjects rate the severity of observed errors in the subtitles, and on how they rate the style of subtitles, although this effect is training corpus-dependent. The introduction of repeated subtitles did not reduce the intelligibility or acceptability of the subtitles. Overall, the findings indicate that the subtitles deemed the most acceptable when evaluated in a non-AVT environment (albeit one in which rich contextual information was available) were the same as the subtitles deemed the most acceptable in an AVT environment, although richer data were gathered from the AVT environment

    Ebaluatoia: crowd evaluation of English-Basque machine translation

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    [EU]Lan honetan Ebaluatoia aurkezten da, eskala handiko ingelesa-euskara itzulpen automatikoko ebaluazio kanpaina, komunitate-elkarlanean oinarritua. Bost sistemaren itzulpen kalitatea konparatzea izan da kanpainaren helburua, zehazki, bi sistema estatistiko, erregeletan oinarritutako bat eta sistema hibrido bat (IXA taldean garatuak) eta Google Translate. Emaitzetan oinarrituta, sistemen sailkapen bat egin dugu, baita etorkizuneko ikerkuntza bideratuko duten zenbait analisi kualitatibo ere, hain zuzen, ebaluazio-bildumako azpi-multzoen analisia, iturburuko esaldien analisi estrukturala eta itzulpenen errore-analisia. Lanak analisi hauen hastapenak aurkezten ditu, etorkizunean zein motatako analisietan sakondu erakutsiko digutenak.[EN]This dissertation reports on the crowd-based large-scale English-Basque machine translation evaluation campaign, Ebaluatoia. This initiative aimed to compare system quality for five machine translation systems: two statistical systems, a rule- based system and a hybrid system developed within the IXA group, and an external system, Google Translate. We have established a ranking of the systems under study and performed qualitative analyses to guide further research. In particular, we have carried out initial subset evaluation, structural analysis and e rror analysis to help identify where we should place future analysis effort

    A Hybrid Machine Translation Framework for an Improved Translation Workflow

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    Over the past few decades, due to a continuing surge in the amount of content being translated and ever increasing pressure to deliver high quality and high throughput translation, translation industries are focusing their interest on adopting advanced technologies such as machine translation (MT), and automatic post-editing (APE) in their translation workflows. Despite the progress of the technology, the roles of humans and machines essentially remain intact as MT/APE are moving from the peripheries of the translation field closer towards collaborative human-machine based MT/APE in modern translation workflows. Professional translators increasingly become post-editors correcting raw MT/APE output instead of translating from scratch which in turn increases productivity in terms of translation speed. The last decade has seen substantial growth in research and development activities on improving MT; usually concentrating on selected aspects of workflows starting from training data pre-processing techniques to core MT processes to post-editing methods. To date, however, complete MT workflows are less investigated than the core MT processes. In the research presented in this thesis, we investigate avenues towards achieving improved MT workflows. We study how different MT paradigms can be utilized and integrated to best effect. We also investigate how different upstream and downstream component technologies can be hybridized to achieve overall improved MT. Finally we include an investigation into human-machine collaborative MT by taking humans in the loop. In many of (but not all) the experiments presented in this thesis we focus on data scenarios provided by low resource language settings.Aufgrund des stetig ansteigenden Übersetzungsvolumens in den letzten Jahrzehnten und gleichzeitig wachsendem Druck hohe Qualität innerhalb von kürzester Zeit liefern zu müssen sind Übersetzungsdienstleister darauf angewiesen, moderne Technologien wie Maschinelle Übersetzung (MT) und automatisches Post-Editing (APE) in den Übersetzungsworkflow einzubinden. Trotz erheblicher Fortschritte dieser Technologien haben sich die Rollen von Mensch und Maschine kaum verändert. MT/APE ist jedoch nunmehr nicht mehr nur eine Randerscheinung, sondern wird im modernen Übersetzungsworkflow zunehmend in Zusammenarbeit von Mensch und Maschine eingesetzt. Fachübersetzer werden immer mehr zu Post-Editoren und korrigieren den MT/APE-Output, statt wie bisher Übersetzungen komplett neu anzufertigen. So kann die Produktivität bezüglich der Übersetzungsgeschwindigkeit gesteigert werden. Im letzten Jahrzehnt hat sich in den Bereichen Forschung und Entwicklung zur Verbesserung von MT sehr viel getan: Einbindung des vollständigen Übersetzungsworkflows von der Vorbereitung der Trainingsdaten über den eigentlichen MT-Prozess bis hin zu Post-Editing-Methoden. Der vollständige Übersetzungsworkflow wird jedoch aus Datenperspektive weit weniger berücksichtigt als der eigentliche MT-Prozess. In dieser Dissertation werden Wege hin zum idealen oder zumindest verbesserten MT-Workflow untersucht. In den Experimenten wird dabei besondere Aufmertsamfit auf die speziellen Belange von sprachen mit geringen ressourcen gelegt. Es wird untersucht wie unterschiedliche MT-Paradigmen verwendet und optimal integriert werden können. Des Weiteren wird dargestellt wie unterschiedliche vor- und nachgelagerte Technologiekomponenten angepasst werden können, um insgesamt einen besseren MT-Output zu generieren. Abschließend wird gezeigt wie der Mensch in den MT-Workflow intergriert werden kann. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es verschiedene Technologiekomponenten in den MT-Workflow zu integrieren um so einen verbesserten Gesamtworkflow zu schaffen. Hierfür werden hauptsächlich Hybridisierungsansätze verwendet. In dieser Arbeit werden außerdem Möglichkeiten untersucht, Menschen effektiv als Post-Editoren einzubinden

    Low-Resource Unsupervised NMT:Diagnosing the Problem and Providing a Linguistically Motivated Solution

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    Unsupervised Machine Translation hasbeen advancing our ability to translatewithout parallel data, but state-of-the-artmethods assume an abundance of mono-lingual data. This paper investigates thescenario where monolingual data is lim-ited as well, finding that current unsuper-vised methods suffer in performance un-der this stricter setting. We find that theperformance loss originates from the poorquality of the pretrained monolingual em-beddings, and we propose using linguis-tic information in the embedding train-ing scheme. To support this, we look attwo linguistic features that may help im-prove alignment quality: dependency in-formation and sub-word information. Us-ing dependency-based embeddings resultsin a complementary word representationwhich offers a boost in performance ofaround 1.5 BLEU points compared to stan-dardWORD2VECwhen monolingual datais limited to 1 million sentences per lan-guage. We also find that the inclusion ofsub-word information is crucial to improv-ing the quality of the embedding

    Transition-based combinatory categorial grammar parsing for English and Hindi

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    Given a natural language sentence, parsing is the task of assigning it a grammatical structure, according to the rules within a particular grammar formalism. Different grammar formalisms like Dependency Grammar, Phrase Structure Grammar, Combinatory Categorial Grammar, Tree Adjoining Grammar are explored in the literature for parsing. For example, given a sentence like “John ate an apple”, parsers based on the widely used dependency grammars find grammatical relations, such as that ‘John’ is the subject and ‘apple’ is the object of the action ‘ate’. We mainly focus on Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG) in this thesis. In this thesis, we present an incremental algorithm for parsing CCG for two diverse languages: English and Hindi. English is a fixed word order, SVO (Subject-Verb- Object), and morphologically simple language, whereas, Hindi, though predominantly a SOV (Subject-Object-Verb) language, is a free word order and morphologically rich language. Developing an incremental parser for Hindi is really challenging since the predicate needed to resolve dependencies comes at the end. As previously available shift-reduce CCG parsers use English CCGbank derivations which are mostly right branching and non-incremental, we design our algorithm based on the dependencies resolved rather than the derivation. Our novel algorithm builds a dependency graph in parallel to the CCG derivation which is used for revealing the unbuilt structure without backtracking. Though we use dependencies for meaning representation and CCG for parsing, our revealing technique can be applied to other meaning representations like lambda expressions and for non-CCG parsing like phrase structure parsing. Any statistical parser requires three major modules: data, parsing algorithm and learning algorithm. This thesis is broadly divided into three parts each dealing with one major module of the statistical parser. In Part I, we design a novel algorithm for converting dependency treebank to CCGbank. We create Hindi CCGbank with a decent coverage of 96% using this algorithm. We also do a cross-formalism experiment where we show that CCG supertags can improve widely used dependency parsers. We experiment with two popular dependency parsers (Malt and MST) for two diverse languages: English and Hindi. For both languages, CCG categories improve the overall accuracy of both parsers by around 0.3-0.5% in all experiments. For both parsers, we see larger improvements specifically on dependencies at which they are known to be weak: long distance dependencies for Malt, and verbal arguments for MST. The result is particularly interesting in the case of the fast greedy parser (Malt), since improving its accuracy without significantly compromising speed is relevant for large scale applications such as parsing the web. We present a novel algorithm for incremental transition-based CCG parsing for English and Hindi, in Part II. Incremental parsers have potential advantages for applications like language modeling for machine translation and speech recognition. We introduce two new actions in the shift-reduce paradigm for revealing the required information during parsing. We also analyze the impact of a beam and look-ahead for parsing. In general, using a beam and/or look-ahead gives better results than not using them. We also show that the incremental CCG parser is more useful than a non-incremental version for predicting relative sentence complexity. Given a pair of sentences from wikipedia and simple wikipedia, we build a classifier which predicts if one sentence is simpler/complex than the other. We show that features from a CCG parser in general and incremental CCG parser in particular are more useful than a chart-based phrase structure parser both in terms of speed and accuracy. In Part III, we develop the first neural network based training algorithm for parsing CCG. We also study the impact of neural network based tagging models, and greedy versus beam-search parsing, by using a structured neural network model. In greedy settings, neural network models give significantly better results than the perceptron models and are also over three times faster. Using a narrow beam, structured neural network model gives consistently better results than the basic neural network model. For English, structured neural network gives similar performance to structured perceptron parser. But for Hindi, structured perceptron is still the winner

    Dependencies in language: On the causal ontology of linguistic systems

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    Dependency is a fundamental concept in the analysis of linguistic systems. The many if-then statements offered in typology and grammar-writing imply a causally real notion of dependency that is central to the claim being made—usually with reference to widely varying timescales and types of processes. But despite the importance of the concept of dependency in our work, its nature is seldom defined or made explicit. This book brings together experts on language, representing descriptive linguistics, language typology, functional/cognitive linguistics, cognitive science, research on gesture and other semiotic systems, developmental psychology, psycholinguistics, and linguistic anthropology to address the following question: What kinds of dependencies exist among language-related systems, and how do we define and explain them in natural, causal terms

    Dependencies in language: On the causal ontology of linguistic systems

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    Dependency is a fundamental concept in the analysis of linguistic systems. The many if-then statements offered in typology and grammar-writing imply a causally real notion of dependency that is central to the claim being made—usually with reference to widely varying timescales and types of processes. But despite the importance of the concept of dependency in our work, its nature is seldom defined or made explicit. This book brings together experts on language, representing descriptive linguistics, language typology, functional/cognitive linguistics, cognitive science, research on gesture and other semiotic systems, developmental psychology, psycholinguistics, and linguistic anthropology to address the following question: What kinds of dependencies exist among language-related systems, and how do we define and explain them in natural, causal terms